What Happens Immediately After the Injury?

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Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.

I whacked my head on a very sturdy glass shower door. Not the average type a really heavy one. Since then I've had issues. No headache or concussion but perhaps sub concussion. I'm very scared about the future.

In 2007 I tripped over a parking curb when I was doing an event at work I hit the right side of my head on a banquet table. However I did not remember that 2 months later I was home and woke up my head was killing me, dizziness, confused, sickness, slurred speech, couldn’t understand what who ever I was talking to was saying. I got in my car drove to a Hospital. Trying to tell them which they couldn’t understand me and me them. Finally they saw me I was told that I told them that I didn’t hit my head. Then left there went to the Doctors and a Dentist. Come to find out that I already have been to 2 other Hospitals and then I drove to work and nobody could understand me. My Boss took me to one of the other rooms and said Don’t you Remember that you tripped over the parking curb and hit your head?? I said no.. Then for some reason I got flashbacks of that moment. Like a puzzle. Now 12 years later I found papers about a case that I can’t remember. There is nothing that I can do about it.. My Lawyers took advantage of me because I was mentally Disabled in my Brain.. Lost everything. I still can’t remember things... Why????

I am 53 years old and was an avid roller skater for much of my life. I decided last might at my granddaughters bday party I wanted to see if I still could. I practiced on the carpet (at the skating rink) and had stopped to talk with the maternal Grandmother when a out of the blue, my feet flew out from under me and the back of my head was the first thing that hit the a table and my body hit the floor. I did not lose conciousness and have not had a headache or any swelling, but the area is so very sore and kept me up for much of the night. I can feel the entire are involved without touching my head (a dull ache like heavy feeling) . I take a low dose aspirin and a Mobic daily and am a bit concerned about a bleed. I feel I would have pronounced symptoms. I know it can take a while to have many of the symptoms so wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar to my ordeal and has advice. Thanks in advance

Any kind of injury to the head that severe should be ideally looked into. A trip to the ER or doctor to get brain scans ASAP to rule out any internal damage.

Hi Donna, This sounds like a question to run by your doctor. Maybe it's worth making an appointment to be seen? Sounds like a nasty fall! Hope you feel better soon.

My story is mild compared to what I read below. Sorry to those who are suffering. I am curious, however, about what happened to me. I am 46 and play ice hockey. While transitioning from forward to backwards I caught and edge and fell backwards, first hitting my butt, then back then back of head, which team mates said my head bounced. I don't recall loosing conciseness but I do recall like what I would describe as a reset felling in my mind. Like being stunned sober, although I was not drinking. Does that make sense? I did not feel confused but did sleep alot the next few days and sensitivity to light was present. I did not go to hospital or doctor and not sure now after 1 month it would even make sense. Does this sound like this was a concussion and I was knocked out?

I am a 34 male, and a TBI survivor,

On June 18th, 2018 I was in a horrible car wreck as an innocent passenger, when the driver turned left over the yellow median lines which is apparently illegal in NJ. Although I probably wouldn't have known that either. The side of the car I was a passenger Incas exposed to oncoming traffic. We were struck at what seems like would have been a tremendous amount of speed, and I was bounced around inside the car, and then when rescue workers finally arrived, I was already in a coma from the impact, I was cut out of the car by the Jaws of life, and given a tracheotomy at the scene,

I as driven in an ambulance to Cooper Memorial Hospital in NJ where I've been told and judging by the fact I'm still alive, they were known to have a fantastic trauma team. At the hospital, while in a cometic state I had monitors placed on/in my head make sure the pressure didn't get too great. As well as filters placed in my thigh to ensure I didn't get any blood clots.

Finally we make it to the very end of August and after many more weeks of being in the coma, and waking up and barely responding to people who meant the world to me, I finally was discharged from Cooper Memorial and sent by an ambulance to Spaulding Rehab Hospital. Im finally now just coming to the realization that a majority of these things I thought I saw and did on the ambulance ride there, and before that were completely fabricated.

Spaulding Rehab, August 30th - I was a patient making huge strides towards recovery at this rehab from August 30th until September 20th. I would complain about and to and make issues for the nurses/aides/therapists about various unimportant/irrelevant issues I thought existed. I'm finally just now starting to realize how irrelevant/nonexistent they truly were. After 3 weeks of making huge strides toward my recovery I was discharged and allowed to go home.

