What is mild TBI?
"Mild TBI" is defined by lesser levels of brain damage, as indicated by only brief or no loss of consciousness. Nevertheless, mild injury is important to discuss for four reasons:
- Although the negative consequences of mild TBI tend to disappear more or less quickly for most people who have mild injuries, some research suggests that about 15 percent continue to suffer symptoms that can be severely debilitating. Thus, "mild" injury may be anything but mild.
- Those who receive a blow to the head with brief (or no) loss of consciousness are often sent home from the hospital with assurances that they are just fine. However, this may or may not be the case, and when not the case, this misinformation about no long-term problems may have devastating effects, as the person remains unaware of the basis for his or her altered ability to function.
- Some individuals who have experienced a concussion or whiplash, or a brain injury with brief loss of consciousness, do not enter the health care system at all. In effect, they assure themselves that they are just fine and don't require help. However, long-term problems may emerge and often do not get attributed to the injury, leading to the negative effects referred to above.
- Mild injuries often occur through the physical abuse of children/spouses or in the jarring of sporting events. The negative effects of such injuries may not emerge immediately in clinically detectable or functionally meaningful form, except as the effects accumulate with repetition of the injury. The beaten wife or the sacked quarterback may be fine, although damage has occurred at the neural level; negative consequences in day-to-day life will appear unless repeated injuries are prevented.
What problems emerge after a mild TBI?
Mild TBI can be a problem for two reasons. First, the cognitive, physical, and emotional effects may not disappear and, in themselves, create problems. These consequences of mild injury are often similar to those described above with respect to moderate and severe injuries. Second, the psychological disruption created by these consequences can add to (or occasionally outlive) the original problems experienced after injury. One might ask, Why is this psychological disruption not also a problem for people with moderate or severe injuries? The difference with mild brain injuries is that neither the injured person nor his/her social network expects any negative effects of the whiplash or concussion. Medical experts have told them, "Go home, watch for problems, but really, you'll be just fine." Or, the injured person has written off the blow to the head as not even worth the effort of seeking medical help. On the other hand, with more severe injuries, expectations of negative consequences are commonly held by health care providers and by members of the injured person's social network. These expectations are reinforced through an intense medical experience, validating that something bad has happened.
What happens to the individual with mild TBI after the injury? As Kay points out, individuals with mild injuries can live out several possible scenarios. Good outcomes occur whenever the dysfunctional consequences of TBI totally and relatively quickly disappear or the individual finds ways to easily accommodate any functional deficits that emerge. This type of recovery assumes that the individual with TBI is an educated consumer. In other words, the person has a clear understanding that problems may occur, the type of problems to expect and that these problems may or may not disappear, but can be accommodated.
Often the individual with a mild TBI returns to his or her daily life after the injury with very little if any awareness that the head injury will have ramifications — short-lived probably, but perhaps long-term. To individuals in this situation, they notice out of the blue that in big and little ways they are no longer able to do what came easily before. "For no reason that I can see, what I know about myself is no longer true." These inexplicable difficulties, which they do not associate with the "blow to my head," can lead the person to feel that he or she is losing it.
As was mentioned above, good outcomes for individuals with minor TBI require their learning in very clear terms what can be expected in the days, weeks, and months following injury. As problems in functioning emerge, they also need to obtain assistance in learning how to compensate for deficits, as is further discussed in other questions.
A variety of resources are available on this Web site, including publications, linkages to other Web sites and information about rehabilitation trials that may help people with cognitive difficulties, mood disorders and fatigue.
This information is from www.tbicentral.org, the website of the Traumatic Brain Injury Research Group at Mount Sinai School of Medicine funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, U.S. Department of Education (Grant Nos. H1)
From Mount Sinai School of Medicine. www.mssm.edu.
Comments (42)
Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What helped me after my mild TBI:
1. rest -- as often as I needed regardless of the time of day
2. seeing an upper cervical chiropractor to reset my atlas bone
3. setting boundaries with my time and my capacity
4. sharing what I needed with people who cared about me
Amm replied on Permalink
This is a very validating article. There are not as many articles about the long term difficulties of an mtbi and it makes me feel seen when I read this. Thank you.
Harry LaGrega replied on Permalink
I had a tbi when I was 18. I fell off the top of a firetruck and hit my head 3 times on the way down. I was unconscious and flown by medivac to the hospital and tested to see if I was paralyzed, I didn’t respond to these tests. Over the next 40 hours of being unconscious my swelling of the brain was monitored because the swelling level was fairly high and they didn’t want to reduce the pressure so soon. I woke up after 40 hours not remembering my life or activities I had participated in since July,, my accident was December. I had no recollection of any days before or why I was there. It took me a week to learn how to walk and eat again. I immediately realized I had no sense of taste or smell and to this day 28 years later. I have severe headaches and suffer from mood disorders and bad anxiety. I suffer from photophobia light sensitivity. But I’m happy to be alive and not in a wheelchair. Thank you for allowing me to comment.
Hailey replied on Permalink
I’ve experienced many many mild Tbi’s..but never have been diagnosed by a doctor since the first one...
I remember throwing up for hours my first time when I was in 6th grade, then I took up dirt biking and snowboarding, safe to say I gained a few moderate concussion.. not to mention my bad wrap on relationship which ended in 6 staples and a concussion and somehow I still wasn’t diagnosed with a tbi. I was happy to read this and it gave me such a great understanding about how I react to things and my mental health
Sam replied on Permalink
Good information
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What if there was a drug that could treat these symptoms and restore the energy to the brain? Well there is such a drug. It just needs funding to get it through clinical trials
Samantha replied on Permalink
Does anyone know where someone should start looking for help and resources? I’ve seen a neurologist already and that individual didn’t take my concerns seriously. Unfortunately I can’t see another until I get referred and the doctors keep trying to send me to the same one
Minnesota replied on Permalink
Going to just any neurologist is not the answer, unfortunately. They are simply not trained to deal with Mild TBIs. Find a local or near by specialist with a MTbi clinic = Mild traumatic brain injury clinic. In Minnesota there is Dr. Sarah B. Rockswold, MD, Director of the mTBI clinic.
(Hennepin county medical clinic specialist clinic). Her team of occupational therapist, speech therapist, neurological evaluation specialists, + mTbi counselors to help sortsl out + gets clients the individual specialists they need to adapt for a healthy life.
