Avalon Action Alliance

Avalon Action Alliance is the post-trauma wellness non-profit helping veterans, first responders, and their families gain control over issues related to mental wellness and brain health.

We’re the one collaborative resource providing veterans and first responders services at no cost for the three interrelated post-trauma impacts: depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and substance abuse.


Military.com: State Veteran's Benefits Directory

Military.com connects servicemembers, military families and veterans to government benefits, scholarships, discounts, mentors, and much more. Their State Veteran's Benefits Directory details the benefits available to veterans by state, including special exemptions or discounts on fees and taxes, home loans, veteran's homes, and educational opportunities.


National Guard Bureau Joint Services Support: JSS Resource Finder

The Joint Services Support (JSS) system is a virtual gateway that provides simplified and coordinated access to National Guard J-1 support programs for all National Guard stakeholders. It is the only place that National Guard Service members and their families need to go to find out about events, news, program services, and resources. The JSS Resource Finder offers a searchable database of community-based services and events.


Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society: NMCRS Locator

The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society provides, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Services of the United States, eligible family members, and survivors when in need; and receives and manages funds to administer these programs. Their listings direct visitors to the closest Relief Society office.


Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration: Services Locator

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)'s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. SAMHSA offers a Services Locator, which is searchable by state. This Locator provides comprehensive information about substance abuse and mental health services and resources and is useful for professionals, consumers and their families, and the public. 


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: VA Facility Locator

The mission of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is to provide veterans with the world-class benefits and services they have earned. The VA offers a directory of their more than 1700 facilities, maintained on a regular basis by editors and administrators nationwide throughout the VA network. Designed for ease-of-use, this site categorizes information for browsing by state and administration, as well as by viewing through an interactive map of the United States.


USO: Center Locator

The USO is nonprofit, congressionally chartered, private organization, providing morale to American troops all over the world. With more than 160 locations, thousands of U.S. servicemembers and their families visit the USO every day. The USO website offers a center locator, allowing users to search by location and sort by amenity.


Vet Centers: Vet Center Locator

Vet Centers are a community-based part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The goal of the Vet Center program is to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to eligible veterans in order to help them make a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life. The family members of veterans are also eligible for Vet Center services.The VA offers a Vet Center Locator to connect veterans withthe centers in their state.

Vet Centers