Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.

Hi .my 16-month daughter fell from a chair in subways and I nearly lost her it was really bad .she was unconscious for what seemed forever then when I brought her round it was such a struggle to keep her from going unconscious again.anyway she stood on a ball 2 days ago and went flying but this time it was on a thick rug and also a carpet. It knocked her out! But the knock didn't justify knocking her out. I'm thinking has she a fracture. But they won't scan her because the radiation is far worse than what they may find.i have her on rains ALL of the time even in the house cos I'm scared it will happen again.and the next time I may not be so lucky to bring her round

I was in an abusive relationship in 2000-2001. My partner hit my head against floors, walls, a steel pole. I sometimes had no noticeable effect at the time, so I had no idea I had even had a concussion. Often I would become unconscious the next day and could not be woken up for 6 hours or so. At other times I would black out on and off. And other times I would become very dizzy. Interestingly, the time I did go unconscious for many hours was a blow to my face (pushed in the center of my nose. Broke my nose but Irish X-ray technicians did not notice) though maybe the injury was from the fall. That was about 7AM. I blacked out for a short time and woke up and called out from work. Passed out again and woke up at noon and made a doctors appointment. Woke at 5 which was close to the appointment. We had a doctor in our housing complex.

So in reading I am surprised that long periods like that are uncommon.

Anyway I got out in 2001 and came home. I was in a depression so heavy that other than therapy I stayed in bed for about 5 years. At one point the head of psychiatry for NYC came to analyze me and I was the most depressed case he had seen. He put me on stage for a lecture.

At that point, my memory loss (I have three degrees and can’t remember them), confusion, loss of balance, exhaustion, and other symptoms of TBI were attributed to depression. As time grew on, and my emotional symptoms improved, certain symptoms remained. In about 2010 it occurred to me that I might have a head injury. So I was never diagnosed. Because we do not have single payer medical care, Th fact there is no concussion clinic in New Jersey meant that I simply could not be seen, as my Medicaid did not pay for out of state.

So here I am, in 2019 with a TBI not treated for 18 years, like a football player.

I searched online for how old TBIs are treated, and the only treatment anyone sme to have any relief from was marijuana. The theory is that even after so long, there is swelling in the brain, and marijuana is an anti-inflammatory.

I have moved to Connecticut. I will be able to look into this.

Dear Natasha,I do not know if you will even see this. I was in a serious car accident years ago and had 95% brain damage. I also broke every bone in my body but my right arm and leg. I took every day Magnesium capsules, and now also powder, and vitamin E and Lecithin. I take rose hip capsules for arthritis but as they are anti inflammatory they should help with the inflammation even in your brain, I have gone through an early menopause and curcumin with black pepper has helped me. I took it for the bone pain as I need another hip replacement but it has helped me get through menopuase without hormones or operations .I cannot stress vitamin B enough for people to take against depression, exhaustion. Grants liquid B is so fantastic but hard to get here in AUstralia now. When I was taking so many antiinflammatory drugs for pain before my first hip replacement years ago i had better relief by taking 2 magnesium capsules 3 times a day. I now take MSM powder when I a unwell with pain. it regrows your cartillage but has an ingredient to help depression bipolar,etc...You may find you need to walk every day because when you take a lot of vitamins one does put on weight e it a go....Bless you, I pray God helps you. Deborah Australia.

I'm so sorry you went through all that. I'm from Connecticut myself and was in an abusive relationship from 2003 to 2009. I, too, have had the same depression you speak of. I was staying with a friend after the relationship ended and I stayed in bed for many years as well. He said I was the most depressed person he'd ever seen. The only reason I am somewhat functional now is because of anti depressants. I wonder if I have a brain injury as well. I've been punched in the head more times than I can remember. My memory is awful. I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADHD and post traumatic stress. I had my nose fractured and I still have a scar above my eye from being punched. It was like I was a UFC fighter or something.
I can't do marijuana because it gives me anxiety... even the indica, often gives me anxiety.
What does your life look like now? And what are you doing for treatment?

