What is PTSD?
PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault.
It's normal to have upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event. At first, it may be hard to do normal daily activities, like go to work, go to school, or spend time with people you care about. But most people start to feel better after a few weeks or months.
If it's been longer than a few months and you're still having symptoms, you may have PTSD. For some people, PTSD symptoms may start later on, or they may come and go over time.
Who develops PTSD?
PTSD can happen to anyone. It is not a sign of weakness. A number of factors can increase the chance that someone will have PTSD, many of which are not under that person's control. For example, having a very intense or long-lasting traumatic event or getting injured during the event can make it more likely that a person will develop PTSD. PTSD is also more common after certain types of trauma, like combat and sexual assault.
How common is PTSD?
Here are some facts (based on the U.S. population):
- About 7 or 8 out of every 100 people (or 7-8% of the population) will have PTSD at some point in their lives.
- About 8 million adults have PTSD during a given year. This is only a small portion of those who have gone through a trauma.
- About 10 of every 100 women (or 10%) develop PTSD sometime in their lives compared with about 4 of every 100 men (or 4%). Learn more about women, trauma and PTSD.
Personal factors, like previous traumatic exposure, age, and gender, can affect whether or not a person will develop PTSD. What happens after the traumatic event is also important. Stress can make PTSD more likely, while social support can make it less likely.
Learn more: How Common is PTSD?
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
There are four type of PTSD symptoms: reliving the event (nightmares, flashbacks, or triggers), avoiding situations that remind you of the event, negative changes in beliefs and feelings, and feeling keyed up (hyperarousal). Symptoms may not be exactly the same for everyone. PTSD symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not appear until months or years later. They also may come and go over many years. If the symptoms last longer than four weeks, cause you great distress, or interfere with your work or home life, you might have PTSD.
Learn more: Symptoms of PTSD
What can I do if I think I have PTSD?
The only way to know for sure if you have PTSD is to talk to a mental health care provider. Take the Self-Screen for PTSD (PC-PTSD-5), to learn if your symptoms suggest you should talk to a provider.
Read What Can I Do If I Think I Have PTSD? for more information on how to seek help and why it matters.
Will people with PTSD get better?
"Getting better" means different things for different people. There are many different treatment options for PTSD. For many people, these treatments can get rid of symptoms altogether. Others find they have fewer symptoms or feel that their symptoms are less intense. Your symptoms don't have to interfere with your everyday activities, work, and relationships.
What treatments are available for PTSD?
There are two main types of treatment, psychotherapy (sometimes called counseling or talk therapy) and medication. Sometimes people combine psychotherapy and medication.
Psychotherapy for PTSD
Psychotherapy, or counseling, involves meeting with a therapist.
- Trauma-focused psychotherapy, which focuses on the memory of the traumatic event or its meaning, is the most effective treatment for PTSD. There are different types of trauma-focused psychotherapy, such as:
- Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) where you learn skills to understand how trauma changed your thoughts and feelings. Changing how you think about the trauma can change how you feel.
- Prolonged Exposure (PE) where you talk about your trauma repeatedly until memories are no longer upsetting. This will help you get more control over your thoughts and feelings about the trauma. You also go to places or do things that are safe, but that you have been staying away from because they remind you of the trauma.
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which involves focusing on sounds or hand movements while you talk about the trauma. This helps your brain work through the traumatic memories.
Medications for PTSD
Medications can be effective too. Some specific SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), which are used for depression, also work for PTSD. These include sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, and venlafaxine.
IMPORTANT: Benzodiazepines and atypical antipsychotics should generally be avoided for PTSD treatment because they do not treat the core PTSD symptoms and can be addictive.
Who do I contact for help with PTSD? How do I locate specialists or support groups for PTSD?
- If you are in an immediate crisis, please go to your nearest Emergency Room or call 911.
- The National Center for PTSD does not provide direct clinical care but does offer links and information to help you locate mental health services in your area.
- PTSD: Finding a Therapist
- Where to Get Help for PTSD
How can I help a family member who has PTSD?
It is important to learn about PTSD so you can understand why it happened, how it is treated, and what you can do to help. But you also need to take care of yourself. Changes in family life are stressful, and taking care of yourself will make it easier to cope. Learn more: Helping a Family Member Who Has PTSD
As a professional, I need to locate a specific assessment instrument for PTSD. How do I do that?
