Life-Changing Apps for People with Brain Injury

Life-Changing Apps for People with Brain Injury

Almost every day, we hear of new apps developed for just about everything — from staying organized to finding pharmacies or restaurants while on the road. It’s hard to keep up.

Some of these apps have proven to be especially helpful for people with brain injury. The phone can be used to remind you of an upcoming appointment or to take medication, or it can be used like a traditional paper notebook to keep all your addresses, telephone numbers, calendar items, lists, and ideas.


NameDescriptionPriceDeviceHelps With
AccessNowAccessNow is sharing accessibility information about places around the world. Search for specific places like a restaurant, hotel or store, or browse the map to see what is nearby with the accessibility features you require. If info isn’t already on our map, you can add it yourself and contribute to our worldwide community. Filter the map by category and tags and find the access that you need now.FreeiOS, AndroidAccessibility
Android Accessibility SuiteAndroid Accessibility Suite (formerly Google Talkback) is an accessibility feature. Its goal is to help the visually impaired navigate their devices. These features come built in with virtually every version of Androidand can be activated in the Settings menu. The app will then help the visually impaired interact with their devices. It's fairly basic, but effective. It adds things like vibration, spoken, and audible feedback.FreeAndroidCommunication, Accessibility
AudibleListen to books on your mobile device. Great for people who have trouble reading or who retain information more effectively by listening.FreeiOS, AndroidReading
Be My EyesFostering the largest global community for the blind and visually impaired, the free app, Be My Eyes, virtually connects someone with vision problems with a sighted volunteer who can help them “see.” Using any smartphone, a blind or visually impaired user can open the app to request assistance, be connected through live video with a sighted volunteer, and then point their camera at what they want described to them. The sighted volunteer will then tell the user what they see in the user’s native language – it’s as simple as that!FreeiOS, AndroidAccessibility
Behavior Tracker ProApplication that allows caregivers, behavioral therapists, aides, or teachers to track behaviors and automatically graph them. Option to record video of behaviors or interventions to later review with doctors, parents, teachers or therapists.$29.99iOSBehavior
BestSuiteThis suite of three apps help people with brain injuries and other challenges get more done! Set and monitor goals, track and understand where your energy goes, get automatic reminders to take breaks -- see it all appear in your calendar. Free video instruction and app training is also available on the BEST Connection website.$9.99iOSOrganization, Life-Skills, Memory
Breathe2RelaxHands-on stress management tool with diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Designed to help you with mood stabilization, anger control, and anxiety management.FreeiOS, AndroidPTSD, Anxiety, Stress
Corkulous ProCollect, organize, and share ideas on virtual cork boards. "Pin" notes, labels, photos, contacts, and tasks. Group ideas visually on one board or spread ideas out across multiple boards.Free*iOSOrganization
Cozi Family OrganizerFamily life organization app that includes a shared calendar, shopping lists, to do lists, family journal. This app allows you to stay in sync with your family. * Paid version available for advanced functionality.Free*iOS, AndroidOrganization
dictate2us TranscriptionVoice recorder with integrated transcription service* provides you with a comprehensive dictation and transcription solution. Record, edit, and upload a digital recording then have the file transcribed to text. HIPAA compliant. * Transcriptions are a paid feature.Free*iOS, AndroidCommunication
DialSafe ProLearn proper phone usage and safety with an app that allows for hands-on practice. Learn these critical skills through the use of animated lessons, skill building games, practice sessions, and a realistic phone simulator.FreeiOSLife-Skills
EvernoteHelp remember everything across all of the devices you use. Stay organized, save your ideas and improve productivity. Take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders, and make notes completely searchable.FreeiOS, Web, AndroidOrganization
Find My iPhone/Find My DeviceLocation app that tracks wireless devices and enables a you to track where the devices are, where they have been, and enables you to send warning messages or tones to those devices.FreeiOS, AndroidMemory, Location Monitoring
Flashcards DeluxeFlashcard app which can be used to study just about anything you want. Built in dictionary, capacity to include pictures and sounds, zoom into pictures, and auto-repeat sounds on the cards.$3.99iOS, AndroidMemory
Google MapsGoogle Maps isn't directly for the disabled or otherwise handicapped. However, it does have a variety of tools to help people with those kinds of issues. You can find stuff with wheelchair accessible entrances and the turn-by-turn navigation works even while walking. They even have a small group of engineers that work specifically on accessibility features, such as disability-friendly transit options. It takes a little bit of digging in the app, but it's actually a pretty decent experience for this kind of stuff.FreeiOS, AndroidAccessibility