As much as I couldn't wait to leave that rehab, one of my most difficult challenges so far has been reintegrating into society, and dealing with the realization of how much I wasn't coherent for and accepting how much the world changed while I was away.

I was discharged though to a group of people, as well as my girlfriend who was able to care of for me when I couldn't necessarily take care of myself, and who helped me to fill in all my memory gaps, prior to and after the accident. I will always attribute everything I achieve in my recovery process to her. Kaylee, The love of my life.

Things haven't been easy since leaving the inpatient setting. I still make up nonsensical stories, and wake up believing things, that I shortly thereafter can realize def didn't happen. But I make small steps every single day. Im constantly doing various words searches, words scrambles, and puzzles, as well as every kind of brain teasers I can get my hands on.

Here we are, I've been out of the inpatient rehab setting just a few months. and I'm constantly going to various doctors appointments, and am in the process of setting up all types of new therapies such as vision, hearing, and a therapy to make my voice louder, and to get my vocal chords are harmonious like the were before.

I still have a long ways to go in this recovery process, but I will get where I want to be in spite of/regardless how hard it is. I am now accepting that I will be a lifelong member of recovery, and that not necessarily a bad thing. I used to be incredibly intelligent, at what I've been tested for previously and is considered to be at a genius level. As much as I'll have to study learn and read, I'll do whatever it takes to be intelligent again.

Alright, I need to give myself some credit where credit is due, so I'm still intelligent as is, but just not to the same level or capacity I once had.

I was in a car wreck in 2003 where I was ejected from the vehicle, flew about 50-75ft and hit the road head first. It is almost a guarantee that I lost consciousness but by the time first responders arrived I was awake. I cracked my skull, tore my brain down the middle and bruised the left side of it. My back and neck were broken as well. I spent 21 days in a drug induced coma, when I was brought out of it I was told it would be 6 months before I could expect to be discharged. I checked out of the hospital 13 days later and was back to work a month after that. Because my physical recovery was so swift Everyone including my Drs just assumed I was good to go. I was never given any information on what to expect with a TBI. I was 25 at the time and convinced of my own immortality. Within 6 months I lost everything and everyone I cared about. To this day I still don’t understand it. I just quit caring about anything that wasn’t right in front of me. I still struggle with this. I haven’t been able to maintain a relationship with anyone for more than a year or 2. I still work as an engineer and I am great at my job. My only physical symptom of a TBI is my speech when I get tired. I don’t suffer from depression or anxiety. My personality is the hardest thing to live with. I am 40 now and have learned to avoid people. They will just get hurt. I can love someone with every fiber of my being then go a couple days without seeing them and the feelings are gone. I rarely talk to my family, they always start reminiscing about me before my wreck, like the son they loved died that day and now it’s someone else in his skin. I don’t know why I am even writing this. I stumbled across this article and just felt like commenting. I was never told anything about my TBI or what I could expect. I just wanted to share my experience and maybe save someone else from going into it blindly. Remember that even if your body is whole, your thought process might not be healthy. Awareness doesn’t eliminate the problem but it can help you avoid hurting those that care about you.

