What Impact Will Moderate or Severe TBI Have on a Person's Life?

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I was in a wreck when I was 13 yrs. old back in 1983 and was thrown out of a pickup truck after we hit a telephone pole going about 40 mph. I spent a week in the hospital for head trauma and sustained a huge gash to the base of my lower skull area and almost lost my eyesight. I am very thankful to be alive, but I have often wondered what impact it has had on me personally over the last 30 plus years. I have a 9 year old son and I owe it to him to be the best father I can be. I don't have a lot of patience with people and I an easily irritated and have been since I can remember. I do not have much memory of the wreck or my time in the hospital and really am looking for people with similar stories and daily struggles.

I had a TBI due to a right frontal lobe intracranial abscess  September 2012.  I had the abscess drained, but it filled again, and developed an offspring. I had a second surgery to remove the abscess , and was treated for several weeks with  iv antibiotics. I presented as a full blown stroke, but quickly got full use of my left side with the help of aggressive physical therapy. You would never know I had ever had a problem. What doesn't show are the affects left on the inside. I have severe memory loss. I had to check in my medical files to find the year I had my TBI. I thought I was heading into my 3rd year. Timelines are a nightmare. I have such a problem trying to figure out when things happened, and I don't want to ask my husband anymore as he looses patience with me. In the last few months I have greatly diminished sense of smell and taste. I can taste the first couple of bites of things, but I  am not sure if this us just due to my memory of what they tasted like. I loose words! I will be talking and want to say a word, but can't remember it. I will describe the word to someone,and by the time they have given me the word,I have forgotten what I was talking about. I cry every day. I am so frightened that I will get worse, especially when my sense of smell and taste did not change until a year after my TBI. What else may be affected.. I want to lay down every day in the late afternoon,and could stay in bed for  the night, I don't sleep in that time in the afternoon,but often I do not sleep throughout  the night.  I used to enjoy going out for a few drinks with my husband and friends, but now all I want to do is go out to dinner,and come straight home. I used to ride my bicycle 15 miles a day and then workout for an hour. I have no urge to do either. I know I will never have the old me back, but how can I explain this to my husband! He us growiing  short on patience

Anyone here that is married to a person with TBI. I have been married to my husband that obtain a brain injury 14 years ago.I didnt know him at that stage.I knew that he has got a brain injury and supported him as his decisions were ruining his life. (friends that abused drugs etc) He is one of the kindest people I have ever met in my entire life and I am currently running his business (that I took from scratch) and making a success of it. I am his cook, PA, Secretary, sometimes cleaner as well as friend. Recently he went through a traumatic experience with his family whom he trusted (they stole his trust money) and ever since this happened everything changed... He is more tired than usual (yawning every minute or two), sleeps half of the day. He has a lack of zest in life, grumpy and extremely rude to me. (I am his 'punchbag') If I try to talk to him to ask him what I did wrong to deserve this treatment, he slams doors and take off. I forgot to tell you that he is 33 and I am 31. I dont know how to cope as the emotional damage that he is causing to me is becoming extremely unbareable. There is only so many times one can tell yourself: 'he doesnt mean it, he has a braininjury,remember?" He shows no affection towards me which is so frustrating and makes me feel 'not good enough'. He shows no emotions and his attitude when I try to talk to him is the "I dont give a shit how you feel' attitude and extremely sarcastic. I had a miscarriage a year years ago and he showed no empathy towards me and while I was 'sick' he shout at me and swear at me for not getting back to our clients within minutes after they have sent a request. I thought that love would overcome the obstacles of TBI (my love is strong enough) but how can he love me if this is how he behaves towards me?Please help me understand?

13 years ago I suffered a small skull fracture near my right ear. I was 19 decided it would be a great idea to hitch a ride on a moving RV. I was discharged that night. 3 days later they did another MRI with that dye. Low and behold I had a skull fracture. I had significant memory loss no sense of smell or taste. It was so bad I'd start a conversation and mid way threw I'd completely forget I was even talking. have slightly worse hearing in my right ear. Headaches are a part of life for me these days. Female problems. Almost split personality disorder can't seem to make decisions easily. I also suffer from paranoia. I often feel people are against me. I'm extremely out going so it causes a conflict with my personalty. My memory was getting better but now it seems to be re lapsing my smell and taste improved too. At first I too had that "chemical" smell but for me I didn't think it was chemical. I smelt a similar smell to it and it was odd cause it was a combo of smells and every once in a while I'll get it and know exactly what it was. So I was at the salt river tubing that "smell" is the exact same as drunk people tire inertubes baking in the sun, dirty river and sunscreen and suntan lotion. Oh and my conversations in real life jump around just as much as my written ones. Like this one. So there's that too. Oh and I tend to go back and forth on thoughts like yes its good idea no that's not and back to thinking the way I was before. Hence the indecisiveness. Last thing I can think of is the inability to learn things I read and remember and if I physically complete a task a few times I'll remember it but taking direction or being questioned is extremely difficult for me. Being questioned really sets me on edge because I know I take a few seconds to minuets to answer. Then I feel self conscious. So that's my sucky reality. Feel free to look me up via Facebook if you feel like sharing your story. - Erin Rohweder. -

I agree totally; brain injury is a very permanent thing. Mine was in '96 when I was 16. I have learned to cope and adjust rather nicely I do believe. But, still to this day, I just want to rest :)

I had a moderate TBI when I was 22 and I am now 59. TBI changes your life and it took me a long time to figure that out in order to accept and move on. Your last paragraph should have been the first. We don't ever fully "recover." TBI is a chronic condition that you have to adjust and learn to live with. 