Also, join a brain injury support group locally. Meeting others who have found their way through the medical maze is a game changer.
renee replied on Permalink
Amen, I got hit in the rear in my old muscle car at 55mph which kept me alive unfortually but left me with a bevy of medical problems ,seizures, short term memory loss, can not work in my profession anymore even tried to work as a hostess got fired --could not remember what I was supposed to do, rage, chronic pain, hallucinations; although after dieing at the scene of car wreck and brought back to life a lot of what I see is not hallucinations! TBI is not a day in the Bahamas it is hell on earth--the rage has come in handy, I am not afraid of dying and so am not a easy victim for robbery, rape, as some thugs have found out the hard way when I forcibly remove guns, knives, ect. and one I kicked in the throat when I was attacked!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was injured at work when an overhead lamp came loose swung down and hit me on the left side of my head and neck, knocking me to the floor. I was taken to the ER where I got xrays for broken bones, but no concussion check and sent home. I wa given two weeks sick leave and sent back to work. my neck pain was immediate but the head problems started slow and I did not know what was happening to me. My boss siad i was not injured by the accident t and my union does not understand and the insurance companies say no that is not why you are going through this. december 9 it will be four years and I am not getting better and no one is listening
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am listening. I understand as the same has happened to me. It is a crime that the workers comp insurance companies along with the employer is able to lie and deceive to get out of their responsibility. Head injuries are not always understood by the court, there needs to be so much more awareness and I am going to advocate for that. I found some relief when I went to a chiropractic neurologist who understands and treats all of the symptoms. I still have symptoms over two years later.
Lucy replied on Permalink
I understand you! :)
What you are suffering from is called Post-concussion syndrome (in particular cognitive fatigue, or mental fatigue in Europe), and after the three year mark based on new research, it is deemed permanent.
You could sue whomever hurt you for damages, pain & suffering, future financial loss. You should also go see a NEUROpsychologist who will actually understand! and then you have medical proof of your condition! I too went on alone and unsupported for years until I self diagnosed and called a neuropsychologist. And am now in the process of suing for damages (work place injury negligence).
Wishing you hope and courage in this time! x
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I suffered a mild TBI in 2015 and am still feeling the effects today. I beg to differ on some of the statements in this article. I am an educated person and knew what could happen to my functioning. I do know that these deficits are caused by the brain injury. Do I feel like I am "losing it?" Yes, very often - I lose words, I say the opposite of what I am thinking (e.g. I say north when I mean south and I swear I said south), my brain shuts down with too much overload.... I know that I used to do things differently pre-mild TBI. I have sought out professional help, going to speech therapy with someone who specializes in brain injuries, going to therapy to deal with the PTSD and learning to accept the new me, and working with others to help me find ways to adapt to these changes. Am I "better?" Not at all. I had to leave my profession (social work) because of the aphasia and stress of the field (I can no longer handle stress of that level). I am still on SSDI because I cannot function well enough to work at a financially sustainable job. Being an "educated consumer" did not help me recover. Knowing what to expect did not make the changes in my functioning any easier to accept.
Mark replied on Permalink
Thank you. I am a police officer trained in crisis and mental health as a specialty. Three months ago I was injured with momentary loss of consciousness. I got better the first three weeks and now am going backwards. I have been educated and even have counseled those in my position. The education and knowledge means nothing when its happening to you. It may make it worse because you believe you can fix what you understand
renee replied on Permalink
Amen, I have the same out come in my life, was in the med.field and could not go back to work -- died at the sceen of a rear end collision guy was driving 55mph hit me in the rear I was waiting for a train, wish I was not recusitated. Feel for you I have alot of the same after effects with rage, seizures, halluciations the same right is my left ect. and forgetting I have to void-pee and my bladder so full that I wiz on myself. I have a relative that got kicked in the head by a horse that has been with me and he has seen some of the weird stuff that I have ; sometimes I think when you have a death experience it lifts the veil and you have vision to see supernatural, demons ,angels ect although I have been told by doctors that I am seeing false visions. I wonder if the searing headaches are fake too!
Inthesameboat replied on Permalink
OMG.... you described my current symptoms to the “T”. I too am/was in the field of social work and am coming to terms with the fact I will never be able to return to my profession. I am stressing over limited financial options. Was qualifying for SSDI difficult? I am leaning towards that route but I have been told mild TBI is not a qualifying disability. Any guidance is much appreciated.
Harry replied on Permalink
Mild TBI can lead to other severe pain and symptoms as a result. So you may go that route if you have other linked impairments.
Minnesota replied on Permalink
Most find a lawyer that specializes in Social security disability cases and do not get paid unless you do.
Join a brain injury support group and many will share how they found their way though the maze
Lucy Louise replied on Permalink
To all suffering and feeling alone with no one understanding! I have a medical term for your permanent disability as a consequence to the mTBI! It is called Post-concussion syndrome (what you suffer from mostly is called cognitive fatigue, or mental fatigue in Europe), and after the three year mark based on new research, it is deemed permanent. This is a disability. You should all sue whomever hurt you for damages, pain & suffering, future financial loss. You should also go see a NEUROpsychologist who will actually understand! and then you have medical proof of your condition! I too went on alone and unsupported for years until I self diagnosed and called a neuropsychologist. And am now in the process of suing for damages (work place injury negligence).
Your condition is invisible, and it's hard when no one understands, but there are specialists who do understand! do not give up :) x
SillyMe replied on Permalink
I was in a car wreck 8 months ago. Hydroplaned going 80mph on some back roads, hit to guardrails and ended up in a ditch. Upon hitting the first guardrail my head hit my driver side window and the airbag (above that window) came down on my neck, pinning my head. I don’t remember hitting the second guardrail or the rest of the wreck. I just remember smelling something burning and thinking i needed to get out of the car ASAP.
Neck and right shoulder hurt immediately and head hurt where I hit the window. I was brought to the ER where They did an X-ray of my neck and right shoulder. Told I was good to go home, as I only had muscle strain.
Fast forward 1 month and I’m experiencing a lot of neck pain and weakness into both arms (R>L). Had an MRI that showed small disc bulging C2-C7. I was sent to PT for evaluation and dry needling.
Over the next 5 months my pain increased in severity and new locations, weakness worsened, headache more often, muscle spasms very noticeable in entire right shoulder.. etc. After going back to the ER (extreme pain and weakness in right arm, numbness •I thought I was having a heart attack•) they did an emergent Cervical MRI and after finding out I didn’t have severe stenosis, but only “mild degenerative changes in cervical spine”, they sent me home immediately. Making me think I’m crazy for coming in with complaints to begin with.
I went to urgent care 4 times over those months with similar complaints (even bringing recent MRI and EMG results in to prove I have something going on) But since my report states Carpel Tunnel ulnar & medial in both arms and C6&7 ridiculopathy both arms (L>R), but my complaints were of my neck and a lot of irritation on my right. They sent me home making me think *again I was crazy for feeling this way.
(Must be noted: I had some labs drawn that showed elevated liver enzymes)
So I finally got in with a neurologist 2 days ago and after his exam he ordered a Brain and Thoracic MRI. As my entire body is weak but Right is significantly worse than left, winged scapula bilaterally (R>L), Hyperreflexia in bilateral C7 aspect, but no reflex’s in biceps or wrists Bilaterally. Also, the recent onset of blurred vision, ringing in ears, and falling into the wall while making a simple turn during the walking exam seemed to play a part in his decision making for testing.
He was the first person that I felt like he understood my complaints and knew I wasn’t making up pain or drug seeking. He mumbled at one point while charting “supposed to be an ‘easy neuro workup’”. So I asked what that meant and he said my case is anything but an easy workup.
He actually mentioned a lot of other things that basically I ‘failed’ for lack of a better word, but w my crappy memory, I’m unable to remember everything.
