Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
I hit the back of my head left side, on a boat on the step to go down and my foot got stuck and went backwards and hit my head, on 4-17-22 while I was on vacation. But I been having light headaches. Do I need to see the doctor?
I was drinking and fell on gravel and split my head pretty hard about a week ago I almost blacked out the other day when I bent my head back to look up .. the cut was on the right side of my head there still is a huge egg that hurts to touch but I’m worried about the dizziness and I did actually fall down the other day bc I got so dizzy thank god my husband caught me and put me down slowly but I haven’t felt right since before this .. 2 years ago I had post concussion syndrome which lasted for two years bc I got hit hard in the head at a work place .. could this be from too many blows to the head ? What should I do if the diZziness and falls and blackouts keep happening ?
Hi there
Just coming down from my attic pushing up the second bit of ladder hadn't done it properly and it flew down on my side of head behind ear. Painful to touch and painful to yawn. Any ideas please. Should I just let it settle. Thankyou in advance.
I fell out of attic about year ago hit my head on radiator fracture my skull and jaw broke my eye socket had very bad bleed in brain had to get blood removed from head then hit my head a week ago nose was bleeding bad and vomiting I have very bad headache
I was walking in the kitchen and slipped and hit my left front side of my head on the ceramic tile floor. However I have a cut overtopped of my eye brow and I’m tired all the time now! What should I do?
I fell and hit the back of my head on Thursday on concrete , Have been dizzy off and on no LOC. I am on Xerelta for afib and Metoprolol, I have had 2 cardio converaions this year and have been in normal sinus rthym. Woke up today with a black eye. The back of my head the lump is getting smaller with the swelling/using ice packs. Why did I get the black eye?
Okay I hit my whole forehead very hard since then I don't have a migrane but my head feels numb and tingly and I have been getting nose bleeds in the morning. Not to mention I am stressed because I have to deal with selling my house.
I was sleeping and just 1 or 2feet above a 1.5litre water filled plastic bottle was placed.. it suddenly fell on my head on the right side of my brain.. is it dangerous? When should I go see a dr?
Hi I had a hard reel of pulling rope fall 25’to 30’ on the top of my head weighing 25 pounds + completely compressed my skull neck spine.There was a snap sound an complete black out don’t know how long but blurry vision an dizzy an roaring in the ears loud .Shortly after I was assaulted by crew members at the same place I was struck on the head knocking me out black again an dizzy couldn’t stand had to grab the back of the bucket truck very bad injuries.Month an half later + the same crew members hit me again this time so hard broke the back left tab holding my hard hat on that left corner.This was devastating to my life I went black out again but more vilant ears roaring fell for the truck couldn’t stand up with out the truck.This was at the city of Tacoma Washington.I’m now crippled my entire spine all joints bone on bone it’s been lightning bolts of pain down my head neck arms hip leg foot on left side.There was two osteopaths that said they new crainal skull treatment.It wasn’t seconds touching my skull in the left corner an I had a lightning bolt shoot straight down the middle of the left ear bolting me straight up off the bed pain unbelievable.both ladies this happened instantly.I suffered 24/7 my left arm has paralyzed four times I’ve completely lost conceness an dropped many times when I turn my head to the right I will get dizzy now I’m dizzy moving my head in any direction.I shake like a motor running constantly jerk in my sleep an breathing is short an fast ,at times during the day I’ll gasp in air in a big fast breath can control it an my heartbeat will just take off pounding..The worst is my nerves go off all over my complete body like being stabbed with a spike nail it will drop you when I’m standing the pain is so severe.There’s many other problems.But told this eill eventually take my life .I’m trying to get help but the original doctor has stolen most of my records on discs an the south sound medical imaging has erased the one X-ray recently taken so my L an I claim couldn’t be opened.It’s been unbelievable suffering.I finally found a great doctor helping but I’m atrophying at a fast rate I don’t think I’ll get fixed in time that this has destroyed my muscles an nervous system to much damage to my brain stem half my face eye ear jaw teeth gums throat an down stomach are numb an painful.Hopefully there’s not another person like me ,99 percent of the doctors have done there best to cover this up .But I’ve found one that is battling for me my skull atlas an c-2 are damaged an severe concussion damage.Brain injuries,to try to over come this has been 20+ years now
Hi, a phone got thrown at my head hitting my temple. There was a small bump on it and 4 days later it is still sensitive to touch. On the plane journey home the day after it happened I got a severely sharp headache at the front of my head but it hasn’t happened since. Should I just leave it?