Suffered a TBI in 2012 April. Caused a lot of issues which really neverb have been addressed. I lost my job which has caused me much heartache as I. Was an RN nd worked with psychiatric patients most of my career. I was hurt on the job at a state facility and the let me go after stating my6 month probation was still in affect.

I have a mod-sev t.b.I. and never rec'd help until 29 yrs, I am getting help now. I am 52, yet still in mindset of a 20 yr old. This is difficult. Alone and fighting the VA system.

Can anyone help? My mom is 89 and she had a fall in July 2013. They did surgery to remove fluid. She was recovering so well over the last 5 months but 2 weeks ago she fell and hit head again. Nothing on CT or MRI was abnormal. ...but she is having the forgetfulness and slurred speech SOME and it was like she experienced about 3 months ago when she was recovering from the first fall. Can this get better with time (dropping words, sentnces, forgetfulness) it's not all the time but she is worried and i am too. they didnt see anything on the scans. Doctor says be patient, it will get better. There is some chronic fluid still there but the doc says it will re-absorb and doing another surgery on her would be not good. Can someone comment?

Hi. On November 23rd, I was riding my dirt bike along a gravel road with no helmet. According to an intoxicated Asian, I flew over the handlebars, according to a redneck, I flipped the bike. Whatever happened, I may never know. I do not remember anything before the accident that morning. Anyhow, I received some shitty assed medical care from lake wales hospital, and you can tell them I said that because they wouldn't even come get me out of the car at the ER. Anyways, I was supposedly found laying bleeding, in a ditch unconscious. I was taken to Lakeland (thank god) and treated there. I had some short term memory loss that came back pretty fast thankfully. 

I had a severe TBI (subdural hematoma) at age 15 in 1995. It took me many years to fully understand that I had to move on and make goals for myself; I'm now a pretty successful adult. Some things that benefited me the most in my recovery:

don't worry if people don't think you're the same person

believe in yourself

keep lists of important tasks- use a calendar, cell phone, computer

make a list of your goals

learn something new

find ways to relieve stress and exercise

These are the things that helped me the most, and I hope that others find the way. I was very fortunate to have recovered, but I still have things to work on. My anger and emotional control, in general, are still daunting tasks for me, yet I know that I'm a unique person. 

Good luck to everyone. Please remember to believe in yourself.

I had an epidural hematoma at 3 years old.  I am now 52.  I am just becoming aware that this injury could have any effect on my life at all.  I am smart but have always been considered "different".  My family thinks I don't give a sh--* about anything (*that's been said since I was a child).  I am blunt and feel like I can see through people and their falseness, I am horrible with distinguishing left and right (especially mirror image). I am insulted by television and have used as many drugs that have been exposed since age 10.  I don't fit into society's mold of what is normal and have been to jail and prison.  I've lived in a mansion, I've been homeless.  

At this time, I run a business and am well financially but have had a breakup with my fiance which is sending me over the edge with self-destructive behavior -- drugs, dangerous risks, etc.  Can anyone point me to information on long-term impacts.  I am well liked, but don't have close friends.  I don't want them.  Manipulation is second nature to me but I never manipulate for selfish reasons.  I feel like I've stopped making sense.  Please respond with any advise!  tracydawn2@hotmail.com

Hi everyone,I had a brain injury in 1994 I have two boy's aged 15teen & 13teen I'm now 38. The last two years my aggression and depression has got that low all I think about is how can I stop this pain I'm going through and the pain I'm putting my ffamily in. The doctor's have put me on that may different meds it's not funny, I just don't want 2 be like this anymore I can only think of one way to stop it all but I also love my kid's so much I hate the thought of not ever seeing them again or hugging my husband. I feel so alone and scared I hate who I am

I had a severe TBI on May 28th 2002. And every year that goes by I become more angry/hostile/depressed to the thoughts of suicide. To end this mental torture anyone else have this problem?

I sustained a severe TBI on 23/06/2012  during an attack in Thailand. I suffered an epidural hematoma which required a decompressive craniectomy. I was in a coma but finally awoke and was then able to fly home to Ireland some months later. On 08/05/2013 I had my cranioplasty operation to replace the large sections of my temporal and frontal regions. I started back at University this year and I reckon everthings going alright. There are times when I may have had some problems remembering names and occasional bouts of anxiety, but I didn't bother telling my neurologist. (Not getting this as much anymore) For anyone who was in the same situation as me a few months back I'd just like to say try and stay strong and try and not get down.

