Traumatic Brain Injury Basics

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Yes it is Common under the Conditions of A Head/Brain Injury , concussions and( TBI ‘s ) Traumatic Brain Injuries. From A Mother’s 16 yrs. of a Survivor of My Son. He was 15yrs.Old when it happened and is 32 now.

I was 18 when I got into a single car accident thrown from the car blood clot right front lobe I am now 50 so I understand what your talking about

I had a fall recently which resulted in a small bleed from the brain. All is well but my hair which has been naturally ash-blonde all my life (I am 69 years old) has within hours of the fall started to turn red but from the bottom of the hair and not the roots. I have not changed any medication, shampoo, or anything at all but the red colour is spreading all over my head from the ends of my hair, not from the roots - Can you explain this for me, please.

Ollie Walton

I was the victim of a Head On collision when I was 19; I’m now 56, and everyday is a challenge!
I spent about 10 weeks in a deep coma, because of the length of my coma, they were talking about putting me in a care facility, but I amazed the rehab staff by waking up. Oh I didn’t just wake up one day, each day I was a little more alert.
My life currently: No Career, No family/wife, No children (obviously), few friends. Here’s the worst part, the “accident” wasn’t my fault!
The accident was on May 7th, 1982, and most; if not all of my friends have walked away from me.
My fiancé I had expected to marry and start a family with, contacted me recently and I come to find out she’s been married a few times with four children. That’s what angers me the most, our chance at happiness was taken because of my injury!
I’m angered at the way Hollywood thinks a coma is temporary, you wake up and resume your life! Well that is Totally Wrong, life is never the same!
People say “Well at least you didn’t die.” Sometimes I think it would’ve been easier if I just died!
Well I didn’t Die, so I’m left being a shadow of the man I use to be. And that really SUCKS!

I was 17 now 59 and know exactly where your coming from from start to finish. After a long process of recovery to put me in a better place I basically muddled along daily, fighting with myself and everything and everyone around to be left in a similar place now to yourself. It's certainly tough now looking forward and very difficult to get anyone to appreciate the physical and psychological mess you're in!

I can both appreciate & relate.
My son recieved his TBI 20 yrs ago at age 16 he's now 35.
He suffered a life altering TBI (Epidural hematoma.)
My son was a social butterfly. Extremely likable & well known, loved & adored & accepted in many circles. Very popular. LOVED life. Was ALWAYS a comedian. Laughing & sharing his wonderful sense of humor by making those around him smile & laugh.
His social circle slowly but surely would dissapeared after
His TBI. He was no longer the same person. He no longer had the desire to be who he was yet, he remembered who he was. Very depressed, anxiety filled, became a recluse.
Refused & he still refuses to talk with anyone about any of it & he won't take any medication, instead he turned to self medicating with alcohol. The absolute worst thing he could ever do. Drinking makes his situation that much worse.
At 35 he's still drinking. Upon the anniversary of the accident every year, he will have written on his calendar...
The day I died.
He refuses to go to any family gatherings. Will no longer join the family for thanksgiving or Xmas dinner. Stays home.
He has both paranoia & OCD
In the summertime he used to love to go to the lake with myself & my brother & his nephew. Not anymore. The idiot who caused THIS will never know what he robbed from my son & myself of nor does he care.
My son hasn't had any quality of life for 20 years.
Each day is tough no matter how many years pass & my son is in an extremely PAINFUL physical & psychological place ALL THE TIME.

From my end of things, I can best describe my personal pain from having to watch the person whom I love most in this world going thru HELL as feeling like my hands are tied behind my back because, that's all I can do. He flat out refuses help. He won't allow or accept any kind of help at any level. He's adamant about refusing.
So, I've had to come to terms with the fact that THIS is the way he's choosing to live his life & ALL I can do is accept what is & LOVE him no matter how painful it is to watch.

My son has an amazing vocabulary & speaks so articulated that the average person who didn't know, would never know how damaged he is physically & psychologically or what kind of a toll the last 20 years has taken on us both.
I wish it was just hard but, hard is such an understatement.

