There is a lot to learn about what is available to you for taking care of your loved one. Each state has several resources available. See below for some websites to help.

Aging Disability Resource Centers

These are helpful centers to give you resources in your state specific to people with disabilities. They help people learn about long-term support services. They also can give you advice about making informed decisions about your loved one’s care needs. They can help with public and private programs for all income levels. While they are not specific to DoC, they can provide some options.

Aging and Disability Resource Centers
From Administration for Community Living

Family Caregiver Alliance

This is a website with caregiving resources organized by state. While it is not specific to DoC, it has good information to guide you.

Family Caregiver Services by State
From Family Caregiver Alliance

Respite Care

The federal Lifespan Respite Care Program provides services to help give you a break from caretaking. While it is not specific to DoC, it can give you some good information.

Lifespan Respite Care Program
From Administration for Community Living