Reading this was so helpful, I suffered a tbi 2 years ago and had an emergency crainiotomy my life will never be the same but my belief in god and his healing is the only ultimate thing I have. I just take baby steps every day and be greatful for every blessing I have. May god love and give strength to any one who had suffered a tbi it has truly been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with . Colleen tbi survivor

I was in a roll over car accident in 2006. I was diagnosed with a TBI. I was told I had a deep subdural hematoma (brain bleed) on the right frontal lobe. Along with other physical injuries. I was in alot of pain and life as I knew it came to a complete stop. No drunk drivers just a big black bull standing lengthwise across my lane. A dark rural two lane hwy, speedlimit 65 at night. I was going about 50 up an incline. I met the bull at the top. Blk bull, blk pavement, blk sky up an incline, visibility didnt allow me to see the bull until I was face to face. I somehow swerved and missed impact but my suv flipped and rolled a few times when I hit the grass and the ditch. I was told though that hitting that big bull would of most likely killed me and maybe my whole family. I'm happy to say my husband and children were unharmed. I experienced about every symptom that I have read about and then some. When it seemed after two years I was getting somewhat better I had a relapse and got worse. Then after asking my doctors about a hyperbaric chamber and getting laughed at and told it would be a waste of time and money I went to one. It was 3 1/2 years after the accident. I was worse than ever at the time. Tremors, headbobbing, slurred speech, memory problems, bad headache that never went away from the initial head injury. Peripheal vision gone, unable to focus well, poor concentration, time mgmnt gone, my emotions towards people, except anger, gone. You name it. I've been there done that. But after a month of hyperbaric dives twice a day, 1hr each six days a week I had a dramatic improvement. It actually felt like I popped out of that state of not being me. If you have a TBI you understand maybe what I mean about not feeling like me. I felt like myself again. The drs. told me to kiss my old self goodbye. They said that person is dead and this is the new you. They said I would need help the rest of my life. I told them Yah-Weh(God) is bigger than brain damage and He is. Im not saying a hyperbaric chamber is a cure all for everyone but it can help some, it helped me tremendously. I will tell you this I got sick several months later with upper respitory stuff that went around in the winter. Went to a new dr. and told him I had experienced a TBI so he would be aware of my history before he prescribed meds but he prescribed something that brain injured persons are not supposed to take. I didnt read the caution page that came with the med until I started throwing up minutes after taking it. That night while sleeping I woke up, sat up in bed and it felt like something in my head exploded. Started experiencing some of the old symptoms after that, for about 18 months it was the worst of the worst. I am again much better but still not feeling 100 percent. I will go back to the hyperbaric chamber again but its expensive. So not right now. I want to encourage you not to give up and try not to focus on all the overwhelming negatives. The human brain is amazingly resiliant and our will and determination is amazing too. Plz read this and be encouraged, its one of the few things I was able to write during that initial 3 1/2 year nightmare. Its called ''Opportunity" I gotta get out, I gotta get out, I gotta get out of my mind I feel like a prisoner lost somewhere in time Standing on the outside, looking back at me Dazed and confused at whom I will be I gotta get out, I gotta get out, I gotta get out of my head I gotta find me, but they tell me she's dead But I don't believe a word that they say I'm not in denial, I just have strong faith That a better me will emerge someday God has a plan and a purpose for me And it will take more than this to steal my destiny So just as I changed and became a new creation in Christ I'll look at this as an opportunity to become a better me this time Because I trust you Lord completely, to me rebuild my new life... Just reminding you that your never alone.:)