Thanks for reading my share.
And, to the woman who posted several comments down regarding God. I realize you mean well but, until you, yourself are living with a TBI or caring for someone close to you who has one, it's NOT as easy as just accepting God & giving it all to him.
Unfortunately, that doesn't alleviate the depression, or the insomnia, that doesn't stop the self medicating & the alcoholism, that doesn't stop the paranoia or the OCD. IT isn't the cure all. If it was then, nobody would have a need to post here.

Sending out universal strength to all those who are living with TBI & those of us who care for & have never ending love someone who has TBI that we ALL make it thru another day.

Coop's Mom

I’d like to give my condolences to the 19 year old gentleman you once where & How awful this pain has changed your life and gone with you all these yrs. you see, my brother was killed in an car accident in 89’ and he was only 20! He was the passenger. I have lived with his death daily. I have tryed to let it go but I had to get to a place in my life where I turned myself back over to God. Only my relationship with Him can take all my pain and fill my Heart ♥️
& memories . I will say a Prayer for you to be able to get past your grief of what you hurts you& holds you back from living your BEST LIFE! GodsBlessings , Kimberly

My daughter was killed in a car accident, she suffered a brain stem injury as well as diffuse axonal injury. Witnesses reported approx 3-4 minutes after the crash that she still had a 'faint pulse'. I'm told she died in a manner much like someone who was hanged, or strangled. She was holding a small object in her hands at the time of the crash, and never let it go. They removed it a day later for the autopsy, but her hand remained in that position. How is it possible to hold onto something after death? Is it because her brain could not send a signal to release the object? Any information at all would be appreciated greatly. I'm one of those moms who needs to know everything. Thanks

I am sorry for your loss. You must be hurting from the pain of your daughter. May she rest in peace. I'll pray for you and your family. May you find peace in your days.

Sincerely, Vaetilda Ataley.

Hi if you have a brain injury is your brain more fragile then before and is it easier to get a brain injury

My husband was shot through is frontal lobs during an armed robbery. Left side in, out right on the top. I have read everyone comments , everyone seems to now something is wrong. The problem with my husband his recovery is a miracle but according to him nothing is wrong, and he still can't comprehend what happen to him. He was diagnosed with dysexcutive syndrome. I know him for 31 years. There is so much missing, logic reasoning, emotions, no more intelligent discussions. You just don't know what you will get. No arguing . He doesn't understand any reasoning at all. His old memory is 100% but short term memory is shot. Which sometimes is a good thing, he does not remember what he was fighting with me the previous day. He has no empathy for strangers can be uncivil in shops. Nobody supports you in how really to deal with this. Everyone just wants to make a bug. Do you give him his way or do try to tell him what is missing.

Thank You. Suffering from mild TBI from accident in June. Exhausted.

Having sustained a TBI in 1981 at the age of 9 made matters difficult on me in SW, LA. I was in a coma for 28 days, was guided by a team of nurses to exercise to keep my heart palpitating, and never had my first seizure until the day that I was removed from that comatose state.. The first one was a Tonic Clonic and all the rest were Grande Mal. Based on my good health at the time of the concussion and the area that was damaged (FL) my recovery had here astonishing to many here in 2019 in SE, TX to the neurologists and psychologists whom have treated me

I was 6 months old when I was in a car accident and had a skull fracture. At age 3 I had brain surgery and at 15 I had my first seizure. I am 20 now and am on a variety of seizure medications.

My daughter had a very severe blow to her brain 20 years ago and was unconscious for over an hour. She was checked by a neurologist for months afterwards and was declared clear. She now has an MRI showing white blood cells in the brain at the site of the injury 20 years ago. Is it possible this is still from the trauma as they are now checking her for MS? Any advice would be much appreciated.

I have a friend who was just recently hit by a car while riding his atv and now seems to be suffering from amnesia, as he doesn't know who I am, where he is, and what happened. Unfortunately he has had a previous head injury from a atv accident where the removed a piece of his skull to relieve swelling and replaced it with a metal plate. His new injury is right next to the old injury. He has bleeding on the brain also which through the Kat scan is increasing. Will this eventually fix itself and about how long will it take.