Proper assessment of trauma exposure and PTSD is best accomplished with validated measures. You will find information and online courses about assessment tools and best practices on the National Center for PTSD website, here: PTSD Information for Professionals: Assessment Overview. There you will find information on a variety of measures assessing trauma and PTSD. These measures are intended for use by qualified mental health professionals and researchers. Measures authored by the National Center for PTSD staff are available as direct downloads or by request. Measures developed outside of the National Center can be requested via contact information available on the information page for the specific measure. See a list of all measures or see Using PILOTS for Assessment Information.
From the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs. www.ptsd.va.gov.
Comments (236)
Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
Simon W replied on Permalink
I was prescribed half dozen SSRI SNRI and tricyclic medications and all made symptoms worse creating more trauma and stress, i developed GAD PTSD TO CPTSD Depression, it took several years off medication with psychiatric professional assistance ( psychologist and psychiatrist) I WAS prescribed diazepams and they WORKED I finally had relief, i was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive and prescribed medication which relieved those symptoms.
I felt coerced by GPs into trying ssri types even after I explained how much worse my symptoms became and more I suffered, i was made to believe everyone has to experience this until i find one that works. I lost my career family friends myself and assets my psychologist said those meds are to treat chem imbalances and ptsd is best treated with CBT before medication my psychiatrist said those medications done more damage than the original symptoms and should have been referred not prescribed by the GPs
Im telling my story because what I read here is what GPs ran with and this typical miscommunication is widespread that SSRI are a great remedy for ptsd that diazepam should never be prescribed, after ten years naive to reality and trusting GPs losing everything and getting worse and worse as a result. Yes goto GP never NEVER accept a prescribed medication from a GP to treat brain trauma EVER! Ask for a referral to a psychiatrist psychologist and work between them and your GP. Trauma differs person to person as does medications and treatment
I would not be alone to suggest medication as an absolute last resort strategy to treat ptsd and illness that develops from ptsd if its complex like mine. Diazepam does work the side affects don’t come from the medication if taken as prescribed under a plan, they arise from people who abuse the meds. Doctors and scientists don’t even know how SSRI snri or tri cycle meds work in the brain they just know they work. GPs have limited education into brain trauma and illness and medication and treatment. Last thing anyone needs while suffering in pain is incorrect information wrong advice and placing trust in just one professional in a vulnerable state, our brains have the capacity to overcome it is resilient it is also so very fragile. Believe your gut it will be right everytime and cannot be influenced by yourself or others. Love the universe and protect yourself with boundaries, it’s okay to be not okay
Kristina replied on Permalink
My brother and I are grieving our father who was killed only a couple weeks ago and I found out this morning that my brother was threatened to enter a mental crisis center or he would be evicted. Also I believe he is being discriminated against because only 2 days ago they found out he has a history of anxiety, depression and PTSD. I'm beyond worried about my brother and I don't know what to do and I can't think straight myself because of our fathers death.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
There have been times I almost called 911 my crying and Fear with outburst were too great..
Nia Domini replied on Permalink
I feel for you, I have been doing the same for many year and still don't know
Linda replied on Permalink
I got "diagnosed" with PTSD for certain symptoms I was having though I think I was just lacking medication. I don't have flashbacks or triggers or nightmares. Nothing really seems related to my trauma. Everything I tell the therapist its replied to as "that's the trauma " I had issues before trauma happened. I feel I'm not being listened to and they're just forcing the PTSD label on me.
Melissa replied on Permalink
The label. PTSD is very complex.
What they don't mention is the :
Emorional Numbness
Lack of empathy
Consistent irritability
Lashing out, out of the blue
Not being present
Not wanting to be touched
Low to no libido
Hyper libido
Feelings of worthlessness
Feeling anti social
Cycling : hours, days , weeks...
Too often AUD
It is a physical change to their brains.
These warriors need a year long mandatory program, which should include, family therapy.
For the first five years out, they should have a monthly professional check in.
Whether they think they need it or not.
Their brains should be properly scanned for TBI's , with the right imaging equipment.
