What are vital signs?

Vital signs are measurements of the body's most basic functions. Medical professionals and health care providers routinely monitor these four main vital signs: 

  • Body temperature
  • Pulse rate
  • Respiration rate (rate of breathing)
  • Blood pressure

In general, while your loved one is in the hospital, their care team will monitor their vital signs every two to four hours, based on their specific needs. 

This website explains what each of these vital signs are in more detail:

Vital Signs (Body Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiration Rate, Blood Pressure) - Health Encyclopedia
From the University of Rochester Medical Center

When we go home, how often should I monitor vital signs?

It is important to monitor vital signs because they can indicate that something is wrong, such as the onset of pain or infection. The vital signs should be checked once a day unless your doctor recommends a different frequency.
Talk to your doctor if you notice the following changes:

  • High or low heart rate (normal is between 60 and 100 beats per minute)
  • Fevers (temperature greater than 100°F or 38°C)
  • Blood pressure too high (systolic aka “top number” over 160) or too low (systolic less than 100) or a sudden change in blood pressure

Your doctor will assess the situation and may give fluids and medicine to keep your loved one medically stable.