For the one who mentioned the chemical smell, posted on Nov. 9th 2013, I had a TBI just last year. I recall having that chemical smell multiple times and describing it EXACTLY like that. "Chemical smell." I guess I'll go ahead and tell my story while I'm at it. I'll try to make this as short as possible. The driver was drunk in our vehicle, I didn't know it, I was a backseat passenger. I wasn't wearing my seatbelt I don't think. We were going 100mph, lost control, hit an electrical box, flew 8 feet in the air, snapped an entire telephone phone in half (at 8ft) I was ejected out the rear windshield, landed by a bunch of steel rods and shattered bricks, "woke up" in rehab after I apparently spent 10+ days in a medically induced coma to prevent me from getting pneumonia, I received a broken wrist, 2 shattered fingers, a broken bone across my face (from left cheek to right cheek) 2 broken neck bones, half an ear that was sewed back rather quite well, a severely damaged amygdala, and bleeding near the brain stem. Spending 7 years training to be a Marine I can confirm that it blew a whole lotta dick finding out they do not accept TBI patients.
My 13 year old son had TBI a little over a month ago now from football. It was raining hard and he had helmet to helmet blow that also caused whiplash. He still does not recognize any people besides me and his dad. He has been reintroduced to his friends and family. He has forgotten his preferences in food, along with a great deal of his 13 years of his life, he has a few vague memories but doesn't recall names of some common objects and is having to relearn a lot of things . He is starting to exhibit some social problems, one of which is not knowing what kind of stuff is appropriate at times . I know its only been a month but it seems like so much longer. I am encouraged to see all the posts here so thank you to everyone for sharing the good and the not so good so that I can get a realistic perspective and be able to help him more. mom of cmb
My boyfriend fell two years ago from the back of his truck onto the back of his on the pavement. He did lose consciousness for what he explained was a dream state of mind. He spent one week in the hospital and was released with no explanations of what to expect. Since then he has a decrease in taste and smelling ability is zero. There is a constant ringing in left ear with hearing loss. He has explained the smell he smells as a chemical smell of many different things. Has anyone else had anything similar to his symptoms? Has anyone ever gotten better from similar symptoms?
I was 4 or 5 yrs old when I Had a TBI, I was playing ballerina and fell and hit my head on the corner of the coffee table, All I remember is throwing up blood. 10 yrs later I was hit in the head by accident with a baseball bat on the left side of my head. I blacked out just for seconds, but was dazed. Depression or the depression like symptons started and its not till now, I'm 54 that I'm really having problems with memory. Long and short term. But I must confess. I did have problems with my personalty when I was young. I did not know how to socialize and to this day I still don't know how. Its very lonely and scary. Because people do not understand. And my depression is worse than ever. But, after reading about brain injuries, this might be the answer, its not just me, but something that happened to me a long time ago. Maybe now I can make some sense of what is going on in my head.
I was hit by a car when I was four years of age and suffered a Severe TBI. After reading this article I have a better understanding of the motor effects that I am inflected with. Now over 40 years later since my accident all the effects that I understand have become just a part of my personality. I feel that I live a normal life, If there is such a thing, but with a slowed speech and taking the time to think what I am going to say before I say it, which I had learned through speech therapy when I was younger, I have no complaints of what my life has become.
I have a moderate tbi, I think all of your stories on here are amazing. I was hit from behind by a speeding car and knocked unconcious. Memory is terrible. Cannot drive yet. Bless you all and thanks for the human connection.
In 1999 my husband had a motorcycle accident. His handlebars whiplashed and he flew over the bike landing on the track hitting his head, hip and shoulder. He broker his collarbone and had a 6 inch laceration where the skin just pulled apart. Emergency medics asid he only lost consciousness for 30 minutes and cam in and out of consciousness for 8 hours. But, he feels that he was conscious. He thought the same when I arrived but he was still in and out. His helmet was damaged on all four sides which meant his braid richoted in the helmet. He has had a severe personality change. He is irritable over minor things and can't let go in an argument. He is always unhappy with someone over something. I agree that the issues are disappointing but he writes long repetitive emails trying to prove his point. He doesn't laugh anymore. He was so funny prior to the accident. He is explosive if he feels inadequate. He often does not understand explanations that he used to and does not realize the change blaming confusion on others. He seems to have lost his empathy. He didn't care when he lost a good friend and his mother. He was mostly angry. He had no compassion for other people's ways of grieving. He feel unsafe and threatened all the time. He feels people don't respect him and are lying to him. It is so very sad.
07/07/2007.. I am not severely religious but the date would seem that I am still here and should be. TBI from a motorocycle accident. I am a computer software engineer. Spent a month in the neurology unit while not remembering my name and not really remembering what had been said to me 30 min prior. While I have a wonderful wife and two outstanding children. My continued mood swings, headaches, general irratability would indicate just how wonderful and outstanding they really are. While I indicate content with family. I could seriously do without those symptoms. If I I can indicate directions for anyone reading this, it might be to appreciate those that remain after a TBI. And if someone gives you a chance by saying in a conversation with you that sometimes head injuries change personalities. You should listen and get real help.
I had severe TBI in 1990 - did great for about 16 years - college degree, etc... but I started having seizures then - now everything is a huge mess - my cognitive functioning sucks - I can't remember anything. I'm in graduate school and I'm struggling so bad - I just want to hurry up and get out - my professors all know about my accommodations and me getting lost and overwhelmed. Life just isn't as easy as it used to be. I can't remember normal stuff anymore - the doctors always told my parents that I wouldn't be the same and my parents know my personality is much different, but I can tell that learning and remembering is so much more difficult for me than it used to be. It used to come so easily - I never had to study or anything - now I can't remember what I do study = It's really caught up with me. My brain can only hold so much and it can't hold anything more! Frustrated in Texas
Incredible story. There needs to be more education regarding TBI and how early treatment is key. Share your story.
