From the frontal lobe (which houses our emotions) to the amygdala (which oversees our fight or flight response), Michael Roy, MD, Col. (Ret.) explains how parts of the brain are affected when injured by brain injury or a traumatic experience.
See more video clips with Dr. Michael Roy.
Produced by Victoria Tilney McDonough, Justin Rhodes, and Erica Queen, BrainLine.
About the author: Col. Michael Roy, MD (Ret)
Michael Roy, MD, Col. (Ret.) is professor of Medicine and director of the Division of Military Internal Medicine at Uniformed Services University and director of Recruitment for USU's Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine.

Comments (3)
Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
Diane replied on Permalink
Can you have TBI from being a 81mm mortar gunner in Vietnam and it show up 44 years later as dementia along with PTSD?
Conner replied on Permalink
Yes, there are other factors that will compound the effects of ptsd.
Spitfire replied on Permalink
The impacts from PTSD and the current issues in society has paralyzed my life. Leaving me to deal with family members thinking it is drug-related. Society needs to START EDUCATING themselves on the signs and symptoms in varies cases of Men, women and children because NO ONE person is the same. Remember our Veteran's but DO NOT forget your FIRST RESPONDERS EITHER! Firefighters ambulance Police officers and hospital staff WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Stop judging assuming and relating signs and symptoms to drugs, You're killing us leaving us cast out from the ones we ones respected.