Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
What branch did you serve in? I see an Army Doc that is the best I’ve ever heard of. His name is Dr. Rigg at Eisenhower Army Medical Institute. It’s in Augusta, GA.
I had a biking accident nearly five years ago that resulted in a moderate TBI and an incomplete scalping. Being fifteen years old, I was fortunate enough to only have a skull fracture and moderate brain swelling. The swelling resulted in about three weeks of time I can't recall, but I was able to recover! My parents, both nurses, talk about how fortunate I was to have survived and still be fine - which I am. But, I can't help but feel like something is wrong with my brain. Some days are clear, and other days are cloudy. Some days I wake up happy and chipper and able to play chess (one of my main hobbies) easily and without fault, other days I am irritable and depressed, incable of sitting down to look at the board. I live functionally, working a full time job and in academics full time, working to become a nurse as well. But my brain is worrying me. I have a hard time remembering both my childhood and teenage years before my accident. Recently, I can't seem to recall details within more than a few weeks. My memory seems entirely cloudy. Last year has almost faded from my memory, I only remember key facts like the job I was working and people I was friends with. I've mentioned these things to my parents, who both said to tell my Primary Care Physician; she told me there was nothing to worry about. Maybe this was a predicted result, but if it was, it wasn't prominent within three years following my accident, which concerns me. I can't help but feel anxious about it.
Wow, I've had a very similar experience. 2 1/2 years ago I fell and hit my head on the pavement - long story that resulted in a minor brain bleed (causing a seizure) and a fracture to my temporal lobe. Ever since the accident my memory has been such garbage that it's almost scary sometimes, but I didn't realize this even a year after the accident because my memory was never great to begin with. However, I'm often concerned that I can't find the right words when trying to explain things, or that when I am talking my mind goes blank trying to recall something that I just read or I just completely lose my train of thought. The entire 6 months after the accident were fuzzy, and having two separate neurologists didn't help. I never brought this up because I didn't notice anything drastic at the time, and now I feel like it's too late to contact them. Anyway, I guess it's reassuring that I'm not alone.
Hi, my son at the age of 16 had a fall from a roof, 32feet, his leg caught railings on the way down and this slowed his fall. He had broken ribs, broken wrist, deep wound to his calf, and a compressed fracture of the scull. He was never in a coma but had Bell’s palsy on the left hand side of his face and could not walk. It was rough and go if he would survive. He looked and walked like a 90 year old man. 5 months after the accident a tear ran down his cheek and his beautiful smile came back! He is now approaching 36, drives an articulated lorry for a living and has 3 gorgeous children. I know he’s not 100% but he’s done great. My partner struggles to cope with his behaviour sometimes, and that is a strain as I know he cannot cope with things and does reply on me to help out when he’s stuck but I will always be there fo him. I am blessed that he is good, still works and has given be 3 gorgeous grandchildren. I have no idea if he will suffer any issues as he gets older but the surgeon said all those years ago, just get in with your life! And he has done. His time to go was not then and I thank all the professionals who helped him to recover. It took possible 2 years after the accident to say he had made an almost 100 % recovery. He was young enough for his brain to heal and has a massive scar on his head which reminds us all of the incident. He his his head when snow boarding and took a wise decision to get himself checked out some 6 years ago, ,that was the first time he saw the ex ray and the black mass of dead brain, he was shocked but just accepted it and is enjoying life. I hope this has been helpful to read. Luv him to bits.
I had tbi from domestic violence sent upstate NY broke. Bone in head got plate put in with VP shut drain blood and fluid in 2016 .now I'm having memory issues .diagnosed with MS last yr an Dr now says have early stages of dementia.i don't have trouble doing daily task just people say I repeat my self alot is it possible it from trauma instead of dementia. I cook drive no trouble bath clean pay bills on time so Dr really got me thinking and concern I'm only 48 to young for this .worked in health care 24 yrs prior to tbi .always tired and headaches Neuro Dr call um cluster level low sleep 12 hrs a day some days more and some days don't even sleep so what should I do before anything advances .
I have had several head injuries... Age one, fell down a flight of stairs, knocked unconscious. Age 11, fell off a bike, found unconscious on the road. Age 12, I was riding a new horse who ran away with me and knocked me off on a large tree branch. I had 25 stitches above my right eye … Then at age 17, I had a car accident and rolled down a 25 foot embankment, again, knocked unconscious.
At age 60; I started having hand tremors. An MRI showed I had a rare brain cyst, making me the 40th person ever. In Nov, 2016, I had brain surgery. The cyst was filled with spinal fluid. When the surgeon pierced it, it drained and pulled away from the brain tissue, causing it to bleed. I have learned that is not a good thing. I was in intensive care and a rehab center afterwards. Then 'physical therapy' for a number of months, which consisted of playing games and Journaling. My close friend also helped me so much with the symptoms. She had an aneurism.
I am now retired and on SSI... I had to leave my job. I feel so fortunate to be getting a pension as well.
My husband took care of me. It was (is) a strain on him. Our youngest daughter left her partner and moved in with us in December along with her two daughters and two pit bull dogs. They are all crammed in one bedroom. Since they moved in it has been a challenge for me, as you could imagine. I feel as if I am digressing. After reading your comments it is helpful to admit it could be so much worse.
Some days are just okay and I feel clear enough to think like I used to sometimes. But most days feeling not foggy, it only last a few hours and others not at all. I take naps every day & feeling foggy leaves me sad,impatient, irritable, but I try to not let this control or happen when I know I feel this way. My incident where 2 people hurt me and I was in shock when I woke up bloody. I dont remember much. Just bits here and there. I dont have enough for pieces. Is it normal for ne to feel slow & foggy , & not be able to explain things well if I say them; is it normal to fight with daily functions and hate artificial lighting? I just dont know. I just want it to end.
Thank you for posting. You’re not alone or crazy for what’s going on. I was in a horrific motorcycle accident that broke most the bones in my body and gave me a decent TBI, that was fortunately controlled with drugs, not surgery. This was two years ago. Just lately I have started to come out of what seems like a day dream, things were just foggy, hard to comprehend, words are lost from me, and emotions can be all over the board without the ability to express the way I mean to or want to. I know lots of people that have light sensitivity after a decent blow to the head. I pray time helps with your injuries and the symptoms ease because having a disconnection from your body is terrifying.
Something that helps is a support system. This is harder to find after a little time from your trauma; while the world moves on from what happen to you, you’re stuck putting the pieces together. Still getting up to speed on the traumatic experience. Most people will not understand and it is so maddening. I recommend journaling because it can help sort all of the complex loses you are dealing with. Also know that your pain is unique to you. No one has experienced what you have and you’re stronger for it. Please know there are still kind, wonderful people out there and I am sorry for the hurting you’re experiencing.
Hi Cindy, I have survived multiple brain injuries, and I am still struggling with the effects of them, daily. Yes, your issues are normal, so relax, you are not alone. Talk to your Doctor about them, they need to know. Also there are support groups with people who are going through the same issues. The key is to not worry, you are "normal", okay ?
I am 67, I was unconscious briefly, at age 6, when I hit the left side of my head on pavement after falling off my bike. I had difficulty learning for about a year and was almost held back in school. Stress and/or fatigue can cause me to have TIAs, a migraine, and/or experience scotomas—no headache but central vision loss.