I hit my head on the corner of my dresser 2 days ago the back of my head has a big lump
Headaches blurred vision sore neck i cant sleep properly speech a little slurred
Please if you are still alive go to the hospital right now. Stop everything and go. You have a fracture in your skull, brain bleeding, and a lot of other things that can kill you at any minute. Please I urge you to go.
I hit my head Snowboarding 2 days ago face first I was wearing a helmet my goggles pressed into my sinuses, then I started having a headache on my left side the headache comes and goes with the help of ibuprofen. I do not have any symptoms of a concussion should I worry?
I just read in a hospital article about head injuries that you should not take aspirin nor inuprofen, just paracetamol.
So please stop taking ibuprofen.and go to the doctor immediately.
It won't hurt you if you're ok, and if not, it might save your life
I hit my head at a game, felt dead for a while and felt like my entire head was shattered. I got up and went in for the next tackle. Get up and walk it hard feelings, just there is nothing else you can do ;)
I hit my head on the trunk lid and I actually saw stars..that was 6 hours ago and I have a pain in back of my head....aches behind my eyes. And ears are ringing. I'm getting sleepy because I need to go to sleep, I'm up early. This has me scared because of what just happened to Bob Sagget.
I fell and bang my head on a hard wood floor from a standing position. I went to the ER bad head contusion. No bleeding in brain from CT. It's been 3 months I still have a pea size bump there but it hurts to lay on that side still and now I have pressure behind my left eye on the same side where bump is. Is this normal?
This happened just recently. I got into an accident, the vehicle I'm riding slipped, my father was the driver. I fell and hit my head badly on the concrete. That time I was dumbfounded with what just happened. My head hurts a lot, I vomit when I arrived at home, I feel dizzy and sensitive to light, I have problems sleeping, I can feel the pressure in my head and I experience daze moments a lot. Am I fine? looks like my parents dont have a plan on bringing me to the hospital for a checkup. :)
I had a head injury a few days ago, but not as serious as yours. My doctor as well as the nurse hotline insist I go to the emergency room for a CT scan.
Based on this, it seems like you should definitely be seen by a doctor. Can't you go to the hospital or emergency room by yourself, if they don't take you?
They probably don't realize how serious and dangerous it is.
Please Dr. My forehead hit edge of a window a weeks ago. I will be feeling mild pain around that particular part of my head and the ear when l sleep. Any advice
When I was at work I was supposed to clean the kids area and there were tight spaces I had to cross ..I hit my head on a black pipe thing and my gosh it hurted so dam bad .. after that happened I went on with my day until I felt a bump on my head and my neck .. starting to get worry but it's so painful
Five months ago I did something that completely changed my life in a negative way and I regret it but I can not change the past but only learn to accept and live with it. Me and my girlfriend went to a river damn that people could slide down for fun it was a really sketchy looking place and I slid down it multiple times probably about 4 times and it was really steep and about a 40 ft drop in length until you would hit the water and my stupid self not thinking about consequences but rather living in the moment just kept sliding down and slamming my face first into the water when I should have been letting my legs and feet take the impact first when hitting the water well anyways about an hour later we left and I started to lose hearing in my left ear and a lot of pressure was building up in my left ear to the point where every thing sounded so muffled like echos. My head was starting to feel like a water balloon that was just growing bigger and was about to explode. I started to feel dizzy and very mentally tired. When we got home I told my girlfriend that I just needed to sleep immideiatly because I felt so mentally exhausted like I couldn't think and my head just felt like it was going to explode and everything sounded muffled. I was really scared that night so I had my girlfriend sleep with me and she said I kept telling her through out the night "I don't want to die yet I'm not ready" but I dont really remember. I woke up in the morning and felt completely different like a different person I didnt feel like me. I dealt with severe anxiety,ear pain, ear pressure,head pressure, muffled hearing, extreme fatigue, dizziness, balance issues for two weeks straight after the injury. Thankfully after two weeks my hearing was back to normal and the head pressure went away. But for the next 3 months straight I went throught extreme depression/anxiety, social isolation, panic attacks,crying frequently,breathing issues that would last for weeks straight at a time and would even happen during my sleep and wake me at night gasping for air. I also dealt with sensitivity to light and loud noises, and frequent irregular heart beats. I made probably over 25 ER visits over a 3 month