I don’t have a lot of time to comment this morning but your story resonates. I was rear ended at a stoplight by a kid in big truck in 2006. Totaled my car. We were military, moving cross country that day. ER, nothing broken, massive upper body soft tissue damage, ER discharged me and sent me on my way. We move from Texas to Arkansas the next day w/ rental car. I get to new state, develop outrageous agoraphobia and anxiety disorders. I’m seeing new doctors no continuity of care.  No one puts 2 and 2 together for me. I suddenly can’t find words. My handwriting becomes atrocious. I can’t do math anymore. Insomnia. I can’t stand to look at my Mac computer. I look at a computer and get immediately overwhelmed. Then my mom dies, my husband who’s a pilot and usually deployed - deploys. For years.  My father comes to live with me. I have a teenage son.  The distractions of grief and caregiving make me less focused on the fact that I feel stupid and like my brain is offline.  And that something is wrong. I was thinking mental illness. Early onset dementia. 2014 my dad dies. Husband takes me to a marriage retreat. He’s into the love and eye to eye face to face and I look at him and I’m brutally honest. “I don’t feel anything” the way I’m supposed to. I’m not here anymore. I don’t know what else to say.”   I don’t feel connected to anything the way I was before. It’s like all the ability to relate on a personal level vanished.
While suffering whales and horrible disasters don’t bother me as they once did, I understand my brain is depressed. 10 times a day there’s a voice in my head saying “you should just kill yourself.” And I know it’s not logical because I have a pretty good life except for the fact I’m completely emotionally and physically disengaged from everyone I’m supposed to love. I feel like a complete fraud because now I have to mimic appropriate levels of concern. I became a surface person - if that makes sense. I feel very shallow. Still married. Husband is still a pilot. Son left for college and military. In my unobserved time away from people - I don’t function. I don’t bathe. Move. Brush my teeth. Comb my hair. I just go off rail when no one’s at home with me. Even though I function better when my husbands home,
I’m usually glad when husband leaves because I’m always faking being normal and it’s exhausting.  My TBI is now 12 years old. After my wreck, I never integrated back into my professional life. I think interviewers could sense I wasn’t okay.
I did not get a dime from the wreck as it happened in Texas and I moved to Arkansas, and the other parties insured kept saying “come back to Texas for our doctors to see you” - I couldn’t move my upper body for 6 months, turn my head sideways, and then The panic and agoraphobia. I just shut down. Hid in my house and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t string my thoughts together.  Sad. ER doctors should hand a phamplet to anyone who’s head gets jarred in a car wreck. “No broken bones— here have some pain pills” does not cut it. If I’d been WARNED about TBI, maybe I could have navigated thru it and gotten myself taken care of; I get thru my days, but tons of mental rabbit holes; at most I feel like an imposter in my own life. Most of it just doesn’t seem real and I have to forcibly make myself engage. In everything. Marriage has morphed to the roommate situation sexually. That’s been offline for years~ starting with the car wreck injuries.
The overwhelming feeling I have most days is “I’m here, but not really.”   I went to work a few months ago for a therapeutic group who reintegrates TBI patients (or tries.) I was formerly a hospital administrator and this is my first step back into work life since the accident and having my dad come live with me;
The good news, putting all these pieces together, it’s starting to make sense. Not that I like the sense it’s making.

I repeat: ER physicians owe it to car crash victims, neck injuries or not, to tell them about TBI’s and what to look for. It’s a disease process, that evolves - not an incident.

Thanks so much for writing this. I had a chronic on acute subdural hematoma that required an emergency craniotomy and, while seemingly had a total recovery, I still struggle in many ways, especially when I am tired. I sometimes feel like part of me was lost. It was so helpful to read this and I am sorry for what you have been through. Best to you! ~A

Right on brother I’m going to my second head injury in 20 years I’m 47 and I totally agree with everything you’re saying keep going and not that bad we can get through it

Wow. Thanks for sharing this post. I'm glad you are okay from that experience. It's really amazing that you recovered so quickly. I went through a similar experience and can relate to a lot of what you were saying. I would love to talk more about this with you. It's really comforting to know that I am not the only one dealing with these same types of thoughts or these experiences with others. If you would like to talk, please reach out. Thanks!

I was in a car accident where I was rear ended. I don't recall the next few minutes but I don't know if it was the adrenaline or if I lost consciousness. It was later determined I had a post traumatic concussion. Is there a way to tell if I possibly lost consciousness?

I was knocked unconscious in a bike accident and have had to live the rest of my life never having met the person who carelessly knocked me off my bike. It's just something you have to deal with I'm afraid.

I hit a car at 30mph or so, lost my helmet in the impact and as knocked out for 40 minutes. I never knew a thing at all about the police or paramedics who attended that accident scene and I later woke up in hospital. I just stared at the hospital walls as I came around. A lovely nurse comforted me and just said,"do you remember being knocked out". I couldn't talk and just lay there. The hospital said I had had a nasty bang on my head. I also suffered other injuries to my legs and arms and had a tooth broken by the impact on my head I think.

It's not just the physical damage, the concussion, but the aftermath of getting on with ordinary life and activities again. I lost my confidence but as you get older and mature a little you realize that it could have been worse and you value life more I think. 

I was in a motorcycle accident a month ago, i can't recall the instant of going down nor the slide. I do remember getting up after a couple seconds, being in panic mode, and having police and bystanders ask me a bunch of questions and staring at me.

Anyways, 4 weeks later, I've been recently experiencing moderate to extreme dizziness that I haven't experience before, almost as if i was hung over. Always feeling mentally tired, and whenever my head is flat on a surface like laying down, my vision spins in circles for 8 seconds and lose balance for several minutes.