My daughter was 1 when she stopped breathing lack of oxygen she is now turning 6 shes having a hard time learning writing identifying letters speech is delayed, lazy eye slower time tracking... she is in regulat kindergarten but she is struggling to keep up having frustrations then that turns into behaviors . She understands everything just takes longer to process and her right side from tracking issues to slower overall reaction is more noticeable or affected on right side not left. Any advice or things that I can do or know that might help and wish u knew sooner ..or explaining ur experience living with it from start to now of injury
My daughter was 1 when she stopped breathing lack of oxygen she is now turning 6 shes having a hard time learning writing identifying letters speech is delayed, lazy eye slower time tracking... she is in regulat kindergarten but she is struggling to keep up having frustrations then that turns into behaviors . She understands everything just takes longer to process and her right side from tracking issues to slower overall reaction is more noticeable or affected on right side not left. Any advice or things that I can do or know that might help and wish u knew sooner ..or explaining ur experience living with it from start to now of injury
I was injured at work. An overhead lamp connected to the machine I was working on came loose, swung down and hit me on the left side of my head and neck knockin me to the ground. I was taken to the ER where I only got xrays for broken bones, No concussion check til about five months later. The doctors here in Sweden do not seem to know much about tbi's and have done not much for me, it is here take this pil or that pil. I also am dealing with whiplash pain and not getting much help there either. my work insurance refuses to compensate me because with no information I went back to work for five months even though I was in pain and not realizing what damage had been done to my brain, ( yet) after the five months I went back and asked for another doctor. this all happened to me in december 20015. no one seems to understand what I am going through or just don't care
I see you, and I can relate to a lot of what you're going through. I was injured in a car wreck, but the rest of your comment is pretty much exactly how I feel. I understand what you're going through, because I am too. I care. I hope you find support. I hope you find ways to adapt. Keep pushing, you can do it! (trying to tell myself that as much as you! ;) )
I was hit in head with a crowbar at work on 2002. Saw several drs, had severe cognitive and behavioral changes stemming from a combo of the injury and the never ending or changing diet of antidepressants I was given to treat the condition. Went from a hard working loving family man to a federally indicted criminal in a year. Served 9.5 years in prison and returned to work still carrying the problems. It's now been over 17 years since the injury and I'm still getting the run-around from drs. Noone will even address my issues, only keep giving me pills of all sorts. I've been unable to work the past three years due to the pills but of I don't take them I fear what may happen in light of what's happened already. Just returned from er as I write this, once again given a pill for dizziness and one to sleep. They refuse to tackle the problem
I had a severe TBI in the military, 50years ago, many doctors has told me nothing wrong, fighting with the veterans the last 8 years and they are just waiting for all of us to die.
I am very scared I found my boyfriend a few weeks ago, he shot himself in the head and I saved his life. He has been recovering well. They say he has no brain damage because of my quick response when I found him However there are so many things that are unknown and they don’t seem to say anything about what to expect when he comes home but about the therapist and his jaw still being wired the medical parts. It’s happened so quickly and they don’t seem take in consideration that I am fearful of what how to handle this. He is doing well yes but when I show up there he wants help with everything and I don’t know how handle it. His sight has already started to change in the one eye. He is constantly hot wants the temperature at 65 or colder, it’s always got to be dim in the room. I don’t want to push him not sure what to think at this point they just continue to say he is doing great and he will be ready to go back home soon. I don’t know where to get answers but I’m ready to pull my hair out I see my therapist 2 times a week now and it’s just me and him here!
My husband was shot in the head at point/blank range. It sounds very similar to what you are describing with injuries to your boyfriends jaw & other head injuries. My husband went through many surgeries, including plastic surgery & jaw reconstruction. That was in 2015, I was his caretaker. They all celebrated his recovery without telling us anything about TBI or mental health aftercare.
Now, we are divorcing. He says that he doesn’t need a mother or a nurse to take care of him. He has “needs that aren’t being met”, I’m to blame. And, I feel that I’ve been lashed out on through the experience, my counselor says that it’s probably because people lash out on those they are closest too & are most comfortable with. I’m so sad that after all the trauma that I went through, that our relationship & marriage of 17 years is over.
I don’t want to scare you away from taking care of your boyfriend, if that’s what you want to do. His injuries may result in different outcomes than my husband. But, educate yourself on TBI & the long-term effects.
I was listening to an amazing woman on NPR today that is a neuroscientist, did her work on military TBI’s (which I think are probably similar to people experiencing GSW’s), and her husband was in the military & suffered an injury that resulted in TBI. They divorced in 2015 & he committed suicide in 2019. He knew that he had TBI & of all of his wife’s research & this happened. There’s apparently scaring that happens in the brain that the brain cannot repair. This was a very sad story for me to hear, as I feel that my husband is pushing me away. He’s had a 2nd chance at life & I hope that he does live it out to its fullest! I truly hope that the TBI does not prevent him from doing so. It’s sad that it’s preventing him from wanting to keep his marriage.
Suicide is a common “side-effect” from TBI’s, the woman on NPR was saying. I hope that this is not the case for my husband! I hope that your boyfriend’s suicide attempt & recovery will remind him to live.
One other than I wanted to mention is that we did not know if my husband would recover to the point of being able to work. He’s been working harder than he ever has in his life. He does admit he has short term memory loss & difficulty remembering things he used to know without even trying. So, it’s a process & the changes in sensitivity to light & temperature may not persist, nor may the need for constant assistance. Just be ready for things to change, and the changes & future are unpredictable for all of us. This is especially true for those with TBI & their loved ones. Be sure you’re willing to take that on going forward. Try to find some individual counseling or mental health help for yourself so that you don’t forget to take care of yourself!! I put myself 2nd, and didn’t realize it. It’s so good to help others & especially our loved ones-but remember that YOU are #1. No one will care for you like you will!!
My husband suffered frontal lobe damage in an accident in 1999. Has been on disability ever since. I can tell you that you can notice deficits and improvements for years after the initial injury. It will depend on what part of the brain was injured/affected. I will also tell you not to ignore your own needs. Caretaker burnout is a real phenomenon and you will become very resentful of your significant other if you do not take care of yourself, as well.
I am 43 married with 2 children. Since 2005 my husband has been learning to deal with me with a severe tbi from a near death car accident coming home from work one day. I feel like all of the help is given to you right after you get out of hospital with doctors and now I feel like my husband and I donot know where to turn for help now. I am able to walk and look normal but as I am aging I want to see how my brain is doing. If you have any suggestions for me I would greatly appreciate it.
Look into Carrick Institute trained doctors called Functional Neurologists for your area. There may be help and hope. I am looking into help for my husband who had a bad car accident in Jan 2019 and now regressing...Carrick Institute has centers in Colorado and Florida besides.
Your health will depend how long your comma was, I have TBI too with skull fracture and organic plastic placement instead. my accident was 33 years ago but i am still suffering from suicidal tendencies because of a life long depression
It's wonderful that you were able to rescue your boyfriend! Also, it's wonderful that you are in therapy. I would stay in therapy until you are feeling confident that you can handle whatever life seems to throw at you.
I was in a serious car accident in 1981 in my early 20s and was in a semi coma on a ventilator for 6 weeks. I won't go into detail, but I nearly died and stated in intensive care for 5 weeks and had to have emergency brain surgery.
Amazingly, I survived. In 1 year my body looked healed, but it took me much longer, more than 20 years, to recover mentally, and I'm still recovering 39 years later.
I have had to deal with neurological deficits, including short term memory loss, difficulty managing emotions, anger, etc. But with patience and support, we can heal.
I eventually completed college and found my way into a career that works for me. Fortunately, I am a self-employed professional and can spend a good part of the day quietly working on my own.
Be patient with your significant other, but be prepared that at some point you might want to move on with your life and end the relationship. It's great that you care for him and are there for him now, but you might eventually want to do something different. Don't feel guilty if you decide to make a significant change in the future. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be together. But you have choices and you should do what is best for you.