time period getting MRI's and CT scans just to be told nothing is wrong with me and that I am just dealing with post concussion syndrome and esr infections causing my ear pain.... During the 3 months symptom would always come and go like balance problems would last a few days then go away, breathing issues would last days or weeks then go away and come back. Sensitivity to light would always come and go. One of my main symptoms after my head injury that freaked me out was how I could feel how my brain was mentally exhausted and could not process things like it used to. I couldn't handle being in large crowds anymore and I struggled to watch movies or even pay attention. My focus was so weak now and I always felt like my head needed a break. I remember I couldnt even play chess with my girlfriend I told her I had to stop because I felt so confused like my brain did not want to have to work. Trying to think would give me bad brain fog. I never had any memory loss although I remember during the first months of recovery my brain struggled to vision things and imagine things and create images even though I never lost my memory. Basically my brain just really sucked at focusing and concentrating. I went to the doctors so many times that they finally started trying to point me towards psychiatry and I got diagnosed with bi polar somehow. I took the medication only for like a week then stopped because it was making things worse and I knew I wasnt having a mental disorder I knew it was my head injury. After 4 months my breathing issues started to go away and my brain didnt really feel exauhsted anymore and never really had that problem again and my anxiety kind of went away and I was having less panic attacks but I was still dealing with sensitivity to light and loud noises and deep inner ear pain and ear pressure. I was finally referred to an ENT specialist who said I must have damaged my inner ear from the fall but he does not know what is damaged and he says I was dealing with post concussion syndrome. Currently right now it has been about 5 and a half months since my injury and my sensitivity to light and loud noises went away and almost all of my anxiety but a little still remains in my every day life I've finally managed to get a job again. I've been working for 1 month straight at tractor supply co and I'm going to start electrician school in 1 week thats going to be a seven month course. After 5 months my only remaining every day symptoms is bad inner ear pain and dizziness from the ear pain and anxiety. I dont know what the hell I happened to my left ear when I hit my head that day but ever since then my ear has hurt everysingle day and it fills with pressure every single day and if I pinch my nose and blow it makes a loud squeaky pressure noise and let's out a lot of air and this problems doesnt seem to be getting better at all. So I will admitt that during these 5 months I have recovered from something's like severe anxiety, muffeled hearing, head pressure. Sensitivity to light and noise, brain fog and mental exhaustion but something I still deal with every day is my esr problem and it causes dizziness and nausea every day for me and I dont know if my inner ear problem will ever go away. Oh and sorry I repeat my self a lot.
But for the next 3 months straight I went throught extreme depression/anxiety, social isolation, panic attacks,crying frequently,breathing issues that would last for weeks straight at a time and would even happen during my sleep and wake me at night gasping for air.
This is what I’m currently experiencing. The pressure in my head/behind my nose is just unbearable! My vision is blurry and my limbs go weak.
I’m hoping things do get better.
This hit home a bit for me because our stories are similar
So I had a hectic past couple of months unfortunately lost my son in 2nd trimester and had to be induced to give birth to him (5th consecutive miscarriage no living children) anyways post this I was on medication to clear up breast milk
I took the medication and went to bed but woke up for a pee in the night … I was sitting on the toilet and just felt dizzy and fell off the toilet and hit my head on the tiles my husband heard it and luckily came to the bathroom apparently I got up and mumbled some words and fell again but this time he caught me and put me in the recovery position I had a massive bump on my head and went to the doctors the next day and she said I was fine after doing her checks
Everything seemed to be okay but a week later I was driving to work felt like I was going to have a heart attack and had to pull over i ended up going to ED and they did am HCG and took some bloods and said everything was okay and it could have been just because I had a lot on. This was close to the Christmas period so I didn’t drive since because we were on Christmas break my husband just essentially drove everywhere, we went out for nye but we were home early I had a bit to drink but just went to bed I woke up really panicky thinking I was going to die (I have never had anxiety or anything like that in my life before this) my heart was racing and was feeling dizzy
A couple days after this I tried to drive to the gym and got panicky again I had to turn around and go home.
