In 1999 Sandy Levine’s husband Michael Fairhurst was rushed to the hospital due to a rare neurological illness. As an award-winning television producer, Sandy started recording Michael’s illness and recovery for three reasons. First, she thought he probably wouldn’t remember much of what happened, and that someday he may be interested in seeing it. Second, it gave her something to do to help keep her sanity. And third, as a producer, she knew someday – assuming Michael lived –it would make a damn good story.
Today, 14 years post illness, Michael has made a remarkable recovery after the illness damaged his brain. He's found new meaning working at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital - where he once was a patient -helping others overcome their disabilities. Sandy has begun presenting speaking programs and producing a documentary about the family’s experience. Her goal is to help people who have survived a crisis, and those who work every day to help others make it through.
In sharing what happened, how she and her family dealt with it, and how they’re doing today, Sandy inspires her viewers and audience members to conquer their own challenges.
Produced by Sandra Levine Productions
Comments (1)
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Marci Reitman Garson replied on Permalink
I had the pleasure to work with Michael for four years at New Jersey Nighty News where he tirelessly helped edit my news stories and I am convinced was partially responsible for my Emmy Award. Michael was extremely intelligent and funny and patient. I am so happy to see that he is back to himself.