I had a moderate TBI due to a scooter accident. I don't remember the accident or the next 4 days. While I was told I never lost Consciousness I still don't remember the first five days and over the course of the next month I had 3-4 day periods of time which I don't recall. I had vision problems for six months and my sleep pattern is all screwed up. This happened in April of 2016. I still have sleeping issues and anger outbursts which scare me. I'm a 60 yo man who was never a people person but know that is even much worse. I try not to interact with people at all. It is a sad situation for sure. Best of luck to all involved.
Did your vision get better? My husband has had a TBI from a mc accident he was intebated for 9 days. It’s 2 months later and he’s not the same and can’t see out of left eye I need advice~ scares&desperate
He might need to see an ophtalmologist. They're doctors that specialize in vision retoration after injuries. I had my vision completely restored after 6 months.
God bless you. I am reading this because I've had a TBI from a violent attack with an ax, survived a subdural hematoma and have a small plate in my forehead. My recovery has been amazing I guess, but five years later I have noticed it takes longer to sort my mind out after a deep sleep. My sister, a nurse, confirmed I could have bacteria/germs dormant in my brain that could become problems later on and I'm just wondering how that would present. So I feel your pain and admire you for sharing your personality changes. Again, God bless you and keep you.
I just remembered something that happened to me in the early part of 2011 I was beaten by two guys for hours they beat me only in the face and head I was bleeding from my mouth nose and ears I never lost consciousness but it went on for hours I did lose a lot of blood. They beat me with their fists and the butt of a shotgun. And now I have lost the sense of smell and I am having a lot of problems with memory walking and just falling apart I now use a wheelchair to move around because I fall all the time I cannot feel anything except my face in places I feel no pain whatsoever nothing. My doctors can’t figure out what is going on with me. I lose time and the only reason I am able to make this post is I just remembered this a few minutes ago and like most things these days I will forget about this by morning so I am posting this now.
My heart bleeds for u dude i know what your going through i watch my husband suffer the same way every day. Day by day he gets a little better so there is hope. May god bless u man
I appreciated reading about so many similar to me on this blog. I suffered a TBI as the result of a car accident in 1991. I went through comatose and years of therapy as many on here can relate. I have seizures, but they are controlled by medication. I have seen a neurologist consistently ever since 1991. Again as many on here can relate my ST memory is extremely bad. I have been able to hold a job, but will be going on disability soon (I have a good lawyer and I am prepared to endure two years of Obamacare until Medicare "kicks in"). My question is... yes I was hurt very badly, as mentioned I have memory problems, I have balance issues, seizures controlled with meds, I talk funny, but other than that I am pretty healthy. I exercise on a treadmill (I walk). I can support myself, and I can drive (I have a license, but it does require doctor approval annually). It has been almost 29 years since the car accident. Could I potentially live a long, good life through retirement? I feel healthy enough. I am nearing 50yo now, and I would appreciate hearing from anyone whom, with undoubted challenges, has still been able to live a long time.
Insurance through the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare as you call it) has been a godsend for me. The cost has been extra affordable and the coverage is very good. Do be aware, though, that you have to have some income in order to qualify. I think it is $14,000 though I am not sure -- I'm also thinking that you can't work at all for two years while trying to get on disability. You might be in a rough spot -- ask your lawyer, for sure.
Hey Brandon my dad had a brain injury when he was 41 dr said in his 4o years of operating he had never seen an injury that bad. With a glasco score of 3 we were advised to take him off life support and not proceed with the crainotomy. That he had 3% chance of survival 97% he would either die or be in a vegetated state. We went against medical advise and though my dad has short term memory loss and never has been able to drive again. Im happy to tell u he just celebrated his 81st birthday and is in great health so healthy that he takes absolutely no medications except a sleeping pill and walks 3 miles a day. So absolutely u can have a long life. Life is only over when god calls u home. Take care Brandon
I truly appreciate your story. I have been feeling hopeless regarding my brother who was in a car accident dec. 16 2019 he suffered a Tbi (frontal lobe) I pray every day that his short term memory will improve, I watch the sadness in his eyes and how he realizes his life has changed. Reading your story gives me hope that things could get better for him.
I had a severe horse accident in 2004 - I landed on my head. It resulted in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Not severe like coma, brain swelling and obviously death, but to the extent I still have some long term effects. Some symptoms are much better, some I may have forever. I also had a broken neck (C-2), broke 2 vertebrae, a crushed clavicle, broken ribs, punctured lung and my shoulder blade was broke in half. Surgeon compared it to someone going through a windshield crash at 70 MPH.
My bones healed. But, it left me with 8 years of chronic debilitating vertigo(attacks/seizures) vomiting, couldn't walk, and balance issues. I had constant ringing in my ears, insomnia, anxiety, depression, Migraines, abnormally sensitive emotions, uncomfortable in crowds, etc. So, I have had lots of rehab for my body, for balance, every test and experimental procedure done and of course, meds.
I was able to work from home, but I I couldn't drive for several years due to the constant attacks/seizures. My damage was more Nuero. I just make lots of notes for things I have to remember. I still have all the above symptoms, most are just not chronic like before and I have learned to manage them.
The thing I can't control is sobbing when there is a conflict. My issue is dealing with crowds, conflict, rejection, so its mainly emotions. If someone yells at me, I fall apart. Before, I was vivacious, outgoing, tough and confident. Now, I'm weak. Friends that do not know about the TBI, think I have a crazy thread. If there is a small conflict, I'm so emotionally distraught that it takes me several days to process it, what caused it, what I did wrong, etc. Then, I always accept the blame and apologize....Over and over. This is what makes them think I'm nuts. I can compare the emotions I feel to the devastation you feel when going through a bad divorce or death of a loved one.....but it just lasts several days and not months. Prayer helps. I do have Christian friends that are very supportive, but the ones that think you are nuts....really hurts. Hence, depression. Do you tell them about your TBI or just let them think you are nuts? Anyone else have problems with being overly emotional. Thank God my overly emotional is kindness and empathy. If it was aggression and anger, that would be so much worse. So I'm thankful, it is what it is.
I had a moderate TBI (and mutlipe facial fractures) in 2007 when I was kicked in the face by a horse and have similar emotional symptoms to you. Immediately after the accident I had classic frontal lobe injury symptoms including anger and having no ability to regulate the things I said, but this slowed down pretty quickly. For the years afterward like you I could not control the crying - in any heightened situation I sobbed and panicked including if I was challenged at work. People didn't take me seriously and thought I was irrational and overdramatic - even if they knew about the accident it was hard for them to understand that a brain injury can have lasting emotional issues and to be honest I didn't know that myself. I was quite an emotional person before the accident and so it wasn't easy to distinguish what was me and what was the injury. Like you, I was consumed by guilt about my reactions and I was very hard on myself and felt that I was a weak. For me it has improved over the years and I can now look back and see that the accident caused that behaviour and as such be a bit kinder to myself. I still have moments like you where what seems like a very small issue feels devastating to me especially if I am challenged by a person but they are less common now. I'm not sure if you have noticed any improvements in your symptoms and unfortunately I don't have any advice but it is sometimes comforting to know that others have a similar experience - I guess that's why we are all here in this comments thread!
