Cognitive Problems After Traumatic Brain Injury

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You sound loved , stay kind to those that love you . We are all dealt a hand in life and those that make it learn to live with what ever life throughs at us . You can do it .

I've had my TBI since February 19, 2010. I was Active Duty Army 21 bravo. So long story short I was involved on the 19th of February in an IRAM attack that killed 3 people left 20 wounded in Al Amarah Provence Iraq. The force of the blast was enough to throw a then 175 lb Soldier with 65 plus pounds of gear and a 7.8 lb weapon with 210 55.6mm rounds and my water source about 15 feet into a 12 ft tall concrete T wall barrier hard enough to crack my kevlar and knock me out for a good 6 hours.I think the blast wave was what did the most damage as the medic said the kevlar helmet saved my life.I Have memory problems missing bits and pieces of a lot of my life. I have problems understanding and comprehending what people say. When I go to speak a simple sentence that part in my head that tells me that's what I want to say works fine until the words leave my mouth and it comes out wrong. I have this ringing that comes and goes in my right ear that gets so bad sometimes I get dizzy and nauseous and have to go sit down usually ending in a migraine headache.My moods are shifty if best. I get angry easily at what people say to me and sometimes I misunderstand what they say to me. My child's mother says I'm not caring and sensitive enough and always tells me I'm too slow for her. Why does she have to remind a full grown man simple things? I'm like taking care of another child and I have no sense of even being romantic anymore. I've lost my sex drive and we make love a minimal of maybe once a week and she wants it everyday. I get so upset with how I am now. It's all I think about and I lose track of the small things that make my girlfriend happy. I feel like a child that's looking out behind a window with bars and seeing everybody else play at recess and I'm stuck behind the bars and will never get to be normal like them. How do I live a normal life after this? She says I move painfully slow with everything I do and I just make excuses when I try to tell her I don't understood normal things I used to get. She thinks I do it on purpose. I'm not. How do I have a normal relationship again? I'm 36 years old and feel so drained about all of this I feel like an old man. Then I think what it's going to be like when I am an old man? Am I going to get worse and end up in a home like my dad? I just don't know anymore. A concerned and Heartbroken Soldier

Do you have problems understanding movies, TV shows and audiobooks?, those are my biggest issues, I also have problems with language comprehension.

Cognitive problems after brain injury. This seems to be an interesting topic for myself in recent years. I am 42 years old and live a very traumatic lifestyle. My first trauma was at conception. Grandfather kicked mom while she was pregnant with me. Then was recently told of a concussion received at about age 4 or 5 where I fell off a tree at about 20 feet above ground landing on the my side including my head. Over the years as I grew up I experienced more concussions however the most significant being attacked by unknown offenders where they continuously beat the back of my head and neck areas. I walked away from that incident but the world was very different after that. I went to doctor after doctor only to be told there was nothing wrong with me. I am not sure why I am posting all this information, perhaps out of frustration and concern for my current situation. I started my education again about two years ago at my local community college and started the notice how much my injuries were affecting my functioning. Currently, I am re-evaluating my educational goals because I am a computer science major and the high level of mathematics and computer languages seem to be an everyday struggle. Sometimes I have iritis flare up in one eye or the other, yesterday my left eye flared up and this is unusual because I had a flare already during midterms of my spring semester. Usually it happens once in one eye this is the second this year with heavier aggression and anger symptoms. I am waiting to see a doctor about this so hopefully all is well. I think this time I am on the verge of giving up. I really dislike placing burdens on others. My problem is seemingly that there does not seem to be any way out of this. I also seem to be wasting too much money having to retake classes that I fail in. I am thinking these injuries may have impacted my educational functioning.

I had my traumatic brain injury at age 20, year of 1995. It's been quite some time. The past 10 years I've been trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Seeing providers after provider that don't listen or don't believe. I have said to my husband that I feel like I have dementia. He just laughed. Why? Lately my moods have changed to mean or sad. I can't even stand myself most of the time. Then in my head I feel I've had enough...