Under any circumstances would it be considered normal not to be assessed for TBI if you were riding a motorcycle and had an accident at 80mph?

No - it would not be normal. Any blow to the head can have consequences and should be investigated, even to rule it out.

I guess you'd call me a baby boomer . I was raised in the 50's when stuff was kept in the family. My dad was a very short tempered and frustrated man . His main thing was to grab me around the neck and hit his fist on my head . This went on constantly to the point I was once knocked out . He did this my entire childhood until I moved out when I was 18 . How would I find out if I have TBI and how could I treat it now ? I'm 72

To find out if you have a tbi, you need to get tested by a neuropsychologist. You can self refer or go through a medical doctor. Good diet, activity and mental challenges help.

I didn't get that kind of abuse. But my mother has beaten me at the agee if 41/2. Now I am 52 yrs. I know I have TBI. Do not know what to do. I left home at 19.

I had a head injury when I was about 20 years old or so. I got hit in head with tree. So they cut my skull open for blood to drain. Now some time it burns and hurts were they cut my scalp or skull I don't think it's inside my brain. Just outside is this just nerve damage or sumthing else any help would be great or any one else deal with this. For 1 example I put my motor cycle helmet on and lean my head over it burns real bad. Use to just do it then now it does if I move my head a certain way or raise my eye brows up. It burns and feels weird there. Thanks ?

Hello everyone I am 37 years old and I suffer from a Traumatic brain injury. When I was 24 years old I got into a catastrophic car accident which led me in a coma for almost 4 months on the way to the hospital I died six times I suffered a collapsed long punctured spleen punctured bladder bleeding in the brain broken ribs broken pelvis Broken hips broken leg and also a broken clavicle i also jacked up my back I’m in pain every day which totally sucks I also have very bad nerve damage which affects my sciatica nerve. So I’m going to start off with this when I was nine years old my dad was in a horrible car accident and he also suffers from a Traumatic brain injury I’m gonna to try to keep this short and sweet and not get too much into detail. Please Can someone please help me out? Does anyone know anyone in my position where their father suffered a Traumatic brain injury when they were a child then later on in life they suffer for a Traumatic brain injury? I really need some help on this because I feel alone. I have therapy I see a psychologist twice a week and psychiatrist once a week. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out. I hope someone out there can help me. Thank you Mike

Hi Mike. Have you gotten any answers to your question yet? My dad suffered many TBIs, some before I was even born. He lived a risky and dangerous lifestyle. I got my TBI when I was 17. I had just graduated high school with honors when I was struck by a drunk driver. You're not alone. TBIs can and do just happen to the best of us. ☺️

Hi Mike. Back in the sixties my Dad was hit head on in his little MG Midget by a Mack truck. It was a very foggy night- Christmas Eve- and needless to say, he didn't join us for Christmas that year. When he finally came home, he was wrapped from head to toe in white bandages. He looked like the Mummy from the movies. He had his scalp pulled back over his skull and broke most of his ribs. He was never properly treated for a brain injury, and now that he is gone I finally understand what may have been a tragic situation for him, a severe blow to the front of his head. I now also have a TBI, but fortunately for me it was to the back of my head (I was thrown from a faulty inversion table onto the back of my head a year ago), and I deal with balance issues, headaches, feel like I'm lost in space, frightened a lot about the future. I am lucky that I have a job I can work when I feel up to it, and I still perform with other musicians. This is no picnic, but I realize it could have been so much worse. Hang in there, bro. You are not alone.

Hello friends

My father had TBI a couple of weeks ago and is currently at an LTAC facility in Las Vegas. He is currently in minimal conscious state. Do you have any recommendations for support groups in the area for family members?

Hi Todd, I can point you toward general resources, though I'm unfamiliar with Las Vegas. A traumatic brain injury effects the entire family (as I'm sure you know). It can be considered a shared trauma. Any support group that helps facilitate trauma processing can help, whether TBI specific or not. You can look at local counseling services for emotional support groups. Hospitals may offer emotional support groups as well. Oftentimes a small, local paper will have a list of different groups happening in your area. I wish you and your family the best. -Shay

Feb 15, 2015, I was involved in a car accident with black ice being the culprit. The person who rear-ended me just left me. I was found by someone passing by on the highway who saw my car in a ditch smoking from the engine. They called for help. The ambulance deemed it was too dangerous to transport me, so they called air support. When I arrived at the hospital, I died three times. They were able to get me stable, but I laid in a coma for three months.

