Stacey Shade-Ware is a former Director of BrainLine.org. Stacey has a diverse background in content creation, education, politics, and theatre, where she has worked as a director, singer, stage manager, and creative director. She is passionate about military mental health issues. She has personal experience with brain injury and PTSD as a caregiver to her husband Russ, who served for 25 years in the United States Air Force. He deployed multiple times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF - Iraq) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF - Afghanistan) throughout his military career. She blogs about being a veteran caregiver in Harmony Through Caregiving: Finding the Balance and Blend.
Stacey has many years of creating web, print, and media content for various organizations. One highlight of her career was directing Telling: San Antonio, a military and veteran testimonial play filmed by PBS station KLRN-TV and distributed nationally. She also directed Telling: Austin and assistant directed Arts, Military + Healing: The Telling Project at The Library of Congress. She sings with the American Military Spouses Choir, which has given her a chance to perform at Radio City Music Hall, The Kennedy Center, and at the legendary Capitol Records studio in Los Angeles.
During her husband's time on active duty, Stacey volunteered with many organizations to promote morale and welfare and bridge the divide between military and civilians. She was appointed as a United States Air Force Key Spouse, being the conduit of information between spouses and families and the squadron commander. She also contributed pieces to Military Spouse Magazine.
She is a registered Veteran Caregiver with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affiars (VA), a registered Family Support Member with the Wounded Warrior Project, a member of the American Red Cross's Military and Veteran Caregiver Network, and a member of Blue Star Families.
Stacey earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre from the University of Maryland. She is a member in good standing with the Actors' Equity Association and volunteers with The Entertainment Community Fund (formerly The Actors Fund) Career Center.