I would just like some input on why a Brain MRI? Or how serious my case seems, as I am also experiencing depression, moderated anxiety, insomnia. None of which were present before my wreck.
I would also like to state that at this point, after months of being treated like I’m crazy for my complaints by several different Doctors & NPs, a neurologist is the one that made me feel most sane. The irony.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Look for a specialist clinic that specializes in Mild traumatic brain injuries. It is a group of professionals comprised of a speech therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, neurologist / neuropsychologist, therapist + under a specialized medical doctor. We have one such clinic under Dr Sarah Rockswold, HCMC specialist clinic in Minneapolis, MN.
Also, consider joining a brain injury support group.
You are not crazy.
The healthcare profession is so broad and no one person knows everything.
You have found the right doctor yet. They do exist.
Emerson J. Browne replied on Permalink
I don't know that you will see this, but try to find a Physiatrist that specializes in brain injury. A Physiatrist is a Rehab specialist. That is not a misspelling. The best ones are usually in major cities at Trauma One hospitals, but that it not always the case. Sometimes there are gems practicing in more rural areas. It is worth traveling hours to get to a good physiatrist!
Terri replied on Permalink
I was in a bad car accident in 1987 following the death of 3 close family members. All happened within a year. I was hit on the passenger side and my car went out of control, crossed a median, two lanes of traffic and slammed head-on into a brick wall. The cops said I broke the windshield with my head. I had no idea what happened, it was all very fast. I had severe whiplash. I had a knee injury that needed to be stitched and a neck X-ray. I was asked if I lost consciousness to which I answered: "don’t think so."
Very slowly, I began to have feelings of anxiety ( I experienced some brief periods before, like hrs or a day), feelings of claustrophobia, etc. I went through some chiropractic therapy as I could barely move my neck and back and was in pain. Life tried to move on, but things just began to seem different. I felt sad or would cry for no reason. Within a few years, I went through more trauma, surgery, and the death of a young nephew. I began feeling so not myself. I started having vertigo which lasted four months. I was a flight attendant so I could not work. I could barely eat, lost 25 lbs. I returned to work and began having strange feelings of fear for no apparent reason. I didn’t like being alone in a hotel room or venturing out. This was clearly not me. I began having debilitating panic attacks but had no idea what was going on. I just thought I was losing my mind.
Fast forward, I have struggled my whole life since then with panic, anxiety, depression, fear, pain all over, five herniated discs (3neck, 2back) bulging discs and bone spurs and deterioration throughout my spine, memory loss. So many episodes of vertigo, migraines, vestibular migraines. I have been diagnosed with many things and gone to many doctors. I do have an autoimmune thyroid disease which could have resulted from whiplash.
Just 2 yrs ago I found a doctor who is more familiar with brain stuff. She is the first one who made me aware that some of this could be from TBI. It comes on when I am exhausted and used to last for months, even a year. Eventually, my mood will normalize until the next trigger of exhaustion or bad diet or any stress at all. It has gotten better, fewer episodes, not as severe and because I know why it happens it has less of an impact. When I’m in it, it sucks, my brain feels incapable of handling even the simplest things and I get very overwhelmed.
Anyone, let me know your opinion, could this be from a head injury so many years ago? I’ve also had tons of floaters appear in one eye then both eyes and flashing lights on the sides of my eyes, so many weird things, too numerous to mention.
Susan replied on Permalink
Please see an optometrist as floaters and flashers indicate a retina detaching. Happen to me so I’m sure what I’m talking about.
Same replied on Permalink
WOW, this is the same thing I experienced almost a decade after my accident. After conducting more research after getting fed up with my symptoms, I'm realizing that I too likely suffer from a TBI - triggering situations (like lack of sleep, diet etc..) typically cause forgetfulness to the point where I forget where I'm driving at times, slurred speech, sensitivity to alcohol, fogginess, hemiplegic migraines etc.. It's definitely worth exploring more IMO
Matthew replied on Permalink
This sounds exactly like a TBI. I am no specialist but I am at my point of recovery where I read more about how to live with TBi rather than if I can be healed. Good thing about the mental things like anxiety is you can increase your exercise to help. Will be hard with the spine but in the long run it would help that as well.
Matt replied on Permalink
This struck such a chord. My injury happened when I was 15. I think I lost conciousness (I can't be sure as I don't remember the event) but I DO remember some time after sitting in the back of my parents car with a huge bump on my head, a pounding headache and losing my vision and feeling very "detached". I wasn't taken to hospital or even to the doctor. I was just told by my parents to go to bed, and I'd be fine. My vision returned to 90% over the next few hours and the headache went to a constant low level where it has remained ever since (except when I get occasional pounding headaches). But I immediately knew things weren't right. While my motor skills and speech weren't affected, my cognition and memory were utterly - and permanently - changed. Changed in a way that made me - and still makes me - occasioally suicidal. But I never managed to persuade anyone there was something wrong and I needed help. And eventually I gave up trying. The hardest thing has been having to make this journey entirely on my own.
Eric replied on Permalink
I was 11 when I had my 2nd TBI (didn't call them that, then). Was seen at family doctor's office that afternoon. Was not given an x-ray until 4 days later-had fractured my skull for several inches on left side of my head. Spent about two weeks throwing up. Out of school for a long time. No specific treatment or guidance ever provided for TBI. And I later went on to have more head injuries later in life that caused many problems for me-broken bones, broken helmets and a scrambled brain - speech problems, anxiety, sleep disorders, emotional problems, short term memory problems, sensitivity to noise and light, perseveration, rumination, tinnitus, six distinct types of headaches. But no one ever said anything about TBI. I didn't even know what TBI was until a couple of years ago when I randomly stumbled onto a book on the subject and started reading my life's story. That's when I finally asked my physician about all my symptoms and was then diagnosed with post TBI issues and began treatment that was very helpful. Guess the message is that TBI is ignored far too often by health care - but also that it is not too late to seek help.
BP replied on Permalink
I knew I was not alone, that there were lots of people out there who like YOU and Me, understand what you and I've been through.
I was hit on the driver side of the car in an auto accident. That was January 20, 2004. The auto accident caused the blow and jolt to my head that caused my concussion. I did not know till September 2018 (I lost consciousness too). Until this day I do not remember the auto accident.
I now know thanks to brainline.org it’s called Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), that caused my Epilepsy Seizures, PTSD, Fracture to My skull, Compression Fracture to my Neck C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 T7, L1, L2 L3, L4, L5 Left, Right Hip, Left, Right Shoulder, Left and Right Hand, Left and Right Legs, Sciatic Nerve, Numbness in My left foot and 28 side effects of Steroid Injections. So now I take 40 kinds of medications because of that auto accident while I was on the Job.
I know there are days you just want to give up, but don’t. There are a lot of us.
I was very lucky a judge stepped in. He got me help with my nervousness, anxiety, emotion’s, mood, headache that will not go away, loss of balance, unsteady walking. This is just the start -- the worst is major depression that kicks in my PTSD.
Have your primary doctor call a Clinical Psychology. Don’t wait till you get to the point where you’re going to hurt some people like I was (that’s why the judge stepped in). Trust me I was in prison for that. That is why I understand. I will pray for both of us now.