I eventually woke from the coma and was told that I died three times, had been in a coma, and now suffer from a TBI. At first, I was ignorant and just couldn't sit still. But after physical therapy and going home the reality of having a traumatic brain injury started to kick in. I often thought "why couldn't I have just died?" My anger was unmanageable. I just had so much rage that it was unbearable for the people around me. I would get mad at anything. I would even amuse myself on how ridiculous I was being. The hardest part was no doctor could explain what I was experiencing.

I am going on four years and every day is a new experience. The problem for me is that no memory can stay long enough to become long-term memory. I feel like a newborn every morning I awake!

No one ever explained to me what I was going through but my life sucks. I can't remember anything to save my life. I was on felony probation. Starting a well when I get t-boned by a car waiting to turn. Didn't even see me while I was on a motorized mountain bike doing at least 30. They had to put me out for fighting with them.

Everything I just read really spells out what I been going through for about 9 years. I grew up ADD and learning disability so it was really ..I mean IS very hard.  I haven't felt no pain at all so that's nice but I have been through so much stuff already that my brain is just mush. Sometimes I pretended to be so spacey because I can't remember anything short term so now I just don't even really try to remember stuff because I'll forget what I been running in my head for days.

I can mostly get to work on time. Still back inside a few times every day. And can't just be like ok it's fine I can bring it tomorrow.. no way. Then the process is compromised and I'll be lost all day even more.

I signed myself out of the hospital. My family, soon as I'm up they got to go home. So all alone for 9 or 10 years just being passive and excepting I'm unable to function. So I just go to prison with no idea the situation I read in. The hospital nursery let me go. I was so mean when I got up trying to get my girlfriend to get in bed with me. A vikodin 9 I think is what I was getting every 4 hrs. With fractures up both side of body from ankle to wrist, three ribs, and two parts of my back. I was alone now not even recollecting. They just let me go cause I was mean to everyone maybe? None told me "hey this is what happens" or "here's where you need to go" to be thought to process your confusion with stuff you know but you don't.

My lawyer didn't do nothing for me. He ended up with more than me after I had to pay all the bills and lawyer out of the little S100,000 I got for being injured for life.

No one ever explained anything to me. I thought I was fine. I didn't remember the accident and maybe one time was told I need to go see this counselor. Anyway, that's what happened to me. Got three small plates in my face where they went in behind my eye. Twenty feet bouncing off the windshield landing on my face. I didn't know until I went to prison and got my psi investigation for sentencing. Got 10 years for trying to cash $500 stolen check. Didn't even get to cash it, they knew. But ten years ago when I was 15 got jumped after friends and I chased some other kids home. My friends started running away when they came out with sticks and bats. Not me. I'm already in it. I took this guy's bat after I let him swing and chasing hitting him his friends jump out from hiding waiting. Straight in the back head with bat doing doggie paddle cause 5 people are all trying to hit my face with wepons. Had a concussion for couple days couldn't remember. Kept having to ask what happened when I'm trying to share the stories.

About 28 years old my best friend was tricked into thinking I'm stealing something his wife pawned while he was in jail. Set me up. At my face again another bat. Couldn't close my teeth my lips were so swollen. Ducktape saved my face..

This was just after the first five years in prison. Then another ten years to help my girlfriend try and cash this check cause her kids are gone and we're trying to get them back.

At a homeless shelter now after 8 months for probation. Got a job going every day but no license so it's motorized cause work is 10 miles away from where I live. And bam, kiss the windshield out on contact. I'm grateful I do not remember but like a dead fish on my face after 20 feet.

Not figuring out why I spend most hrs trying to remember what I was going for with everyone saying "oh yeah me too trying to remember." "Getting old," they say.