I am 32 years old and had a TBI about 18 years ago, while playing cricket in school. I was in Class 9th then. I was in coma for almost 22 days and then in the hospital for over a month. Post the TBI, I lost ability to walk properly since it affected both my lower limbs primarily and to a certain extent caused a lack of strength in my upper limbs, but I am able to manage with that. Fortunately nothing was affected in terms of my cognitive abilities apart from a few differences in my emotional response to certain situations. And I am really thankful to my parents and my family (including relatives) who have been there with me acting as my support. I know how it feels like having survived such an accident. Well, I would say Depression, Deep Anxiety and Disordered Life are the three D's that come along with a TBI. I still am unable to walk properly and lately felt a few more difficulties cropping up in my lower limbs but I am trying to manage living with them. I know and have realized that unless a miracle is on the way, nobody other than me can change my life, yet any advice or suggestions for improvement are welcome.

I barely have the words for what I'm dealing with, It feels all too often like I'm lying about how I feel and people don't believe that I am suffering from this invisible torture device and it's now been since July 22, 2011, the day my life change completely !!!  I can deal with most of the crap that comes with this like the headaches, the speech, the memory, the equilibrium, the forgetfulness and things like losing memory or portions, forgetting to call a customer, everything was affected along with a very serious case of anxiety and there are many times I don't want to leave my house.  Again my problem, is trying to convince WSIB as well as other benefit providers that I have a problem and it's debilitating , I can't keep a job, I can't keep focus for more than 30 minutes at a time.   Like being a prisoner on your own mind.

Some of the same problems. Mine happened in 2011. Im unable to work. Can't qualify for disability. Lost my house! Had to move in with my parents! Still No income and No help.
I cry most waking moments of my life. Death would be better!!! All least it's final

You described very well how I feel at this time. Thank you for putting it into words.


You're testimony almost mirrors mine. I also suffered a severe head injury from an auto accident. I was in a coma for 45 days. I have cognitive problems, mostly in the area of memory and recognition. Thank you for sharing!

Mom, who turned 85 yesterday, was perfectly healthy, active, read books, volunteered, counted her church's money, etc.  Then she had a concussion in her home 5-1/2 months ago.  Doctors never told us the severity of her brain injury on the left side of her brain, but her severe headache and blood in the brain went away in two weeks.  She also injured her stomach in that fall and had surgery after her concussion healed.  However, since then she has been "going downhill" cognitively. She did okay but not good in a nursing home rehab but then wanted to go home.  She is a very stubborn lady anyway so all of these problems are exaggerated by her unwillingness to let us help her.  Not sure if her memory malfunction and other cognitive problems are from head trauma or anesthesia from surgery?  Do the elderly really recover from this, especially those who do not want help.  I have talked to her about a nursing home and applying for Medicaid but she just gets mad at me.  Is there any hope to get my mom back.  Her mother lived to be 100 with no health problems.  Thanks