My injury was not just one event as yours was. I’ve had 4 knockouts spread out over my lifetime, and I acquired some new complications to manage after each one. The most recent and most damaging was five years ago and it was just a fall while walking down a lighted pathway that resulted in an ambulance ride and 6 stitches. Then about a year ago I had an illness that made everything much much worse; although I’m not sure if it was from encephalitis or a neurotoxin. It is very hard to find a good neurologist in my part of the world. I had to relearn most things, even putting on eyeliner, counting, reading comprehension, how to cook and how to find my way around my home town. My short term memory is no longer converting to long term memory properly and I can no longer recall things I know whenever I want. I also have random blanks where all thought stops which is very inconvenient during a conversation. Ive been working hard (my doctor calls it creating new pathways) and now I’m even able to sort paperwork in my sons class room; although to be honest it is a challenge and I’m exhausted the next day. I keep doing things that are difficult for me because I find that if I keep doing a difficult thing for long enough, it eventually becomes not so difficult; then after a while longer it becomes easy. There are lots of tears during this process, but slowly I’m finding my new “normal”. I’m right there with you on the emotions and social interaction. Any complication, obstacle or decision making in my day causes an emotional break down that’s hard to pull back from and refocus. Some days are good and I seem ”normal”, some days are bad and I seem brain damaged. I’m finally learning to accept this fact and I have really learned who my true friends are that’s for sure! I surround myself with positive people who just love and support me even when I’m a crying mess for weeks. Ignore the ones who think you are nuts, that’s their problem, not yours. You have bigger problems to deal with, and no time for people who are negative. I choose to tell people I have a brain injury and everyone has been very very nice and understanding. I just tell people if I get confused and ask them to repeat or rephrase. If I go blank while talking I just tell them what happened and most people just restart the conversation without missing a beat. I find many people can relate because brain injury is actually a common problem, but few talk about it openly. Once I mention it, people tell me their story or the story of a loved one. Prayer helps, it’s the only way I’m able to get through some days. I try to let God guide me and to not stress over what I cannot control. I have become a fan of the bullet journal, it’s my memory and I never go anywhere with out it. Ill be praying for you and good luck on your brain journey!
i was hit by 4wd in 1981 7 yrs old unconscious for around 2 months head trauma left side above ear 27 stitches skull fracture intravenous drip incerted in gutter buy old school doc due to loss of blood he saved my life other injuries to body as well. multiple concussions since. now 45 i tick most of symptons on lists . aggression concerns me most im not violent but i get angry really fast (lose my s***) for no reason i know im doing wrong but i cant stop it its not fair on my loved ones I don't understand so how can they all they see is angry pat. but really im scared s***less. thank you
I suffered with anger issues for so long, I hated being so aggresive and having violent rage attacks for the simplist nonsense. What has helped me or rather saved me is the doctor diagnosed me with PTSD and ordered me SERDEP 100mg anti depressant tablet. Im a changed person now. I can have my wife call me insulting names and things, it slides off like water off a ducks back. Never before no ,no a time bomb would go off. I would first implode and then explode. The paw-paw would hit the fan and I would spend hours in regret and remorse trying to clean it all up. A bomb can land next to me now and Im as cool as a cucumber. It is so nice not having to go through all that drama over and over and now live calm and free from anger, rage and the aftermath.
Greetings. I have a boyfriend suffering from tbi and doctors estimated him to live till November. Will it be true? Can he survive? What can I do for him?
I have tbi. The thing I need the most is patience from people closest to me. I found an excellent doctor. I am Christian and that's the key to my life. I know you & your boyfriend will need time to adjust. I pray the best for you. Take time for yourself ,
I'm not a doctor so I can't answer your question from the perspective of any medical professional. However, 5 years ago I fell 40 feet down onto a rocky beach and the first responders assumed I was undoubtedly going to be dead within a few hours; I wasn't. Then the doctors stated i'd never come out of the coma I was in; I did. Then they stated I would never be able to speak; the next day my mom handed me the phone used to call down to the cafeteria so I could convice one of the people down there to bring me 4 pieces of bacon instead of 3. They stated i'd never be able to walk let alone compete in the endurance events I had previously, in 2 years time I ran my first 50 mile ultra. The staff at RIC(located in Ilinois, it's where I was transferred after the more intensive and stabilizing rehabilition I attended in California was over) told me that I shouldn't jump back into schooling because "I was incapable of recognizing the difference betwen an A and an F" that summer I attended the local college and got an A in both the classes I was in(one of those classes only had 2 people receive A's in the course, myself and another individual).
I'm not trying to offer any false hope but I can state this: The resiliency of the human body and mind when paired with the relentless will to live is something that both shocks, inspires, and disproves members of the medical community every day all across the world.
We have a grandson that had a tbi (age 12) from getting hit and drug under a car. they did not expect him to survive. But he did and we have Madonna rehab to thank for this and a lot of prayer. I am concerned now that our grandson is playing soccer and has no helmet. As someone who has worked in a hospital for 20 plus years this literally makes me sick to my stomach. I am a firm believer in prayer-it is one of the best forms of medicine.
I suffered from a TBI in the beginning of 2006 due to a car crash that killed my friend and put me in a coma for 2 months. i'm blessed to even talk about it today,(13 years later) because the doctors at North-Western Hospital thought I would die overnight or be a vegetable. I'm here to say the devil is a lie. I'm working a great job at Costco as of now(7 years) and was working at Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital(5 years) after I completed rehab. I have a wonderful woman who accepts me for me and tries to smooth out the few flaws i may have. I have plans to make her my wife and live happy ever after a T.B.I. I'm sharing my story because maybe it will give someone else with or without a T.B.I. motivation to keep pushing in life.
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Wow, it's great that you are doing well but made you survive this ordeal it's one of the hardest things I had to see me & my family go through my mother had an accident in 2018 has tbi but was confusing is one day she's strong and happy but other days depressed or angry. Are this symptoms for life.
Thank you ! My father had a accident where he fell 20 ft and thanks to god he is still alive. They also said to us he would'nt live . He seems mentally good , but I'm worried about whether he'll fully recover or have problems living on us own . The unknown is scary ..
You gave me hope .
Hullo, My daughter who is now 34yrs old had a horrific car accident when she was 16yrs old. Skull laceration and her whole face was squashed, could not see her eyes. It was a terrifiying time as the ambulance people did not think that she would survive, her whole scalp was torn off. She also broke a vertebrae in her back. Since this accident she suffers from schyzophrenia, headaches, hallucinations etc. I did not realise that this could of been brought on by her accident. I need some advice and help as she cannot keep a job for long, cannot sustain or have any relationships and is generally struggling with everyday living. I need some help and guidance please
If I could get any ideas on where to get my loved one help it would be greatly appreciated. He is 47 and in a tailspin on his way to hurting himself or someone else or both. He was in the many and intoxicated and jumped or fell from a 3rd story balcony and broke his face and his femur. He was in a coma for at least over a month. Once he was released from the hospital he was given an honorable discharge from the navy with no help or benefits from that point on. He was not mentally stable enough to realize this for at least a couple of years down the road. This all happened in 1995. He has such behavioral problems stemming from the TBI no one wants to give him the time of day let alone help him. I see it up close later as he realizes how bad his behavior becomes it makes him so depressed and antisocial. Through my own struggles, I have had a therapist and u have repeatedly asked about special counselors who may be trained to deal with this problem. So far no help. So his TBI long teem effect is whats keeping him from getting helo with his long term TBI effect. Ita getting worse by the minute. He has a warped perception of everyone and everything. Are there any places that could maybe help him out????? He has a huge heart but a lot of times he doesn't know that. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and struggles.
Comments (676)
Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
Seth replied on Permalink
What branch did you serve in? I see an Army Doc that is the best I’ve ever heard of. His name is Dr. Rigg at Eisenhower Army Medical Institute. It’s in Augusta, GA.