I could go on, but I don't want to belabor.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Try EMDR, it helped me getting my life back
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was simply browsing in another desperate effort to hopefully find some sort of information on the way my life has been turned so dramatically upsidedown and how or why I feel the way I do and act/react to things. Almost as if there are so many issues and symptoms I experience now, that I have no clue how to even pinpoint
or even narrow down any one "diagnosis" leaving me not knowing where to turn for any type of help or understanding. It seems that I fit the prognosis for so many different yet in some instances related mental and emotional disturbances, that I don't know how to tell anyone the truths about my despair out of fear of
rash judgment and scepticism as I've been told my entire life that "only I can control the way I feel or how I allow things to affect me and react". So I now feel as though the horrible truth of the matter is that everyone I ever trusted or could, or thought i could, turn to for emotional safety and stability, were in fact not concerned about my personal well-being at all. I've been shunned by my entire family and every "friend" I thought I ever had. Now I'm quite literally completely alone and only leaving my apartment maybe 2 or 3 times a month in an shakey, sweaty, anxiety ridden state only when absolutely necessary to take care of an errand and even then, I may completely shrug the responsibility altogether and go without necessities or blow off obligation. Other than that, I no longer even answer the phone and regularly do not even eat for days at a time out of fear of having to go to the store for groceries. I'm at a total loss. I do not know how to trust or believe anyone or even myself any longer. I can honestly say, if I died, it would go completely unnoticed until I was sought out for discontinuing bill payments.. Now I have simply shut down and don't attempt reaching out to people all. An entire week may pass before I even receive a text or phone call from anyone and it's never more than a quick, "haven't heard from you, are you still alive". If I respond or not, that's the end of the 'conversation'. Not even a follow-up if there's no reply from me to really see if I'm ok or not. I don't even believe that any person is ever genuinely concerned about others unless you benefit their needs or there's some sort of martyr type pleasure they get out or telling others how they're also concerned, but once you become seen as just a problem or an annoyance, you are left to suffer in complete solidarity. I don't know what to do about the way I feel or the thoughts, emotions and fears i experience and how drastically they have intensified in recent years. I feel that there is absolutely no one that would ever understand or believe me because no one has ever paid enough actual attention to see the negative changes in my behavior because no one ever took the time to actually notice my actions or listen to the literal begging for some sort of help , much less attempt seeking out information or ways to help me cope or heal from this personal hell. My life is compiled of absolute numbness, anger and agitation, sorrow, overwhelming fear, obsession and negativity. I'm closed off from the world, experience many many dramatically varying and/or conflicting emotional fluctuations and thought patterns.. I don't even know who I am anymore, if I ever have.
maggie replied on Permalink
you are seen and heard and well, holy hell, thank you. you put it better than i can. there is no way to explain this to other people. i HAVE begged, sobbing for my dad to drive 15 minutes to just please open my door and please please, let my dog out. because...i could not see how or why i would stand up and open the door and go outside and put on pants. insurmountable. it got to the point where he was the only thing that snapped me out of it and he suffers now bc of me. ACCEPT THAT THE PEOPLE WHO "SHOULD" BE THERE FOR YOU, LEARNING ABOUT IT WILL NOT. some might dabble. but those who you thought if you were drowining would throw you a life jacket, you can feel them just watching, shaking their heads. almost like we are selfish, and need attention, or...they are telling themselves "he didnt want to be helped"...we have experienced things that other will never know. honestly, like a long term kidnapping victim, genocide "survivors"....is that extreme yes? is life where every single day for years an unspeakable emergency of life or death, seemingly? a car crash. every day. people don't want to be near it. they don't know how. it scares them, the way it scares us. I have complex medical PTSD (no i dont. i said for years, i am fine. I have childhood abuse and neglect...i don' t remember being hungry all the time. you can't remember a parentalized childhood, you can't know what you never had. no problem. i married a dsm v malignant abusive narcissist with antisocial tendencies. i wish i was being hyperbolic. i wish patrick bateman from american psycho was not the closest way to put it. but...the psychological abuse.....that....that has broken me. but wait. i am still having days like you. sleeping on the floor. waiting to see if someone will come. no one is coming to save you. they arent. blame and shoulds and shame and mind reading and unfair and fuck the world and fuck them ....makes you exactly the thing you weren't before.
gentleness. you are having a NORMAL response to a totally NOT NORMAL situation. expect very few people to udnerstand or want to hear. trauma dumping doesnt make you feel better, though it feels like the the thing to do. to scream for help. no one wants to help. some do, they try, and that often is a bigger trigger. "everyone expects me to bounce back, just like that" yes i quoted taylor swift.
