What Can I Do If I Think I Have PTSD?

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I feel the same way right now, I was abused by someone with pats and now that I have it in worried I can't be taken the same way

I know how you feel... and to be honest, i think i may have PTSD as well... i started researching about it and it appears that i have a lot of these signs of PTSD. But my family doesn't want to listen to me, all they do is torture me mentally... i never get time for myself, sometimes i just lock myself in the bathroom for an hour just to cry out all of my suffering. I wish this would end! Im starring to think life doesn't have a purpose and i might as well end it all. I hope you feel better tough...

2 years ago I was stalked and even was almost killed 6 times from my ex. Even though it's been so long I still been getting flashbacks,nightmares/night terrors,getting mad at my love ones. For awhile I try to block these memories out, thinking if I buried them away they didn't happen. But no matter how hard I try my symptom been getting worst lately. I'm going to see someone soon to help me .

Its ok to be upset. What happened to you was horrific. I hope they're in prison. I was diagnosed w ptsd in 2013. I was in counseling until 2017. What a difference that made. I saw a ptsd specialist. I was reliving the trauma every day. Nightmares, flashbacks and panic attacks, my concentration was sh**! I still have bad days a few times per year but talking to someone definitely helped. Things will get better.

It's been a year, and I can still hear his voice. I still see the knife against my stomach as he threatens to hurt me if I don't give him the money at my desk. I can smell the stench of cigarette smoke on him.

My friends wanted to watch this show called Unbelievable. The girl gets assaulted and the rapist had a knife. The scene was only three seconds long, but it was enough to trigger an anxiety attack for me. I felt like it happened all over again.

My friend said "it was only for a couple seconds, what does it matter? You didn't go through what the girl on TV did."

No...i didn't... But I was still traumatized. Being robbed at knife point, seeing my life flash before my eyes, wondering what would happen if the guy actually slashed my stomach open... That still happened.

Last week, I was okay. Working morning shifts now instead of nights. Actually, working at a new job altogether. I still glance over my shoulder, but this workplace is more secure.

But now... All I can think about is that knife. And cry.

My grandson who is 19 nowhe lost his best friend in the Manchester arena bomb blast and his mum seriously injured and saw it all with his younger brother he cant sleep at night very agitated all the time doesn't want to go out anywhere he gets angry if anyone is trying to help him unable to get a job

I was attacked in January by an ex boyfriend. My wrist was broken and I ended up having surgery in February. Things have been manageable but now months later after returning back to work I'm starting to show signs of what I think is PTSD. Anxiety, flashbacks, anger and overall feeling guilty. I'm starting to treat people close to me poorly. I'm going to make a doctor's appointment and try to get in next week. What kinds of things should I expect to be treated with? And is there something I can do on my own to help me recover from this? I've been in contact with the courts and he is in jail but there will be a hearing coming up and I think that's what's triggering it.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that with people/friends who did not understand. If you're in an area where you can find a support group, that may help. You can also call the Domestic Abuse Hotline. They will help you connect to different help, including 1 on 1 counseling either free or sliding scale. This happens to more people than you know. I went thru incest from 3yrs old to 19yrs. I'm 49yrs old now. I became an addict off/on. I got clean shortly after I was stranger raped at gun point, pretending to be a cop. They've never found him. The cops blamed me for it. Good news is that I'm clean. But feelings aren't numbed. I have to work very hard & have learned that WE are NOT alone. My prayers go out to you, best wishes, and hope for healing. The best revenge is living well!

I lost my mum to lung cancer (I didn't see it personally) and it took a huge toll on me. After that all of my outside family aunts uncles cousins nans and grand ads ignored me, I got no integration with them except at Christmas but even then there was tension. It was hard being the only girl in the house with my dad and my brother and I struggled. I had counselling in the beginning of year 7 and got over it but know I'm getting a lot of the ptsd symptoms and I'm worrying. They always happen at night and I don't even say "mums death" anymore. I don't feel safe going out alone because I fear rape and being kidnapped. But I can't talk to anyone. For me speaking to humans it breaks relationships I try talking to my cat and she makes me feel a lot better but she's an indoor cat and can't help me overcome my fear plus she's not alowed upstairs so I can't have her help me when I go crazy and panic and think all these guilty and bad things and cry or even harm.

Do you think this is ptsd, what should I do?

When I was 7 I was strangled by my best friend. I remember the details very vividly, from the weather to hearing her footsteps behind me. I feel like I can still feel her hands around my neck. I suffered from nightmares and flashbacks when I was younger but they went away for a few years but in the last two years they’ve come back. The nightmares, the flashbacks, being on high alert all the time and I don’t know what to do. After many attempts I’ve tried telling my parents what I’m going through but they refuse to take me to get help, going on about counselling and stuff. I don’t know what to do anymore I feel like I’m going crazy, I don’t even know if I have ptsd but it’s the only rational explanation

Go for counseling ASAP. Don’t wait as long as I did to get help.

Talk to a priest, counselor, or look for free resources online. Sorry bout your parents. It's ok to feel what you do.

Can young children be affected by PTSD? My life changing trauma happened when I was 5 years old. The violent death of my father in Viet Nam. Looking back on my life I now see so many signs that something majorly wrong was happening to me. In those days veterans were not treated with the respect they are now. I am 58 years old now and have never come to terms with what his death had done to my family. Is it possible to recognize PTSD after all these years.

I've been molested by my two brothers & father physically mentally abused by my mother. I have no relationship what any of them but I have a child that's 19 years old Ive guide her the best way I could. She has used my childhood as a weapon I tried my damage not to repeat the sickness but it seems to me it's slap me in the face. I find myself locked up in my room

Can someone get ptsd from a situation regarding police in a self defense situation? And when that person gets pulled over how do they calm them self down? I shake and can’t speak clearly and have a bust of mental alertness. Police normally see it as I’m scared or on drugs but it’s just results of a event invalving police.

Yes. Sorry to hear it. It makes complete sense. And now you probably have some legal battles you’re still fighting too. (GOOD LUCK!) Try EMDR to get rid of the PTSD. And if that doesn’t work they have trials right now with MDMA that should be approved by 2021. Use a radar detector in the meantime.... and stay away from cops!

How do you get treatment for PTSD if it requires leaving your safety zone? Especially if that trauma is related to healthcare facilities?

Ok, here goes. my son tried to kill himself 4 years ago he told me the Drs said he has PTSD now just recently he's been acting differently...fighting with everyone in the house violent outburst... and tells me his brother and sisters your setting off my PTSD several times a day is that possible thank you

Yes its possible. There is obviously something bothering him, to make him act out. Anger is a symptom of PTSD and can happen when Your thoughts are conflicting. It is worth sitting down with him and asking him how he feels if that is an option. Give him time, dont judge and gently suggest speaking to his gp. Hope this helps.

just wondering if you have horrific nightmares that ARE NOT about your traumatic event. is that an indicator of PTSD?

I did , and I couldn't breath, felt like my room was my grave

I used to have really traumatic nightmares and panic attacks and I found out I had PTSD. Now its been 4 years but I am experiencing minor symptoms, trouble concentrating, nervousness, jumpiness, and flashbacks. Do I still have it?
