DSM-5 Criteria for PTSD

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I had a failed suicide attempt 4 years ago, should have worked but by miracle it didn't. however I was left with not only ptsd from 40 years of abuse but now since that an anoxic brain injury. needless to say that it's almost impossible to function some days.

I have been having PTSD due to being involved in a car accident. I have to drive frequently 4 hours to another city to see my doctors. Would this exposure to frequent driving increase my PTSD by exposing me to another car accident?

Being in a car at all could trigger a PTSD flashback and/or a panic attack depending on the severity of the incident. Horn honking, the sound of cars rushing by on a freeway and more can cause anything from a sense of discomfort to an intolerable panic. However, using a vehicle is unavoidable in this day and age. If you're too afraid to drive yourself, I would suggest taking a Lyft or an Uber

So I just had my C&P re-evaluation for my PTSD. I am currently 70 SC for PTSD.
I am looking at my exam on myHealthyVet and I hit every Criterion except for G. It reads;

Critierion G : No response provided

Did the Doc just forget the click a box? Or do I not rate that Criterion and will not be SC for PTSD anymore?

I suffered a tbi in September of 1995, i still blame myself for the injury.

Where do i start, had PTSD i guess for close to 30+ years, just hid it from everyone, and always put others before my needs. However, in my head i believe i am not a worthy case for treatment, i believe others should always go before me, am i too damaged to be repaired, am i wasting my specialists time, am i worthy enough, questions with no answers, misfiring memories, hate, anger, fear, different, only answer is how I feel.

Roger, the trauma is in your Body, thats why talk therapy might seem pointless. your nervous system is shot. you are on empty, you cannot muster up fuel that is not there.
First off you must change the way you word it, you must try to 'fake it' in a way and say you CAN possibly believe you can get better, maybe...
sounds like you tried, to no avail, how frustraiting. its not your fault they cant help you, we are still figuring out how to heal trauma. I think you can heal a lot by being touched, any type of hands on therapy helps, and especially therapy that is geared towards healing trauma. Reiki and Feldenkrais method are super helpful. I wish you well, and YOU ARE valuable, even if you don't see it.

Hi Roger, I read your comment and want to share that you are worthy of treatment. You are not "too damaged" I know this because you are sharing this online. I would urge you to try... try to seek help. Tell someone what you are struggling with so you won't carry the burden of this secret any longer. You are deserving and worthy.

Roger, OMG, You just wrote stuff I can`t seem get out of my mouth. I`ve thought, everything you just wrote. I`m in my 34th yr. with this, coupled with a TBI. What a miserable way to live. I would love to tell the docs exactly how I feel but I can never seem to find the words. {How?}, when I get there and I cant remember why I`m there until 10 or 15 min later. When I`m trying to express a thought and in the middle a sentence I forget what I`m talking about. This sucks, i`m tolerating life, no fun, lost emotions{except for anger}, lost interest in damn near everything. My wife is the only reason I`m still here. if it wasn`t for her I would still be drinking as heavy as I did for 28 yrs., trying to end it all.

I am alive but not living! This is a living Hell!

Please find a therapist that has specific training in trauma. You do not have to live a life of emotional pain. There is hope and the right therapist can help you. EMDR is a type of therapy that has been proven to work with symptoms of PTSD.

Im almost 42,ive bn in therapy since i was 9.talking to a therapist only revisits the trauma..and then you go home to your fam with that dr.built trauma revisit.its more harmful,lost a husband this way.lol.the emdr thing,was idiotic.ive tried it ten times.its a waste of time unless you hava light case of ptsd maybe

Hi, Frank! I just want you to know that I'm praying for you. Hope things are getting better.

Everyone deserves healing. YOU deserve healing. And no one is too damaged. It might be more about what you expect repair to be!

