Brain Injury: When to Go to the Hospital

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This is THE article on the internet that convinced my very stubborn husband to go to the emergency room.  He fell on the ice, suffering a concussion with the associated amnesia.  He refused to go to the ER for a CT scan for over 24 hours, until I showed him this article.  Fortunately, he did not have a brain bleed, which is the reassurance I so desperately needed.  Thank you!

Wow this helped alot. My 8 year old daughter was playing basketball and fell on the cement and this info helped me perfectly!!! :)
Thank you for your helpful information on head injuries, my mother fell hitting her head full on the concrete floor. We were not so sure if she should go to the hospital or not, looking it up on the web we found this website, which answered all of our questions right away! We now all know that the best thing to do is get information from some one who works at a hospital, so my mom called a nurse for her opinion; the nurse told my mom that it is not as bad as she thinks. -thanks again!

I fell and hit the back of my head on a wooden floor and was dazed but not knocked out. It happened 18 hours ago. I iced the knot, and am resting and taking Advil for the pain. I am still somewhat dizzy, but only vomitted once last night. Do I still need to get a C T Scan?

Anita, Did you get the CT scan? Similar situation happened to me. Deciding if I should go.

I was walking up the ramp of a Uhaul truck and hit the iron latch on the door. I didn’t pass out but I saw stars and was disoriented for a bit. Now I have a soft, painful lump about 1 1/2” x 1” that is very painful and is giving me a headache off and on. Should I be concerned?