i dunno. here is the thing. you have only one choice. it fucking sucks, you have to stand up at some point, sit and breathe. then. you do one thing. one. like change a shirt. ok. eat something. good. rest. tomorow do that, if you sleep, and add one more maybe. look around. are you safe? do you have a cell phone? do you have food? do you have the abilty to order food to your door. ok do that. drink water. IT seems insurmountable. and it will be at times. i will be in freeze mode in a pile of dirty clothes shaking for 8 hours. there are strategies. there are techniques. BREATHE. BREATHE, TOUCH things around you. read. what is happenign to your body is actually what is supposed to happen as it knows life thus far. you are trying to stay safe. for me that is freeze to the point of my legs are unable to move. be gentle be slow. laugh a bit about how fucking fuckjed up this is. because holy shit, what the hell is this?
notice your patterns. remember some things that you do like. or did. a youtube clip. somethign funny, distraction. start moving your body around. when you clean a bathroom counter and take a shower, good god. it is heaven. the things like food and air and clean anything ...omg if you do laundry and i had to work back up to that. holy shit it was amazing,
but i didnt remember how to get dressed. at a 24/7 CVS i could walk to in the middle of the night...i didnt know what to do. i was so overwhelmed. i couldnt remember...like lost muscle memory of checking out. i broke down on the floor.
and you know what, a woman helped me. this will start to happen over and over and the overwhelming gratitude grows and supplants momebnts of crippling anxiety. there are so many more. anything to break your internal intrusive thoughts. put on the Sound of Music. or Tupac. whatever it is. i know nothing. i know too much.
once you start even getting food or doing the errands....you will encounter the incredible kindness of strangers. the angerr...it can motivate. but the energy doesnt serve you. it is unfair but people dont want to help angry people. and what you are angry about, that shit for sure aint coming to help. connect. dont isolate. find those points of connection. they will find you too. patience. this didnt happen one day. all you can do is the moment you are in.
The Body Keeps Score
Juliana replied on Permalink
I just want to say I am going thru the exact same feelings for 3 years now. My family and friends were great till I needed them. I was always the "first responder" for my family. When I could no longer be there for them, they started to ignore my texts, cut phone calls to less than 3 minutes, saying "I have to take another call. I'll call you right back." and never did. Weeks later I'de call again and it was the same thing. I feel like I am just existing and like you, if I died, nobody would notice. Nor would they care. I have been in bed for 4 years after experiencing another horrible trauma that brought back my stranger kidnapping in 1984 and a gang rape in 1996. I worked hard through therapy and meds to learn to live as a "survivor" of 2 violent sex crimes. In 2017, I was harrassed and threatened by the local police department after a bunch of squatters moved into my brothers house while he was on life support in ICU an hour away. They were selling his belongings on different platforms, found his SSI debit card and pin and stole all his money. I had to hire an attorney and get POA over my brother so I could start the eviction process. The police treated me like a criminal and the squatters were treated like victims. The police harrassed and humiliated me repeatedly, and one even threatened me when I questioned why they would not arrest them knowing they were selling my brothers antiques, and all of his belongings, stealing his Social Security Income and I had a stack of documents and photos proving all of this. I ended up getting a restraining order on my brothers behalf against these squatting meth head thieves. It took 53 days to get them out. His house was empty except for the bedbugs they left behind. This took me back to 1984 when the police in Texas would not take a police report and get me to a hospital after escaping from my kidnapper who had tortured and raped me. He caught me after I escaped and he beat me so bad, he thought he killed me and left me in a field in rural TX. The police in Texas humilated me and would not assist me because I contacted them from another jurisdiction.
Anyways, the situation in 2017 brought it all back. I collapsed and have been in bed since. I only go to Drs. My family abandoned me, I live in a state where I know nobody. My brother here died of Covid in March. I can't get mental health care in this one horse town and am afraid to drive. I just want to move home so I can get the mental health care that saved me twice already. I have begged friends and family for help getting home and they ignore me. I trust no one anymore. I feel empty inside. All my compassion and empathy for others has gone numb. I am having major physical health problems from being in bed all the time and gaining 100 pounds.
