In honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month we've gathered some of the most powerful caregiver content we've ever presented.
The Not-So-Secret Confessions of the Caregiver
Abby says that sometimes we wish others could read our minds, but the only real option is to stay honest with the people in our lives.
The Real Truth About Brain Injuries
Caregivers often focus on the silver linings. Mother and caregiver Dixie Coskie has had enough; she's sharing how she truly feels.
5 Strategies for Finding Peace in the Turbulence of Caregiving
How can a caregiver tap into a sense of peace? Here are a few strategies that worked for Rosemary.
Dear Traumatic Brain Injury…
In that first night, within those initial moments, you stole many of our hopes, dreams, and chances at the things we used to take for granted. In place of them you gave challenges, frustrations, and endless new maps to navigate.
When the Dust Finally Settles: Strategies for the Long-Term Caregiver
Learn from this father's experience with the "twists, stumbles, set-backs, and wild-goose chases" of a having a TBI in the family.
To the Kids: A Letter to Other Kids Who Have a Parent with a Brain Injury
Janna writes a letter to other kids out there like her who have a parent with a brain injury.
What Has Worked for Me
Cheryl Gansner shares her experiences about life with her husband, Sgt. Bryan Gansner, who has TBI and PTSD -- especially the social and emotional side.
A Letter to My Wife’s Family
A long-time caregiver writes an honest plea for help and support to his wife's siblings.
Caring for the Caregiver
How much can one caregiver take? This mother shares her insights.
The Walls That I Have Come Up Against
I know everyone’s story, while different, can be similar in a lot of ways. I have found there are many ‘walls’ that I have come up against. Some hit me right out of the blue with no warning and others crept up slowly. But, once I realized what the ‘wall’ was, I always manage to find a way to climb over it.