I constantly have been feeling dizzy and light headed like I’m going to faint (but I never do) and I have chest pain which comes and goes, I have been to the doctor multiple times only been told nothing is wrong, I have had a CT scan and also been to a Physio because I thought it was vertigo, everyone I’ve been regarding this has told me I need to see a psychologist because I’ve been through a lot with the losses and it’s all mental. I constantly have anxiety which I never have had before and have random panic attacks where I honestly think I’m going to die, I constantly feel dizzy too … this is worse when I’m driving especially for long distances
The past few months have been hell and I just want to feel normal again
Oct 21st
5th consecutive miscarriage/ had to be induced
Dec12 fainted and hit head in bathroom was taking dostinex cabergoline to clear up breast milk
Went to doctor for check up 13th Dec checked heart rate, blood pressure all okay
20th Dec driving to work felt like was having a heart attack/ going to faint went to ED
Did ecg all okay and took bloods all okay
Had CT scan mid Jan and doctor took blood pressure and heart rate again all okay
Saw Physio thought maybe had vertigo do not have it apparently
Have been feeling dizzy/ Luke going to faint and having anxiety and having chest pains on and off past few months and panic attacks to the point where I feel I’m going to die more prevalent at night
I went swimming recently and went jump of a ledge, it was deep enough but as I was coming up from the water I hit my head bad on a curved rock. I had a huge egg and was rushed to the local hospital after some time and medication they said that I would be perfectly fine but when I tried to sleep that night I had trouble I was pretty sheken up about what could have happened and I get really anxious when I think about what happened. Is this normal? Or should I try to talk to someone?
I jumped out of bed to go to bathroom. Felt lightheaded and when I tried to sit down on the potty i got dizzy and fell headfirst into ceramic tile. I got a four inch knob that feels squishy and hurts. Black left eye. No other symptoms. I thought since I had no symptoms there was no need for er. How long is normal for squishy bump to go away?
Last year on Halloween night I was involved in a pretty bad fight. I ended up being stomped on the head - hard enough that left the foot print on my temple. Not only that incident but in that same week was hell week for my frat. So along with the massive drinking after my head injury we had a boxing tournament which I somehow made it to the finals. Which means I went through 12 rounds of 3 minutes each of blows to the head - enough to make me throw up after the 3rd match.
It’s now a year later and the feeling of constant pressure on my brain - mainly in the back of my head has not faded. Some moments of the day are more felt than others but there’s usually a few moments of the day where I feel like my brain is being squeezed enough where it’s going to pop.
Not only the feeling of my brain having pressure on it, I can tell my vision and hearing have gotten worse. Along with other cognitive abilities like reading or focusing in on one thing for an extended period of time.
I plan on going to the doctor now since these feelings since this has happened a little more than a year ago have only gotten worse than better. Just don’t know how to tell my parents.
Smashed my head falling head onto a serrated rock’went to A&E and they glued me up and sent me home’8 months down the line still in pain,confused and headaches,why no head scan.
Me too... I bump my head too lightly because I was going to lean on the wall but then I miscalculated and bump my head first before my back. I feel light headed and some mild pain where I bum my head and nothing more. But scared too...
Fell and hit my head over a year ago. MRI and CT scan was fine. They did not show anything was wrong, but I still filling lightheaded a time, some headaches and also trying to remember certain things. How long will it take for me to feel better.
I tripped over and banged my head very hard on the top of the coffee table leg which protrude thru a cutout above the top of the table... Had a huge and very painful bump above and to the side of my left eye... Now I'm foe getting how to do simple stuff have dizzy spell and get a short circuit ING feeling and sound in my head... What can I do
I hit the side of my head hard on the bathroom floor when I was drunk. It created a knot and it’s been 2 days. I still have a headache that won’t go away. Idk what to do.
Comments (319)
Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
This happened to me a few weeks ago !
I am today starting to feel sick what should I do ?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I hit the back of my head left side, on a boat on the step to go down and my foot got stuck and went backwards and hit my head, on 4-17-22 while I was on vacation. But I been having light headaches. Do I need to see the doctor?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was drinking and fell on gravel and split my head pretty hard about a week ago I almost blacked out the other day when I bent my head back to look up .. the cut was on the right side of my head there still is a huge egg that hurts to touch but I’m worried about the dizziness and I did actually fall down the other day bc I got so dizzy thank god my husband caught me and put me down slowly but I haven’t felt right since before this .. 2 years ago I had post concussion syndrome which lasted for two years bc I got hit hard in the head at a work place .. could this be from too many blows to the head ? What should I do if the diZziness and falls and blackouts keep happening ?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hi there
Just coming down from my attic pushing up the second bit of ladder hadn't done it properly and it flew down on my side of head behind ear. Painful to touch and painful to yawn. Any ideas please. Should I just let it settle. Thankyou in advance.