I am a 41 year old female who has post concussion syndrome.  My accident was in July of 2015 as I tripped and hit my head off concrete in our yard.  Talk about turning my life upside down.  I used to work in a high stress and fast pace environment which involved a great deal of computer use and driving.  Initially after my accident, I thought I'd be back to work in a week.  Wrong!!!  I had vertigo, nausea, headaches, insomnia, and I was exhausted after basic simple tasks.  In time I was diagnosed with PCS and continue to make progress daily.  The physio helped with the vertigo and balance issues thereafter.  I have also made progress in that the nausea is rare and the headaches are now manageable.  The sleep has also improved.  The key is not to overdo it.  You need to learn what your body is ready for and capable of and this is can be different for everybody.  Be self aware, learn what you can manage and do not overdo it.  Exercise is important even if it is simple like walking or swimming as high intensity exercises are still a challenge for me.    I have made huge gains since last July and I have an amazing occupational therapist.  My biggest issues now are driving, computer use, and managing stress.  The driving and computer use continue to improve as time goes on and with a great deal of practice without overdoing it.  I am learning new tools for my tool box all the time to manage my stress.  Meditation has been a God send although I must admit it is not something I ever pictured myself doing.  My neck and visual system seem to be key factors in my outstanding symptoms.  I am hopeful that a return to work may be possible in the fall of 2016 however I am also terrified as the amount of computer use, driving, and the amount of stress at work is far higher than what I know I am capable of managing at this time.  I am hopeful this will get better in time but I cannot help but think what else I am going to do with my life if these basic things do not get to where they need to be.  Then I wonder, maybe this is God's way of telling me I need to be on a different path in life.  Over the past year,  I have learned to become more self aware, more empathetic to the needs of others, I have learned to be more mindful and present with my children and others, and I have learned to be thankful and appreciative for the simple things in life.  Although things are still rough at times, I am actually thankful I have had the last year to learn so many new things. I am also thankful I had insurance which has allowed me to survive financially and access good supports.  I cannot imagine how difficult it is for those out there who are placed in this type of situation without supports.  They wonder why people get depressed in these situations but once you live it, you understand.   For others who are out there suffering please know you are not crazy, try and focus on the positive, and ensure you seek supports needed that are available for you to move forward.  Keep the faith. 

I think the courage and bravery off the people who shared their stories here is amazing: you are all winners just for getting up today and trying. Recovery for me is an action word: I have had not just one brain injury -- but three.  Two caused by exposure to an IED serving this country -- and one related to a car accident.  The person I was prior to this has changed -- but in many ways I think those changes have been for the better. I am more cautious before I speak, kinder and more empathic to the problems and concerns of others, less likely to engage in politics in the work place (I don't have the band-width anymore to deal with it).  I engage in a life-style that is much healthier than before, more self-aware of myself and how my actions impact others than before.  I can't work the hours tht I used to work before -- and work=life balance, getting enough sleep, making sure I stay connected to famly and friends, having a meditation/mindfulness aspect to my spiritual practice, having hobbies that I enjoy (have found music is especially important to my recoery), and most of all -- and I know other people here have found this too -- having a sense of humor and forgiving myself for being less than perfect -- and accepting that many aspects of the person I was before have gone.  And still being okay with that inside.  Problems with attention, concentration, memory, problem solving -- all have worked on strategies to overcome.  The final frontier for me remains personal interactions in the workplace in team environments.  Now re-examining my low frustration level tolerance -- and working with my doctor on strategies that set me up for success.  Hope what I'm sharing here helps others -- a key part of my recovery I've found is realizing that we are all part of a community -- that we are not alone -- and whenever possible reaching out and helping others helps me to realize we are all in this together. 

While driving in 2009, a lady ran a stop sign and I T-boned her going just under 70mph my seat belt is the only reason I am still alive...the other driver was not so lucky. I have struggled silently ever since with remembering things and sometimes finding the right words. It is getting harder and harder for me to remember things that I read. I used to be able to remember everything and it is starting to get frustrating. Is there a specialist that I should be talking to to try fix this problem? I feel like I am becoming more of a hermit just so people don't notice my struggles ... I need to figure something out. Any help would be so amazingly helpful.

I suffered from a moderately-severe traumatic brain injury in Nov. 2004 when I was 17. I struggle greatly with depression, anxiety, and other emotions, but those are the worst ones. I see all my friends who I've grown up with getting married, buying their own houses, working productively & succeeding in life. Myself on the other hand? I'm stuck in this vicious cycle going up and down in my emotions, and feeling like I'm not quite "on their level"? Like my brain is stuck at age 17, and thats the only way I know how to think? I've made some pretty good decisions in my adult life, despite this, but feel very strongly that those decisions were guided by my HP. The only reason why I've made it this far. A lot of times I feel suicidal. I don't know if I'll ever get better? Do things ever get better? Will my brain ever mature to the age I am? I'll be 29 in October. I feel like I shouldn't feel the way I do. HELP! 