Devin L. replied on Permalink
I had a biking accident nearly five years ago that resulted in a moderate TBI and an incomplete scalping. Being fifteen years old, I was fortunate enough to only have a skull fracture and moderate brain swelling. The swelling resulted in about three weeks of time I can't recall, but I was able to recover! My parents, both nurses, talk about how fortunate I was to have survived and still be fine - which I am. But, I can't help but feel like something is wrong with my brain. Some days are clear, and other days are cloudy. Some days I wake up happy and chipper and able to play chess (one of my main hobbies) easily and without fault, other days I am irritable and depressed, incable of sitting down to look at the board. I live functionally, working a full time job and in academics full time, working to become a nurse as well. But my brain is worrying me. I have a hard time remembering both my childhood and teenage years before my accident. Recently, I can't seem to recall details within more than a few weeks. My memory seems entirely cloudy. Last year has almost faded from my memory, I only remember key facts like the job I was working and people I was friends with. I've mentioned these things to my parents, who both said to tell my Primary Care Physician; she told me there was nothing to worry about. Maybe this was a predicted result, but if it was, it wasn't prominent within three years following my accident, which concerns me. I can't help but feel anxious about it.
H replied on Permalink
Hi I just wondered how things were? I had an incident 4.5 years ago and struggled to function normally since. X
Caroline replied on Permalink
Wow, I've had a very similar experience. 2 1/2 years ago I fell and hit my head on the pavement - long story that resulted in a minor brain bleed (causing a seizure) and a fracture to my temporal lobe. Ever since the accident my memory has been such garbage that it's almost scary sometimes, but I didn't realize this even a year after the accident because my memory was never great to begin with. However, I'm often concerned that I can't find the right words when trying to explain things, or that when I am talking my mind goes blank trying to recall something that I just read or I just completely lose my train of thought. The entire 6 months after the accident were fuzzy, and having two separate neurologists didn't help. I never brought this up because I didn't notice anything drastic at the time, and now I feel like it's too late to contact them. Anyway, I guess it's reassuring that I'm not alone.
Judith replied on Permalink
Hi, my son at the age of 16 had a fall from a roof, 32feet, his leg caught railings on the way down and this slowed his fall. He had broken ribs, broken wrist, deep wound to his calf, and a compressed fracture of the scull. He was never in a coma but had Bell’s palsy on the left hand side of his face and could not walk. It was rough and go if he would survive. He looked and walked like a 90 year old man. 5 months after the accident a tear ran down his cheek and his beautiful smile came back! He is now approaching 36, drives an articulated lorry for a living and has 3 gorgeous children. I know he’s not 100% but he’s done great. My partner struggles to cope with his behaviour sometimes, and that is a strain as I know he cannot cope with things and does reply on me to help out when he’s stuck but I will always be there fo him. I am blessed that he is good, still works and has given be 3 gorgeous grandchildren. I have no idea if he will suffer any issues as he gets older but the surgeon said all those years ago, just get in with your life! And he has done. His time to go was not then and I thank all the professionals who helped him to recover. It took possible 2 years after the accident to say he had made an almost 100 % recovery. He was young enough for his brain to heal and has a massive scar on his head which reminds us all of the incident. He his his head when snow boarding and took a wise decision to get himself checked out some 6 years ago, ,that was the first time he saw the ex ray and the black mass of dead brain, he was shocked but just accepted it and is enjoying life. I hope this has been helpful to read. Luv him to bits.
Terri replied on Permalink
I had tbi from domestic violence sent upstate NY broke. Bone in head got plate put in with VP shut drain blood and fluid in 2016 .now I'm having memory issues .diagnosed with MS last yr an Dr now says have early stages of dementia.i don't have trouble doing daily task just people say I repeat my self alot is it possible it from trauma instead of dementia. I cook drive no trouble bath clean pay bills on time so Dr really got me thinking and concern I'm only 48 to young for this .worked in health care 24 yrs prior to tbi .always tired and headaches Neuro Dr call um cluster level low sleep 12 hrs a day some days more and some days don't even sleep so what should I do before anything advances .
Linda K. replied on Permalink
I have had several head injuries... Age one, fell down a flight of stairs, knocked unconscious. Age 11, fell off a bike, found unconscious on the road. Age 12, I was riding a new horse who ran away with me and knocked me off on a large tree branch. I had 25 stitches above my right eye … Then at age 17, I had a car accident and rolled down a 25 foot embankment, again, knocked unconscious.
At age 60; I started having hand tremors. An MRI showed I had a rare brain cyst, making me the 40th person ever. In Nov, 2016, I had brain surgery. The cyst was filled with spinal fluid. When the surgeon pierced it, it drained and pulled away from the brain tissue, causing it to bleed. I have learned that is not a good thing. I was in intensive care and a rehab center afterwards. Then 'physical therapy' for a number of months, which consisted of playing games and Journaling. My close friend also helped me so much with the symptoms. She had an aneurism.
I am now retired and on SSI... I had to leave my job. I feel so fortunate to be getting a pension as well.
My husband took care of me. It was (is) a strain on him. Our youngest daughter left her partner and moved in with us in December along with her two daughters and two pit bull dogs. They are all crammed in one bedroom. Since they moved in it has been a challenge for me, as you could imagine. I feel as if I am digressing. After reading your comments it is helpful to admit it could be so much worse.
Thank you for your support. I feel more hopeful.
Cindy replied on Permalink
Some days are just okay and I feel clear enough to think like I used to sometimes. But most days feeling not foggy, it only last a few hours and others not at all. I take naps every day & feeling foggy leaves me sad,impatient, irritable, but I try to not let this control or happen when I know I feel this way. My incident where 2 people hurt me and I was in shock when I woke up bloody. I dont remember much. Just bits here and there. I dont have enough for pieces. Is it normal for ne to feel slow & foggy , & not be able to explain things well if I say them; is it normal to fight with daily functions and hate artificial lighting? I just dont know. I just want it to end.
Treonna Solvie replied on Permalink
Thank you for posting. You’re not alone or crazy for what’s going on. I was in a horrific motorcycle accident that broke most the bones in my body and gave me a decent TBI, that was fortunately controlled with drugs, not surgery. This was two years ago. Just lately I have started to come out of what seems like a day dream, things were just foggy, hard to comprehend, words are lost from me, and emotions can be all over the board without the ability to express the way I mean to or want to. I know lots of people that have light sensitivity after a decent blow to the head. I pray time helps with your injuries and the symptoms ease because having a disconnection from your body is terrifying.
Something that helps is a support system. This is harder to find after a little time from your trauma; while the world moves on from what happen to you, you’re stuck putting the pieces together. Still getting up to speed on the traumatic experience. Most people will not understand and it is so maddening. I recommend journaling because it can help sort all of the complex loses you are dealing with. Also know that your pain is unique to you. No one has experienced what you have and you’re stronger for it. Please know there are still kind, wonderful people out there and I am sorry for the hurting you’re experiencing.
Shane replied on Permalink
Hi Cindy, I have survived multiple brain injuries, and I am still struggling with the effects of them, daily. Yes, your issues are normal, so relax, you are not alone. Talk to your Doctor about them, they need to know. Also there are support groups with people who are going through the same issues. The key is to not worry, you are "normal", okay ?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am 67, I was unconscious briefly, at age 6, when I hit the left side of my head on pavement after falling off my bike. I had difficulty learning for about a year and was almost held back in school. Stress and/or fatigue can cause me to have TIAs, a migraine, and/or experience scotomas—no headache but central vision loss.
