David Wozny

David Wozny smiling at camera

In July 2015, at age 45, David Wozny sustained a severe TBI following a collision between his bicycle and a car in Nantwich, in Cheshire, England. His medical care was handled by the UK National Health Service (NHS).

David had been a self-employed IT security consultant working in London, but after the brain injury, he was unable to resume his professional work. After a year of unemployment, though, he began working in various voluntary capacities. He started in a charity shop sorting clothes, then took up a befriending role with senior citizens and people with disabilities. The progression also led him to become an "IT buddy" at his local library, which allowed him to share some of his IT skills.

Two years after the crash, David returned to his professional work, again as an IT security consultant in London. After two years of consulting, David chose to retire and continue down a volunteering path. He’s involved in research work related to TBI recovery with the NHS and medical universities in the UK. He also has a friend/mentor role with hospital patients experiencing their own TBI ‘fog.’ He’s based in Stoke-on-Trent in the Midlands in the United Kingdom.

Learn more about David's recovery on his website www.ineededtobeneeded.com