Hello Everybody I had 3 major traumas in my frontal, parietal and occipital lobe.  This tragic event put me in a comma for 8 weeks and underwent many cranial surgeries. Now 12 years later I am  finishing my Bachelor Degree But It has been a long time struggle. Academically I do not perform as I used to it is  harder than ever I worker harder than average individuals. Reading all your post I do not fee along it feels good to know that you guys are also around sharing your post. Anyone has any exercises or advices in improving memorization and writing skills along with learning and processing new information.

I had 4th concussion this summer. There is a book called
"Moonwalking With Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything" by
Joshua Foer that is said to be helpful. I have not finished yet. Does your college have a disability services office that could suggest an accomodation? If not, does your area have a Dept of Vocational Services-they may offer concrete suggestions for study techniques. Good luck

The most informative article I have read on here. Thank you so much for sharing it and all the comments that have been added. I'm sure this will help others to cope and move forward. It will also give family and friends a better insight. I wish you ALL the very best with the long journey ahead.

Starting 16 years after my craniotomy, I began to use a cocktail of technology to assist me in grad school. Contact me at: to be let know how I used Dragon NaturallySpeaking!, a PC, Microsoft Word and a Sony digital recorder, in tandem, to re-strengthen my short-term memory.

Hi All-  It's sure is nice to know that there are others who understand these issues and don't think it's just "all in your head" so to speak!  I'm a 50yr old female.  My TBI (and fractured pelvis) occurred 5yrs ago as the result of an automobile accident.  I was out of it for 3 days.  When I came to I didn't remember a thing from the accident.  Spent a month in the hospital and 2wks as an inpatient at a brain injury rehabilitation center.  Followed by about 1 1/2 yrs of out-patient therapy.  I've since returned to work (3yrs now) at a different job.  My employer at the time of the accident terminated me since I couldn't return to work.  Anyway, said new job was going great for about the first 2 1/2 yrs.  Lately however, things have been a struggle.  I was upfront about my TBI during the hiring process so they couldn't claim they weren't aware of it.  The company is very small (under 25 employees).  Organization is poor, communication is lacking, training is nill, if you do manage to get the paperwork you need it's usually incorrect.  The list goes on and on.  I wasn't aware of this disorganization at first, I thought it was just me.  For the first little while I was able to deal with these issues but as of late it's about to drive me crazy!  Like I said earlier, I was upfront about my TBI right from the get go.  If I try to bring up the subject of how stressed I am the boss doesn't want to hear it and just brushes me aside.  I know he think since I look fine that there isn't anything going on and I'm just making it all up.  Other employees have commented and even quit due to the chaos.  Between the obvious chaos, disorganization, and having a TBI on top of it It's a struggle.  During my rehab ADHD was also mentioned.  Doctor appointment this week to figure out what is going on and what to do!  Any pointers, tips, or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

23 months since i...stepped off my motorcycle at 70 mph...yes helmet is why im still here....medical says absolutely nothing wrong with me now???? always beyond exhausted..unable to motivate in anyway...will this pass??? any help from other tbi.s much needed!!!!

In 1991, I was pulled into a rotating spindle by my hair. It pulled all of my hair out and my ear off. The rescue team said that I hit the machine with the force of a car hitting a solid wall at 40 miles per hour. I ended up with 83 stitches and a concussion. I have problems with several issues. I cannot remember something someone says to me concerning my work for more than a few seconds. I have to write things down immediately and even then, I get it wrong. If someone says something to me, I usually cannot repeat it back to them. If I read something, I cannot remember the details, names or places, just the basic jist of the story. It is like things go in my ears, but that's where it stops. I forget where I put things and I even forget that I have something and will go out and get it again, only to find it months or years later. I tried to take classes and it was a waste of monies because I couldn't remember or retain the curriculum that was being taught. The classes were in something that I have been doing for years..... People get frustrated with me and then I get frustrated with myself. How can I fix my issues??????