Gerard replied on Permalink
I fell out of attic about year ago hit my head on radiator fracture my skull and jaw broke my eye socket had very bad bleed in brain had to get blood removed from head then hit my head a week ago nose was bleeding bad and vomiting I have very bad headache
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I was walking in the kitchen and slipped and hit my left front side of my head on the ceramic tile floor. However I have a cut overtopped of my eye brow and I’m tired all the time now! What should I do?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!! It says in the fine print.
"Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor"
Mary replied on Permalink
I fell and hit the back of my head on Thursday on concrete , Have been dizzy off and on no LOC. I am on Xerelta for afib and Metoprolol, I have had 2 cardio converaions this year and have been in normal sinus rthym. Woke up today with a black eye. The back of my head the lump is getting smaller with the swelling/using ice packs. Why did I get the black eye?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Okay I hit my whole forehead very hard since then I don't have a migrane but my head feels numb and tingly and I have been getting nose bleeds in the morning. Not to mention I am stressed because I have to deal with selling my house.
unknown replied on Permalink
if your nose is bleeding it probably means you have fractured your skull, go to the E.R ASAP
Tooba replied on Permalink
I was sleeping and just 1 or 2feet above a 1.5litre water filled plastic bottle was placed.. it suddenly fell on my head on the right side of my brain.. is it dangerous? When should I go see a dr?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hi I had a hard reel of pulling rope fall 25’to 30’ on the top of my head weighing 25 pounds + completely compressed my skull neck spine.There was a snap sound an complete black out don’t know how long but blurry vision an dizzy an roaring in the ears loud .Shortly after I was assaulted by crew members at the same place I was struck on the head knocking me out black again an dizzy couldn’t stand had to grab the back of the bucket truck very bad injuries.Month an half later + the same crew members hit me again this time so hard broke the back left tab holding my hard hat on that left corner.This was devastating to my life I went black out again but more vilant ears roaring fell for the truck couldn’t stand up with out the truck.This was at the city of Tacoma Washington.I’m now crippled my entire spine all joints bone on bone it’s been lightning bolts of pain down my head neck arms hip leg foot on left side.There was two osteopaths that said they new crainal skull treatment.It wasn’t seconds touching my skull in the left corner an I had a lightning bolt shoot straight down the middle of the left ear bolting me straight up off the bed pain unbelievable.both ladies this happened instantly.I suffered 24/7 my left arm has paralyzed four times I’ve completely lost conceness an dropped many times when I turn my head to the right I will get dizzy now I’m dizzy moving my head in any direction.I shake like a motor running constantly jerk in my sleep an breathing is short an fast ,at times during the day I’ll gasp in air in a big fast breath can control it an my heartbeat will just take off pounding..The worst is my nerves go off all over my complete body like being stabbed with a spike nail it will drop you when I’m standing the pain is so severe.There’s many other problems.But told this eill eventually take my life .I’m trying to get help but the original doctor has stolen most of my records on discs an the south sound medical imaging has erased the one X-ray recently taken so my L an I claim couldn’t be opened.It’s been unbelievable suffering.I finally found a great doctor helping but I’m atrophying at a fast rate I don’t think I’ll get fixed in time that this has destroyed my muscles an nervous system to much damage to my brain stem half my face eye ear jaw teeth gums throat an down stomach are numb an painful.Hopefully there’s not another person like me ,99 percent of the doctors have done there best to cover this up .But I’ve found one that is battling for me my skull atlas an c-2 are damaged an severe concussion damage.Brain injuries,to try to over come this has been 20+ years now
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hi, a phone got thrown at my head hitting my temple. There was a small bump on it and 4 days later it is still sensitive to touch. On the plane journey home the day after it happened I got a severely sharp headache at the front of my head but it hasn’t happened since. Should I just leave it?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I banged the back of my head on a bed side locker a month ago it is still sore
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am 17 years old.
I got a mild hit by small door (on passing through it) on my head and after a month it starts mild pain on the area.
What can I do?
A nobody replied on Permalink
If you don’t have any other symptoms, you should be fine. I’m not a medical professional and you are your best judge (:
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I hit my head on the corner of my dresser 2 days ago the back of my head has a big lump
Headaches blurred vision sore neck i cant sleep properly speech a little slurred
Anonymous replied on Permalink
bro go see a doctor that is serious
Anonymous replied on Permalink
You have signs of brain injury. Go to the hospital ASAP.