Anyway this blog or whatever it is really helped me and now I'm off to doctor first thing because my nose has been dripping. I'm more sick and it's like light yellow colored just keeps on coming out. Oh and now I have an electric bike. It does 40 mph all over. Still no license but I got to work. Now out there again in the snow ice and rain freezing 7 miles to work at 6am along with everyone trying to get to work. So I got a car now. I'm suspended so i might go to prison for it. I have been out over two years with 0 trouble. I am getting off early soon. Quit one job cause I felt uncomfortable after everyone thinks I'm just on drugs. That's why I'm never the same one day to next. I was doing pot and that's the only way I can sleep or alcohol. Otherwise, pillows can't be used and need smoked every morning with no sleep. Now I have Gout in my toe too that sometimes wake up and can't walk well at all.

Got no insurance, no family in the same state. They moved here from the coast when I was in juvie. Alone there and now moved back while I stayed here on parole working with now on top of the trouble I get in trying to be excepted cause I'm being taken care of just like whole life.

No one to teach me nothing. Growing up mom had PTSD my grandpa abused them all. Now for two years, I been making it work but I quit job to go back to another but I can't remember things enough to keep up and not do things obviously wrong. Tried another job and was told I can find another job that "there's not much going on.." so now I'm in an apartment rented through a motel cause lived there about a year with no job no food and rents due in 3 days.

So now put all my things that I can't sell into my piece of crap car and moved back to the shelter. To start all over.

I'm trying to do so good so I can move back to Oregon and be done with where I'm at now.

I have never been on meds or had a doctor to even get any. Ritalin when I was 12 for a month. I really think I need help with resources to help me with rent while I get some very much needed medical attention to help me get focused, get my license insurance, and a way to relearn how to learn without having anxiety attacks daily.

I know most may have moved on but I really needed to get that out. I've been through a lot and being a drug user I don't even know what to ask for and if I would even get it. It needs to be something that is stronger than normal cause my tolerance naturally is way more than most since I have been self-medicating my whole life.

Goodnight lol.. thankful runny nose led me here where I learned a lot. I really am going through it. Now should I be worried about brain fluids coming out my nose? I been physically working harder than I ever have the last few weeks. I'll tell yeah should I be worried no headaches or nothing ever but my thought process makes it very hard to learn and maintain in work involvement. It can be and I do ok but I'm always late and confused.

My daughter suffered a TBI and brain shearing on the top and both sides of her brain almost two years ago. She was fifteen and playing in Las Vegas in a soccer game with her club team. She was taken out by opposing team player and hit her head hard twice on the hard ground. She had a seizure on the field and when she arrived at the hospital in Las Vegas they put her into a medically induced coma for 24 hours.
When she finally came out of her coma and was able to speak, they permitted her to fly home to Cincinnati to be treated at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. We were in and out of Children's hospital for a few weeks. It was so frustrating not knowing how long it was going to take until I got my daughter back.
Her TBI caused her to have a totally different personality. She slept 23 out of 24 hours, only wanted to eat doughnuts and ice cream when awake, she was extremely rude to everyone and became very interested in boys. She was unable to go to school due to her erratic behavior. I was not sure if I would ever have my daughter back and doctors couldn't tell me much.....

After three weeks, it was as if a light bulb had turned on. My daughter came to me saying she was ready to go back to school. Doctors okayed it and we have never looked back. We are so extremely lucky!! She has since returned to soccer and has a scholarship to play for a D1 college next year. I am so fearful watching her play. I fear that she could receive another TBI due to the level of play. I will never be comfortable after that experience.....

Hi Sheila, wow. Thanks for sharing your experience and how your daughter has recovered. Very lucky indeed. Just a thought: have you had any personal trauma work after this event? To address the fear you have now of her playing soccer.... Of course it makes sense to have fear but it’s not pleasant (I assume) for you and could be relieved a bit using other than talk therapy: Memory Reconsolidation techniques to adjust how the deeper mind is holding the traumatic event. So your mind stops scanning for the event. I do this work myself but there are others using these methods. Best wishes to you!