I have had multiple concussion from numerous bmx bike crashes. Then crashes happened as follows 2000 concussion knocked unconscious 2001 concussion never lost consciousness just memory of event 2002 concussion knock unconscious had a seizure. I have had other hard knocks to the head but those are the most significant. It is now 2015 and I am starting to notice certain issue I have. I believe it had come on slowly over the past fifteen years. I have trouble following conversation I am very easily distracted. I misplace things constantly which is tough at work because I am always losing tools. My reading comprehension is not good at all. I was a pretty good high school student, but when I went to college in 2001 my grades fell apart. After reading some of these I am really scared that it's only going to get worse and I'm not going to be able to be the father I want to be. Thanks for reading it feels good just to get it off my chest. Love the thread

What a world to be tapped in.  Par Rehab diagnosed me with a TBI in 2008. I had the accident in 2007.  Initially I thought they (Par Rehab) were playing ticks with me.  I did not trust them ... I did not trust anyone.  I looked at various tests that I just knew were simple and tests that I could perform, but I could not perform them nor figure them out.  I became paranoid because after all, they just wanted my money ... right? ... WRONG. I felt so stupid.  At times even now, I'm afraid to open my mouth for fear that my words would not be so well put together.  Sometimes  the world is so overwhelming that I just have to "unplug".  That means not talking to anyone and not doing anything.  I have one child who is 17 years old now.  She has dealt with this and dealt with me and my forgetfulness for 8 years now.  At one point, I was in fear of losing her.  After receiving calls from the school letting me know that my child was still there waiting for me to pick her up, I had to start setting an alarm so that I could leave work and pick my child up. I never ever want hear the pain in my child's voice saying, "Mommy, you forgot about me".  May God continue to Bless and keep her strong.  When I heard the words from the doctor saying, "You will never be the same again", I thought to myself, "Oh yeah ... that's what you think.  I thought this to myself because I am a fighter (mentally) and I am a believer.  This is my up-bringing ... press your way through.  A lot of times, that mentality works ... sometimes it does not.  I am not where i want to be however, I am a long way from where I was.  I concern myself with myself, my child and my job.  Right now, I do not have the capacity to manage another relationship other than family members who understands when I must go into a shell.  At times I feel so vulnerable.  Yet, I am always thankful.  To the TBI survivors ... Keep on keeping on.  To the TBI care-taker ... get your rest and take your breaks.  It's not easy for either side.  I am grateful for a place to express my feelings.  Thank you.

I am a persons with a TBI traumatic brain injury, and I've accumulated many cognitive issues; preferably in my body. I'm not going to lie, my mind has taken a beating too. Its ben 9 years since my accident, and i spent 6 months in a coma, i woke up 2 weeks after i was sent home from the hospitals. Couldn't do anything on my own after i woke up; couldn't get up (lift out of bed), couldn't talk (trachea was in m throat), couldn't breathe on my own (still on respirator), couldn't use the rest room or bath, or eat (feeding tube). Now i' m better, so to speak, i can't use both of my hands to type because i have tremors in the right side of my body tremors are involuntary movements of the muscle. My vision continuously decreases every year and i' m partially death in my right ear. My immune system is getting worse as i develop new issues to deal with every time i get a summer cold. Right now the allergies i never had before my accident are reeking havoc on my day to day social living. Yet, i face the impulsiveness and don't consider others feeling as much as i should. To be honest with others feels more important and more needed than disclosing sugar coated information. My one love, vocabulary, is the main thing that has survived from my accident. I have always loved words and i have finished 4 stories after my accident. School is a headache though, even when i like learning new thins and gaining knowledge, it has become less and less attainable. I've tried school twice and now I'm talking with an online counselor who I've been giving the run around to, mainly because i fear.