Please get help it pays off. I would not be writing you if it did not.
Let me know if this helps, because you’re not alone.
Watch these videos:
https://www.brainline.org/video/what-happens-brain-car-crash https://www.cdc.gov/features/epilepsy-tbis/index.html
Anonymous replied on Permalink
In all their medical glory, what have doctors ever cured? They can TREAT common colds, cancer, high blood pressure, but what have they cured? Some doctors are good OTHER NOT! They do NOT understand... difficult to understand. BUT for doctor to discard TBI and call it brush off to psychiatric issues, because not understood or easy to treat sucks... and what can a person do with TBI, if doctor will not help or understand??
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was in a car accident four days ago and declined treatment at the time. I've had a low grade headache ever since. After reading these articles on concussions and TBI, I think I'm going to the hospital to get checked out.
Cat replied on Permalink
Thank you so much for this article. Too often mTBIs are dismissed by medical professionals and therefore the injured are not getting the care they need from the onset or down the road. Once again, brainline.org proves itself to be one of the most helpful resources out there for all those on the spectrum of TBIs.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have never looked upon my condition as being a brain injury before, but the more I read here, the more I see that is what it is! I did not think of the long term effects of the abuse I suffered or of any sinster repucussions of it all, I just got on with things and thought, 'thank god that's healed up now'. Until next time! All the while feeling too ashamed and embarrassed to do anything about it and being stupid enough to wait for 'the next time'. The more I think about it, the more I realise I have no one to blame but myself, it's like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Nancy M replied on Permalink
Please don't blame yourself. Women is abusive relationships suffer from PTSD which can make it harder to get out. If you have not gotten out, please call a women's shelter or a battered women's hotline for help creating an exit plan. Please see doctors for evaluation and treatment. You can then use these medical records in a lawsuit for tort damages. You deserve a better life, a calm happy life.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
This is all very interesting. I suffered a contrecoup concussion with no loc 9 years ago, and the doctor told me I would be fine...But afterwards I had headaches, and slept a lot, I broke up with my boyfriend and isolated myself, made poor choices, had a weird feeling in my body that I could taste iron - all the time, found it difficult to focus at work - and things that were easy became more labored....To this day I still have a generalized headache to the front of my head and I have more anxiety mounting on me daily and have difficulty in social situations...
Leroy replied on Permalink
I learned after the head-on collision my wife and I both experienced, local hospitals are fine for triage. Unless your brains are spilling out however, they will do what they can with stitches, splints and pain pills and send you home as if it was just a visit for a cold. Tell your doctor about how your brain is not working right and stick with it, even though you don't have the self confidence you had before the accident.
Our accident was 14 years ago and I have continued to push my ability to concentrate. I was 66 at the time and we got the impression they, the medical people in general, figured: "Oh well, They are old. It doesn't matter much." As my mental ability has improved, my age has cost me cognitive ability so it is hard to say how far back I have come. Don't quit. No one can fix you as much as you can by keeping an attitude of gratitude for what you do have and enjoying each day. We are still alive.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
BP replied on Permalink
Starting January 20 2004 till Now
Due to the Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)
I Live with these problems
1st. Epilepsy / Seizures are due to Traumatic Brain Injury or (TBI): Are a Central Nervous System (Neurological) Disorder in which Brain activity becomes Abnormal, Causing Seizures or periods of Unusual Behavior, Sensations, and sometimes Loss of Awareness, Because Seizures / Epilepsy is caused by Abnormal Activity in the brain, Seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates. Symptoms vary depending on the type of seizure. In most cases, a person with epilepsy will tend to have the same type of Seizure each time, so the symptoms will be similar from Episode to Episode. These are the type of Seizures / Epilepsy I have Focal Seizures with impaired awareness. Once called complex partial Seizures, these Seizures involve a change or loss of Consciousness or Awareness ( I Black Out when I have Seizures due to the Auto Accident on 1 20 2004 it caused a Head Trauma. As you know a Head trauma is a result of a Car Accident or other Traumatic Injury you know can cause Seizures / Epilepsy.( I do take Medications and I Fractured C2-C7). FDA Requires Label Changes to warn of rare but Serious Neurologic Problems after Epidural Corticosteroid Injections for pain 04 23 2014.
( A ) Concussion: Due to the MVA,( Auto Accident) Caused a Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI. Was caused by the Shacking, Bump, Blow, Jolt and Fracture to My Skull. When My Head and Brain to Move Rapidly Back and Forth, Side to Side. This sudden Movement caused My Brain to Bounce around and Twist in the Skull of My Head, creating a Chemical Changes in My Brain and Stretching and Damaging My Brain Cells. The signs and Symptoms of a Concussion can be Difficult to sort out. Early on, problems may be Missed by the Person ( Like Me) with the Concussion, Family Members, Friends, Attorneys or Doctors. Like MY Family Members, Friends, Attorneys or Doctors from 2004 till 2013. People can Look Fine even though they are Acting or Feeling Differently. ( Like I Was and I Fractured C2-C7)
( B ) What is a Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI, is when the Head and Brain Move Rapidly Back and Forth, Side to Side that causes Shacking, Bump, Blow, Jolt, Fracture to the Skull.
( C ) When the Head Impacts with either the Wind Shield, Steering Wheel, Air Bag, Window, Headrest and Repeats the Immediate, Rapid and Violent Reversal of Motion or Otherwise Stops its Forward Motion and begins its Immediate Rapid, Violent Reversal of Motion
( D ) When the Brain Violently Impacts against the Inner Surface of the Skull and Brain.
( E ) When the sudden movement causes the Brain to Bounce around or Twist in the Skull.
( F ) These Serious Neurologic events have been reported with and without the use of fluoroscopy. The effectiveness and safety of Epidural administration of Corticosteroids have not been Established, and FDA has not Approved Corticosteroids for this use. Discuss with patients the benefits and Risks of Epidural Corticosteroid Injections and other possible treatments. Counsel Patients to seek Emergency Medical Attention Immediately if they experience symptoms after receiving an Epidural Corticosteroid Injection, such as loss of Vision or Vision changes; Tingling in their Arms or Legs; sudden Weakness or Numbness in their Face, Arm, or Leg on one or Both sides of the Body; Dizziness; Severe Headache, Seizures.
2nd. Chronic Pain: Caused by the Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). Throughout the world, 1 in 5 people suffer from Moderate to Severe Chronic Pain. Chronic Pain can have a significant negative impact on those afflicted, with effects including Sleeplessness, Decreased Activity, and Mood Changes such as Depression. Though the magnitude of the problem is clear, many people are unfamiliar with the Underlying Drivers of Chronic Pain. Research has shown that several biochemical mediators, including prostaglandins, cytokines (TNFα, IL-1ß, IL-6), Chemokines (CCL2, CXCL1, CXCL5), growth factors (NGF, BDNF), and Neuropeptides (substance P, CGRP) play a key role in the pain pathway and in making chronic pain chronic. (I Fractured C2-C7 Middle of my Back L2 - S1)
( A ) Site of Pain: When Injury or inèammation occurs, cells at the site of Pain release a variety of biochemical mediators.