Hello My Name Is - Graffiti StickerUse your fingers to write or draw your own personalized "hello my name is" name tag. Good for conferences or situations where a digital name tag may help you stand out.$0.99iOSSocial Situations
iBooks with VoiceOverSearch and instantly download thousands of popular book and magazine titles. iBooks works with VoiceOver, which will read the contents of the pages out loud.FreeiOSHearing, Reading
ICE Medical StandardICE Medical Standard lets you put your emergency medical contact information on your smartphone's lock screen image. If you are in an accident, first responders and emergency room staff can find your emergency medical contact information as soon as they turn on your smartphone.Free*iOSEmergency
Index CardNon-linear writing tool that helps capture your ideas and store notes as they come to you. Organize the flow of your thoughts by using a familiar corkboard interface and compile your work into a single document.$4.99iPadOrganization
Learning Ally LinkThis app provides access to the Learning Ally library of human-read audiobooks offering the largest selection of books students want and need to read, including bestsellers, literature, and textbooks. Interactive learning tools include: highlighted text synced with the audio narration, speed control, bookmarking, highlighting, and note taking. * Learning Ally membership is required to use this app. Membership is free with eligible print disability.Free*iOS, AndroidReading, Vision
LumosityBrain exercises targeting memory, attention, speed, flexibility, and problem solving. You can design your own personalized training, including "courses" with TBI- and/or PTSD-specific content. *Paid subscription available for advanced features. Free*iOS, Android, WebBrain Training
Matrix GameHelps you develop visual perception skills such as visual discrimination. It can also help you to develop attention and concentration, spatial orientation and principles of classification and categorization. * Paid version available for advanced levels and more functionality.Free*iOSProblem Solving
Naming TherapyWord-finding app to help people with aphasia and children with special needs practice important naming and description skills. Allows users to add their own images.$24.99iOS, AndroidCommunication, Speech
NotabilityA sleek, powerful note-taker to annotate documents, record lectures, sketch illustrations, and more. With built-in iCloud support, it’s perfect for keeping notes, documents, and doodles up to date on both iPhone and iPad. Also includes a great searchable microphone functions."I can no longer focus on a speaker AND take quality notes. Notability permits me to go back in an amplify my notes to match speaker heard on microphone."$8.99iOSOrganization
PenultimateHandwriting app that helps you get the fast, tactile gratification of writing on paper, with digital power and flexibility. Take notes, keep sketches, or share your next breakthrough idea — in the office, on the go, or at home. *Advanced functionality and features are paid.Free*iPadMemory, Organization
PictelloCreate visual stories and talking books. Each page in a story can contain a picture, a short video, up to ten lines of text, and a recorded sound or text-to-speech using natural sounding voices.$18.99iOSCommunication
Proloquo2GoAn alternative communication solution to help you if you have difficulty speaking. Natural sounding text-to-speech voices, high-resolution, up-to-date symbols, powerful automatic conjugations, a vocabulary of more than 7,000 items, and advanced word prediction.$249.99iOSCommunication
Proloquo 4 TextText"‘based communication app that gives a voice to people who cannot speak. It offers a customizable single screen layout for easy conversation, free natural-sounding voices in 15 languages, word and sentence prediction and social media.$119.99iOSCommunication
PTSD CoachDesigned for veterans and service members who have, or may have, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Education about PTSD, information about care, a self-assessment for PTSD, help finding support, and tools that can help you manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD.FreeiOS, AndroidPTSD
Red Panic ButtonThis emergency app allows anyone to send out a call for help with the tap of a button. For people with disabilities, being able to quickly access assistance in case of an emergency or problem is very helpful. The app allows a user to send one SMS message to an entire list of panic contacts that also includes a Google Maps link to their location. Additional features include recording a 10 second audio message to send to contacts, notifying people on twitter, as well as sending emergency emails.Free*iOS, AndroidEmergency, Communication
SpeakWrite RecorderVoice recorder that turns your phone into a fully functional dictation system. Record, edit, and send your audio. App integrates with SpeakWrite's 24/7 paid transcription service. Compile your dictation, upload, and within a few hours receive your transcribed document.FreeiOS, AndroidSpeech, Communication