Mario replied on Permalink
Please if you are still alive go to the hospital right now. Stop everything and go. You have a fracture in your skull, brain bleeding, and a lot of other things that can kill you at any minute. Please I urge you to go.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I hit my head Snowboarding 2 days ago face first I was wearing a helmet my goggles pressed into my sinuses, then I started having a headache on my left side the headache comes and goes with the help of ibuprofen. I do not have any symptoms of a concussion should I worry?
Aisling replied on Permalink
I just read in a hospital article about head injuries that you should not take aspirin nor inuprofen, just paracetamol.
So please stop taking ibuprofen.and go to the doctor immediately.
It won't hurt you if you're ok, and if not, it might save your life
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I hit my head at a game, felt dead for a while and felt like my entire head was shattered. I got up and went in for the next tackle. Get up and walk it hard feelings, just there is nothing else you can do ;)
Flo replied on Permalink
Are you still ok now??
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I hit my head on the trunk lid and I actually saw stars..that was 6 hours ago and I have a pain in back of my head....aches behind my eyes. And ears are ringing. I'm getting sleepy because I need to go to sleep, I'm up early. This has me scared because of what just happened to Bob Sagget.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I fell and bang my head on a hard wood floor from a standing position. I went to the ER bad head contusion. No bleeding in brain from CT. It's been 3 months I still have a pea size bump there but it hurts to lay on that side still and now I have pressure behind my left eye on the same side where bump is. Is this normal?
Altynkyz Ashyrova replied on Permalink
Hello,i bumped my head on the pool 3months ago and when i am touching mild pain.are you ok now
Anonymous replied on Permalink
This happened just recently. I got into an accident, the vehicle I'm riding slipped, my father was the driver. I fell and hit my head badly on the concrete. That time I was dumbfounded with what just happened. My head hurts a lot, I vomit when I arrived at home, I feel dizzy and sensitive to light, I have problems sleeping, I can feel the pressure in my head and I experience daze moments a lot. Am I fine? looks like my parents dont have a plan on bringing me to the hospital for a checkup. :)
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I had a head injury a few days ago, but not as serious as yours. My doctor as well as the nurse hotline insist I go to the emergency room for a CT scan.
Based on this, it seems like you should definitely be seen by a doctor. Can't you go to the hospital or emergency room by yourself, if they don't take you?
They probably don't realize how serious and dangerous it is.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
u should see a doctor!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Please Dr. My forehead hit edge of a window a weeks ago. I will be feeling mild pain around that particular part of my head and the ear when l sleep. Any advice
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I got elbow in the head by accident and from then on i feel like I’m gonna pass out. (This lasted like a day). Is it serious?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
When I was at work I was supposed to clean the kids area and there were tight spaces I had to cross ..I hit my head on a black pipe thing and my gosh it hurted so dam bad .. after that happened I went on with my day until I felt a bump on my head and my neck .. starting to get worry but it's so painful
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Five months ago I did something that completely changed my life in a negative way and I regret it but I can not change the past but only learn to accept and live with it. Me and my girlfriend went to a river damn that people could slide down for fun it was a really sketchy looking place and I slid down it multiple times probably about 4 times and it was really steep and about a 40 ft drop in length until you would hit the water and my stupid self not thinking about consequences but rather living in the moment just kept sliding down and slamming my face first into the water when I should have been letting my legs and feet take the impact first when hitting the water well anyways about an hour later we left and I started to lose hearing in my left ear and a lot of pressure was building up in my left ear to the point where every thing sounded so muffled like echos. My head was starting to feel like a water balloon that was just growing bigger and was about to explode. I started to feel dizzy and very mentally tired. When we got home I told my girlfriend that I just needed to sleep immideiatly because I felt so mentally exhausted like I couldn't think and my head just felt like it was going to explode and everything sounded muffled. I was really scared that night so I had my girlfriend sleep with me and she said I kept telling her through out the night "I don't want to die yet I'm not ready" but I dont really remember. I woke up in the morning and felt completely different like a different person I didnt feel like me. I dealt with severe anxiety,ear pain, ear pressure,head pressure, muffled hearing, extreme fatigue, dizziness, balance issues for two weeks straight after the injury. Thankfully after two weeks my hearing was back to normal and the head pressure went away. But for the next 3 months straight I went throught extreme depression/anxiety, social