Hi Natasha,
I'm sorry to hear your story, it gives me flash backs to my own relationship in 1992. I was slammed against a concrete wall several times once and it never happened after that. Unfortunately, I was pregnant at the time and I did not know. I am here 24 years later have been diagnosed with migraines, depression, anxiety and recently with ADHD. I have had MRI's and everything comes back normal. But I have been having numbness on my head at random times which worries me. I really need to look into this and make sure my doctor takes this information serious enough to referred me to neurology. At times, I have trouble remembering things and can get things confuse. My son was born healthy with no health problems but all my three children have been diagnosed with depression. I don't know if this is genetics which most likely it is, because my other siblings seem to have some sort of psychological issues. I do not want to end my life with dementia. I want to be aware of everything and live a great life until the end.

I was so sorry to read your post. I just want you to know I will pray for you and am sending hugs your way. I pray you have peace.

When I was a teenager I was riding a skateboard down a steep hill without a helmet. The board flew out from under my feet and the back of my head slammed on the ground. I didn't lose consciousness, but my body went numb and there was clear fluid coming out of my nose. I didn't go to the hospital. Since then I have had these signs. I mentioned this to a neurologist once after having seizures and they said they didn't find anything on a CT or MRI. I have been taking seizure med for years after having around five and have had one in a long time. Even though I see a doctor frequently sometimes I worry about sudden death. Always wear a helmet.

in the year 2000 i fell 30 feet out of a deer stand & landed on my head & shoulder. i rolled 65 feet down a valley . My small intestine bleeding my colon bleeding. air med to hospital & had amnesia for 3 months. That was almost 2o years ago. Now i can’t remember anything to well & have headaches . Is there a time limit legally to try & get disability from this accident?

in the year 2000 i fell 30 feet out of a deer stand & landed on my head & shoulder. i rolled 65 feet down a valley . My small intestine bleeding my colon bleeding. air med to hospital & had amnesia for 3 months. That was almost 2o years ago. Now i can’t remember anything to well & have headaches . Is there a time limit legally to try & get disability from this accident?

In general, being considered disabled is based on your condition and limitations at the present time.

If you are concerned about getting disability benefits, you need to talk to an attorney and your doctors.

I was in a car accident in 2006, 120 mph head on collision, & I was not wearing a seat belt. Miraculously no one was killed but I was severely injured. I didn't have health insurance or car insurance at the time so I was basically just stitched up and sent home with no aftercare instructions or advice whatsoever. Prior to that I had had a few less severe but still fairly traumatic head injuries and have had a few knocks to the Head afterwards too. And now I am finding it nearly impossible to function, communicate or do the normal daily things that I need to do to get by for me and my family. It's making me insane, I feel stupid half the time and I don't know what to do.

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I was working for a men I cutting trees will tree feel and hit me in the head it cracks my skull broken my neck in 4 place it broke my cheek bone I was in intensive care in Winston-Salem they made me leave without the man I work for head no insurance I have no money so they made me leave cancelled all my doctor's appointment now I'm having problems are completely deaf keep having ringing in the ears and I still don't have no help format man I work for more or less they just kicked me under the rug like I was a piece of trash I need the help but I have no money if anyone sees this can you please help me

You may need a variety of doctors like this to find the help you need.

My husband's similar situation was helped by different specialists working together, including a psychiatrist, a team of neurologists that included 3 neurologists, 1 neuro-psychiatrist, and two sleep specialists. That team worked together with his endocrinologist, pain management doctor, and psychiatrist. All worked with our primary care physician. We had other doctors in there, too, because two doctors moved out of state and one retired. And we went through a few years to get everything sorted out and have optimal therapies and medications and help. Not all therapies or medications worked, and not all worked well. The multiple diagnoses were all related to head injury.

I made sure that our primary care physician had a copy of all test results and kept him updated throughout the year. All worked with our primary care physician.

We had pen and paper with us at each visit, but I took notes only when the doctors told us what tests they wanted to do, and why, or test results, or possible treatments, or what they suspected, or what they wanted to try or next.

However, my husband could not do this coordination or taking notes by himself. I did most of the work, which was quite cumbersome. I suggest you seek a relative or friend who will accompany you to each doctor appointment to take notes for you and make sure you sign the forms needed so the doctors can share their medical information with each other. This person needs to know about all your medications, to, not just the ones given for conditions related to head injury.