I have experienced a lifetime of abuse by narcissistic people starting with my father and most recently by my wife of 10 years and a coworker. I was not physically threatened or hurt, but the psychological damage is severe. Criterion A doesn't apply to me but I still have a form of PTSD because all of the other ones do apply. Help!

look into childhood trauma, sense your father was abusive. you were exposed to many small events that build up. also you don't need to be diagnosed to know that your body is carrying trauma. movement therapy, dance, reiki, acupuncture and Feldenkrais method are all super helpful. EMDR is a derivative of Feldenkrais method.

I’d have to disagree about you not having criterion A. Your father neglected you , the one person who was suppose to be there. That’s a huge loss. Same with your wife. You may not have had a physical loss like a death, but you have been deceived , and abused. Just validating your experiences.

You may have a form of PTSD called Complex-PTSD or C-PTSD. It isn't officially a diagnosable mental disorder according to the DSM-5, but it is when someone experiences repeated/ongoing abuse/trauma. I encourage you to research C-PTSD as well as seek help from a GP/psychologist/psychiatrist.

Hi Beth, I've been through similar. Have you read up on complex PTSD (C-PTSD)?

I have a grandson in grade school who has been physically and emotionally abused by his father since he has been in diapers. He has been retained by his school in seventh grade and has to repeat that grade, not because he is slow but because he had severe school avoidance. The most recent court order states he does not have to go to his father's but the school will not give him the support he needs and the school avoidance continues. We live in Wisconsin, Waukesha County and we need help making the school understand the situation. Who can help!

A child psychologist, a neuropsychologist and or an educational therapist. Also, an advocate or a county lawyer (if you can't hire a lawyer can advocate for your grandson. Especially now that the courts acknowledge he has been abused, the school should be required to provide services.

Worst comes to worst there are online schools he can recuperate units taking classes online.

Hi neighbor. I live in Muskego. Went through something similar ... in some ways. Just want to say you have a long, difficult road ahead. Mom must ask school for an IEP. That will help, a little. Regardless, this is ugly business ... no putting a good face on it. But in our case the loved one made a great turn-around and is now thriving. Hang in there! NOT YOUR FAULT!!

Hi Joseph,

I strongly recommend that his mother or guardian contact the Human Services department in your grandson's county and request Children's Mental Health case management or another form of case management for children. I work for a county in Minnesota as a social worker and we work around the clock to meet with kids and parents to help you find mental health services and other resources. Not always but often times, social workers can attend school meetings (with parent permission) and help communicate the extent of a child's difficulties to school staff and administrators, and in some cases establish the child's need for special accommodations at school. This is often the case for children who avoid school for various reasons. Hope this helps.

Merry Christmas,

I am only 15 and I was diagnosed with PTSD since I was 12 because I was involved in a drive by with my sister and her and I both have it and we were both put in mental asylums in Michigan. We were in there for about 3 weeks with no social media or anything but did activities to get help with it and went to counseling for about 4 months. PTSD has us going through with insomnia and flashback and many more but I thought i'd share our story.

Pretty much sums up my life! I'm not a veteran, ritualistic abuse.

I receive a disability for PTSD/MST and went in to be seen @ Comp & Pen for an additional service related issue. I also have a eating disorder that I directly associated to the MST I don't recall every having an issue with food until after the 2nd MST happened. Now I am suffering from diabetes and am insulin dependent which I feel is a direct result of the eating disorder using food to cope, stuffing feelings and becoming numb. I was told that none of these things are related and that If I wanted an increase in my current disability rating that I needed to be suicidal. I am currently on my 3rd marriage which is riddled with unrest due to the MST apparently I have difficulty having a healthy sex life and they do not consider that as an issue. My husband and I have been thru marital counseling which actually made things worse...Any suggestions?

An ED will not cause diabetes. "Insulin dependent" is for Type 1 diabetics which is typically diagnosed in children or teens. It is a very different disease than Type 2 diabetes which can be diagnosed at any age and is often linked to weight gain. People often think they are "insulin dependent" when they are Type 2 and prescribed insulin, and that is not the case. Type 2's still make insulin, they are insulin resistant yet treated by flooding the body with more insulin. If you were "insulin dependent" you would have lost a lot of weight leading to diagnosis, and you would literally DIE without insulin because your body would not make any.