I just want help to get better but there is nothing here. I am so sad and so afraid all the time. I feel you 100%.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I reunited with my first love after 30 years. He and I married and traveled the country 2 1/2 years ago we were hit by a semi and ejected. He did not make it and I broke everything in my body including heart when I came out of comma almost 1 month later to find my entire world was over as I knew it . I wanted so badly to be with him. I love my kids and grandchildren so I won't hurt myself but still at same time feel I'd be better off gone. I hurt physically and emotionally every day. Only 2 months or so after I lost my step father then dad a month or so later. It hasn't stopped and I feel so lost... I spend my days on my couch I only get up to use restroom and go to store when I absolutely have to. This isn't living this is existing and I use to be so full of life I have nothing in me.
Jake replied on Permalink
There is help but instead of thinking they never call or care, be brave.
Tiffany replied on Permalink
I stumbled upon this page and your post,by accident. Reading it though, I truly hope you have been able to find some kind of help at all, and you aren't feeling as down as you were when you wrote this. I'd like to give you my email, if you ever need anyone to talk to, and have no one else. If not, that's okay and I understand as well. My heart goes out to you. I've been in your shoes, however, I made myaelf and my life, much worse when I decided to self medicate with drugs, instead of continuing therapy and my prescribed medications. I've gone through the ringer since then, but can finally say that I am much better than I once was. My email is TiffGroover -at- gmail -dot- com if you ever need someone to simply listen. I hope you are okay though. Again, my heart goes out to you. Sincerely, Tiffany
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I’m so sorry you are in so much despair. Mental health is complicated. I see in your writing your intelligence, resourcefulness, and desire to feel better. I hope you’ll consider contacting a mental health practitioner. I wish you the best of luck with turning things around.
Pam replied on Permalink
Please go to 22zero.org
It’s an amazingly easy process that lets the negative emotions separate from those traumatic event
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Informative article about PTSD and it symptoms. Keep sharing such content to keep people informed
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I currently have PTSD (PISD) after my wifes infidelity. I never knew I could be hurt so bad by something. Its awful.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
There is a science that proves if a man is in love with a woman. My husband who has PTSD since l met him has never displayed any of those scientific signs that show a man loves a woman. He claims to love me but l kinda don't believe him.
Does having PTSD make love look scientifically different?
J replied on Permalink
I would take him at his word. It’s hard to show affection when you are thinking of horrible things. He needs treatment and it will get better.
c_ralu replied on Permalink
I have PTSD and that does make me avoid people. but if I love someone, you can tell. The same way is you can tell when someone is afraid of something. One of the biggest signs is if he wants you to be ok. Not even happy, safe:). Which is a big topic for PTSD. I for example have a hard time recognising carring and that gets me in trouble...
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I'm not clinically confirmed to have PTSD but as I've been having flashbacks, triggers, recurring depression and anxiety (for years) I kind of just accepted the possibility. I have a psychologist who helps me and noticed that their method is relatively similar to curing PTSD and I just felt kind of happy that I have an explanation for these things (as mentioned above). It's really scary not having anyone to understand and be willing to listen when I'm constantly breaking down both mentally and emotionally.
Until now I don't know how to forgive that person who ruined my life. Like, where's your conscience? I was only a kid and yet was condemned to ruin. Nobody believed me when I was telling the truth and they never listened. I was pretty hopeless and I still feel terribly sensitive and burst into tears whenever I remember what kind of life I've lived as a kid. I hate myself for reliving it all over again but I can't control it.
My environment was s**t and everyone I thought could be trusted were traitors. They're all horrible and I hate every single one of them. I contracted serious trust issues and took me a decade to finally tell someone. I was immediately helped out and I've never felt so liberated. The environment under my 'family' was so suffocating and toxic. No one can be trusted.
At least I escape from those abusers. I hope I recover soon
Not Happy replied on Permalink
I can relate although I was left maimed, permanently disfigured. I keep thinking that if I could only get what was taken from me back, I could maybe recover. But, there are medical limitations. It would take a miracle.
I don't know where to go from here, honestly. Every day is a struggle to get out of bed as I feel both mental and physical pain.
I pray and pray and pray, but honestly see no way out. I can't accept what happened or my disfigurement. It altered my life. I could've had a beautiful life. Instead, it was full of sorrow and despair.
Jack wright replied on Permalink
Hello I don't really know what to say other than I love you and I don't know you or you know me but try to keep the positive thought I know that helps me and of oi can help one person today it helps your friend and brother forever love jack w
Honey Blu replied on Permalink
Beautifully said Jack!!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Can PTSD occur over a period of time or is it only caused by sudden traumatic events? I entered the most stressful work situation I've ever been in, plus my marriage ended, plus I had a major health scare (cancer) all in the space of 12 months.