Sorry to hear that you’ve had a bike accident recently Jeremiah, It sounds like you’ve had a mild concussion with no significant loss of consciousness, but a bang on the head nonetheless, with concussion symptoms. Like any concussion and “Shaking of the Brain” it can bring on your symptoms after the accident. I hope your symptoms subside otherwise it could me more serious and hope your brain functions, return to normal. Don’t push yourself too hard. Take it easy Buddy. Give it time.

My boyfriend just passed away on July 1, 2018 in a motorcycle accident... I was told he was unconscious then was pronounced dead at the hospital... what could the drs Of done to save his life?

Oh, no!! I am so sorry about your loss, Rebecca! It must be extremely painful for you, and the other people who loved and cared about your boyfriend. Losing a loved one, especially in such a grisly fashion, is extremely tough. Take care, and all the best.

We’re deeply sorry for your loss Rebecca. Recently our family has experienced the care & dedication of the hospital staff, Dr’s & nurses in emergency & in ICU. I can assure you, they would have done absolutely EVERYTHING in their power to save your boyfriend. It’s their job to save lives. Tragedy is nonsensical. Sending you lots of love & strength for the healing of your heart.

Im so sorry for your loss :( i really feel it , i almost lost my brother in a motorcycle accident as well the same he was unconscious and took him to the hospital asap , they did surgery on him asap if they would of waited even with one more minute he wouldnt of made it ... and his still recovering since july 28 , 2018 we didnt have no answers to our questions we just had to wait but thank god has heard us his slowly recovering but surely , im sorry you lost your bf i wish they could done something to save his life ..rip

If a person is found knock out on the ground, doesn't remember the where he is, the day, month or year and is kept at hospital for a couple of days, will that effect him in anyway during his life? Will that be a cause of his brain shrinking 45 years later?

I was in a car accident a year and a half ago. My brother, my dads friend and his two kids were coming into town from a campground we go to. We were cruising along the road until I hear “OH MY GOD”! coming from the drivers seat. Not a millisecond later was my head launched into a back of a seat at 55mph. I woke up in a hospital 10 hours later with most of my close family around me, I was VERY confused and had amnesia as mentioned in the article, I didn’t know who the hell I was. Following the next day I had learned the toll that had been taken on my face. I had two missing teeth, my front and one of my canine and another tooth pushed up through my gum and it was at an odd angle, like it was pointing straight out not downwards like it’s supposed to. I had severed my upper lip in half leaving a bloody mess every time I woke up at the hositpal and at home for a few days because I would drool, oof, I still remember the odor. I had also broken my cheek bone leaving another scar and my bottom teeth went THROUGH the skin just below my bottom lip, leaving a hole( thankfully it healed and is just a scar now). I was also severely concussed, not sure if it was a TBI, maybe a moderate one since I blacked out for so long. It’s affected my everyday life, sometimes it’s the only thing I think about and whenever I do I get sent into this catatonic state and stare at something for unusually long periods of time. I also have had to deal with depression, when I was at my worst I had cut myself and even attempted suicide even though before my accident those thoughts would’ve never crossed my mind. Unless you’ve had a brain injury yourself, there’s no way someone can comprehend the type of state your body is put into when something like this happens, it’s fucking terrifying because I was told I was actually conscious right after my head was smashed, such as having to get out of the car while my two teeth fall to the ground with my brother looking at me in horror. I walk to the side of the road with blood pouring from my mouth knowing my only chance at survival is to lie down, when the pain was too much to bare is when I fainted on the road with blood gushing from my mouth. Ambulance sirens still give me chills. I had also been injured severely twice as a young child, I had my arm almost cut in half, pretty sure it was just hanging from veins, a large glass shard had cut it open due to me punching a glass door and breaking it, I was 4. I had also cut my head open due to me slipping and hitting my head on the sharp edge of a staircase, that was a rough one..., I think I blacked out then too. Another is when I swallowed a nickel before I went to bed, I was 5. I woke up to barely being able to breathe, drooling all over myself and talking like I was gonna die (I think I was). The next thing I remember is being woken up after being taken to the emergency room to have it removed. Another blackout I think because I don’t remember SHIT, it was like one thing then bam the nickel was out and it was like 3-4 hours later. Probably the oxygen depletion to my brain.

Braden, so sorry to hear of your accident. I hope you are seeking therapy. You had a lot of grief, and was severely traumatized. Praying for you.