( B ) Biochemical Mediators: These mediators, such as prostaglandins, cytokines (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6), chemokines (CCL2,
CXCL1, CXCL5), and growth factors (NGF, BDNF), bind to and activate sensory nerves in the periphery.
( C ) PAIN SIGNAL TRANSMISSION: Signals are transmitted from the peripheral nervous system (PNS) to the central nervous system (CNS)
( D ) ACUTE VS CHRONIC: When pain is acute, signaling typically stops once the cause of pain is resolved. When pain is chronic, signaling persists over time and can lead to biochemical changes in the nervous system.
( F ) INCREASED MEDIATOR ACTIVITY: In response to injury or inèammation, levels of biochemical mediators, including prostaglandins, cytokines, and NGF, increase in the periphery.
( G ) PERIPHERAL SENSITIZATION: Increases in the levels of mediators cause a persistent increase in the number of pain signals transmitted through the PNS, a state known as peripheral sensitization.
( H ) CENTRAL SENSITIZATION: Peripheral sensitization may lead to central sensitization, which can exacerbate chronic pain.
In central sensitization, the chemistry of sensory neurons in the CNS is altered, changing how pain signals are processed. As a result, the CNS remains in a persistent state of high reactivity, resulting in a heightened perception of pain.1 to 10
3rd. Anxiety Disorder. Caused by the Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). Adrenaline Which causes Anxiety Symptoms will Burn Up in Your Body Within 3-10 Minutes if You don’t Make things Worse, Your behavior make Anxiety worse.. Breathe and think of Positive Thoughts. The key is to remind Yourself and Let Yourself Feel the Anxiety then view it as a Meaningless Sensation that will Pass and It will. WITHOUT QUITTING Your Activity. Doctor Karen Carlquist-Hernandez ED.D. Lic Psychologists who treated Me for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
( A ) Traumatic Event: Re-experiencing a Bad Auto Accident Can trigger avoidance symptoms. These symptoms may cause to change personal routine. To avoid driving or riding in a car. Feeling emotionally numb, Feeling strong guilt, felling Depressed, worrying, Losing interest in activities that where enjoyable in the past, Having trouble remembering the dangerous event. I don’t even remember what happen being hit or being in the Auto Accident on Jan 20 2004. it can cause problems in my everyday routine. Starting with my own thoughts and feelings. Words, objects, or situations that reminds me of the event, can also trigger re-experiencing. I Suffer From Flashbacks—reliving the Trauma Over and Over, including Physical Symptoms like having a racing heart, sweating, Bad dreams, Frightening thoughts.
4th. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD is an Anxiety Disorder that some people get after seeing or living through a Dangerous Event (Like the Traumatic Trauma that I had on January 20 2004 on the Day of My MVA ( Auto Accident). when threes danger, it’s natural to feel Afraid. This fear Triggers many Split-Second Changes in the Body to Prepare to Defend against the Danger or to avoid it. This “Flight-or-Flight” response is a healthy reaction meant to Protect a Person from Harm. But in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD), this reaction is Changed or Damaged. People who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD) may feel Stressed or Frightened even when they’re No Longer in Danger.
( A ) Hyperarousal Symptoms: That are triggered by things that remind of that traumatic event. It can make me feel very Stressed and Angry. The Sometime it make it’s so hard to do daily tasks, such as Sleeping, Eating, Concentrating, Very easily startled, Feeling tense or “on edge”, I have difficulty with Angry Outbursts. Stress Trauma: How Stress and Trauma Cause Chronic Pain, , Depression,
5th. Sciatica / Nerve: This Nerve is the longest one in your Body and it starts in your Lower Back and Runs through your Hips, Buttocks, Legs, and Feet. Its most common sign is radiating pain from the lower back into one or both legs. Suffering from sciatica may feel a varying spectrum of pain from a dull ache to an intense sharp pain. It may also be accompanied by tingling, numbness, and weakness in the legs and feet. Many people find it difficult to work even if they are employed in a sedentary desk job. In fact, sciatica pain is often aggravated by sitting more than with standing, lifting, and walking around. Serious Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve sciatica include Severe Pain or weakness and loss of bladder or bowel function. If you suffer these conditions, it is more likely you will require surgery.
6th. Impaired Immune System: When the Body's Natural Defense Systems Against Infections does Not Work Properly. A Impaired Immune System cannot Effectively Protect a Person against Infection. Some conditions in which the Body Mistakenly Identifies its Own Tissues as harmful (Autoimmune Disorders). . I take Medications
( A ) Impaired Immune System function can Occur with some Medicines such as Corticosteroids or those taken to Suppress the Immune System after an organ transplant. I take Medications Cushing Syndrome: Occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of the Hormone Cortisol for a long time. Cushing syndrome, sometimes called hypercortisolism, may be caused by the use of oral Corticosteroid Medication. The condition can also occur when your body makes too much Cortisol on its own. Too much Cortisol can produce some of the hallmark signs of Cushing syndrome — a fatty hump between your shoulders, a rounded face, and pink or purple stretch marks on your skin Cushing syndrome refers to the signs and symptoms associated with excess Cortisol in the body, Other common signs and symptoms include severe fatigue, weak muscles, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, increased thirst and urination, irritability, anxiety, or depression.
( B ) Immune Response: Results in inhibition of innate and acquired immunity and affect T cells, B cells, Phagocytes and Cytokines. This makes them effective in controlling a wide range of Inflammatory Diseases but also leads to adverse events. Increased Susceptibility to Internal Infections, especially when High Doses are prescribed (e.g. tuberculosis).
7th. Autoimmune Disorders: Our Bodies have an Immune System, which is a complex network of special cells and organs that Defends the Body from Germs and other Foreign Invaders. At the Core of the Immune System is the Ability of the Immune System to tell the Difference between Self (Normal Cells) and Nonself (Germ or Foreign Invader). A flaw in Your Immune System can Make the Body unable to Tell the Difference between Self (Normal Cells) and Nonself (Germ orForeign Invader). When this happens, the Body Makes Autoantibodies (AW-toh-AN-teye-bah-deez) that Attack Your Normal Cells by Mistake. At the same time Special Cells called Regulatory T cells fails to do their Job of Keeping the Immune System in Line. The result is a Misguided Attack on Your Own Body. This causes the Damage we know as Autoimmune Disease. The Body Parts that are Affected depend on the Type of Autoimmune Disease. There are more than 80 known Types. . I take Blood Pressure Medications.
8th. Autoimmune Disease: One of the Autoimmune Diseases can be Symptom like “Flare Ups” which means that the Symptoms come and go. A Flare-Up is a return of symptoms after a period of remission. Flare Ups can vary from Severe to Mild. Some Diseases can be treated with Medication which will Reduce the Severity of the Symptoms, although generally Symptoms will come and go there is No Cure for Autoimmune Diseases but they can be managed and generally Women lead full active lives. (In My Case I have Flare-Ups of Hot and Cold Flashes, which a Dr. explained I had what they call Male Menopause because the Steroid Injections Mistakenly stopped My Immune System from Protecting Me against Infections, Germs and Foreign Invader, which means My Immune System was not Working Properly) I take Medications
9th. Vascular Disease: Steroid use causes Heart Disease (Ischaemic, Angina, Myocardial Infarction, Atrial Arrhythmias) and becomes evident due to High Increases in Total Cholesterol Levels causing a build up of Cholesterol on the walls of the Blood Vessels which can also lead to Strokes. Also shown is a decrease in the levels of the good cholesterol (HDL) and increase in the bad cholesterol (LDL). I Medications .