It was several years ago and I've never been the same since. Just can't seem to move on.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have been sexually abused, mentally abused, and physically abused. I had to watch my grandfather die slowly that was the hardest thing I've had bad relationships that a couple were abusive. I have flashbacks night memories. I'm jumpy nervous, mind racing all the time when I sleep, when I'm awake. I have a sleeping disorder. I have depression, anxiety. I have to sleep with the night light so I could see what's around me. I get nervous very easy and scared easy. I could go on and tell you my whole life with h***. I'm sad a lot and people don't help when they hurt me. I had trust issues.
Lisa replied on Permalink
Yes, it can happen over a period of time. I have C-PTSD which means I have survived trauma after trauma, until I finally I had a melt down or 'nervous breakdown.' Throughout my entire life, I've felt like I was on the outside looking in, shame, different, and I've always had poor boundaries and low self-esteem. People pick up on this and abuse me more. Being part asian has a lot to do with this. Watching multiple deaths, financial struggles, illness, and most of all, lack of support. I'm trying EMDR therapy but I've already lost so much of my time and confidence due to ptsd. I didn't know that I had it until I started reading about narcissistic abuse and so on...
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Yes! I endured abuse from my mother my whole life. It wasn't ONE single experience. It was years of gaslighting, lies, manipulation, and abuse. What you're referring to is called Complex PTSD.
Jessica replied on Permalink
I have complex post traumatic syndrome and associative disorder. You definitely have ptsd! Or cptsd! Any shock or trauma is considered ptsd! It doesn’t matter if it is considered a small thing by others it’s how your body reacts! There are small traumas and big traumas they are still classed as ptsd. Watching the news and being shocked by what happened to another can cause ptsd. A violent movie. Whereas big traumas are more threats, of death , sexual violence etc. what you have gone through is something that has been a very traumatic experience. The only way you really can get through it is to see a psychologist! Acknowledge it and work on ways to get better. And even then it may not be a quick fic. The loss of a marriage is like a death , your marriage died and you can’t just get over it’! Please get some professional help!
Cas replied on Permalink
PTSD is from a event like a car crash, getting shot, plane crash, ect! However there is C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which can occur from long lasting events such as abuse for example and even what you are describing but do note, PTSD isn’t worse than C-PTSD. Experiences vary person to person.
Hope this helps!
Helen replied on Permalink
C-ptsd is when you experience trauma for a long period of time. Ptsd usually is a sudden traumatic event.
Melissa Woods replied on Permalink
Luckily I’m blessed by having both that just surfaced in the last 20 years and to this day I’d effecting my life in so many ways. Lost my very best friend from cancer, year to the date my father to the same he was our rock when he died it just got even worse both my grandparents within 6 months and the following year my most protective sibling that took his life ! Didn’t ever see that coming and at that point the horrific realization of what our childhood was really like that was so traumatic everyone of me and my siblings and totally blacked it out they began to surface!! Our family that was so close and happy and enjoyed every minute of it together has never been the same only to finally find my calling and doing the single mom thing and rocking my life as a medic in my community and very respected after a nasty divorce 10 years later found someone whom made me so happy completed or family and then expanded it with the birth of our daughter and was so full of life all of us when 6 short very short weeks later after her birth we were laying her to eternal rest next to my dad and brother we then had a son and separated due to him finding another family to join which lead to my diagnoses of Breast cancer with mastectomy and chemo now I am alone with the fear of dying never being good enough for anyone’s unconditional love and alone due to my ugliness and the ups and downs are killing my career and my relationship with my youngest my oldest that I’ve had to beg for his love since my narssastic sister yanked him from my life during my fight won’t talk to me let me see my grandson recently came took my car in which I paid for working two jobs my entire life and gave to his in-laws like I’m a little kid and he’s never even ever given me a hug in life I can’t get passed how anyone thinks this ok behavior but if I stick up for myself and express my feelings I’m toxic wth!! I want my daddy back and I’ll be 50 next week I’m normally one whom gets back up and proves to all my enemies that I’m a better person than they portray I just can’t I’m tired and how can it be I’ve seen it all the good the bad the ugly the really ugly and most of it alone and that’s fine but I’m done with it I just want happiness and by that I mean love and peace of just living life as best I can without all them hateful pepole and memories because I know I can but it’s a fear now I can’t shake !!! PTSD IS NOT EASY AND I JUST WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU AND THINK YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING AND OBTAIN ALL THAT YOU DESERVE IN LIFE CAUSE WE ARE ALL HERE TALKING ABOUT IT AND THAT MEANS WE ARE NOT ALONE SAD BUT ENCOURAGING AT THE AAME TIME GOD BLESSS YOU ALL!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
All of those events could be considered traumatic. Often PTSD symptoms are not noticeable until much later. The only way to be certain is to be evaluated by a doctor or therapist.