My nephew died 06.03.2018. He was a firefighter. The firetruck's tire burst. His safety belt tore with impact and he went through the front window. He was 25. Dr explained that he was brain dead. His brainstem broke??? Is there a chance that he could have been saved if he reached the hospital earlier?? The accident happened at 23:00 and help only arrived about an hour later. He still talked with one of his colleagues but lost consciousness just before the ambulance arrived.

I don’t believe so.......most people die immediately. So sorry for your loss. I was rear ended in 1999 and ended up getting Multiple Sclerosis, I was asymtomatic for 18 years, and then I was rear ended again, and I got full blown MS. Way back then, the doctor’s didn’t believe that I also lost my brilliant mind. I used to score in the 90th percentile, and then only 85, so they told me I should be happy because I still scored high. However, it took me much longer to remember things and they attributed it to pain. Not true, I have some brain damage where I have no filter talking, have anger issues and much stress. I have to try to let go of anger by not discussing. Certain issues, and talking slower to make sure I use the proper words. But as I was told, I was lucky about not breaking my brain stem. May he Rest In Peace, an apparently caring person to be a firefighter. God Bless!

my daughter died on sept.14,2017 from a car crash.her brain stem was also damaged and once that happens,theres no hope.the brain swells and stops all motor functions.sorry for your loss.

so sorry for your loss that is tragic.

I lost my father last month after he journeyed for 18 years from pedestrian motorcycle accident... He was the pedestrian. I was inspired to learn about our phenomenal brain and how to cure injuries like my dad's.

Did you find a cure, or a method of managing your time with him as he journeyed? I am sorry that I crashed my own motorcycle, no passenger or pedestrian thankfully, just sorry for the coincidence........ I still don't know what or why happened but I continue to struggle. Do you think your father was content in his journey? Using that word makes me thing your dad was not necessarily unhappy but I don't know. I would love to know what and why you think that as I am desperately unhappy with my condition and that my husband is aso very unhappy. I would just like to hear what you experienced. It's been almost 5 years and I feel my abilities slipping away.
I found this site as I wandered looking for more information as I spend all of my time doing. So far have not found much I had not already learned through experience. I don't know if I will find your response if you give one. This is the first time I have ever reached out to any of these sites, it will be my typical luck if you have good advice and I won't be able to find it.
Perhaps you will help someone, if not me! Stay well.

sorry for your loss.

The site has helped me my friend who was in a really bad car accident was thrown from the window and had taken a hard blow to the head it's only been a month and few days now he is out of ICU and it's in a rehabilitation center it is hard to see him like this I feel he got better a little bit but last night when the doctor had told me no changes have been made and when I had asked about his eyes not dilating he said it's because of seizure medicine he's taking for seizures killed ne thinging i dont know bad but this page is help me a little bit hoping that he will get better I feel he understands me but I don't I'm just really hurt by this hurt knowing that he might not get better he might not understand he can't talk he can't really move when he does is to pull his arn/hand back to his chest his right side of the body is still a bit limp he moved his right arm sometimes his right eye still has not opened his left eye is open and I'm happy because it's not going in the pattern as it used to he can keep it a little more steady and look at you for a second two days ago when I was with him and I was telling him I'll be back and tell him goodnight he started to cry so maybe he understands I'm not sure and I just really don't know it's only been a month in a few days my friend's mom who was shot in the head same side took her 6 months to get a little better and understand today she was walking around she can understand and talk she still has to use a cane but she understands talks and she can move so I know it takes a lot of time it's just hard watching someone you know so close go through this and you're trying to help them but you just don't know I keep praying for him and I pray for all of you and I thank you for help

Back in 07' my brother was struck by a car. He was riding a bicycle coming down a hill; when a car going more then the allotted 30mph around a sharp curve came flying around. He was struck by the car being tossed in the air and hitting the windshield and rolling on back. Immediately after he balled up into a fetal position and was unresponsive. The police department found him at fault for it because they said he failed to stop at the stop sign. When he got to the hospital they placed him in ICU. All the doctors and nurses said that there was no way he would make it passed that day, but they will do all they can. He had uncontrolled bleeding on the brain to the point they had to put him in an induced coma. While in the coma they operated and had to remove part of his skull and damaged brain tissue. He stayed in ICU for about 4 months but was still unresponsive. He was later stable enough to be moved to a facility in Atlanta where they tried physical therapy for about 5 months. Nothing was working and his legs became so stiff to the point that they are permanently straight. His left arm in bent up and right arm straight out. He also has severe foot drop (where your feet starts to fold downward). After Atlanta he was moved to a nursing home for 7 months. He got to finally come home on February 14th 2009. When he came home at the time I was 15. My life became taking care of him. I was unable to go places because he needed someone to take care of him. He was totally unresponsive unable to see, speak, move voluntarily and we were just hoping he could hear. He eats through a feeding tube cant take anything by mouth and wears briefs. The incident cause him to favor the left side. Now his head pulls only to the left and his upper body folds over to the left causing his left lung to collapse leaving one good lung. His mouth stays so tightly shut that you cant lean it. His hands stay in a fist position. Over time all of his care has fallen upon me. I have to be his sole caretaker. I am now 24 and October 28 2017 marked exactly 10 years that he has been in this state. Nothing has changed for him but I still believe that one day he might just come out of it. But if I never get that one day I'll just be glad with the time I've been given with him. He is still here and that's all that matters to me.

