Can Facebook Be a Social Life Preserver for People with Brain Injury?

Can Facebook Be a Social Life Preserver for People with Brain Injury?

A brief summary of current research.

Familiarity and Prevalence of Facebook Use for Social Networking Among Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury

Tsaousides, T, Matsuzawa, Y, & Lebowitz, M. Brain Injury, 25(12), pp 1155-1162.

In an online survey of 96 individuals with traumatic brain injury, researchers found that more than half were regular users of Facebook. Among those who didn’t use the social networking site, half reported interest in learning to use Facebook. The study could have important implications for creating and maintaining social interactions after TBI.

Find out more.

Posted on BrainLine January 10, 2012.

Comments (3)

Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.

Since I have virtually no other human contact, no friends or relatives within 3000 miles and no support structure Facebook is about the only contact I have with the few former soldiers, coworkers and friends who care enough to read what I write. The isolation is more bearable with the Internet.
Absolutely! No doubt support groups online via Facebook are growing, and people are sharing their thoughts, hearts & pain to the world. EX:
I think that Facebook, and the Internet in general- is a major daily/social process for myself and probably many other TBI survivors. I believe it is due to the ease of using Facebook...being able to talk and send message to others "at our own pace." On my computer I can sit, relax, have a cup of coffee-right at my Desk! Always within my reach! Normally, when I do go out to some form of social take much more preparation, and constant "mind processing of self-reminders" to myself to be seen by the others as "normal". So, in terms of being able to "be connected to other Humans" in this world...yeah, Facebook (and the internet) as a whole - is a blessing to many TBI patients while we are home so much of the time.....It helps me to cope with being in my apartment much of the time.