Letty leyva mot... replied on Permalink
My daughter was 1 when she stopped breathing lack of oxygen she is now turning 6 shes having a hard time learning writing identifying letters speech is delayed, lazy eye slower time tracking... she is in regulat kindergarten but she is struggling to keep up having frustrations then that turns into behaviors . She understands everything just takes longer to process and her right side from tracking issues to slower overall reaction is more noticeable or affected on right side not left. Any advice or things that I can do or know that might help and wish u knew sooner ..or explaining ur experience living with it from start to now of injury
Letty leyva mot... replied on Permalink
My daughter was 1 when she stopped breathing lack of oxygen she is now turning 6 shes having a hard time learning writing identifying letters speech is delayed, lazy eye slower time tracking... she is in regulat kindergarten but she is struggling to keep up having frustrations then that turns into behaviors . She understands everything just takes longer to process and her right side from tracking issues to slower overall reaction is more noticeable or affected on right side not left. Any advice or things that I can do or know that might help and wish u knew sooner ..or explaining ur experience living with it from start to now of injury
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was injured at work. An overhead lamp connected to the machine I was working on came loose, swung down and hit me on the left side of my head and neck knockin me to the ground. I was taken to the ER where I only got xrays for broken bones, No concussion check til about five months later. The doctors here in Sweden do not seem to know much about tbi's and have done not much for me, it is here take this pil or that pil. I also am dealing with whiplash pain and not getting much help there either. my work insurance refuses to compensate me because with no information I went back to work for five months even though I was in pain and not realizing what damage had been done to my brain, ( yet) after the five months I went back and asked for another doctor. this all happened to me in december 20015. no one seems to understand what I am going through or just don't care
Jefe replied on Permalink
I see you, and I can relate to a lot of what you're going through. I was injured in a car wreck, but the rest of your comment is pretty much exactly how I feel. I understand what you're going through, because I am too. I care. I hope you find support. I hope you find ways to adapt. Keep pushing, you can do it! (trying to tell myself that as much as you! ;) )
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was hit in head with a crowbar at work on 2002. Saw several drs, had severe cognitive and behavioral changes stemming from a combo of the injury and the never ending or changing diet of antidepressants I was given to treat the condition. Went from a hard working loving family man to a federally indicted criminal in a year. Served 9.5 years in prison and returned to work still carrying the problems. It's now been over 17 years since the injury and I'm still getting the run-around from drs. Noone will even address my issues, only keep giving me pills of all sorts. I've been unable to work the past three years due to the pills but of I don't take them I fear what may happen in light of what's happened already. Just returned from er as I write this, once again given a pill for dizziness and one to sleep. They refuse to tackle the problem
Jim replied on Permalink
I had a severe TBI in the military, 50years ago, many doctors has told me nothing wrong, fighting with the veterans the last 8 years and they are just waiting for all of us to die.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am very scared I found my boyfriend a few weeks ago, he shot himself in the head and I saved his life. He has been recovering well. They say he has no brain damage because of my quick response when I found him However there are so many things that are unknown and they don’t seem to say anything about what to expect when he comes home but about the therapist and his jaw still being wired the medical parts. It’s happened so quickly and they don’t seem take in consideration that I am fearful of what how to handle this. He is doing well yes but when I show up there he wants help with everything and I don’t know how handle it. His sight has already started to change in the one eye. He is constantly hot wants the temperature at 65 or colder, it’s always got to be dim in the room. I don’t want to push him not sure what to think at this point they just continue to say he is doing great and he will be ready to go back home soon. I don’t know where to get answers but I’m ready to pull my hair out I see my therapist 2 times a week now and it’s just me and him here!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My husband was shot in the head at point/blank range. It sounds very similar to what you are describing with injuries to your boyfriends jaw & other head injuries. My husband went through many surgeries, including plastic surgery & jaw reconstruction. That was in 2015, I was his caretaker. They all celebrated his recovery without telling us anything about TBI or mental health aftercare.
Now, we are divorcing. He says that he doesn’t need a mother or a nurse to take care of him. He has “needs that aren’t being met”, I’m to blame. And, I feel that I’ve been lashed out on through the experience, my counselor says that it’s probably because people lash out on those they are closest too & are most comfortable with. I’m so sad that after all the trauma that I went through, that our relationship & marriage of 17 years is over.
I don’t want to scare you away from taking care of your boyfriend, if that’s what you want to do. His injuries may result in different outcomes than my husband. But, educate yourself on TBI & the long-term effects.
I was listening to an amazing woman on NPR today that is a neuroscientist, did her work on military TBI’s (which I think are probably similar to people experiencing GSW’s), and her husband was in the military & suffered an injury that resulted in TBI. They divorced in 2015 & he committed suicide in 2019. He knew that he had TBI & of all of his wife’s research & this happened. There’s apparently scaring that happens in the brain that the brain cannot repair. This was a very sad story for me to hear, as I feel that my husband is pushing me away. He’s had a 2nd chance at life & I hope that he does live it out to its fullest! I truly hope that the TBI does not prevent him from doing so. It’s sad that it’s preventing him from wanting to keep his marriage.
Suicide is a common “side-effect” from TBI’s, the woman on NPR was saying. I hope that this is not the case for my husband! I hope that your boyfriend’s suicide attempt & recovery will remind him to live.
One other than I wanted to mention is that we did not know if my husband would recover to the point of being able to work. He’s been working harder than he ever has in his life. He does admit he has short term memory loss & difficulty remembering things he used to know without even trying. So, it’s a process & the changes in sensitivity to light & temperature may not persist, nor may the need for constant assistance. Just be ready for things to change, and the changes & future are unpredictable for all of us. This is especially true for those with TBI & their loved ones. Be sure you’re willing to take that on going forward. Try to find some individual counseling or mental health help for yourself so that you don’t forget to take care of yourself!! I put myself 2nd, and didn’t realize it. It’s so good to help others & especially our loved ones-but remember that YOU are #1. No one will care for you like you will!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My husband suffered frontal lobe damage in an accident in 1999. Has been on disability ever since. I can tell you that you can notice deficits and improvements for years after the initial injury. It will depend on what part of the brain was injured/affected. I will also tell you not to ignore your own needs. Caretaker burnout is a real phenomenon and you will become very resentful of your significant other if you do not take care of yourself, as well.
Tara Bahr replied on Permalink
I am 43 married with 2 children. Since 2005 my husband has been learning to deal with me with a severe tbi from a near death car accident coming home from work one day. I feel like all of the help is given to you right after you get out of hospital with doctors and now I feel like my husband and I donot know where to turn for help now. I am able to walk and look normal but as I am aging I want to see how my brain is doing. If you have any suggestions for me I would greatly appreciate it.
Diane replied on Permalink
Look into Carrick Institute trained doctors called Functional Neurologists for your area. There may be help and hope. I am looking into help for my husband who had a bad car accident in Jan 2019 and now regressing...Carrick Institute has centers in Colorado and Florida besides.
wally replied on Permalink
Your health will depend how long your comma was, I have TBI too with skull fracture and organic plastic placement instead. my accident was 33 years ago but i am still suffering from suicidal tendencies because of a life long depression
Mark replied on Permalink
It's wonderful that you were able to rescue your boyfriend! Also, it's wonderful that you are in therapy. I would stay in therapy until you are feeling confident that you can handle whatever life seems to throw at you.
I was in a serious car accident in 1981 in my early 20s and was in a semi coma on a ventilator for 6 weeks. I won't go into detail, but I nearly died and stated in intensive care for 5 weeks and had to have emergency brain surgery.
Amazingly, I survived. In 1 year my body looked healed, but it took me much longer, more than 20 years, to recover mentally, and I'm still recovering 39 years later.
I have had to deal with neurological deficits, including short term memory loss, difficulty managing emotions, anger, etc. But with patience and support, we can heal.
I eventually completed college and found my way into a career that works for me. Fortunately, I am a self-employed professional and can spend a good part of the day quietly working on my own.
Be patient with your significant other, but be prepared that at some point you might want to move on with your life and end the relationship. It's great that you care for him and are there for him now, but you might eventually want to do something different. Don't feel guilty if you decide to make a significant change in the future. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be together. But you have choices and you should do what is best for you.
I hope it all works out for you both.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I had a moderate TBI due to a scooter accident. I don't remember the accident or the next 4 days. While I was told I never lost Consciousness I still don't remember the first five days and over the course of the next month I had 3-4 day periods of time which I don't recall. I had vision problems for six months and my sleep pattern is all screwed up. This happened in April of 2016. I still have sleeping issues and anger outbursts which scare me. I'm a 60 yo man who was never a people person but know that is even much worse. I try not to interact with people at all. It is a sad situation for sure. Best of luck to all involved.