I am a little over 4 yrs dealing with TBI, I was hit by drunk driver.  I don't remember any of it Thank God.After life support was turned off and I came back I don't remember anything but like 4 days later when all the sudden I recognized a friend without anyone telling me. I knew this lady who was my mom kept telling me who was who and coming in to see me. I have tried learning things my 12 yr old child is, things I know I use to know but the next day they disappear, well when it comes to learning like her school work.  I write things down on my calenday a lot.  I did learn to drive again but was put on restrictions like stay within 5 mile radius of home, no expressways or highways, I can deal with that.  I am 57 yrs old and do okay on simple home things but learning well blood pressure goes up when learning some things which is not good, with me before accident I always had very low blood pressure.  I was a busy person, worked since I was 13, this happened on my lunch hr when I worked at hospital as Administrative secretary and did billing.  Never made it back from lunch hr though which was totally unlike me. So with this I have learned when I m concentrating on getting something done I have a one track mind and that is getting it done.  Even when someone says something to me its like they arent even there. Before all this I had child to get ready for school, then work, picking child up after work, home duties, supper, very very busy.  To me the best way I can see it is God was telling me to slow down and take time to smell the flowers :)

I Suffer from a brain injury. My accident happened 19 years ago! I was in a coma for 31 days basically in hospital for about 1 year last 3 months was outpatient but still there all day going through therapy! I was 19 when accident happened.... when I came out of coma I didn't know who I was .... I wanted everyone and everything to stop and just go away wanted to feel normal again! I pushed people away and tired to skate thru therapies And doctors As fast as I could! What I need and trying to say is I did not get the help I needed ... I looking for help now!?!?!?!?

I suffered my injury 12 yrs ago worked hard -thought I was unstoppable -seems like I am-I'm 38 concerned.

Reading these posts I am glad there are people willing to discuss the problems they are having in dealing with TBI. First was in 1978 then in 1983 and was in a coma for 3 days with intracranial bleeding for the last one. Lost some memory, not sure i want to remember some things, but the long term has been inability to follow through on projects, organize, (for which I have lost a couple of jobs), or project a warm environment in relationships. Am now divorced 3rd time and working in a high pressure job in a prison. The prison work seems to be a plus in my ability to reach out to people and still maintain a buffer of protection, but the old problem of organization and follow through is coming back to haunt me. Have had cognitive testing ad nauseam and found to be at a 70% disability. Have many of the same "brain-freeze" moments discussed here and rely on a sense of humor (mine) to get through most days. Fortunately the cat my daughter left me with is a good listener and only expects basics; food, water, clean litter box, and a toy played with every once in awhile. I too did not have any therapy after either of my accidents and did some study and trials of own cognitive therapy. Reading about the brain and its ability to repair in finding new neuropathways has been a great help in many areas of frequent problems. I do not turn away any help others have offered me through learning and pray that many who read this blog/site will take it upon themselves to use self help methods to see how they can benefit.  Your brain knows what it needs and so does your Creator. This I am certain of.

when I read the comment of 20may2010 @9:09am regarding cognitive problems after TBI, especially about losing visualization because of TBI, I felt that the words were coming right out of my mouth.  When I hear people say,"everybody visualizes to some degree ", -I don't see jack. I visualized as a child but since the military  TBI I DO NOT PICTURE ANYTHING!  I would appreciate any suggestions or comments.

My son who is now 26 suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury at the age of 19. He was in a coma for 10 days and in the hospital for 21 days.  He had no rehab or therapy afterwards. He has since been in and out of jail for various charges, including drugs, since the accident.  He seems to be unaware of what is going on with him, basically out of touch with reality. Talking to him today at the jail was like talking to a 19 year old kid. He suffers from migraines and a recent MRI following another car accident he was in showed bleeding on the brain, which the dr. said was "just a concussion".  He is now in jail for probation violation and I don't know how to explain to a judge or attorney what is going on with him. Need some advice?