10th. Blood Pressure: Known to increase and Blood Clots in Blood Vessels disrupting the Blood Flow causing damage to the Heart muscle leading to Heart Attacks. If you are being treated for High Blood Pressure, keep using Lisinopril even if you feel well. High Blood Pressure often has no Symptoms. You may need to use Blood Pressure Medication for the Rest of Your Life. I take Medications.
11th. Rheumatoid Arthritis: (RA) is an Autoimmune Disease that causes Chronic Inflammation of the Joints. While Inflammation of the Tissue around the Joints and Inflammatory Arthritis are characteristic features of Rheumatoid Arthritis, the Disease can also cause Inflammation and Injury in other Organs in the Body. Autoimmune Diseases are Illnesses that Occur when the Body's Tissues are Mistakenly Attacked by their Own Immune System. The Immune System contains a Complex Organization of Cells and Antibodies Designed Normally to "Seek and Destroy" Invaders of the Body, Particularly Infections. Patients with Autoimmune Diseases have Antibodies in their Blood that Target their Own Body Tissues, where they can be associated with Inflammation. Because it can affect Multiple other Organs of the Body, Rheumatoid Arthritis is referred to as a Systemic Illness and is sometimes called Rheumatoid Disease While Rheumatoid Arthritis is a Chronic Illness, meaning it can Last for Years, patients may Experience Long Periods without Symptoms. However Rheumatoid Arthritis is Typically a Progressive Illness that has the Potential to cause Joint Destruction and Functional Disability. I take Medications
12th. Localized Increase in Pain: It can get very Severe where the pain is not controlled by over-the-counter pain medication or other measures I used in the past. I take Medications
13th. Nerve damage: While extremely rare, Nerve Damage can occur from Direct ( A ) Neck
( b.) Upper Back
( c ) Middle Back
( d ) Lower Back
( e ) Right Leg
( f ) Left Leg
( g ) Left foot
( h ) Right Hand
( i ) Left Hand.
14th. Headache (also called a Spinal Headache): A Painful Headache that feels sometimes not always even if you’re setting, standing, lying down, and a lot of Left Eye pain when Headache kicks in. I take Medications
15th. Muscle Weakness: (Myopathy) often affects Shoulders and Thighs, Thinning of the Joint Cartilage, Weakening of the Ligaments of the Joint, Increased Inflammation in the joint (Arthritis) due to a reaction to a Corticosteroid that has Crystallized, and introduction of Infection into the Joint. Uncle Arthritis all over.
16th. Losing Functions: Have a big problem that started around 2004 – 2005 with Losing Functions in these Body Parts. Right Leg, Left Leg, Right Hand, Left Hand.
17th. Osteoporosis & Osteopenia: Thinning of Your Bones, with an Increase in Fracture Risk, can be a result of Steroid Therapy. Check out MRI’s, Cat Scans and Ck DXA Bone Densitometry and Morphomerty Report. I take a lot of Medications
( A ) Osteopenia: Because of the Long-term Injections of Cortisone. The Long-term high-dose Glucocorticosteroid treatment may causing profound marginal periodontal bone loss due to the Immunosuppressive / Antiinflammatory effects and due to the osteoporotic side-effects. This study comprised an analysis of the loss of the mandibular and forearm bone mineral content (BMC), measured in vivo by dual-photon scanner, in relation to the concomitant changes of the periodontal indices (visible plaque, gingival bleeding, loss of attachment) in 17 acute nephrotic dentate patients undergoing intensive steroid treatment for 12 months. The measurements were performed at start of treatment, when all patients were considered healthy as regards the skeleton, and at the 6-month and 12-month follow-up. The mean BMC loss at the standard sites of the mandible and the forearm bones was 5.6%/year at both sites. No significant changes could be demonstrated in the periodontal indices (P greater than 0.10), and no relation was found between the mandibular BMC loss and the periodontal condition (R = 0.06, P greater than 0.10). In conclusion, profound marginal periodontal bone loss does not seem to be a prominent side-effect of long-term Glucocorticosteroid treatment, although the degree of induced Osteopenia in the mandible corresponds to that in other cortical bones of the skeleton.
18th. Severe Arthritis: Of the Hips (Avascular Necrosis) Avascular Necrosis of Bone, usually associated with High Doses of Steroids over Long Periods of Time, produces the Death of Parts of Bone. This can occur in a number of Bones, but the Bone at the Hip Joint is the most common. Hip Pain and an Abnormal MRI Scan. Caught early, the Joints can be saved by "Decompression" by an Orthopedic Surgeon. Once Fully Developed, Avascular Necrosis is Painful and often Requires Surgical Joint Replacement for Pain Relief. I have Joint pain in my whole Body, Upper Back Pain, Middle of Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Tail Bone Pain, Right and Left Hip pain, Neck Pain, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder that I take Medications for.
19th. Vision Problems: Long term use of Steroids can Actually Damage the Eyes, resulting in Eye Infections, I Had Cataracts in Left and Right Eye. And I still have fogey day seeing
20th. Stomach Problems: Normal signs of problems to the Stomach from Steroid use include feelings of being bloated, Stomach Ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis a feeling of being Nauseous leading to bouts of Vomiting with blood sometimes being evident in the vomit caused by irritation to the Stomach lining and increased Stomach Acids with a lower level of Stomach Mucus. I take Medications Because when I start leading to bouts of Vomiting. I Vomit Muskiest for 5 min to 1hr. Not food like others.
21st. Transient Decrease in Immunity: Because of the Suppressive Effect of the Steroid.
22nd. Rapid Weight Gain: Steroids affect Your Metabolism and how your Body Deposits Fat. This can Increase your Appetite, leading to Weight Gain, and in particular lead to Extra Deposits of Fat in Your Abdomen.
23rd. Gynecomastia: Word for Man-Boobs, is another Not-So-Good Side Effect of abuse that comes from the Improper Balance of Testosterone. When the body converts the Additional Testosterone into Estrogen and other Female Hormones in the Male Body, Female Breast Tissue is sometimes formed. Often, Surgery with a Painful Recovery time is the only Method of removing the Female Tissue Build-Up. Basically, the Surgeon Enlarges the Area to be Liposuctioned with a Large amount of Sterile Fluid then employs Ultrasonic Liposuction using Sound Waves to break up the Fat.
24th. Severe case of Acne: One common side effect from Steroids is the onset of Acne or in cases of Adolescents where Acne is already present; a much more Severe Case can Present itself. The Scientific Explanation is quite colorful, Steroids Enlarge the Sebaceous Glands in the skin. Steroids cause these Glands to Increase Sebum (Oil) Production. The Increased Sebum Leads to Plug Formation and serves as "Food" for Bacteria. .I suffer from a Severe Case of Acne that I take Medications.