I am a 35 year old female and today is my one year anniversary from my car accident in which I was rear ended while stopped in traffic by a car traveling 65 mph, the rear end impact sent my car into the middle lane (from the right lane) where I was t-boned by a passing vehicle at 65mph, my side curtain airbags deployed into my left temple and then I was t-boned 2 additional times by other passing cars. I kept asking the cop if my cheek was broken because my head hurt so bad, he never called an ambulance and I was too dazed to realize I was injured. The cop's exact words were "go home and take some advil because your going to be hurting tomorrow"....really?? I was off of work for 3 months straight with daily 10/10 head pain, returned to work on half days for 3 months where my employer gave me full time work while on half days that created so much frustration and delay in my recovery. I am now at the one year mark and seem to be going backwards in recovery. I have severe PTSD and depression. My MRI was positive for traumatic insult to my frontal lobe as well as a abnormal EEG. That neuro said I was fine and sent me on my way one week post MVA. Soon after I had 3-4 seizures, ordered my bills and records which showed both positive MRI and positive EEG results when I was told they were normal. I did not get the records until after I went back to work on half days otherwise I wouldn't have gone back. I feel the lack of basic protocol for TBI's is a huge problem and causes more people longer pain and suffering. Air bag deployment, especially side curtain airbags with multiple impacts requires automatic concussion/TBI review by medical professional which I was never given. I couldn't find a glass in my own house just after the cops sent me home with a friend since my suv had $22,000 in damage. The police report once received advise no injuries. Every vehicle had injuries after speaking with my insurance company. Due to my delayed diagnosis and medical treatment my doctors advise I can expect a 1-3 year recovery. I plan to go back out on FMLA next month as I have perm muscle damage behind both eyes, both pupils are still dilated and are perm, including peripheral vision loss shown on testing, cognitive issues, weight loss, and still not sleeping well. Early treatment is a must, have them check your vision, balance, nutrition, and sleep habits. I have never felt more alone as many mention on this page, because I appear fine I feel like no one believes me when I will be battling these issues alone for a very long time. Good luck to everyone, stay positive no matter what!!!!! Remember we are TBI survivors, not victims!!!!!
I had TBI on November 2010. I used to be a mixed martial arts fighter until I got TBI from an illegal knee which had me out but my instincts were still going and my fight or flight response took over and I continued the fight for another 15 minutes approximately. In that time I sustained approximately 25 impacts to the back of my head via punches and elbows which were seen on the CT Scan taken at an emergency room three days later to rule out a skull fracture or cranial bleeding. Luckily I did not but the doctor said my trauma was similar to a major car wreck. I now had a condition called Post Concussion syndrome which is pretty much like Post Traumatic Brain Disorder. It is something I deal with everyday and try to make the best of. The part that has really made me lose faith in people is the fact that we had evidence proving foul play and the North Carolina Boxing Authority felt fit to disregard it and blow me off. These guys were cops and chose to do nothing in the face of evidence that hand grounds probably cause along with a fight that had a referee that was negligent to the blows as well as showing intent to violate the rules and regulations of the State. I had bouts with alcoholism, much greater anxiety, a potentially lucrative career now over as a result, and lost my girlfriend due to changes in my mood and behavior. In order to counter act this I have started writing and now keep a blog and am working on a trilogy of science fiction novels in order to keep my brain as sharp as possible and it definitely has helped. I read some of the stories on here and I can definitely relate to the type suffering of it is. I just want people on here to now that you can still do something despite this injury and you shouldn't give up on yourself if you have. I'm not. I just hope that this condition can be prevented someday. It's an injury the people just cant relate to until they experience it. You change.
Bicycling accident, August 2004. I was hit from behind by a truck. Despite having severe head and spinal injuries, I was not diagnosed with TBI nor informed of the possible behavioral and emotional effects until well after my marriage was destroyed. "The person who once was is no longer there"
i was in a wreck this year. fractured skull into brain broke sholder bones and got pnuemonia in hospital. also bells palsy on left side of face. i was so weak lost 30 pounds and cant remember the wreck. i was in hospital for two weeks 1 week uncounscious had people visit me i didnt remember was out cold. looked at my dad and wife and mom gave me support. as well as other friends broughts meals to my home and gave money. im always sleepy weak brain hurts and nervous. but jehovah keeps me strong with family and friends. one day we will be healed and accidents no more. rev 21:3,4
I am 25 years old, and was in a coma from a car accident at the age of 5. A first aid kid came out from underneath my seat upon impact and opened and the reflector came out and hit me right in the middle of my forehead. I have been struggling lately with depression and other things and have been researching to see if the coma in the reason for this. This article had very useful comments
I had car accident on December 1992 and I was in coma over a month. As soon as I was wake up from the coma, I was my own, because I did not have any family. I was new in America and I did not know how to get help. I felt every one took advantage of my weakness. Even, my compensation from car accident was managed and mishandle by others. I did not have place to stay, and I went dormitory school, to have place to stay and it became like hell. Doctor suggests me to leave and rest. I did not have any relatives or good friends in America, I also I was not able to go anywhere else. To make long story short, now after over twenty years, thing are getting worse and I do not know what to do or who can understand me.
My husband sustained a severe TBI 12/1/11 and he is still recovering. He was in ICU for 41 days and has gone through more than I can even understand. He had bone flap removed during initial surgery, got and infection 19 days later and was reopened, was in Acute therapy for a month, and then sub-acute for a month and finally came home. He had bone flap placed in,, and after 5 months had another infection and had to have it removed again. He wore a helmet for another 6 months and then had a prosthetic placed. He lost all movement and use to his left side a year after his ATV accident and he is going through therapies now. Over the last 5 months he has had 4 seizures and they can't seem to control them. He was just hospitalized last week and had MRI to see what is going on, the Drs. told us that over this time of healing his right side of his brain shows damage and that he will be permanently weak on his left side. He is frustrated and depressed and his emotions are all over the place. He wakes up sometimes with slurred speech and he has chronic headaches which are not improving. He is so strong and I am so proud of him! He tries, but unfortunately he doesn't comprehend somethings and that breaks my heart. I will say that all I can do as a wife and to try and keep him moving forward and stick by him. Afterall that is what love is all about. He is different than he used to be, he was so active and funny and always happy...I do live a "changed man" but by no fault of his own, it just happens. I am his sole caretaker and I am with him all the time, I see his highs and his lows. I just know he has to go the extra mile to work hard and he knows that too. Best of luck to all of you who live this day to day as I know it is not easy and no one will understand unless they live with someone with a TBI...God Bless