I was jumping my horse in late October of 2017 and took a sudden, hard fall to my head after a nasty refusal. I blacked out for a few seconds and then asked my husband where was I and what horse was I riding. After fear, I got a CScan and everything looked fine. However, I tripped, fell and hit my head (same spot) on my tile floor in the Summer of 2018 and it knocked me unconscious for I don't know how long (minutes or a few hours). I woke up on my own to find blood on the floor. I haven't been the same since. I get mood swings, super angry at nothing and don't remember why I got mad, short term memory loss, tired all the time but then randomly can't sleep. My head also itches constantly where I hit it, both times, and it has been nearly 7 months since my last fall. I can work, but my focus isn't as clear as it use to be. I can't focus on two things at once like I always did. Does anyone else have this problem or dealing with the same symptoms?? My husband researched and said for me to give it a year to see if it improves as reoccurring TBIs take more time to heal.

I was thrown from a 4 story balcony and you are not alone Im always angry , memory loss , I just feel like I have no emotion anymore . Hard to remember new things my old memories are great

Do not wait to see a specialist. I waited and now have permanent brain damage. My light head injury has continued to decline and now 4.5 years later, I am miserable seeking permanent disability and unable to work.

I am now 27 years with a TBI. Going through final stages of divorce. And still no one understands that I have limits on what I can handle. Like I suddenly healed because I am alone?
No, that's not how it works. I have the same pain, same problems, and no spouse to help me. My children have known only this mother. I was hit when my daughter was 18 months old and I was 8 months pregnant with my son. Stupid older woman ran a cold red light and t - boned me. She wasn't looking at the road. So the one thing I wanted so much in life , to be a mother, was literally destroyed by a careless driver who wasn't injured at all.
It also led to the deterioration of my marriage. My son has suffered the most. He has been with me as my caregiver, yet he doesn't really understand what it means to have a TBI. It robs you of all you ever hoped for. You are never again the person you were before. Yet there is nothing physical to see, no scars, nothing.
And the state denied that I was disabled.. while freeloaders sit on their porch drinking in the middle of the day collecting welfare and foodstamps.

I am at 6 years and cannot find a specialist anywhere on TBI in Chattanooga or Atlanta . Any suggestions, Please??????

I suggest you go to and find an Endocrinologist who can check you for damage to your pituitary gland. You may have to travel to see one of these doctors, but it is well worth it. The "run of the mill" Endocrinologists I've seen really weren't up to diagnosing my TBI. Also, you'll probably need an MRI. A CT Scan doesn't offer a high enough resolution.

My face twitches when I'm holding back feelings of anger.

If I drink I can distinguish no effects on me consciously. Like I can't tell when I'm drunk, I "feel" "fine". Which is different and scary. It gives someone who was a boozer frustration as there becomes even less of a point to drink so it makes you ask yourself why even bother.

Memories are distorted. I'll remember an event but remember the details of that event completely wrong. Different hair styles, clothes, weights, things that happened. I woke up in a different dimension. So that different dimension pertains to myself as a person as well. I don't feel like I know him, which is strange. Living in a body you don't even know the history of very well. Different languages as long as I think I've had some training in them are easy to understand and translate in the brain. Which is cool but...different. You'd be surprised. My body sensation is split in two, left and right. My right side is numbed, so taste and smell are effected. I was right handed so everything dominated by the coordination of that hand is effected in a negative way. I had to relearn to walk right, relearn to write. Relearn my own signature.

I have the same issue with alcohol. My mind stays crystal clear but my body gets "drunk". Like I stumble or even fall. I just gave up. What's the sense. Also, I don't know if you have this problem, but 1 small drink will give me the worst hangover. Very strange.

September 19,2012 my life changed

Successful business, what I thought was a good marriage, looking forward to the next step in life

All gone or skewed

Have struggled in some deep dark places

Couple of stints in the psych ward

I broke down and went to the VA for help

3 1/2 months in mental health until I found out about a poly trauma rehab in The Richmond VA

4 months as an inpatient there I can say my life has changed.