You are a remarkable person

He hears you, he feels you, he loves you.
He wants to meet your friends so you'll have someone answer you
He wants to answer so maybe your friends will make that easier or he will tell you what he thinks or just the sound of another voice
Maybe talk radio will want to make him shout after hearing the state of the world, that's what it does to me
Who knows maybe that will just make him mad that's what it does to me
Stay well

I pray for all of you as you care for your loved ones. You are the salt of the earth, all of you.

I was hit by a semi on my bike going to work a couple months ago. Though the bike was totaled and my left foot mangled ( just got last to pins out yesterday) my helmet just got scratched up real bad. So I guess their was no head or brain trauma even though I was unconscious when e.m.s. arrived. Well, I wonder since I haven’t slep more than three hours at a time since the wreck. I have mood swings that have me wanting to jump up and organize my knife collection or polish my other bike, to not even getting dressed for days. It should be noted, I think I had or have a bout of depression due to the death of my daughter back in March. But, I never did the stupid crap I do now. And I still remember nothing about the crash. Thank god for witnesses, or I’d be screwed. I don’t even remember giving the police my statement and thank god it matched. I,be also been waking up in middle of the night with headaches that are so bad, by the time they wake me, I litterally take four to six ibuprofen to calm them. And simple chores like taking out garbage, can take up to 45 min by the time I piddle around, forget what I m doing, side track, watch a commercial on tv, or just stand and stair into space. And all the above ?

To poppi and others suffering:

Upon reading about your situation and many of the others that have posted,
it appears that it would be wise for you to see a doctor. Symptoms of yours and the many others posted, should not be ignored. It is very important to face the facts and truth of the situation. I have had symptoms of PTSD / anxiety/depression for different reasons. We are physical and emotional beings. If we deal with the physical and not the emotional, we are not treating the entire person. It may be hard, but I took the challenging step to face the pain of loss, sadness, injury, trauma. I committed myself to seeing a counselor and committed to classes. I find many people have trouble facing themselves in this way. It's not always up to a doctor or someone else to fix us. We need to do the hard work. We have to commit to ourselves and understanding our unique situation. DBT is a not so well known resource found in Medical and Counseling Offices.
There may be other programs available in your city.
Research and Google this please.

DBT = Dialectical behavioral therapy.
Fancy name for an entire class focusing on extremely important, but very basic principles we all needed to learn from our Parents or Elementary school.

Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation
Translation: Mindfulness: becoming more aware of self and others.
Interpersonal Effectiveness: working towards positive and healthy relationships with others.

Distress Tolerance: Healthy tools to handle everyday stress. Tools that we develop in our mind or physical things that would not involve drugs, alcohol or unhealthy sexual addictions or habits, anything that is not something that will grow you as a human.

Emotion Regulation: balancing, coping and managing emotions effectively in order to build a more full life.
If anyone struggles with problems getting along with others after an accident or other trauma, it would be very wise to find this program, start this program or start some type of personal therapy with a Counselor.
Nothing to be ashamed of. We only are giving into our Pride if we do not get help. Getting help is finding real Freedom. Freedom is being Authentic and Honest with Ourselves. I did this for years. So save your life in another way before you lose it and lose family and friends.
This is written not only to who I replied to but a shout out for all of the comments I read today. These are all things I have been working hard on, not bc I'm a professional in the field. As all of you, I have lived and breathed mental and physical suffering and anguish.
This is probably why the earth and humans long for a Heaven.

it sounds like you have a mild traumatic brain injury. There is help you must look in your state for therapy and assistance.