We share almost the same story .God is able .

I appreciate your comments! I have a realistic view now. I had a brain aneurysm 10 years ago and still suffer the effects. I thought to get better would be to be perfect - not so. Thank you all for sharing and please allow me to say God Bless you all.
I was hit over the head with something pretty solid in an Armed Robbery at my place of work on the 4th April 2003, IT HAS TAKEN A LITTLE OVER TEN YEARS TO GET THE BRAIN TO FUNCTION AGAIN IN A NORMAL WAY.I lost the neural drive to many parts of the body, the hormonal or endocrine was all to pot and has only righted itself very recently,last evening and I am not going to describe how I know, suffice to say I am now a slightly sad sixty-one year old suddenly, overnight. I Had no memory at all for four years, I have only just begun to reason as an adult again, I have never given in, even though I kept loosing the neural drive to the heart for ten minutes or so each time, in the first four years. I am now learning to play the piano, ça va très bien pour moi, and of course a little German,aussi mir geht sehr gute, cheers Christian Morgan.Brighton, no doctors helped me either!
My dad aged 77 is currently in Criticalcare following a horrific attack in his home. He suffered 2 fractures to the skull 1 bleed on the brain, horrific facial injuries and fractures, including his nose and pallet damage. He also received massive internal bleeding needing surgery and part of his bowel removed. His progress has been amazing the docs and nurses are well considering they did not expect him to see the night through are shocked. His memory is more about his long term past rather than short term. He doesn't know where he lives or that my mum died in October of last year and keeps asking after her. The docs say it could take months for him to fully recover, what was two weeks a strong independent 77 year old pensioner is now a pitiful weak old man, but he is alive and that is all thanks to the amazing staff and his fitness and strength. I have read some of these and take it all inboard that this will be a slow and long process.
My accident was in 2004. March 31st, but my husband says April 1st. I think I would remember April Fools day... My problem how he minimizes my improvement (recovery ?) I am so afraid at the thought of being with anyone, but can functon with people at grocery store, can't write witj my hand so I write with a comupter. He just wants me to do dishes, cook, clean, take care of myself and be support to him like I was to do before all with a great job of 75K income. I know it is hard to take a person so changed, but he now is scaring me with yelling. I am so scared all the time when because when he yells my head spins. Now have a tremor in my hands which is going to make me unable to feed myself. So scared. This took me 25 minutes to write so it had no mistakes. I bet that errors still exist.
While reading all these comments, I can\'t help but to feel blessed. I sustained my TBI in 2008. As time goes on I\'m able to notice my own deficiencies (such as stopping what I am doing to tend to a more imperative situation at hand) and work on bettering them. Sad to say, but some deficiencies do not go away, for me anyway. I just learned how to cope with them; jotting quick notes, being a bit more tidy (not really OCD tho),exercising, etc. However, I get very frustrated with the fact that I have a difficult time controlling my anger, getting flustered when things don\'t go as planned and making the wrong choices (even when I know they are wrong and even detrimental to me) BUT since my accident I have been raising my four year old, got my GED, started college, and even met somebody and got married. As I praise and give thanks to God for making it this far, I continue to pray for my impairments. Mainly my anger... it has become a real problem between my new husband and myself. I still do not always do or say the right things, but I\'m trying.
I was Six Years of age when I had my first head injury. It was 1980. I was riding my bike and my father was behind me and I lost control of the bike flipped the bike and landed on the right side of my head. I was in ICU for over 72 in a COMA swelling of the brain. My parents stated they had to sign a waiver to drill a hole in my head if the meds did not work to reduce swelling. Lucky for me they worked. I was an A/B student at the time in a Catholic School 1st grade. I was held back in 1st grade again due to this accident because once I got back into school my Moods, behavior, grades slipped to F/D's, memory, concentration levels, cognitive skills, Reading, Writing, even tying my shoes I had to learn again. Yet the doctors said there was nothing wrong with me. That the CAT scan was fine. Well when I was in 3rd grade I had to be taken out of Catholic School and placed in Public school because I fell so far behind and I just could not stay focused on anything I was lucky to be focused on myself. In 3rd grade public School I was Diagnosed with Multiple Learning disabilities. In 4th Grade I was diagnosed with ADHD my parents refused Ritalin and told the Doctors and the school to figure out another method because they where not going to have a drugged child. In 6th grade I was diagnosed with Eye problems due to the head injury that took place in 1st grade... (OH YEAH) I had to wear Tri-Focals to Bi-Focals to Glasses to Reading Glasses and went through two years of Vision Therapy for children who sustained Traumatic Brain Injury with a doctor in Ringwood, NJ Named Dr. Joel Warshowsky. IN 7th Grade I was transferred to A Special Education School Orange-ulster Boces in Goshen, New York with other students that where mentally emotional and physical Handicapped. (Autism, blindness& partial blindness, deafness & partial deafness, psychiatric