Brain Injury: When to Go to the Hospital

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Same thing just happened to me. Went to Urgent Care, and passed all the neurological tests. I feel fine, except I have a sore neck. The NP at Urgent Care said a CT scan was not medically necessary, so I never got one -- even though I wanted one.

How did your wife fare? Did you get a CT scan?

I was walking down from my hilly and icy driveway thinking that I can master it again, but went totally different. I went down with the weight of the stuff that I carried. My lower body went first then I hit the back right side of my head. I stood up immediately. I started to feel some pressure around my brows. After few hours, I didnt feel anything wrong with myself. Even the area that was hit, doesn’t feel anything different. I’ve searched online about the symptons, called a nurse, and I don’t seem to have any pain going on. But the nurse still encouraged me to get checked. It has been 8 hours since I hit my head, I can feel some hollow feeling in the right top side of my head. Other than that, I am still debating if I need to go to ER to check. I’ve already scheduled an doc appointment to check myself in the next few days.

I slipped on ice today. I fell flat on my back and my head hit the sidewalk. I have a small headache and a little soreness in my neck. I had my hood on to my coat and a small clip in my hair. Hoping I hit the clip against concrete.

That exact same thing happened to me last Saturday. I finally went to the hospital on Thursday to make sure it wasn't serious, and there was nothing wrong. The doctor told me she didnt see any fractures, swelling, bleeding or anything abnormal. I was having some random headaches since then and some pressure feelings in my head that felt kind of unusual. But my doctor said that a hit that hard will take at least 2 weeks to return back to normal.

I fell last Monday striking the back of my right side of the head. I saw my optometrist and had a full retinal scab that showed no brain bleed. I did go to the chiropractor felt great the first couple of days however I cannot stand without nausea, a headache and right sided pain. I cannot stand bright lights. My husband thinks I’m faking. I don’t feel like my self. I am a nurse and know that concussions take time to heal. What do you if you can’t even stand? Without vertigo?

"My husband thinks I’m faking."

How awful. Why on earth would anyone fake this. Swap him out....

Earlier today, I was in a fight and got punched hard on my head. It didn't hurt at first but after about 20 minutes I begin to have a huge headache and when I touched where I got hit at there is this knot. I've had this headache for over six hours now and I don't want to go to the hospital for something mild and not serious, what should I do.
P. S. I'm only 14, would it be serious?

I was punched in my face and supposedly knocked out. I got told i was unconscious for a short while, and they poured water on my face to try and wake me. Eventually i responded and reportedly drove home. I do not remember driving home, i do not remember getting punched or anything. When i woke up the next morning there was blood on my pillow which drained from my ear. I cannot look at bright lights or hear loud sounds or its excruciating. The next morning i was vomiting and couldnt hold any food down and my head has been in constant pain. I dont know if this is common for a concussion and i should kust keep resting and taking aleve, or go to the hospital. I already have a lot of medical bills and cant really afford anymore but if its the difference between life and death or serious injury i guess ill go. I just dont know what to do.

David, Of course you should go to the ER! ALL of those symptoms are caused by severe head injury! I know medical bills can pile up, I’m sorry, but yes, this is a life and death situation. Also, there’s a chance for possible brain damage from not getting any treatment at all. Take care!

Earlier, about 3 hours ago, i was at the park with my friends and i was on the swing. One of them pushed it really hard and it flipped over, taking me with it. I hit the back of my head pretty hard and I was really dizzy for a few moments after. When I went home, i started developing a headache and felt sleepy. I told my parents during dinner and they were concerned, and told me to get some sleep. As i was getting ready, my back suddenly started hurting. I was told to just lie down with like 3 pillows elevating my head. I'm worried on what to do next. Is this serious?

ive sustained a head injury yesterday evening. i stood up while sitting on the lower bunkbed and hit my head realy hard. i didnt vomit and there dont appear to be any bleeding. immidiatel after i had trouble keeping my eyes open, felt like i going to throw up (which i didnt) and had problem with balance. i quickly got to the 24\7 clinic where there theykept me for an hour and half to watch me and see if everyhting is ok. after thaty i was released since i appeared to feel better. a shower later and a terrible headache at night i woke up in the morning sensitive to lights and strong sounds. my head is still sore and the place which connects to my neck is as well. im worried, how do i know ill be fine and my brain isnt slowly bleeding out? the doctors there assured me im fine and gave me advil for the pain but i cannot be sure.
sincerly a concerned young adult.

Hi I got hit with a bottle of water half full someone was trying to throw it at my friend but unfortunately it hit my back right side of my head so it didn’t hurt at first I thought wow that hit hard so about a week or so later I notice it hurt in that spot I touched it nothing was noticeable by touch so a few days later it quit then I think I pulled my neck muscle cause my neck was a little stiff for a few days it’s healed pretty much now but it’s been a week like I said after the water battle thing now I feel a little dizzy later in the day and tired in the middle of the day and off balanced a little I haven’t lost conciseness or anything severe

Is there any recommendations for me to do to heal it I believe I have a concussion or a small one at least I hope

So I have been having seizures right but the doctors tell me they are pseudo seizures. I don’t know though. I have the worst symptoms ever. My head goes numb, I have verdigo, nausea, weakness on one side, slurred speak at times. Nobody will listen to help me and all my parents think I am fine and just tell me to get over it. Plus the doctors won’t do anything and won’t let me have a ct scan Because my one a few months ago came back normal what should I do I feel like I’m getting worse

You should continue to go to your doctor and seek a remedy for your medical problems. If he/she does nothing, you may need to change physicians.