My boyfriend had a wreck where his brain was black 12 years ago he said he can tell he's changing stress bothers him more and our relationship is not loving much no more. I would like 2 know about the side affects

Wow this is so crazy I've been trying to find this for ever! Back in 2013 a firework hit me and exploded in my eye. And I'm completely blind and have multiple surgeries on it. Anyway for the past 2 years I've had a pressure on my head like it feels like it's contracted physically. And it makes my eyes really tired, like I'm never fully awake. And all my mental illnesses sky rocket. Anyone else expierence this!?

On the 14th January 2019, I simply fell down the stairs at home. I have only 12 straight stairs but this caused a massive traumatic brain injury, broke the base and most of the right hand side of my skull, caused a Subarahnoid Heamorage and blood clots. My family were told I would never survive the ambulance journey to hospital, medical staff said numerous times that I would die, this was in front of my two small children. Then they told my family to find me a care home as I would never walk, talk, know who anybody was or have a memory.

Within one week of coming out of my coma I had a miracle recovery. I have been told by my Neurologist that the speed and extent of my recovery is extremely rare. I have posted this message so that people who have a loved one in my previous position can see that medical professionals are not always correct. I sincerely hope that anybody experiencing my history has my kind of recovery.

Good luck,


Since my TBI I fall down stairs a lot. I just moved into a house with extremely steep stairs. The stairs from first floor to second floor just lans me either against the wooden door or on the wooden floor. I have done that a few times. But the stairs to the cellar lead to a cement floor and cement wall. I always go down with my arms out.

My solution, which I am in the middle of implementing, is judo mats on the floor and wall. It will look dumb and I will have to work hard to make it visible so others do not trip. But it may well save my life.

In my childhood, a caregiver slammed my fore head on other child’s fore head and caused us to have black out and nose bleed at the same time and it’s happened many time . Never told anyone when I was little. Now I’m 56 and getting black out and loud noise in my brain , been going dr many time, few months ago I went to Er because I had black out or dizzy and fell on concrete and hit my face and messed up my shoulder. It’s been on and off for years. I have memories lost too.

My brother was in a car accident at age 15. Was in a coma for three months. He is 58 now and having more difficulty walking. Slurs speech. Falls pretty regularly. Is this going to continue to get worse. He tends to think he can do things that he cannot do anymore.

So here is my situation:

I got hit by a car back in November/December 2015, I do remember when I got hit, I actually flew a couple of meters away from the car. It all happened so fast, however, I did not lose consciousness I got up and my head was pounding like someone left a huge amount of heavyweight on my head. I never got the chance to get it checked the pain stayed for a good month or so and then somehow things seemed like they were back to normal. Now in 2019, I just noticed I tend to forget things quicker than I use to before like way quicker and important stuff as well. I am an individual with good eyes for detail and remember a lot of important details from the past. I know it is very stupid that I never got it checked I guess I was very afraid and going through a very traumatic time. I do suffer from PTSD and I have dealt with severe depression and anxiety as well. I would like to get it checked, but I am not sure what to do..

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Consider having a neuro-psychiatrist evaluate you as well as a neurologist.

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you. I would highly suggest going to see your general practitioner/doctor. Hopefully that will give you some peace of mind from what you are experiencing.

When I was younger I fell down my stairs at 3 year old. I was in a coma

I get bad headaches., repeat stuff and say things I don't mean. I also get dizzy and fatigue and I can't do certain things that others can. I can't get a full time job because the headache can come worse, then I get dizzy and throw up. It also puts pressure on my eyes

Is there any kind of help for these headaches?

I'm not sure of your age now but try marijuana.
I was in an accident and prescribed medications did nothing until I tried oil

Really working on the neck helps. Massage, Chiro no adjustments just deep painful massage, Endo cranial drainage, Botox in TMJ then kinesiology to help strengthen the neck. Vision can also be a HUGE factor... look into vision therapy... TBI is a painfully long exhausting recovery

Hello, i hit my head for the second time in the same place, my forehead above my left eyebrow going to the center of my forehead, I didn't pass out , it stunned me, I have an old wooden door on my pantry i keep screwing on its the size of the wall I say about 6 ft maybe, the door would literally come down hitting me , I never went to the doctor, its been about 4 months or so , I'm having headaches really bad , I don't know .......

Hi Rebecca,
I too hit my head and didn't go to the doctors this was about a week and a half ago. 
My daughter accidentally pulled the hatchback down on my head. It hurt really bad, but then it went away.