condition, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Down syndrome, and the list goes on. I stayed there until 9th grade when New York State tried to main stream me back into Public school again, which was a nightmare. Once I went back to my home school I was teased, beat up, raped, abused, was in a fight almost ever day, I even began to fake seizure just to get the heck out of the school. They finally sent my back to Boces however the damage to me was already done. I became Depressed, Moody, Full of Anxiety, I began to self-mutilate drawing things into my body then picking at them, this is when I began to have insomnia, and nightmares, started to runaway from home. They kept me in Boces until I graduated High School However I was never accepted at my home school even though my father forced me to walk at graduation to get my diploma WHICH I HATED!!! I was always different because of my behaviors I was never accepted everyone knew there was something about me that was just a bit off. I was eccentric & passionate in my eye, in other peoples eyes I was crazy, weird, strange, neurotic, compulsive, obsessive, impulsive, and my nicknames in High School where "CRACK BABY" & "TINKERBELL". I was 19 I was on a motorcycle and got into a accident I was lucky to be waring a helmet or else I would be dead today. In College I was called "JUMBLE G". due to my eccentric behaviors. By 1995 I was pregnant that was a nightmare all on its own. Seizures, Sugar problems, Blood Pressure problems, mood fluctuations, pains that the doctors where telling me where not their, YET they where there!!!! I was miserable. I was crying one minute, screaming another, happy the next and this is not exaggerating... I was out of control. Then I was kidnapped while I was 3 months pregnant and the police did not want to believe me. Yet they did not want to bring the K-9 unit out to search my car and do scent pad tracking on the guy which they would have found the keys to my car at the very least. Four blocks over on some persons lawn. I have had one problem after another since my head injury medical issues after medical issues. Hormone problems where always a major issue for me. I had to have multiple surgeries down in the female region I am hoping I am going to have my last one this May 2, 2013 this time they are going in Roboticly. Hopefully this will be my last and final hysterectomy!!! Ever since they took out my ovaries my moods have been easier to manage. I still have anxiety . I still to this day at 39 years of age have problems memory cognitively moods matter of fact I was diagnosed with a mood disorder due to a general medical condition with a Personality disorder, anxiety due to Traumatic Brain Injury in 2003. 2003 I was diagnosed with Cervical and uterine cancer had a hysterectomy however I have had one ovary keep growing back about every two to years with masses cysts and tumors every thing has been binge. Fibromyalgia in 2005, OA 2008, early onset Parkinson 2012 (brought on by the head injuries. At least this is what I have been told). Liver and kidney issues... Pains numbness vertigo weakness I been told it is all in my head... I tell people your damn right it is all in my head all from my head injuries I blame it all on the head injuries... So for all of you who have issues yeah I feel your pains mentally physically and any other way. I believe you over any doctor who tells you it is not possible it cannot be happen or even if it is happen I have had them to more frequently in today's day and age. So yeah I understand all of you and I feel for everyone on this website because it is so darn frustrating when Doctors think they know you and they have only known you for three minutes and never even seen a chart of yours before.
I wreaked on August 19th 2001, I don't remember any of that & only a tiny bit of being in hospital. I never got rehab. I do know that it took me 10 years to be ok that I lived after wreak. The me know is not the same person that was here before. It is like there is/was 2 of me the one before & the one after. I had no memory after wreak none & my right side didnt want to work right plus many other things. The bones healed some things got better & went away. I still have many problems but now only with my head injury & th resulting opps just got lost. That wreak took so much & showed me that the ones I called friends before were not at all. I trust all & believe all I have been taken advantage of because of this. so my way of dealing with that is to stay away from people as mush as possible. I noticed that I react very very strongly to situations that happen my emotions seem to have gone to extreme mode. I have always had lots of emotion since wreak but this is so much more intense & way over board. I also was told that i have been talking different to someone then i have ever done before to them & I have known them for 2 years now. In 5 months it will be 12 years since I wreaked. Do i have to deal with new personality & emotional changes again.
I had a severe TBI in Aug 1992, I fell off a car moving about 15 miles an hour. hit the back of my head stood up and fell and hit the frount of my head and of course stood up one more time and fell for a third time and hit the bck of my head again. I spent 4 days in a coma and have very little memory of the incident. About 8 years ago I noticed I started having problems with shakeing of the arms and other mentel and emotional problems. My recovery went very well from the accident, but the problems I am having now seem to be directy related to the head injury I have years ago.