On October 27, 2018, I fell hitting my left brow bone on a cement floor. It was bad enough I should have called 911. I am on SSI, very TIGHT budget. Lucky to get groceries. I hurt so bad, touching it was not an option. I had the whole left side of my face, both eyes and my ear, almost back with purple, orange etc. Started having blurred vision and bad headaches. Now I am having them 24/7. What should I do?

Glad to know I’m Not alone here! I’ve been sleeping a lot ( it’s all I do!!) after being hit on the back of the head & back by my apt buildings front door! Swung off the hinges & hit me HARD knocking me down. Having all symptoms of a concussion, guess I need to go to ER!

I slip while I'm in the shower and I hit my right side of my head. I was dizzy for few seconds. I need to know what I should look for after this incident?

I know the feeling I have fallen 6 times in the bathtub hitting the back of my head and neck every time. My husband and I work opposite schedules so when I'm in the shower he is fast asleep. This last time gave me such a headache trying to sleep is painful because no matter how I sleep it hurts. My doctors act like its no big deal because I didn't pass out.

Fell three day ago cut head and bump head went ED yesterday jury units now have neck and legs sore

I fell backwards and hit my head on the concrete 4 days ago. I felt weird, shaky and tingly after the first day. The last 3 days I still feel kind of weird and all I want to do is sleep and that is not like me to do. I am thinking of going to the ER but not sure if I am overreacting or not.

I fell 3 days ago. I fell face first hitting my forehead then my nose. It hurt so bad I was screaming a d crying. Blood was everywhere as my nose was bleeding like crazy. I am also taking warfarin (blood thinner). I had a really bad headache too. I felt at the time I should have gone to the ER to be safe. My husband thought I would be okay so I didnt go. I no longer have a headache. I just want to be assure since this happened several days ago that I am okay. I have 2 black eyes and a huge knot on my forhead besides that I feel okay. Nancy Q

Nancy it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Especially since you are on Warfarin, you would be more likely to have a brain bleed than the average person. Your doctors office should also have an on call service don’t be afraid to use it, that’s what they pay them for! :)

I had a reaction to eating seafood 6 nights ago, I fainted twice and fell face first in the bathroom tile. Goose egg over right egg brow, swollen nose bridge, and cut up gums above top teeth, luckily no blood. I went to emergency, they did ecg and blood test but they never checked my head or brought up concussion stuff, yesterday I was totally fine, today my forehead has mild headache, I’m hoping this is from healing and not some internal bleeding or concussion...? Ugh, anxiety gets the best of me!

I fell this morning. I landed on by back on our front porch, I was dizzy and could not get up for a few minutes. this happened about 4:45 this am, I was getting ready to leave for work. now at 10:00 am I feel dizzy and have a headache. I just don't feel right. need advice on what I should do.

Shit. I fell yesterday. At lunch. Walking back to the work truck. Fell hard. Landing on the back of my head. Like straight on the back of my head. I weigh 250. 6'0 tall. I hit HARD! Hardest fall ever. And today, I can not get up on my own. The muscles in my neck feel like I'm being held down by my throat when I try to get up. Everything hurts from my back to my calves. It's super crazy.

I hope your okay... I would say get checked out to make sure nothing major is wrong.

Yeah, go to the ER...

My husband has stitches on his forehead and scrapes on the back of his head. He went to the hospital and they said they would call us if he had a concussion. They did a CAT scan. Should I keep checking on him tonight or can I go to sleep and not have to worry?

I was struck on the left side of the head with a foam dodge ball really hard and I started to cry and freak out. At first, I thought it just shook up my nervous system and didn't think about it, but after at least 5 hours, I still feel pain whenever I move around. I feel it on the top right side of my head if that helps. Is this a concussion or did I just get a headache? I feel like I should go to the hospital but I don't know if it is very serious or not. Should I go?

my husband fell on ice in the driveway. fell flat on his back and smacked his head. He got up, was fine, about 1 hour later nausea and headache. He never got checked out. Now he has pressure behing his eyes, bridge of nose, etc. sensitivity to light and reading? Should he go to ER?

I hope you did! These are tel tell signs of a concusion

Yes! And lots of rest! No TV, phones, reading, stress etc! I wish someone has told me this early on! It took me 5+ years to feel normal again

I was trying to hang an air freshener. I'm 5'3 so I use a step stool. I slipped off of the stool and the air freshener slipped out of my hand and hit my temple. I've been dizzy/light headed since. Any thoughts?