Now a week and a half later I am getting swelling on my head in the shape of a grape and it's very tender with a purple mark. My right side of my head hurts down to my ear with a headache.

I don't really know what else to do except ice it a couple of times a day it seems to help.  I'm not having any other symptoms as to a concussion
Are you? Look up symptoms.

Hope you are feeling better, if not I'd go to the doctors.


Here is my story.
In 2009 I had a fall off a ladder,I am not sure if I lost consciousness. I had headaches off and on for a couple of months.
Now in March 2016 carrying o root of vinyl flooring with two other guys, the cement under my feet was broken up. My footing was lost and I went down on my back hitting my head on the concrete. This time I lost consciousness for about 7-10 minutes.
Naturally I have seen many doctors MRI showed negative. I went for rehab. Am very depressed and still having symptoms such as ringing in ears constantly,headaches,foggy brain and dull acke in head,and fatigued.
I manage keeping these symptoms by not being around a lot of activity and people or noise.
Feel hopeless now as really not much better but learning to batch chores,cooking etc. which I learned in rehab it helps. My sleeping since has been terrible. Concentration and short term memory has been singniftly affected.
So I stay away from people,noise,music which I loved and find myself son fatigued I have to rest often.
Yes I have tried meds and am on Celebrex and oxcycodene for my back. ,bropopin for my mood and Ambien which only take as needed.
Well sorry to go on and thank you for taken the time to read my problems.Ralph

I had the Cochlear implant 6 months ago... I have this metallic taste in my mouth that make me want to vomit. Is there any cure for this. I have been to 5 doctors that just send me away with no answer...

Try taking Chlorophyll. That may help. I had a bad taste, like a metal taste in my mouth several years ago and was told to take Chlorophyll (greens) when I went to a health food store. And it worked.

You should see your doctor ASAP. If your Dr will not help keep going until you find one that will. A leak of cerebral spinal fluid can have a bad metallic taste. This is not necessarily what is going on, but if it is it is very serious. If you have a leak, it should be diagnosed & repaired to protect your brain.

Do you also have metal fillings in your teeth or other metal in your mouth? You may be getting some kind of interaction between the implant and those metallic elements in your mouth. Consider talking to your dentist about this.

You need to know which implant you have. Some have metal in them (titanium, platinum) and the implant surgeon rarely checks for biocompatibility (they say "most" people don't have problems) I would not give up on getting an answer. Once you know which implant you have, you can file a formal adverse reaction to the FDA. Don't stop searching! Just be ready for the possibility of having a revisional surgery.

I was in abusive relationship s but this last one I was beat so bad on my head I went into seizures. But my doctor didn't do a cat scan. I have arm numbness and headaches.

Hey sweetie I too was in a domestic violence relationship, got away finally, and now he's doing a life sentence for murding his new fiancee after getting released from jail (went to jail for attempted strangulation)

I'm not to sure if your still in this relationship or trying to heal from it, I'd love to be there for you thru this and hopefully help you in anyway. I've just started a domestic violence private support group that are ppl like me and you to beable to vent, get help, ask advice, and resources. No matter what season your in, in your relationship, your never judged, if you stay, leave, go back for the 100th time, it doesn't matter, I'm just hear to help u anyway I can, and when you are ready, I can help provide resources to help you leave safely.

Please, please go to the Dr.
If you want to ask the hospital for a counselor on staff,( they are required to keep everything confidential), and tell her about the abuse, that's the first stage of help, getting someone involved that is in authority roles so they can provide help but also to protect you,

My husband's use to go into a session for counseling and just start telling How I beat him up, punch him, ect. Before I could even get a word out, I'd just tear up and walk out, one time I wrote a note, left it for the secretary and told them how much trouble i was in and the abuse.

I thought 4 sure they would have called me right away, but no, they called 3 months later and gave me a number to a resource for help. I could have been killed by then, thank God I was not, I found help, and continued to find out more about my husbands past, (he had a aggravated battery that was actually a plea from attempted murder to his prior girlfriend!!)

Anyway, that's just a very small section of my trial but id love to be there 4 u if u ever need anyone to talk to. Find me at "Idaho domestic violence support group" on Facebook and private message me:)

You should go to the hospital. are you okay?