I slipped Hard and fast hit the back of my head knocked unconscious three years ago. I'm still recovering I couldn't bend my head down lift a pound. It has been hell. I want to work out again but I can't put any pressure on the brain. Protect your head.

I was a pedestrian hit by a car going 30mph. I broke my left femur and right tibia. Along with my left elbow and face. I was in a coma for a month. I don't remember the following month (while I was transferred to DMC, post coma) I stayed in the hospital for 2.5 months. Its been a year and 6 months since the time I got hit by the car and I still can't walk. I was severly shaking and was very unbalanced. A doctor finally got me a pill that helped! Now, my shaking has gone 75% away. My balance is 50% better. I am 5'8", in the hospital, I went from 145 to 122. Then, just recently, went down to 109lbs. I just never have an appetite and I didn't realize the extent of my eating until my Dad took a picture of me. I saw it and I was completely grossed out and mortified. I now force myself to eat three meals a day + an ensure + protein shake!!

Had a blow to the side of my head 6 yrs ago from my daughter. My family decided that she wasn't really trying to hurt me (?). Forgetfulness started right after. Since I'm now 72 they decided its all from old age. Maybe it is. But I do remember that hit to my head & the start of forgetfulness. So I don't talk about it anymore.

Fire anyone who says something is because you're old! I'm 78 and hate the way older people are portrayed on TV like we're all some bumbling idiots. I too have bouts of forgetfulness but am far from feeble. I bike, roller blade, and skate ski. I have a goal of biking across the USA and back at 100. My hero was Jack Lalane, remember him? The secret to a healthy life is to keep moving. Don't let others define what you can do. Just do it and blow their socks off!

I am so sorry to read your story and about the dismissiveness of your family. Your daughter should be ashamed of herself.

I lost consciousness after a car accident , I don't remember the accident itself, I was told I had a large hematoma in the front left side of my head, now 9 months later, most symptoms like pain, increased agitation, problems with balance and headaches have decreased ,I have a indentation in that side of my head, did something happen with my skull? I still feel some kind of way, I can't explain. Fear is one my feelings .

My boyfriend was just in a bad car accident on March 10, 2017 he was thrown out the windshield, he was in a coma for at least a week and a half, he has all his tubes out now he can remember long term but is having troubles remembering the accident and with short term memory. Last night they said he can start eating anything he wanted! He has came a long way in only 3 weeks. Hoping for him to be home soon!

My 3 year girlfriend left me after my accident 3 months in. She said I was going crazy. I was so scared for my life I lost toilet function. 19 months later I'm still suffering lots of psychological problems. The PTSD came shortly after and I think is still with me, then I found out I had dysthymia a possible remission of PTSD. Now getting emdr and anger management and cognitive therapy thanks to the bloke who changed my life who knocked me off my motorbike  I feel either anger or just numb and life is so so shit. I wonder what I'm still doing here. I wish he cut my leg off with a bread knife .

If someone you love has a brain injury please be there for them. Don't just tell them they need to see a doc, understand and accept that even though they lived they aren't the same as before if you can't accept it they won't want to be around you anymore

Motorcycle accident few days ago for my brother and his gf. She's in trauma, bleeding on brain, out of ear due to fractured temple. She has woke up but out of her mind, doesn't know anyone. I do pray she'll get better soon.

I had met with an accident 2 years before since then I am unable to talk properly. I was in hospital for 11 days out of which 4 days in coma and when I regained consciousness I was unable to talk completely on that day. Adding to which my left part was temporarily paralyzed. This is my story. Still finding the way to talk properly.

Inspiring.  As the victim of an assault (the perpetrator received a 5 year prison term), and with it, a traumatic brain injury (TBI), all of your comments made me think.  Initially, I was going to say stories instead of comments, but these are people's lives, not stories.  I live on the continent, but I don't feel comfortable saying where.   With my injury, the medical establishment and a government department wiped me out.  Right down to the point I had no clothes.  They say, because the outlook for me did not look good and my family was not in the area.  I write this, a testament to say they were wrong, and give others the hope there is a way out.

Now, I am in the middle of a legal fight, after a coma and 4 months of intensive care, a year and a half of hospitalization.  What's the purpose of my legal fight?   To prove that the health care and government predictions were wrong and their loss of hope has cost me valuable time (and basic things like clothes), the part of time we we call living.  I take solace that there are people out there who may understand what life and survival can be like - those people are you.  Bless you all!
