Listen to BrainLine's exclusive interview with Dr. Nathan Zasler who talks about diagnosis and care post-TBI.
Posted on BrainLine January 26, 2009.
About the author: Nathan Zasler, MD
Nathan Zasler, MD is CEO and medical director for Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd. as well as CEO and medical director for Tree of Life Services, Inc. He is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and fellowship trained in brain injury.

Comments (1)
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Rhonda Potterfield replied on Permalink
I am a 57 yo female who suffered a severe TBI GLASCOW COMA SCORE 6. ICU trauma unit in a level 1trauma hospital. 1) I was not expected to survive. My mom was one of those Mom's that you are talking about. She would not accep bu the fact that I would not survive and be Ok. 2)My family was told if I did live, I would b e paralyzed on my left side...... Thankfully, neither of these happened. I did recover. 19 years later, I am and have been experincing for the last 3-4 years, MAJOR COGNITIVE DECLINE. It has already been determined my medical evidence that I had lost at least 15 IQ points and probably more. My neuosurgeon said I was ready to to return to my old job as a FININANCAL SYSTEMS ANALYST 4 months after the fact. I attempted go return to work 3 times.....and failed for the 1st time in my life. I had no other choice but to apply for SSDI. Declined 2 times. Finally approved. Now, looking back all these years later and listening to you, I am finally accepting the fact that it is not my fault.