I had a significant fall approximately 25 years ago. I fell somewhere between 15-20 feet and landed on a steel platform. Since then I have had ringing in my ears. I get intermittent vertigo. I have an explosive temper. My VA doctor will not admit I have a TBI. I also have sleep apnea which is central brain called central apnea’s. Is this a TBI? At the time of the fall I broke my shoulder and fractured my jaw.

Hello Mike. Here is my story.
In 2009 I had a fall off a ladder,I am not sure if I lost consciousness. I had headaches off and on for a couple of months.
Now in March 2016 carrying o root of vinyl flooring with two other guys, the cement under my feet was broken up. My footing was lost and I went down on my back hitting my head on the concrete. This time I lost consciousness for about 7-10 minutes.
Naturally I have seen many doctors MRI showed negative. I went for rehab. Am very depressed and still having symptoms such as ringing in ears constantly,headaches,foggy brain and dull acke in head,and fatigued.
I manage keeping these symptoms by not being around a lot of activity and people or noise.
Feel hopeless now as really not much better but learning to batch chores,cooking etc. which I learned in rehab it helps. My sleeping since has been terrible. Concentration and short term memory has been singniftly affected.
So I stay away from people,noise,music which I loved and find myself son fatigued I have to rest often.
Yes I have tried meds and am on Celebrex and oxcycodene for my back. ,bropopin for my mood and Ambien which only take as needed.
Well sorry to go on and thank you for taken the time to read my problems.


Hi, I had a concussion two months ago. I feel fine but still have blurry vision and twitching in my left hand. My doctor said I'm fine but they didn't use a scan. Is it possible to really know without one? Please, I need to know if I'm fine or not.


I had the same problem. I went to the doctor 7 months ago and he diagnosed me with a concussion and told me to rest for a couple of weeks. but progressively my headaches increased and i started seeing blurry and double. after 4 days my eyes started shaking and soon my body would start to twitch and i would randomly fall over due to dizziness. i went to a concussion specialist who recommended going to physical therapy for my dizziness and a VISION THERAPIST for help with my saccadic eye movements. its been about 15 weeks of vison therapy and i am slowly making a recovery. now i less dizziness, smoother eye movements and overall i am feeling better.

I had a bad concussion but based off my symptoms, the doctor was able to tell that i didnt need a scan because there wouldn't be any damage. i think if you dont have dizziness and headaches you'll be fine. but if you are still concerned, go talk to your doctor.

I think it would be wise to go to a TBI or concussion specific doctor who fully understands and can completely help you. personally, vision therapy has been a Huge help, and im sure if you look into it you could find one.

I hope this helps! feel better :)

I was rear ended by 2 cars at one time. It's been 4 days now. 2 trips to the ER. Did a CT scan on brain . No bleed. But I still have ringing in my ears. Pressure and headache. Terrible taste in my mouth. But today I have blurred vision. This is concerning me.

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I fell down 1 entire flight of stairs, my brain scan came out clean, but even now, 3 months after the fact, I keep having regular headaches, blurred vision, and the need to sleep at irregular times, I also forget words, and last night's films on the tv.

I think you should be very concerned, and please take a lot of bedrest, if possible..
I hope you are insured well and are able to call in sick at your work.. this thing needs time and TLC..

All the best to you,

Kate from Holland.

I'm a 57-year-old Army Artillery veteran that has had many blows to the head resulting in loss of consciousness. In my career, I experienced about 60,000 nearby blasts from a heavy artillery gun at 180-185DB and have experienced several gun tube explosions as close as 20 feet where 35 pounds of TNT and 70 pounds of propellant exploded almost in our faces. I have been knocked out several times in other jobs by falls or being hit with objects.

I have horrible tinnitus even though I am now sign language deaf...Lost hearing suddenly first in right ear and then left ear years later. I am having problems of forgetting things....stopping in mid-sentence not being able to keep my train of thought...remember words. I have severe headaches prescribed as "CLUSTER" headaches and frequently get sick for no reason and throw up.

Even though my experiences are far behind me, these symptoms seem to persist...and get worse over the years. I get healthcare through the VA but don't know if I should try to be seen or even if I possibly have a TBI. Due to having cochlear implants, I'm not sure if I can even have an MRI. I don't know what to do.

Have you tried medical
marijuana ?

I suggest that you see a neurologist- they will know how to help you . Thank you for your valor!
