Not everyone deals with his or her emotions the same way.
Posted on BrainLine March 4, 2009.
About the author: Maria Mouratidis, PhD
Dr. Mouratidis is a licensed neuropsychologist and currently the command consultant and subject matter expert for Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health at the National Naval Medical Center.

Comments (4)
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Carol replied on Permalink
My husband and I have been married for 16 years. He recently was diagnosed with a craniopharyngioma, which was mostly removed with surgery and radiation. He had many temper/anger issues in the beginning of our relationship and had many emotional problems and was very disconnected about 3 years before diagnosis. I haven't had any help or support on what to expect from him now or what emotional things are tumor related if any. He seems to only have issues (memory lapse, problems speaking, not loving etc) with myself and my daughter. He acts completely normal every where else and he had a nueromaping that shows his memory, intelligence, and brain function as above normal. I do not know what to do, but am trying to be supportive and understanding without compromising my daughter and my well being. He is a lot more passive (due to his now lower testosterone levels) but the emotional disconnect and the toll all this is taking on me is horrible. There is absolutely no support for the family of the patient, and iall the work/stress affected my health. I had to deal with my own illness without any care or support from him, yet when other family members or co-workers experience any hardship, he knows and tries to help. Your video felt like you were talking right to me, on how he expressed love with words but nothing else. What puzzles me is that this isn't always the case with others. Please any advice/help or resources?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My husband was recently diagnosed with a craniopharyngioma. He has a permanent VP shunt and the tumor was mostly removed with surgery and then radiation. We have been married for 16 years, and he had many temper/anger issues sin
Terry lee wyatt replied on Permalink
Ive had 2 brain surgeries and one being a tumor removed and second was a fatal oil field accident crushing left side of my head same side as the first brain surgery. I have the hardest time expressing myself. I had a man come into my home threatning my wife and children and it has taken a toll on me and my wife feels i am suppose to be ok but it was very devistating for me because i just stood there but never acted and i know part was because my children was right there and was scared for their lives. So i just stood there when my wife jumped up out of instinct to protect her children. She stood between the aggressor and us. That has made me feel unworthy and unsecure. This is so hard for me.
Patricia L replied on Permalink
You did what you needed to. Your wife did what she needed to in this situation. Your brain will reacted different now and may always be diffrent. I know this because I have been living with a husband who is a TBI patient. He has never regained his reading and emotionally childish. We have to have things the same as much as possible or he has fits. When someone came into your space is hard before a trams but now it makes those emotions confusing. You both need to help each other and praise the fact you and your family is still alive. Celibrate what you have not what you don't or didn't do.
Thank you
Patricia Livingston