Christalene replied on Permalink
Did your vision get better? My husband has had a TBI from a mc accident he was intebated for 9 days. It’s 2 months later and he’s not the same and can’t see out of left eye I need advice~ scares&desperate
Justin replied on Permalink
He might need to see an ophtalmologist. They're doctors that specialize in vision retoration after injuries. I had my vision completely restored after 6 months.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I went through months of what is called ocular therapy. Many different tasks to strengthen the eye muscles
Jen replied on Permalink
God bless you. I am reading this because I've had a TBI from a violent attack with an ax, survived a subdural hematoma and have a small plate in my forehead. My recovery has been amazing I guess, but five years later I have noticed it takes longer to sort my mind out after a deep sleep. My sister, a nurse, confirmed I could have bacteria/germs dormant in my brain that could become problems later on and I'm just wondering how that would present. So I feel your pain and admire you for sharing your personality changes. Again, God bless you and keep you.
Kodiak replied on Permalink
I just remembered something that happened to me in the early part of 2011 I was beaten by two guys for hours they beat me only in the face and head I was bleeding from my mouth nose and ears I never lost consciousness but it went on for hours I did lose a lot of blood. They beat me with their fists and the butt of a shotgun. And now I have lost the sense of smell and I am having a lot of problems with memory walking and just falling apart I now use a wheelchair to move around because I fall all the time I cannot feel anything except my face in places I feel no pain whatsoever nothing. My doctors can’t figure out what is going on with me. I lose time and the only reason I am able to make this post is I just remembered this a few minutes ago and like most things these days I will forget about this by morning so I am posting this now.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My heart bleeds for u dude i know what your going through i watch my husband suffer the same way every day. Day by day he gets a little better so there is hope. May god bless u man
Tricia replied on Permalink
Your story is heart wrenching. I pray you can get all the help you need.
Brandon replied on Permalink
I appreciated reading about so many similar to me on this blog. I suffered a TBI as the result of a car accident in 1991. I went through comatose and years of therapy as many on here can relate. I have seizures, but they are controlled by medication. I have seen a neurologist consistently ever since 1991. Again as many on here can relate my ST memory is extremely bad. I have been able to hold a job, but will be going on disability soon (I have a good lawyer and I am prepared to endure two years of Obamacare until Medicare "kicks in"). My question is... yes I was hurt very badly, as mentioned I have memory problems, I have balance issues, seizures controlled with meds, I talk funny, but other than that I am pretty healthy. I exercise on a treadmill (I walk). I can support myself, and I can drive (I have a license, but it does require doctor approval annually). It has been almost 29 years since the car accident. Could I potentially live a long, good life through retirement? I feel healthy enough. I am nearing 50yo now, and I would appreciate hearing from anyone whom, with undoubted challenges, has still been able to live a long time.
Judy replied on Permalink
Insurance through the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare as you call it) has been a godsend for me. The cost has been extra affordable and the coverage is very good. Do be aware, though, that you have to have some income in order to qualify. I think it is $14,000 though I am not sure -- I'm also thinking that you can't work at all for two years while trying to get on disability. You might be in a rough spot -- ask your lawyer, for sure.
Lisa replied on Permalink
Hey Brandon my dad had a brain injury when he was 41 dr said in his 4o years of operating he had never seen an injury that bad. With a glasco score of 3 we were advised to take him off life support and not proceed with the crainotomy. That he had 3% chance of survival 97% he would either die or be in a vegetated state. We went against medical advise and though my dad has short term memory loss and never has been able to drive again. Im happy to tell u he just celebrated his 81st birthday and is in great health so healthy that he takes absolutely no medications except a sleeping pill and walks 3 miles a day. So absolutely u can have a long life. Life is only over when god calls u home. Take care Brandon
Donnese Trent replied on Permalink
I truly appreciate your story. I have been feeling hopeless regarding my brother who was in a car accident dec. 16 2019 he suffered a Tbi (frontal lobe) I pray every day that his short term memory will improve, I watch the sadness in his eyes and how he realizes his life has changed. Reading your story gives me hope that things could get better for him.
KdHarriso replied on Permalink
I had a severe horse accident in 2004 - I landed on my head. It resulted in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Not severe like coma, brain swelling and obviously death, but to the extent I still have some long term effects. Some symptoms are much better, some I may have forever. I also had a broken neck (C-2), broke 2 vertebrae, a crushed clavicle, broken ribs, punctured lung and my shoulder blade was broke in half. Surgeon compared it to someone going through a windshield crash at 70 MPH.
My bones healed. But, it left me with 8 years of chronic debilitating vertigo(attacks/seizures) vomiting, couldn't walk, and balance issues. I had constant ringing in my ears, insomnia, anxiety, depression, Migraines, abnormally sensitive emotions, uncomfortable in crowds, etc. So, I have had lots of rehab for my body, for balance, every test and experimental procedure done and of course, meds.
I was able to work from home, but I I couldn't drive for several years due to the constant attacks/seizures. My damage was more Nuero. I just make lots of notes for things I have to remember. I still have all the above symptoms, most are just not chronic like before and I have learned to manage them.
The thing I can't control is sobbing when there is a conflict. My issue is dealing with crowds, conflict, rejection, so its mainly emotions. If someone yells at me, I fall apart. Before, I was vivacious, outgoing, tough and confident. Now, I'm weak. Friends that do not know about the TBI, think I have a crazy thread. If there is a small conflict, I'm so emotionally distraught that it takes me several days to process it, what caused it, what I did wrong, etc. Then, I always accept the blame and apologize....Over and over. This is what makes them think I'm nuts. I can compare the emotions I feel to the devastation you feel when going through a bad divorce or death of a loved one.....but it just lasts several days and not months. Prayer helps. I do have Christian friends that are very supportive, but the ones that think you are nuts....really hurts. Hence, depression. Do you tell them about your TBI or just let them think you are nuts? Anyone else have problems with being overly emotional. Thank God my overly emotional is kindness and empathy. If it was aggression and anger, that would be so much worse. So I'm thankful, it is what it is.
LJ replied on Permalink
I had a moderate TBI (and mutlipe facial fractures) in 2007 when I was kicked in the face by a horse and have similar emotional symptoms to you. Immediately after the accident I had classic frontal lobe injury symptoms including anger and having no ability to regulate the things I said, but this slowed down pretty quickly. For the years afterward like you I could not control the crying - in any heightened situation I sobbed and panicked including if I was challenged at work. People didn't take me seriously and thought I was irrational and overdramatic - even if they knew about the accident it was hard for them to understand that a brain injury can have lasting emotional issues and to be honest I didn't know that myself. I was quite an emotional person before the accident and so it wasn't easy to distinguish what was me and what was the injury. Like you, I was consumed by guilt about my reactions and I was very hard on myself and felt that I was a weak. For me it has improved over the years and I can now look back and see that the accident caused that behaviour and as such be a bit kinder to myself. I still have moments like you where what seems like a very small issue feels devastating to me especially if I am challenged by a person but they are less common now. I'm not sure if you have noticed any improvements in your symptoms and unfortunately I don't have any advice but it is sometimes comforting to know that others have a similar experience - I guess that's why we are all here in this comments thread!
