Since 2008, Col. Dallas C. Hack, MD, has been the director of the Combat Casualty Care Research Program and the Chair, Joint Program Committee 6 (Combat Casualty Care), U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, MD, where he coordinates leading edge research focused on new techniques and products to save the lives and reduce morbidity of troops injured in the line of duty. In addition, he serves as the Chair of Joint Technology Coordinating Group 6 of the Armed Services Biomedical Research Evaluation and Management (ASBREM) Committee. Advances in Combat Casualty Care have reduced battlefield deaths from wounds to historic lows and are improving care at civilian trauma centers.
Col. Hack has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with six Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Army Achievement Medal. He is also the recipient of the Order of Military Medical Merit.
Col. Hack graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1976. After a rotating internship in Anesthesiology and a fellowship in Cardiology and Biomathematics, he worked in General Practice and Biomedical Engineering for 9 years, serving as Vice President of Engineering for a number of biomedical companies. He entered active duty in September 1987, to accept a position in clinical research at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and completed a residency in General Preventive Medicine in 1993. He also has a MPH from Johns Hopkins University, a MSS from the U.S. Army War College, and a CPE from the Certifying Commission in Medical Management.