Study to Determine Lifetime Prevalence of Brain Injury Among Prisoners

Study to Determine Lifetime Prevalence of Brain Injury Among Prisoners

Ferguson, P, Pickelsimer, E, Corrigan, J, Bogner, J, & Wald, M. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation: Vol. 27(3), pp E11–E20.


Nearly two-thirds of male prisoners and nearly three-fourths of women prisoners in a South Carolina prison study reported at least one traumatic brain injury with an alteration of consciousness. A substantial proportion of prisoners, both men and women, reported both a loss of consciousness as well as ongoing symptoms from TBI. The study’s authors suggest these continuing TBI symptoms reported by prisoners may influence their success on release.


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Posted on BrainLine August 23, 2012.

Comments (1)

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I have a 22 yr old son who is incarcerated and was pronounced DOA when the ambulance got to my home due to his dpt vaccination at six weeks old. He was without oxygen between 9 to 13 minutes and he has front lobe damage. The state does not recognize it and won't give him his meds. He is always in the hole and being punished...... Please help us!