They helped me identify my purpose in life

I still don’t know if I’ll make it to the end but I do know there is a path for me

If you’re a veteran there are 5 of these places across the country

No combat injury required

Out of 18 people there was 1 CV
Everybody else had accidents just like the civilian world

I hope I’m not done yet, sometimes it’s hard to keep going, as long as I reach out there’s a chance

Trying to help others by sharing my experience helps me keep moving forward

Came across your TBI story. Been there. Decades ago I was a troop in Vietnam. Three mortar attacks, been shot at and missed, but decades later as civilian I suffered a brain injury in a fall in my bathroom! (those tile floors can be just as unforgiving as the Vietcong! :-) Recovered over much time and attention to my own thought processes. Here's wishing you a great transition to, in effect, a whole new life...that can, in many many ways, be very rewarding and offering new compassion for other folks who have been messed up in so many different ways.
My Best!

Can you tell me where the other trauma centers are? Thank you

there can be many tramas in the brain and there can be many tramas caused by not only the brain but from diffrent objects.

I took a medication for acne that injured my brain.
I suffer from really heavy brain fog, constant migranes and preasure in my head, memory issues.
I also developed really heavy visual snow and i see really vivid colors when close my eyes.
also severe tinnitus..Im quick to anger, and feel very numb and depressed...I feel like a ghost of my former self in a sense.
It has been a year now...I had to drop out of medical school, i was admitted to a psychward for 2 months...
my life was changed dramatically, but i try to keep strong and rebuild my life.

Wow I thought I was the only one . I had a bad childhood have high blood presure ‘ I am now in darkness lost for words my eyes roll around I have so much fear in my head I loose my Direction have good and bad days

My friend was exposed to carbon monoxide. Since then, she has changed and lost a lot of weight. My main concern though is that she stole something from my home recently as she has a key to my house. She comes to walk my dog when I travel. She was NEVER like this before and I cannot trust her anymore. Could carbon m. poisoning have caused this personality change?

I have suffered from 7 whiplashes, none of the car accidents were my fault. I've also had 2 concussions and a broken tailbone which paralyzed me for some months.

The doctors and chiropractors I went to insisted on doing new x rays each time. I tried to get them to give me my x rays but they said I would lose them. Instead they lost them.

I think all the x rays contributed to the large brain tumor that nearly killed me 6 years ago. Fortunately, I had studied to be an Ayurvedic physician for 26 years. I wish I had known it was a brain tumor before I was incapacitated, unable to read or walk; but I thought the pain I was experiencing was the result of my past injuries.

I told my husband how to treat the cancer and he took care of me for the year and a half it took to heal. I've been doing very well, working 7 days a week helping others heal from cancer, then 5 days ago had a brain stem injury. I couldn't breathe well or swallow for a couple of days but I used some of the same techniques from when I had the brain tumor and I'm recovering.

To all my relations suffering from TBI, consider using natural therapies instead of surgery and harsh drugs.

My mom had a TBI 2 years ago and just fell on her bottom yesterday. I've noticed changes in her movement, speech and overall behavior. Is it possible that she was reinjured?

Not a new injury, the old 1. The old injury could have caused some sort of damage that wasn't detected then but over the years, has grown, moved or just taken its toll. I am a TBI patient that has been going through this for 20 yrs, ergo, I'm something of an expert. I strongly recommend you take her to a neurologist and get an MRI. Good luck!

At 4 I fell of the swing in Denmark. Was traumatized at 11 when my parents moved to Canada. Had a difficult time making friends and had to go through 5 grades in school in 1 year.Had to quit school at 13 to work. Fell off the roof of a house I was working on and had my second concussion. was forced to leave Canada at 15 and ended up in Chicago. Got a concussion at 16 from someone dropping a large timber from a roof where I was working. Joined the US Army in 1961 at 17. Had some very traumatic experiences in Korea when my buddies got run over by tanks and shot from the DMZ.
4 more concussions from falls in commercial construction. Had constant head aches and loss of vision for up to 36 hours. At 70 I was walking the dog and it pulled me down and I cracked open my skull and was out for over 10 days. 2 years later at 72 I had another collapse in my driveway and layed there for over 2 hours before the neighbor called the ambulance. I can remember at least 7 head injuries so maybe that is why I can't remember names but I have no problem with numbers, spelling and history only names and where did I put my car keys?