25th. Shakiness and Tremor: . Is an involuntary, rhythmic muscle contraction leading to shaking movements in one or more parts of the body. It is a common movement disorder that most often affects the hands but can also occur in the arms, head, vocal cords, torso, and legs. Tremor may be intermittent (occurring at separate times, with breaks) or constant. It can occur sporadically (on its own) or happen as a result of another disorder. Tremors is not life threatening. However, it can be embarrassing and even disabling, making it difficult or even impossible to perform work and daily life tasks. A Drug-induced tremor is a simple nervous system and muscle response to certain medicines. Drugs that can cause tremor Is more likely on Higher Doses
26th. Fluid balance: The cation Potassium plays a critical role in many metabolic cell functions; 98% of potassium in the body is found in intracellular fluid compartments, leaving 2% in extracellular fluid spaces. This balance is regulated by the sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) pump, an active transport mechanism that moves ions across the cell membrane against a concentration gradient.1–5 An imbalance of Potassium can have significant effects on nerve impulse transmission, skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction, and acid-base balances. Certain diseases, injuries, and specific medications have the potential to affect potassium homeostasis. As a result, small alterations in serum potassium levels can lead to detrimental effects within the body. Potassium loss may occur, causing General Weakness.
27th. Psychological Adverse Effects of Corticosteroids: Psychiatric adverse effects during systemic corticosteroid therapy are common. Two large meta-analyses found that severe reactions occurred in nearly 6% of patients, and mild to moderate reactions occurred in about 28%. Although disturbances of mood, cognition, sleep, and behavior as well as frank delirium or even psychosis are possible, the most common adverse effects of short-term corticosteroid therapy are euphoria and hypomania. Conversely, long-term therapy tends to induce depressive symptoms. Dosage is directly related to the incidence of adverse effects but is not related to the timing, severity, or duration of these effects. Neither the presence nor the absence of previous reactions predicts adverse responses to subsequent courses of corticosteroids. Corticosteroid-induced symptoms frequently present early in a treatment cycle and typically resolve with dosage reduction or discontinuation of corticosteroids. In severe cases or situations in which the dose cannot be reduced, antipsychotics or mood stabilizers may be required. This review offers an approach to identifying and managing corticosteroid-induced psychiatric syndromes based on the type of symptoms and anticipated duration of corticosteroid treatment., Increased or Decreased Energy, Irritability, Agitation, Euphoria or Depression. These changes in appearance and Mood are often more Apparent with High Doses of Steroids, and May Begin Within Days.
28th. Facial Flushing: Patients may experience flushing sensation and redness of their face. This reaction is more common in women and is seen in up to 15 percent of patients who receive a cortisone shot. This can begin within a few hours of the injection and may last for a few days. Many doctors are unaware of how common this reaction is, and some may not appreciate how this can be upsetting to patients. The good news is that these symptoms do spontaneously resolve, but it may make patients think twice before having another shot.
29th. Sleeplessness: Steroids may impair your ability to fall asleep. I take Medications
30th. Restless Legs Syndrome: RLS, is a common nerve condition where you have unpleasant creeping, tugging, or pulling feelings in your legs. You might also have an overwhelming urge to move your legs. The symptoms are usually worse at night or when you're resting. There are no cures for primary restless legs syndrome, or RLS, although various treatments often can help relieve symptoms. Treatment for secondary restless legs syndrome (RLS caused by another medical problem) involves treating the underlying cause. I take Medications
31st. Low Testosterone Levels, Testosterone is a male steroid hormone that does a lot more for men than just promote a healthy sex drive. The hormone affects several other factors in your health, including body fat, muscle mass, bone density, red blood cell count, and mood. Normal testosterone levels are between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL. If a blood test shows that your levels are far below the norm, your doctor may suggest testosterone injections. These are a form treatment called testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone injections are most often given by your doctor. The injection site is typically in the gluteal muscles in the buttocks. However, your doctor may allow you to self-administer the injections. In that case, the injection site would be in your thigh muscles. My Internal medicine - Endocrinology Doctor has me taking TNF Medication Depo - Testoster 100 MG 1 shot every two weeks: ML Medications.
32nd. Enlarged Prostate due to Serious Side Effects of Cortisone. Steroids has been demonstrated to have profound effects on the human Prostate Gland, including an increase in prostatic volume, reduction in urine flow rate and an alteration in voiding patterns. These findings warrant further investigation. The most common difficulty I have is emptying my Bladder. And the Urinary symptoms become Painful enough that. My Doctor required treatment for me. I have If you are troubled by urination problems. That I take Medications
33rd. Skin Rash: Rash: Breaking out (eruption) of the skin. A rash can be caused by an underlying medical condition, hormonal cycles, allergies, or contact with irritating substances. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the rash. Medically, a rash is referred to as an exanthem.
34th. Itching An uncomfortable sensation in the skin that feels as if something is crawling on the skin and makes the person want to scratch the affected area. Itching is medically known as pruritis; something that is itchy is pruritic. (It Cause me to scratch my legs and head all the time.)
35th. Decreased Energy. Side Effects of CorticoSteroids Physical fatigue, or muscle fatigue, is the temporary physical inability of muscles to perform optimally. The onset of muscle fatigue during physical activity is gradual, and depends upon an individual's level of physical fitness – other factors include sleep deprivation and overall health.
36th. Irritability: Cortisone belongs to a broad class of medications known as corticosteroids. These medications and other steroids have been found to cause a variety of mood changes in some individuals. While these mood changes are usually minor, sometimes they can be quite serious. Typically mood-related side effects include irritability, anxiety, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating. In some rare cases, however, more serious effects have been reported including paranoia, delusions, or depression. The risk and severity of any mood changes depends on the dosage of cortisone administered.
37th. Insomnia: Is one of the most common side effects Steroids, such as cortisone can have a strong effect on the adrenal glands, responsible for regulating the body’s level of adrenaline. Too much adrenaline can cause sleeplessness and restlessness, a common cause of insomnia for many individuals on corticosteroids.
38th. Leukocytosis: White Blood Cell Count (Leukocytosis) is usually defined as 11,000 or more Per Microliter of Blood). Leukocytosis is usually the result of the Body's Response to Infection or Inflammation. In some Cases, though, it may have more Serious Causes, including Leukemia. To understand Leukocytosis, it helps to understand more about White Blood Cells and what they do, that can cause High White Blood Count (Leukocytes). White Blood Cells: the Leukocytes are part of the Immune System. Their main job is to Fight Infection. Most are produced in the Bone Marrow. They travel through the Bloodstream, Patrolling for Bacteria, Viruses and other Harmful Organisms. A Complete Blood Count includes a count of each type of White Blood Cell. There are five basic types of White Blood Cells: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes and Monocytes. Each has a different way of Defending the Body against Infection. Some make Antibodies, some Surround and Consume Germs and others are involved in Wound Healing. Normally only a small percentage of White Blood Cells circulate through the Blood. Most stay in the Bone Marrow. When Germs get into the Body, the White Blood Cells Pour Out of the Bone Marrow and Rush to the Site of Infection or Injury. This causes a Spike in the White Blood Cell Count.