Years ago I was an assistant manager at a convenience store. I was working 2nd shift with one other employee who hit his head really hard on a low doorway to a cooler. He was dazed and kind of slurring his speech and couldn't stand up without leaning on something or focus his attention on anything. I couldn't take him to the hospital because I would have had to close the store if I did and there was nobody else I could call in at that hour (about 11 at night). I also didn't want to call an ambulance because the kid had no insurance and no money. So I called the Manager and said that the employee was injured and needed to go to the hospital. The Manager reluctantly came and got the kid and took him to the ER (and had to wait there with him for hours). He came back and told me it was "just" a mild concussion and fired me. I always wondered if I was really in the wrong for insisting that he had to go to the hospital. I appreciate this article because now I finally feel vindicated.

You did the right thing. My mother is an HR director for a factory. She would insist her employee seek medical attention if there was a possibility of a concussion. Your boss was a d*ck and you could have fought that. That's bullsh*t. Good on ya though! You were justified!

That’s a violation of Labor Laws. You are protected by OSHA Whistleblower Law for reporting workplace injuries. Get a good labor lawyer!

God will open up another door of better employment for you, keep doing the right thing as for the manager pray for him clearly his heart was in the wrong place.

You could likely sue for wrongful termination! You did the right thing but next time call an ambulance!

My friend bang her head on a ice skating ring. She feels a lil dizzy right after she bang her head. And had a lil head ache. Should she go to the hospital?

It happened to me this evening, I was going along building up speed & within a split second I was on the ice with a paramedic helping me up! The back of my head was bleeding bad, I put my hand on it & my hand was satuated in blood. I think "Novice Ice Skaters" should wear head gear of some sort seriously...

About 27 hours ago I was struck in the mouth by a piece of firewood and my lip and adjoining area split and some front teeth are sore. I was stitched up at Urgent Care where my husband drove me. I woke with a headache this morning and some ringing in my ear (which does happen now and again). The headache is getting worse despite having taken Tylenol. I was unable to eat last night so not sure if that is a factor but I'm not sure if I should be worried about being alone when my husband leaves for 2nd shift work. Do headaches continue to intensify over this time period? I did not lose consciousness and was able to grab a handful of snow to hold against the wound and walk out to find my husband at the wood lot to have him drive me. Not sure what else I should mention. The NP who stitched me up never mentioned concussion to me as a concern although I did feel woozy. The office was very busy so maybe it was an oversight?
Thank you for any feedback.

i hit my head pretty badly 7 years ago ,when i fainted and hit the back of my head on the cemented floor. after the fall, felt bit of concussions and i felt like normal person again. but since then been getting terrible migraines and sleeping difficulties and i noticed that my speech deliverance somehow making me stutter a lot these days(currently) . having difficulties in studying also if focusing way too much causing painful headaches. didnt go to the hospital for checkups tho. is it bad? serious after effects? help me please.

This happened on Thanksgiving, it was around 11 pm and I had taken my medicine, seroquel, when I was leaving the bathroom my vision when blank and I woke up in my room. I remember hitting my head on my desk and waking up on the floor. It was just a complete collapse.

My heart was beating quickly and I was shaking.

The last two days I’ve only felt worse and I’ve felt this constant steady pressure on the right side of my head, I’ve been dizzy and just out of it. I know that two days has gone by but it feels like it hasn’t been that long at all.

I had to leave work early today because there were too many noises and I just felt so dazed.

I’m pretty sure I have a concussion but idk it I should go to the doctors or the hospital. I feel fine, just out of it and just so sleepy all the time.

You should DEFINITELY go to the hospital!!

Your situation is a particularly alarming one and definitely requires the expertise of a well-qualified medical specialist. Go to the best facility you can.

I was really angry I blacked out and smashed my head in a brick wall but it was the top of my head it is very painful to touch and I'm finding it very painful to move my neck should I go to the hospital or is it something seriously wrong?

This happened on Thanksgiving, it was around 11 pm and I had taken my medicine, seroquel, when I was leaving the bathroom my vision when blank and I woke up in my room. I remember hitting my head on my desk and waking up on the floor. It was just a complete collapse.

My heart was beating quickly and I was shaking.

The last two days I’ve only felt worse and I’ve felt this constant steady pressure on the right side of my head, I’ve been dizzy and just out of it. I know that two days has gone by but it feels like it hasn’t been that long at all.

I had to leave work early today because there were too many noises and I just felt so dazed.

I’m pretty sure I have a concussion but idk it I should go to the doctors or the hospital. I feel fine, just out of it and just so sleepy all the time.

I have depression and I hit my head a lot. I have many headaches, and sometimes I forget things really easily. My dad says that I don’t have an injury in my brain. He’s a anesthesiologist so he should know about this stuff. I’m still not sure though, so I just want to know if I have a brain injury or not.

I triped and tryed to catch myself. In doing this I ran head first into my front door. I hit the left side of my head hard. I didn't black out. I had a large bump on my head. Now it's 3 daya later. Bump went down but head still hurts and it hurts to touch the area. I feel a bit like my head is in a cloud. Should I get checked out or give it time?