Molly Ann replied on Permalink
My injury was not just one event as yours was. I’ve had 4 knockouts spread out over my lifetime, and I acquired some new complications to manage after each one. The most recent and most damaging was five years ago and it was just a fall while walking down a lighted pathway that resulted in an ambulance ride and 6 stitches. Then about a year ago I had an illness that made everything much much worse; although I’m not sure if it was from encephalitis or a neurotoxin. It is very hard to find a good neurologist in my part of the world. I had to relearn most things, even putting on eyeliner, counting, reading comprehension, how to cook and how to find my way around my home town. My short term memory is no longer converting to long term memory properly and I can no longer recall things I know whenever I want. I also have random blanks where all thought stops which is very inconvenient during a conversation. Ive been working hard (my doctor calls it creating new pathways) and now I’m even able to sort paperwork in my sons class room; although to be honest it is a challenge and I’m exhausted the next day. I keep doing things that are difficult for me because I find that if I keep doing a difficult thing for long enough, it eventually becomes not so difficult; then after a while longer it becomes easy. There are lots of tears during this process, but slowly I’m finding my new “normal”. I’m right there with you on the emotions and social interaction. Any complication, obstacle or decision making in my day causes an emotional break down that’s hard to pull back from and refocus. Some days are good and I seem ”normal”, some days are bad and I seem brain damaged. I’m finally learning to accept this fact and I have really learned who my true friends are that’s for sure! I surround myself with positive people who just love and support me even when I’m a crying mess for weeks. Ignore the ones who think you are nuts, that’s their problem, not yours. You have bigger problems to deal with, and no time for people who are negative. I choose to tell people I have a brain injury and everyone has been very very nice and understanding. I just tell people if I get confused and ask them to repeat or rephrase. If I go blank while talking I just tell them what happened and most people just restart the conversation without missing a beat. I find many people can relate because brain injury is actually a common problem, but few talk about it openly. Once I mention it, people tell me their story or the story of a loved one. Prayer helps, it’s the only way I’m able to get through some days. I try to let God guide me and to not stress over what I cannot control. I have become a fan of the bullet journal, it’s my memory and I never go anywhere with out it. Ill be praying for you and good luck on your brain journey!
patrick diggles replied on Permalink
i was hit by 4wd in 1981 7 yrs old unconscious for around 2 months head trauma left side above ear 27 stitches skull fracture intravenous drip incerted in gutter buy old school doc due to loss of blood he saved my life other injuries to body as well. multiple concussions since. now 45 i tick most of symptons on lists . aggression concerns me most im not violent but i get angry really fast (lose my s***) for no reason i know im doing wrong but i cant stop it its not fair on my loved ones I don't understand so how can they all they see is angry pat. but really im scared s***less. thank you
vince replied on Permalink
I suffered with anger issues for so long, I hated being so aggresive and having violent rage attacks for the simplist nonsense. What has helped me or rather saved me is the doctor diagnosed me with PTSD and ordered me SERDEP 100mg anti depressant tablet. Im a changed person now. I can have my wife call me insulting names and things, it slides off like water off a ducks back. Never before no ,no a time bomb would go off. I would first implode and then explode. The paw-paw would hit the fan and I would spend hours in regret and remorse trying to clean it all up. A bomb can land next to me now and Im as cool as a cucumber. It is so nice not having to go through all that drama over and over and now live calm and free from anger, rage and the aftermath.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Greetings. I have a boyfriend suffering from tbi and doctors estimated him to live till November. Will it be true? Can he survive? What can I do for him?
Eaglerock replied on Permalink
I have tbi. The thing I need the most is patience from people closest to me. I found an excellent doctor. I am Christian and that's the key to my life. I know you & your boyfriend will need time to adjust. I pray the best for you. Take time for yourself ,
Connor replied on Permalink
I'm not a doctor so I can't answer your question from the perspective of any medical professional. However, 5 years ago I fell 40 feet down onto a rocky beach and the first responders assumed I was undoubtedly going to be dead within a few hours; I wasn't. Then the doctors stated i'd never come out of the coma I was in; I did. Then they stated I would never be able to speak; the next day my mom handed me the phone used to call down to the cafeteria so I could convice one of the people down there to bring me 4 pieces of bacon instead of 3. They stated i'd never be able to walk let alone compete in the endurance events I had previously, in 2 years time I ran my first 50 mile ultra. The staff at RIC(located in Ilinois, it's where I was transferred after the more intensive and stabilizing rehabilition I attended in California was over) told me that I shouldn't jump back into schooling because "I was incapable of recognizing the difference betwen an A and an F" that summer I attended the local college and got an A in both the classes I was in(one of those classes only had 2 people receive A's in the course, myself and another individual).
I'm not trying to offer any false hope but I can state this: The resiliency of the human body and mind when paired with the relentless will to live is something that both shocks, inspires, and disproves members of the medical community every day all across the world.
paula replied on Permalink
We have a grandson that had a tbi (age 12) from getting hit and drug under a car. they did not expect him to survive. But he did and we have Madonna rehab to thank for this and a lot of prayer. I am concerned now that our grandson is playing soccer and has no helmet. As someone who has worked in a hospital for 20 plus years this literally makes me sick to my stomach. I am a firm believer in prayer-it is one of the best forms of medicine.
D.Lash replied on Permalink
I suffered from a TBI in the beginning of 2006 due to a car crash that killed my friend and put me in a coma for 2 months. i'm blessed to even talk about it today,(13 years later) because the doctors at North-Western Hospital thought I would die overnight or be a vegetable. I'm here to say the devil is a lie. I'm working a great job at Costco as of now(7 years) and was working at Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital(5 years) after I completed rehab. I have a wonderful woman who accepts me for me and tries to smooth out the few flaws i may have. I have plans to make her my wife and live happy ever after a T.B.I. I'm sharing my story because maybe it will give someone else with or without a T.B.I. motivation to keep pushing in life.
Learn From Yesterday
Live For Today
Plan For Tomorrow
Bongi replied on Permalink
Wow, it's great that you are doing well but made you survive this ordeal it's one of the hardest things I had to see me & my family go through my mother had an accident in 2018 has tbi but was confusing is one day she's strong and happy but other days depressed or angry. Are this symptoms for life.
lisse G replied on Permalink
Thank you ! My father had a accident where he fell 20 ft and thanks to god he is still alive. They also said to us he would'nt live . He seems mentally good , but I'm worried about whether he'll fully recover or have problems living on us own . The unknown is scary ..
You gave me hope .
R sayer replied on Permalink
Hullo, My daughter who is now 34yrs old had a horrific car accident when she was 16yrs old. Skull laceration and her whole face was squashed, could not see her eyes. It was a terrifiying time as the ambulance people did not think that she would survive, her whole scalp was torn off. She also broke a vertebrae in her back. Since this accident she suffers from schyzophrenia, headaches, hallucinations etc. I did not realise that this could of been brought on by her accident. I need some advice and help as she cannot keep a job for long, cannot sustain or have any relationships and is generally struggling with everyday living. I need some help and guidance please
Leslie replied on Permalink
If I could get any ideas on where to get my loved one help it would be greatly appreciated. He is 47 and in a tailspin on his way to hurting himself or someone else or both. He was in the many and intoxicated and jumped or fell from a 3rd story balcony and broke his face and his femur. He was in a coma for at least over a month. Once he was released from the hospital he was given an honorable discharge from the navy with no help or benefits from that point on. He was not mentally stable enough to realize this for at least a couple of years down the road. This all happened in 1995. He has such behavioral problems stemming from the TBI no one wants to give him the time of day let alone help him. I see it up close later as he realizes how bad his behavior becomes it makes him so depressed and antisocial. Through my own struggles, I have had a therapist and u have repeatedly asked about special counselors who may be trained to deal with this problem. So far no help. So his TBI long teem effect is whats keeping him from getting helo with his long term TBI effect. Ita getting worse by the minute. He has a warped perception of everyone and everything. Are there any places that could maybe help him out????? He has a huge heart but a lot of times he doesn't know that. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and struggles.