39th. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ( GERD): GERD is a chronic condition. Once it begins, it usually is life-long. If there is injury to the lining of the esophagus (esophagitis), this also is a chronic condition. Moreover, after the esophagus has healed with treatment and treatment is stopped, the injury will return in most patients within a few months. Once treatment for GERD is begun it will need to be Continued. Other symptoms that can occur as a result of GERD include:
1st. Nausea
3rd. Acid-induced Erosions of the Teeth
4th. Chronic Cough
5th. Hoarseness
6th. Laryngitis
7th. Ear pain.
40th.Teeth: Side-effects of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and ( GERD) And Osteopenia.
A. Acid-induced Erosions of the Teeth can wear away the enamel on the inside surfaces of your teeth, as well as the chewing surfaces. Your dentist may notice this during an exam. Unfortunately, tooth erosion is permanent. If your enamel has started to wear away, you may: Feel pain or sensitivity when consuming hot, cold or sweet drinks Notice a yellowish discoloration of the teeth Find that your fillings have changed Face greater risks for cavities over time Develop an abscess, in extreme cases Experience tooth loss, also in extreme cases Once erosion occurs, you may need fillings, crowns, a root canal or even tooth removal. Veneers may be an option to restore the look of your smile.,
B. Osteopenia Erosions or Bone Loss due to Long-term Injections of Cortisone. The Long-term high-dose Glucocorticosteroid treatment may causing profound marginal periodontal bone loss due to the Immunosuppressive / Antiinflammatory effects and due to the Osteoporotic Side-Effects. This study comprised an analysis of the loss of the mandibular and forearm bone mineral content (BMC), measured in vivo by dual-photon scanner, in relation to the concomitant changes of the periodontal indices (visible plaque, gingival bleeding, loss of attachment) in 17 acute nephrotic dentate patients undergoing intensive steroid treatment for 12 months. The measurements were performed at start of treatment, when all patients were considered healthy as regards the skeleton, and at the 6-month and 12-month follow-up. The mean BMC loss at the standard sites of the mandible and the forearm bones was 5.6%/year at both sites. No significant changes could be demonstrated in the periodontal indices (P greater than 0.10), and no relation was found between the mandibular BMC loss and the periodontal condition (R = 0.06, P greater than 0.10). In conclusion, profound marginal periodontal bone loss does not seem to be a prominent side-effect of long-term Glucocorticosteroid treatment, although the degree of induced Osteopenia in the mandible corresponds to that in other cortical bones of the skeleton.
41st. Whiplash: Whiplash occurs; when the car is struck and the Head and Neck are thrown in a Violent Backwards Motion and begins its Forward Violent Motion and Whipped Backwards and Side to Side. This sudden, Violent Movement causes Strain on the Muscles and Tendons in the Neck you'll most likely immediately feel the force of the Impact on your Back. The Pain will then move to the Back of the Neck. The general event wherein Whiplash starts to take place can happen in an Instant, but the Effects of Whiplash can last for Days, Weeks, Months, and Years. There are even some cases wherein Whiplash Patients can Feel the Effects for Years. The Severity and Longevity of these Effects Heavily depend on the Harshness of the Car Accident. However, most of the Full Symptoms will take place about 12-hours after the Car Accident. (I Fractured C2-C7)
42nd. Neck Pain: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
43rd. Upper Back Pain: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
44th. Middle Back: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
45th. Lower Back: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
46th. Left Hip: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
47th. Right Hip: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
48th. Tailbone pain: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
49th. Joint pain in whole Body: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
50th. Left shoulder: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
51st. Right Shoulder: Traumatic Trauma on the Day of My MVA,( Auto Accident). January 20 2004
52nd. Right Eye: Side Effects Long-term high-dose Cortisone and Epidural Steroid Injections treatment
53rd. Left Eye: Side Effects Long-term high-dose Cortisone and Epidural Steroid Injections treatment
54th. Loss of over 2 inches in height: Side Effects Long-term high-dose Cortisone and Epidural Steroid Injections treatment
55th. Low Potassium in bloodstream: Side Effects Long-term high-dose Cortisone and Epidural Steroid Injections treatment
56th. Cholesterol level Disorders: Side Effects Long-term high-dose Cortisone and Epidural Steroid Injections treatment
57th. Depression: Side Effects Long-term high-dose Cortisone and Epidural Steroid Injections treatment
I did not get help Till I found a Doctor who was not taking NO for a answer, that’s why I recommend You have your Doctor send You to Doctors like this 1st. Ophthalmologist 2nd. Neurologist To also deal with Head Injury and Nerve Damage, I received from The Industrial Injury.” 3rd. Urologist 4th. Lic Psychologists ED.D 5th. Dentistry 6th. Internal Medicine, 7th. Internal Medicine-Geriatrics 8th. Spinal Cord Injury Orthopedic Doctor 9th. Shoulder, Osteoarthritis (Hand and Wrist) Joint Pain/Swelling, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Bone Fracture, Orthopedic Doctor 10th. Orthopedist Surgeon 11th. Endocrinologists / Metabolic Bone Specialist, 12th. Gynecologist 13th. Internist–Doctor for Internal Medicine – Rheumatology to deal with Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD I have due to The Industrial Injury.” 14th. Endocrinologists / Metabolic Bone Specialist 15th. Oral Surgeon Don’t find out the hard way like Me.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Wow, so sorry. Thank you for the informative article.
I had developed among other things, lower extremity focal spasticity. Sent back to work after my mtbi. Within several weeks excruciating back pain and muscles in hips and thighs tightened up. My job called for much walking, then my lower limbs became contracted. I still needed to work and now have osteoarthritis. I feel as a result of muscles tightening and freezing hip joints.
I have no where to go for help.
My RAfactor was 21.7 and all the Drs say my white matter on cerebrum after mtbi is a sign of MS, not brain injury.
Although all of this started after I was hit on head with a 6# pan and had whiplash at same time.
I have bulging discs in neck. Two weeks ago the spine Dr I went to said. It's a sign of MS. Everyone has bulging discs in neck.
So disgusted.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
It's called "practicing medicine" for a reason. You know your own body and your own medical - health history. Regardless of the label they want to put on it and not attribute it to mTbi it is important to address symptoms with proper treatment. No one says you have to stay with the doctor you disagree with. But is the question, regardless of the label, does this doctor have the answer regarding the symptoms and the proper treatment?
Trust yourself. Know your truth because it's your body.
Find a local tbi support group.
An empowering trusted therapist / counselor is a Godsend to help guide and navigate the healthcare maze.
Jim OBrien replied on Permalink
Have trauma in both legs and knee caps and also in my upper and lower lumbars, please help me will you my Lord, I need help ,I was in a car accident, left knee cap was under the dash and my right lumbar was under the front seat, will yo uhelp me with your miraculous powers, please help me hard for me to walk or even set for long perios of time, thanks my Lord