i suffered a t.b.i. over ten years ago when i was a junior in h.s. hanging on to a moving vehicle whilst riding a skateboard. i was a \'gifted\' student (hard to believe? ha) and was able to finish out the rest of the next year while earning a scholarship to study in Germany. I messed that opportunity up because I started smoking marijuana heavily overseas because, well it was strong and I liked it. Upon being kicked out of Germany I enlisted in the navy. Now when I was hospitalized it was like an emergency helicopter and medicated coma for two days kind of scenario, and my recruiter told me to \'falsify\' my enlistment paperwork to say I was only unconscious for two minutes. Well after finishing my basic training at Great Lakes I was shipped to california, to the presidio of Monterey. My inability to cope with the military life, the alienation (now that i see was of my doing), and the fine grass of northern california ended up with me being kicked out of the military with an o.t.h...a lot of things i did during that time warranted medical attention but because of my cannabis use, i\'ve been up shit\'s creek dealing with that being the scapegoat.As for the strained relationships with my family and friends they too can use \'well it\'s just the pot suck it up and grow up\'. don\'t get me wrong i should have more power over smoking because i was able to put down the bottle,but the chaos of everyday living gets to me. i\'m punching holes in the wall, getting arrested, getting fired. conning my way into employment by leaving out the tiny little detail of my deficiencies when it comes to interpersonal relationships, anger, stress management, sense of reality...and don\'t even go into the beautiful kind loving women that have blessed my life and then scrambled for an exit after months of varying \'episodes\' that make me look like I\'m psychotic or something. It\'s those 5 seconds of just pure explosive rage that come and go like some unpredictable storm that has me in a position relying on my family to support me. i don\'t want to be this person, but i am, and i have to deal with it but how?
I suffered a TBI in September of 2000 and the two worst physical injuries I received were a broken back and loss of vision in one eye. When I woke up in the hospital I had no idea where I was or who I was. I have undergone every type of therapy possible; physical, cognitive therapy, occupational therapy, and others that I don't recall. Like one person above said that there is a thought on the tip of my tongue and I just can't get it out. It's a very frustrating feeling and it happens more than I'd like. Also, like someone said, I look normal except for a slight limp and a droopy eyelid which eye glasses pretty much cover. Unfortunately like many above I have not been able to return to work. Betweein my back and my eyes I've undergone over 50 surgeries with more planned. Am I grateful to be alive, of course I am. I was able to give my daughter away at her wedding and I was able to enjoy the birth of my two grandchildren. The only thing I can do is to keep fighting this and some day contribute back to society.
I suffered a TBI and also broke my neck in 2000 while a passenger in a car accident. My life has never been the same since. I continue to have memory problems, difficulty concentrating, experience mood swings, irritability/anger, fatigue, depression, headaches, preoccupation and the list goes on. I am grateful that I am alive and that I healed from my injuries after surgery and a lot of therapy. It is difficult everday though because I never have felt right since. I look ok and no one understands what it is like because I am not. Friends, family, co-workers and professionals do look at you like you are crazy. I am a social worker myself and it is frustrating to not be able to say what you want or mean but have it right on the tip of your tongue and never be able to put things into the correct words. I wish so much that people could understand what it is like to have a TBI. It is exhausting to constantly doubt yourself, feel misunderstood, also abandoned because no one understands. I never thought that after 13 years things would still be difficult and frustrating. There needs to be more resources, education, support and resources. I tell myself that I have accepted that I am different but I have not and I'm not sure if I ever will.
Suffered severe TBI in Nov. 1991 - unconscious for entire stay in first hospital. Shattered my right femur - in addition to which the entire right side of me was neurologically affected (right arm spastic/right leg paralysed/very little muscle control on right of body). For the past five years (or so) in particular, I've suffered much rejection or 'misunderstanding' by my once close family & friends - simply because I no-longer behave or react in the same way as I used to. For about 15 years after my unfortunate 'incident', I simply behaved as I thought others expected me to behave; my self confidence was so severely damaged, but now I'm able to behave independently, my genuine 'new' behaviour is rejected - having an alternate (or different) way of behaving and thinking, that differs from the standard 'accepted' way, has made life very hard. The problem is that my behaviour for most of the first 15 years was a lie, merely to ensure social acceptance!
Suffered severe TBI in Nov. 1991 - unconscious for entire stay in first hospital. Shattered my right femur - in addition to which the entire right side of me was neurologically affected (right arm spastic/right leg paralysed/very little muscle control on right of body). For the past five years (or so) in particular, I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\%5
Skydiving accident. I was discharged after day or two, but do not remember weeks and apparently I was in and out of conscience on the couch. Took about 2 years to get back to a normal of sorts. During that time gave away all of my possessions. 5 years later had a grand mal seizure. Been on seizure medicine ever since.