isolation, panic attacks,crying frequently,breathing issues that would last for weeks straight at a time and would even happen during my sleep and wake me at night gasping for air. I also dealt with sensitivity to light and loud noises, and frequent irregular heart beats. I made probably over 25 ER visits over a 3 month time period getting MRI's and CT scans just to be told nothing is wrong with me and that I am just dealing with post concussion syndrome and esr infections causing my ear pain.... During the 3 months symptom would always come and go like balance problems would last a few days then go away, breathing issues would last days or weeks then go away and come back. Sensitivity to light would always come and go. One of my main symptoms after my head injury that freaked me out was how I could feel how my brain was mentally exhausted and could not process things like it used to. I couldn't handle being in large crowds anymore and I struggled to watch movies or even pay attention. My focus was so weak now and I always felt like my head needed a break. I remember I couldnt even play chess with my girlfriend I told her I had to stop because I felt so confused like my brain did not want to have to work. Trying to think would give me bad brain fog. I never had any memory loss although I remember during the first months of recovery my brain struggled to vision things and imagine things and create images even though I never lost my memory. Basically my brain just really sucked at focusing and concentrating. I went to the doctors so many times that they finally started trying to point me towards psychiatry and I got diagnosed with bi polar somehow. I took the medication only for like a week then stopped because it was making things worse and I knew I wasnt having a mental disorder I knew it was my head injury. After 4 months my breathing issues started to go away and my brain didnt really feel exauhsted anymore and never really had that problem again and my anxiety kind of went away and I was having less panic attacks but I was still dealing with sensitivity to light and loud noises and deep inner ear pain and ear pressure. I was finally referred to an ENT specialist who said I must have damaged my inner ear from the fall but he does not know what is damaged and he says I was dealing with post concussion syndrome. Currently right now it has been about 5 and a half months since my injury and my sensitivity to light and loud noises went away and almost all of my anxiety but a little still remains in my every day life I've finally managed to get a job again. I've been working for 1 month straight at tractor supply co and I'm going to start electrician school in 1 week thats going to be a seven month course. After 5 months my only remaining every day symptoms is bad inner ear pain and dizziness from the ear pain and anxiety. I dont know what the hell I happened to my left ear when I hit my head that day but ever since then my ear has hurt everysingle day and it fills with pressure every single day and if I pinch my nose and blow it makes a loud squeaky pressure noise and let's out a lot of air and this problems doesnt seem to be getting better at all. So I will admitt that during these 5 months I have recovered from something's like severe anxiety, muffeled hearing, head pressure. Sensitivity to light and noise, brain fog and mental exhaustion but something I still deal with every day is my esr problem and it causes dizziness and nausea every day for me and I dont know if my inner ear problem will ever go away. Oh and sorry I repeat my self a lot.
J replied on Permalink
But for the next 3 months straight I went throught extreme depression/anxiety, social isolation, panic attacks,crying frequently,breathing issues that would last for weeks straight at a time and would even happen during my sleep and wake me at night gasping for air.
This is what I’m currently experiencing. The pressure in my head/behind my nose is just unbearable! My vision is blurry and my limbs go weak.
I’m hoping things do get better.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
How are you now
Criddy replied on Permalink
This hit home a bit for me because our stories are similar
So I had a hectic past couple of months unfortunately lost my son in 2nd trimester and had to be induced to give birth to him (5th consecutive miscarriage no living children) anyways post this I was on medication to clear up breast milk
I took the medication and went to bed but woke up for a pee in the night … I was sitting on the toilet and just felt dizzy and fell off the toilet and hit my head on the tiles my husband heard it and luckily came to the bathroom apparently I got up and mumbled some words and fell again but this time he caught me and put me in the recovery position I had a massive bump on my head and went to the doctors the next day and she said I was fine after doing her checks
Everything seemed to be okay but a week later I was driving to work felt like I was going to have a heart attack and had to pull over i ended up going to ED and they did am HCG and took some bloods and said everything was okay and it could have been just because I had a lot on. This was close to the Christmas period so I didn’t drive since because we were on Christmas break my husband just essentially drove everywhere, we went out for nye but we were home early I had a bit to drink but just went to bed I woke up really panicky thinking I was going to die (I have never had anxiety or anything like that in my life before this) my heart was racing and was feeling dizzy
A couple days after this I tried to drive to the gym and got panicky again I had to turn around and go home.