My son was assaulted almost 3 years ago and suffered a TBI.  He is 38 years old. After 11 months began having seizures.  He takes seizure medication which helps.  My observations as to when he has a seizure is when he has too much going on in his life.  Unfortunately he is unable to do as much as prior to TBI but doesn't see that clearly and becomes depressed..  First because he's had a seizure, and second because  there is a recovery time afterwards that he doesn't want to acknowledge, and so the cycle begins again.  When he gets enough rest (1 to 2 weeks sometimes), he recovers enough to go on with his normal routines of life.  He goes to college and has an 8 year old son and can  function very nicely when he doesn't overdo it.

I am living with a TBI and I have difficulty understanding things in my life, for example, " why are men harassing me and intimidating me and saying things to me to hurt me" Why won't employers give me a chance in a job or position in a job setting" "Why are people making me struggle financially" " Why do men treat me badly" " Why do people say mean things to me" "Why do people play mind games with me" " why won't doctors help me " " Why do I have to call the police on people" "Why do I have to seek an attorney to fight for my rights as a TBI person, " Why do men with money have to take my right to work and make a living for my kids and myself" " WHY" am not able to handle these everyday things in my life !!! " Why do I have to marry anyone to have a good life and not struggle" " Why do I have to feel sick and overly stressed because of men WHY!!!! WHY !!!!!
I was in a car wreck in which I fractured my pelvis in several places and did some internal damage. I mentioned the fractured pelvis so you can get an idea of the amount of force which was involved. I had cognitive therapy which helped me greatly and I see a psyciatrist and meet with a group with the same problems which has helped me. I have had extensive testing and my testing has showed improvement but I am worried because I still have bad days in which I do stupid things and sometimes even get lost when I am driving. I don\\\\\\\'t do this often and my memory does come back to me within minutes of not knowing where I am. These episodes frighten me beyond belief. I have been tested with EEG for seizure as I also have phantom smells. Testing was negative. Will this go away?
Prior to accident used to be an outgoing person and used to be good at what im doing at work but not anymore, lately i strugle in expressing my thoughts in an organaised manner. so basically i am on my own even though i know that you dont have to change to people around you but they no longer perceive me the same as before.
my son head was ran over by high valosity by a rec; vechiel the Dr\'s didn\'t expect him to live, much less ,He speaks talks walks and uses the bathroom with times of soil on himself.He has been moved 6 times do to h=his outbursts,nobody knows how to deal with this its been 6 months today since the injury.he is now in a nursing home that tells me they will work with Greg he is 38 yrs old now.Your artical has been the best I have read since his injury,He\'s everything you have said.My heart breaks,I want to be able to bring him home and I am told that may not be possible.But now I can at least satrt my self to help him knowing what i am up against.Thank you so much for the infor; I am just sorry it took me so long to find you. Diana Hauck
I'm a senior accountant/analyst w/hospital group, 1st tbi/1st accident 5/07 & 2nd tbi/2nd car accident 3/09 out on disability on 2nd 1yr. Back to work & employer wanted 100% quality & speed right away. After partial days total of 49hrs in month he discussed my errors & ignored the improved quality the last 2 days. Said he was terminating me and had already reassigned my duties before coming back and hired another person before I came back. He was just waiting to fire me. Still dizzy periodically & fatigue which increase as focus on cognitive complex work increases. After couple of hours dizzines, fatigue, brain freezes up and unable to comprehend my work though I did it for years. Speach is good with occasional misses and brain freezes sometimes & I have to ask for direction. Still walk bit to left. Just wish Boss was more patient and supportive. Working for Sutter Health Support Services in Sac California did not expect this. Work is the best environment for me and I was good at my job and had a great amount of knowledge. Donna Chiesa, Sac Calif. 6/7/10.
I've experience two problems following a brain injury (concussion). since the injury, i am unable to visualize. i cannot create an image "in my head" so to speak. I know what things look like, and can describe them, but cannot visualize, although I do dream. secondly, i have to speak to remember. if i want to recall an event that i am aware happened, i have to start talking about it before i can remember details, just trying to run them "through my head" doesn't work. (i can bring memories sometimes when writing or typing).