If you went to marriage counselling and things are worse, where did you seek this counselling? A qualified professional? If so, I would be following up with that professional to report that things are worse. Usually marriage counsellors give you concrete steps to take and discuss whether or not your marriage can be saved. If you have done all that and things are worse, then in my book the marriage is over.

Try DBT given your history of an eating disorder and PTSD. You can teach yourself DBT if you are really desperate. There is a wealth of information online.

My suggestion is, go to a Naturopathic Doctor (ND), and get yourself straightened out chemically and nutritionally. It is also possible you are suffering from thyroid problems. Many doctors do not do extensive blood work and a ND will. A finger-prick approach, so to speak, blood sampling is not comprehensive enough, and is what most physicians do. Be prepared, though, as it can be expensive because some Medical plans will not cover the much needed blood work. Many states do not recognize NDs but while living in WA I went to one and I believe he saved my PTSD/TBI/Hypothyroid life. I had to move to VA and the care here is way behind the times when it comes to holistic medicine. You are a total being. You may have to grow up and take responsibility for your bad eating habits and educating yourself. Thymex and Thyrosol are 2 non-prescription thyroid supplements you may want to discuss with your physician along with taking D2500/5000, and DHEA for adrenal fatigue - very common with TBI/PSTD. There is help online but you have to be very careful as many are just pushing their supplements. Dr. David Perlmutter's book may be helpful to you; Grain Brain, explains how carbs affect your brain/body. I was in 2 auto accidents within less than a year, the first a head-on with the entire driver side of the car sheared. After being removed from the car, I knew my life had changed forever, and I was very familiar with TBI/PSTD as my son was in an accident many years prior. Undiagnosed diabetes (He had been going to the doctor for years, got very ill in 2009, hospitalized and was told he was Type I and had been for years - never informed of nor treated.for the illness, and 2013 died of a heart attack). So I tell you, be vigligant and pro-active about taking care of you and doing what it takes to heal.

Give EMDR a go

i myself have been diagnosed with PTSD and i have had this diagnosis for a little over 4 years. although i do not have PTSD from service in the military or combat situations such as those who serve our country I empathize and hope that something can be done for those who chose to risk their lives for their country. I am curious however as to where i should look for symptoms on a related topic, Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). if anyone could point me in the right direction i would greatly appriciate it. i am writing a paper for a local community college that i am hoping to eventually public publically and get additional support for military vets that are still around. if anyone can help i would greatly appriciate it.

Do you have a TBI? I have scads of anecdotal info, unfortunately.

please look at the site of Peter K Gerlach.

I am deeply sorry about your experiences. If it is not too late you can check every topic of psychopathology in the DSM's 5th Edition (there are some pdf's online) which is the most reliable source compared to internet websites. Take care!

I hate the VA. They put me down for my service, my combat, my problems. I have been seeing them for 7 years at three different VA's. My last therapist tried to take away my service dog. That woman's boss made fun of my service record thinking my secret ops were bullshit. I meet a new psychiatrist this morning. I have PTSD. My dealings with the VA isn't going well. Why are these people so evil? I am just looking for help. It is getting closer to a confrontation. I hope it isnt today.

Try the DAV.

Go talk to your patient advocate

I am so sorry that you are going through this. Thank you so much for your sacrifice and your service. Please know that you are awesome.

Trying to figure out where to go and serve his to get tested for PTSD?


Contact your primary care provider to obtain a referral to a psychologist, your insurance company for a list of providers in your area, or check online for your state's psychological association for their list of providers (most states have either a directory through the professional organization or through the licensure board). Best Wishes!

What are some of the differances between PTSD and PTSD for kids younger than 6 years for DSM-V?

It appears to be paraphrased, but accurately so.  I say this as a mental health practitioner presently looking at my DSM-5.

It's an accurate paraphrase as my colleague noted.

Is this a direct quote from the DSM V?
