Use everyday activities to build skills:
Enrich your child’s language environment by:
- describing your actions
- describing his actions.
- labeling things
- reading aloud together.
- identifying and talking about feelings.
- providing books on tape
If your child has difficulty following a conversation and/or or following directions try:
- leaving more time between your statement and his response
- experiment with shortening the length of your sentences
- reduce the level of your vocabulary
- ask your child to repeat what you said in his own words to check for understanding
Change the environment:
- Adult language needs to be specific and clear. Avoid using questions as commands. When you want your child to complete a task, give a clear direction.
Get your student’s attention before beginning to speak:
- Call his name.
- Use a physical direction such as turning your child toward you.
- Be sure that your student is looking at you.
- When the language in textbooks is difficult to understand, help your child change it into a more easily understood form such as diagrams, charts, and illustrations.
Remember that familiar material is much easier to follow and learn than unfamiliar material. Create a context for learning new information by:
- watching a video
- previewing vocabulary
- taking a field trip
- communicating with parents about upcoming school topics
- creating a poster
- Eliminate distractions, such as a radio, TV, or other conversations when you talk with your child.
- Use cues to help your child understand what you are saying, such as hand gestures, facial expressions, and a tone of voice that matches your message.
Teach new skills:
- Teach your student to read the chapter summary and chapter questions prior to reading an assignment. Identify the key points you expect him to look for in a passage.
- Teach your child to read his book while listening to the same book on tape.
Find a more concrete or visual version of complex written material. For example, if studying volcanoes, use a junior book that has pictures and contains key information in highlighted format. View a movie or play of lengthy or complex literature. Provide visual and multi-sensory information about new academic topics by:
- going on a field trip
- showing a film
- doing a hands-on experiment
- Teach your child to “picture” academic concepts in a visual image, rather than memorizing verbal explanations. For example, instead of memorizing the definition of photosynthesis, “the process by which chlorophyll – containing cells in green plants convert light to chemical energy,” have the child visualize a representative picture.
- Supplement verbal explanations for games with visual demonstrations. Have the child show you how the game will run with a “trial round” before the official start of the game.
From BrainSTARS, Brain Injury: Strategies for Teams And Re-education for Students, © 2002 Jeanne Dise-Lewis, PhD. Used with permission. The manual is available in English and Spanish. For more information or to order copies, call 720.777.5470 or A short video on how to use the BrainSTARS manual is available at