I am forty-four and was involved in a car crash three years ago. I was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma. After the accident I did not have a period. Since then I have had my period every month, at the correct time and as normal. However, for the last two months I have not had one. I went to a GYN and he looked at the hormone levels taken by my general practitioner. He said my hormones would not be interrupted by any brain injury and that my symptoms were simply those of menopause. This may be so, but my family history is not one of early menopause. Is there any advice you could provide?
Recent research indicates there is higher incidence of hormone abnormalities in people who have sustained a brain injury. This is related to injury to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and all the hormones they produce or stimulate to produce, including thyroid hormone, growth hormone, cortisol, and the sex hormones (FSH, LH, Prolactin, estrogen, and testosterone). It is more common to see these abnormalities early on after a brain injury but they can come on as a long-term consequence. Medications and other medical illnesses need to be eliminated as the cause of the hormone abnormality.
Although there may not be anything to be done if you’ve already gone into menopause, it would be worth having your doctor check to make sure no other hormone levels are low. This can be done with a standard blood test.
About the author: Brian D. Greenwald, MD
Dr. Brian Greenwald is medical director of Center for Head Injuries and the associate medical director of JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute. He is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

Comments (18)
Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.
Angie replied on Permalink
I had a sever head injury from trying to rollerskate at the age of 50 for first time in 30 years. Not smart. I was moving quite fast when my feet came out from under me and I slammed the back of my head onto the concrete skating ring. I did not have a period after that for 4 months, then they came back for 5 months or so and left again for good. There is not doubt in my mind the injury to my head brought on premature menapause. My doctor did not agree it was from the head injury but I knew it was. I also found other stories online at the time of the same thing happening to other women who were only in their 30's. I was always regular before that like clock work. Also for a few weeks right after the injury, my body temperature would raise during the night and I couldnt sleep. It was a never ending hotflash, which I had not had one before before that. Once those nightly episodes stopped, I have continued to have the menapausal hot flashes . I just turned 57 and this last fall my hot flashes greatly reduced, until recently. I am now suffering from couph headaches and the hotflashes have returnd in the night again with a vengence. The back of my head is also tingling, and my hair hurts on the back of my head when I tug on it. Looking forward to an MRI to see what is going on with the hypothalamus. Im wondering if you can get brain cancer later due to a prior head injury.
Kathryn replied on Permalink
In 1993, when I was 41, I sustained a very bad traumatic brain injury. It was at first believed to be 'mild,' - but I developed bleeding and swelling all over my brain.
I slept for most of four years. My period had always been regular.
However, after the TBI, I hemorrhaged for years.
This was a good way for my brain to rid itself of the bleeding and swelling that was endangering my life.
This was at a time when doctors didn't think that a 'fall' in a retail store could cause an injury as severe as a car accident.
As I say, this was some time ago - in the 90s.
hen I say 'hemorrhaged,' I mean really hemorrhaged. I had to stay near the bathroom and use two tampons and two super pads every couple of hours, plus several pairs of underwear and some toilet paper.
After about 4 years of this, the hemorrhaging blood stopped, and - miraculously - the MRIs revealed that the swelling in my brain had gone down. My massive head pain stopped.
Mother Nature always knows how to make things work - one way or another.
My vision is quite a bit worse, but strong bi-focals mean I can work (I am a copy editor) and drive, and live a regular life.
My balance is still off - I cannot ride a bicycle, dance, ski or skate, but I am alive.
I can swim.
Juliette replied on Permalink
So I had been having menopausal symptoms, regular hot flashes in the day and night sweats for 3 months or so. I fell off a horse two weeks ago on the top of my head, I lost 1/2 hour of memory and haven’t had a hot flush since - is it possible that a blow to the head is a not to be recommended ‘cure’ for the menopause?
April replied on Permalink
Same! Relief from hot flashes I haven't felt in over a decade! Hope it lasts.
Jazp replied on Permalink
I did not have a period for ten year following a severe traumatic brain injury. After my periods began again I was extremely fertile and would have had no problem, I am pretty sure, having a child if i had wanted. I was initially injured at 20 years old and was already not experiencing monthly periods i think due to my lean body mass and athletic lifestyle.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am very happy to know that others have experienced similar things to me after a head injury. Had a bad fall in 2014 on my right side hitting concrete, deep cut and no damage to the brain. Felt odd for well over a year and "foggy" memory loss huge (lists were fantastic!), went to doctor and she explained it probably was a combination of the head injury and menopause and not to worry. Periods stopped the month of the accident and no periods for 2 years, hooray!! - until last week ( December 2016!) I got all the usual warnings of a period and had a heavy one too. So yes, I truly believe now that it was the head injury that upset my hormone balance. Especially now after reading your stories, thank you for posting these.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am relieved to find this information and feel less alone. Two and a half months ago I was hit by a "distracted driver" and got quite the concussion, staples in the skull, whiplash, and must have done a serious face plant on the sidewalk at the very end etc.. I am 55, but at 47 I'd already gone through early menopause because of former autoimmune problems which I finally got rid of by eliminating wheat/corn/soy. I hadn't had hot flashes for probably a year or so until the head injury and then suddenly was having immense hot flashes, waking in the night with my pillowcase damp, and several times in the day feeling overwhelmed with hot flashes. My acupuncturist is doing cranial sacral work on my skull and actually gently sort of pulling my nose back out etc. I am now better, fewer hot flashes, but mood is still weepy way to easily, and, to my horror, I swear (so far not at a person but at things I've dropped, etc.) I guess you could say I am more irritable and anxious. I am working on these things, they've improved, but are still happening 2 and half months since the accident. I am grateful that I am aware enough to realize these things are normal after a knock on the head, and I don't have to attribute the "feeling" being stirred up to any person place or thing, but to just the brain going through the process of healing. But it isn't very nice, is it. Am going to try herbs to help me through some of these weepy scaredy cat feelings until I am more myself -naturally optimistic and cheerful.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hi Linda and sorry for your problems, they seem so similar. I was knocked down when I was 42 and having my period. I did not have a further period for 10 months and then they came back as usual at the right time and for the right duration and volume. They continued for a further year until I fell (due to nerve damage in my leg from the accident), and sustained a further brain injury. They stopped once again for 10 months and then came back again, as they should have been, until I fell again & sustained a further brain injury. It is now about 16 months since I last had a period & I am now 47. So of course I must be menopausal and get over it. I tired of all things being blamed on me being menopausal. I really do want to have a child and this is the biggest regret I have about my accident. My family history is that we dont get menopausal until we mid 50s, my middle sister is 52, oldest 55 and they are both still having their periods. I think my granny had her last child at 48. I live in N Ireland and endro seems to be in its youth (someone has to have it). Can anyone help (apart from the Samaratians?) Hope anyone going thr similar gets to terms with it & can manage a good nights sleep (I have to wake up to eat sugar) & remember basic things like their bank code!!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I went into menopause at 44 due to TBI. (Women in my family don't start menopause until their 60s). Unfortunately, most drs don't know that 40% of TBI patients develop endocrine disorders such as early menopause, insulin-dependent diabetes, autoimmune thyroiditis. Since many endocrine & TBI symptoms overlap, you should see an endocrinologist.
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Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
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Michele replied on Permalink
I hated to watch that movie 50 first dates. I felt like it was poking fun of me. I am nm or that forgetful any more but yes I was once that bad.
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