I constantly have been feeling dizzy and light headed like I’m going to faint (but I never do) and I have chest pain which comes and goes, I have been to the doctor multiple times only been told nothing is wrong, I have had a CT scan and also been to a Physio because I thought it was vertigo, everyone I’ve been regarding this has told me I need to see a psychologist because I’ve been through a lot with the losses and it’s all mental. I constantly have anxiety which I never have had before and have random panic attacks where I honestly think I’m going to die, I constantly feel dizzy too … this is worse when I’m driving especially for long distances
The past few months have been hell and I just want to feel normal again
Oct 21st
5th consecutive miscarriage/ had to be induced
Dec12 fainted and hit head in bathroom was taking dostinex cabergoline to clear up breast milk
Went to doctor for check up 13th Dec checked heart rate, blood pressure all okay
20th Dec driving to work felt like was having a heart attack/ going to faint went to ED
Did ecg all okay and took bloods all okay
Had CT scan mid Jan and doctor took blood pressure and heart rate again all okay
Saw Physio thought maybe had vertigo do not have it apparently
Have been feeling dizzy/ Luke going to faint and having anxiety and having chest pains on and off past few months and panic attacks to the point where I feel I’m going to die more prevalent at night
Kipa replied on Permalink
I went swimming recently and went jump of a ledge, it was deep enough but as I was coming up from the water I hit my head bad on a curved rock. I had a huge egg and was rushed to the local hospital after some time and medication they said that I would be perfectly fine but when I tried to sleep that night I had trouble I was pretty sheken up about what could have happened and I get really anxious when I think about what happened. Is this normal? Or should I try to talk to someone?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I jumped out of bed to go to bathroom. Felt lightheaded and when I tried to sit down on the potty i got dizzy and fell headfirst into ceramic tile. I got a four inch knob that feels squishy and hurts. Black left eye. No other symptoms. I thought since I had no symptoms there was no need for er. How long is normal for squishy bump to go away?
Noel cuamani Cr... replied on Permalink
I fell to the ground and hit my head with a wooden wall and i fell very tired and sleepy should I be worried or not cuz it's making me drowsy.
anonymous replied on Permalink
Squishy can be bad. Go see a Dr
Brian replied on Permalink
Last year on Halloween night I was involved in a pretty bad fight. I ended up being stomped on the head - hard enough that left the foot print on my temple. Not only that incident but in that same week was hell week for my frat. So along with the massive drinking after my head injury we had a boxing tournament which I somehow made it to the finals. Which means I went through 12 rounds of 3 minutes each of blows to the head - enough to make me throw up after the 3rd match.
It’s now a year later and the feeling of constant pressure on my brain - mainly in the back of my head has not faded. Some moments of the day are more felt than others but there’s usually a few moments of the day where I feel like my brain is being squeezed enough where it’s going to pop.
Not only the feeling of my brain having pressure on it, I can tell my vision and hearing have gotten worse. Along with other cognitive abilities like reading or focusing in on one thing for an extended period of time.
I plan on going to the doctor now since these feelings since this has happened a little more than a year ago have only gotten worse than better. Just don’t know how to tell my parents.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Did you ever get legal help? That sounds terrifying. Frat etiquette is horrible let alone but dude was stomped on my god-
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Smashed my head falling head onto a serrated rock’went to A&E and they glued me up and sent me home’8 months down the line still in pain,confused and headaches,why no head scan.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I knocked my head just a little in the back of my wall not too hard but now I’m scared and my eyes feel tired what should I do
Julie replied on Permalink
Me too... I bump my head too lightly because I was going to lean on the wall but then I miscalculated and bump my head first before my back. I feel light headed and some mild pain where I bum my head and nothing more. But scared too...
Concerned, , replied on Permalink
Fell and hit my head over a year ago. MRI and CT scan was fine. They did not show anything was wrong, but I still filling lightheaded a time, some headaches and also trying to remember certain things. How long will it take for me to feel better.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I tripped over and banged my head very hard on the top of the coffee table leg which protrude thru a cutout above the top of the table... Had a huge and very painful bump above and to the side of my left eye... Now I'm foe getting how to do simple stuff have dizzy spell and get a short circuit ING feeling and sound in my head... What can I do
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I hit the side of my head hard on the bathroom floor when I was drunk. It created a knot and it’s been 2 days. I still have a headache that won’t go away. Idk what to do.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
wat happened after this same happened to me headaches and shooting pain