Joseph Large replied on Permalink
I was a first responder in the late 1990’s. I recovered a little 4 year old girl from a lake and I did cpr on here it seemed hrs with the parents and grandparents yelling. You know they’re upset. I lost the little girl. I have noticed over the years I have done something to run my family off like I distant myself now than go through that pain. Then my daughter had a baby girl and when she turned about the age off that little girl the ptsd really took me over the edge and I tried suicide. I think of that little girl almost daily. My wife got me a dr to help with all the depression and that’s when I was diagnosed as a c-ptsd patient. I take medication for it and my wife tries to keep me “happy” always worrying. Even with medication I can go into a deep depression like what’s going on now I’m trying to type through tears. I should’ve added that the fire department that I worked for was volunteer and has since become tax funded. We had no “debriefings” after an incident nothing.
Heather replied on Permalink
My story is somewhat similar. My nephew was the drowning victim in 2007. I wasn't there when it happened but family can and got me. I can remember the world slowing down. I could hear and see everything but it was just an odd out of body type feeling. My nephew actually lived. I resuscitated him after an estimated 9 minutes. Then another 8 minutes flat line in life flight. 15 more minutes on the OR table. A lot of people might feel like that's a miracle. My nephew has a traumatic brain injury so he lives in super anxiety. And a lot of health issues.
In 2019 I had a baby and 4 days afterwards my 14 year old daughter attempted suicide. It's hard to describe to people how you can go from this bright determinate person to a deteriorating person in the blink of an eye.
Stacy replied on Permalink
I can relate to you. I am deteriorating. I don't know who I am. I have had bad relationships one after another. I have had to learn to love myself. But these past 4 years I am lost. I am in physical,mental and spiritual pain. I haven't been to work I. 2 months. I have no one. And I have always taken care of someone or given my all to helping others.
Jane Doe replied on Permalink
I won’t go into many details. I somewhat understand your trauma - not the same details. Wanted to offer a suggestion because YOU CAN GET TO THE OTHER SIDE! Counseling and SSRI if you are not on a one. Maybe add on another one to it. If all SSRIs fail, try MAOI. Psychiatrists do not like to use these because of numerous diet restrictions. If you are in hell like I was it’s worth it. Had to do a lot of legwork. Lost a lot of my friends, etc. Please don’t try to commit suicide again. First, you may end up in a physically (and mentally) worse position! Second, God has more in store for you. I’m not a “religious freak” but I learned this. Never thought I’d make it through. Now things are so much better. Push through! What made you “respond to the call” is still there deep inside. Reach deep down, pull it up, and carry on! Best wishes and God bless you!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I would like to make a suggestion regarding SSRI's & MAOI's that help with depression, anxiety, & functionality, for some people, but SNRI's may also be a better type of medication for some that dont feel as if those other medications are helping or if they are having more issues from the fore mentioned meds. I know I do not & can not take SSRI's & MAOI's arent the type of meds I need for my MDD & PTSD MH. Also, just being treated with medications is not going to do much good without having Psychiatric talk &/or some group Therapy to establish a regimen/plan to phsyically work through the ups & downs of Our disorders. It has to be the full treatment or it'll be just taking meds to just keep running/hiding from the problems & not get any better or stronger. & Unfortunately, People with MH issues cant just halfway or sometimes just work on the issues, We have to do it EVERYDAY of the rest of Our lives. Just saying from my own personal experiences & many years of so much dwelling in the darkness, not actually even feeling like I was alive. So maybe I have given somebody(ies) a little bit of hope or info that can truly help?!?!? I wish for Everybody/Anybody who may read this post the best of luck & Happiness in your endeavers & treatments to be able to one day say they are stable & feel they have achieved the impossible!!
Longtime Ptsd replied on Permalink
Emdr is simply a theory. It is by no means proven, yet on this site it sounds like it is. It’s just an idea that sure didn’t work for me and that Psych students readily believe.
jo replied on Permalink
I had undiagnosed PTSD for 13 years before I finally go diagnosed, I had EMDR and it took it away completely. It really works!
Nikki replied on Permalink
I have been dealing with treatment resistant C-PTSD for 24 years, and I did EMDR, and it did nothing but make my anxiety kick into high gear during each session. According to the 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) practice guideline: "This therapy [EMDR] is 'based on the idea' that negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are the result of unprocessed memories.. based on an IDEA... I'm glad that it worked for you, but for a lot of us it doesn't work at all, and in some cases causes a heightened state of hyper-vigilance.
. replied on Permalink
I tried to kill myself via overdose last fall and can't physically look at the bottle the pills came from without feeling nauseous. Whenever I think of a white pill my body feels wrong and I get stressed out. It's not because the pills are a trigger for self harm or anything but the volatile emotions and the physical and mental trauma of what happened are too uncomfortable to block out. I've had other events that I can't look at remnants of or think about without shutting down. When I was 17 I ended up in the children's ICU where the baby across from me was dying. It started crashing and the doctors and nurses kept on going over it but it wouldn't get better. I was being discharged so I was removed from the room before I could see whether or not it lived or died. I spend most of my time dissassociting in what's basically a fantasy world to cope with being alive, but when I kept thinking that the baby's vitals would magically go up, they didn't. I don't think it lived. Why do I live in a world where babies die for no fucking reason. Why was it even born in the first place if it was just gonna be like that. Now it's parents are just going to be filled with grief and expensive medical debt.
Hazel replied on Permalink
so...ive been sexually assaulted thrice during my childhood. its been over 8years since the first time i was assaulted but nothing gets better. Im fighting PTSD, severe anxiety, depression, insomnia and anger issues. i do burst out in anger at times and the person in front of me gets upset. but guess what? i always cheer them up. i tried talking to my friends about my prob. i told them what everyday feels like in detail. they could do nothing but break down into tears in front of me. and i dont really have many friends. everyone says the same thing for the 1st day and then they just forget about it. i tried talking to my mom about my anxiety but she just laughed and made fun of me. its a dark lonely road and its been 2years since i hugged someone and let my tears out. after my bf dumped me twice i havent cried in front of anyone. i feel like a soul trapped in the body of a girl filled with fingerprints and filth. no matter how many times i take a bath, those fingerprints wont fade away. its the worse feeling to be forced to surrender your body to some monster for his satisfaction.
Emma replied on Permalink
Hazel, you should look into microdosing psilocybin. Im sorry for all you've been through. I know you are strong <3 please consider researching microdosing.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My partner has PTSD from a car wreck and was sexually assaulted by an ex-friend. He has gone to many counselors and on anti-psychotic medicine for 10+ years. We have been together for 7 yrs and his PTSD has become worse since we moved and he began weaning from his medicine. No matter what I say, he doesn't believe the dosage of medicine is the reason why he is experiencing these intense changes. He has expressed his anger by hitting the wall, refrigerator, and window of our car. He never hits me, but I am always wary about when he will snap. What can I do to help him when he is getting all of the help prescribed for him?
Sgt. Justin Azure replied on Permalink
I'm no medical expert so do not hold all your weight into what I'm about to tell you. I was in the situation your man is in a couple years back and I knew I was losing my marbles but thought the meds weren't the ones I needed or they served their purpose. it was a costly lesson for me but I think he definitely needs to tell his doctors and be honest about what he's doing or you need to. It could save his life.
Lonely baby replied on Permalink
When I was young my father was abusive to my mother and I saw it with my own eyes. I was scared so bad I hid in the bathroom. I was abused severely after in some years because of his mental illnesses. My Biological mother left. My step mother verbally abuses me sometimes. And she told me to just get over the fact I have PTSD and need to stop freaking out and crying when he yells or gets in your face. Does that mean I can really just stop being scared. Or do I have to do counselling for another year or so?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I dont know I'm broken too
E replied on Permalink
Please get out of there! You can't work on yourself to any positive end in such a toxic environment. It took so long for me to realize that I'd be happier homeless. I was homeless for a few months living out of a car. It was worth it and you're stronger than you think without thwm bearing down on you. I believe in you.