Spaced Retrieval Therapy

Facilitates recalling an answer over expanding intervals of time (1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes...) helps to cement the information in memory, even for those with impaired memory.$4.99iOS, AndroidMemory
TapGramTapgram Tapgram makes sending simple messages to your loved ones easy. Once you are set up, you won’t need to touch a keyboard to send messages to the people that you love. Instead, you create messages by tapping on images and the messages can be posted to your social media feed or sent to your friends and loved ones via email. In turn, friends and family can tap on pictures to send you a reply. You will need a phone, tablet, or a computer with a connection, and a free tapgram account. It comes with a quick start guide. This website is tablet & smartphone friendly. Add to your phone homescreen to use like a phone app.FreeWebsiteCommunication
Unus Tactus (Touch. Locate. Call)Developed to assist people of all ages with mild cognitive and/or motor deficits by allowing you to have an easy to use cell phone, with a simple set up. It utilizes a one-touch photo dialing system to generate phone calls using phone numbers from your existing contacts or those that you import directly.$9.99iOSCommunication
VerballyComprehensive Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for the iPad. This app enables real conversation for those who have challenges speaking. Just tap in what you want to say and Verbally speaks for you. *Premium features available with an in-app purchase.Free*iPadCommunication, Speech
Visual Schedule PlannerCustomizable visual schedule iPad app that is designed to give you an audio/visual representation of the events in your day. In addition, events that require more support can be linked to an activity schedule or video clip.$14.99iPadOrganization
Voice4UPicture-based, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) application that helps you express your feelings, thoughts, actions, and needs.$59.99AndroidCommunication, Speech
Voice AccessVoice Access is an accessibility service that lets you control your device with spoken commands. It utilizes the power of Google’s Voice Search to help you control your device. It includes navigation functions, you can use your voice as a back button, home button, etc to move aorund. Additional commands includes scroll down, click next, and you can even type with it. Voice Access can be useful for people who have difficulty using a touchscreen due to paralysis, tremor, temporary injury, or other reasons. Assistance is using the app is available here.FreeiOS, AndroidAccessibility
Week CalendarWeek Calendar is a user friendly and the all-round calendar app. Visualize your busy schedule using colors and emojis. Have a clear and detailed overview based on day, week, month or year level. Move your appointments by simply dragging, copying and pasting. It works with all your calendars including shared calendars. iCloud, Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Exchange ActiveSync, iCal, CalDAV, ICS subscription calendars are all supported. "Color coding permits me to visually see when I need to take a break. Also, it automatically adds in travel time; a failure on prior calendars. Also, I learned that I can update the WeekCal via Google or iCalendar if am using a PC or web at time of making appointment."Free*iOSOrganization
WheelMapThis free app helps wheelchair users and their caregivers search and find wheelchair accessible places worldwide. Based on aggregated data from users with disabilities all over the globe, Wheelmap helps people with disabilities plan out trips and destinations based on their ability to access a building. For example, when choosing a restaurant to eat out, a user with a wheelchair might use Wheelmap to check for wheelchair accessibility prior to going.FreeiOS, AndroidAccessibility
Where Am I?View and share your location, including your city, zip code, telephone area code, and approximate street address as well as the times of sunrise and sunset and GPS latitude and longitude.FreeAndroidLocation
Word WarpGame with which you can create as many words as possible from a selection of letters. If you’re stuck, just press the “warp” button and it will help you out.FreeiOSBrain Training

Pricing, availability, and features accurate as of the last update February 20th, 2018.

Share with us

Technology is always changing. New iterations of mobile devices and apps are constantly being released. Please share with us what apps have and haven't worked for you in the comment section below.

Posted on BrainLine February 20, 2018. Reviewed January 7, 2019.

Please note that BrainLine does not endorse these or any specific products.

Comments (54)

Please remember, we are not able to give medical or legal advice. If you have medical concerns, please consult your doctor. All posted comments are the views and opinions of the poster only.

This has been so helpful. I had a cerebellar tumor that left half my body numbed. Still moving though. Anyway...

I'd like to suggest the app Youper for mood and meds tracking if you have trouble self regulating.

I am looking for an speaking calendar app for my android phone, that I can set up reminders 30-45 mins ahead of appointments that I can "snooze" or shut off, that will synch with my google calendar. I get distracted easily and forget my appointments sometime, and I am sure it will become worse in my condition. Thanks in advance.

Since 2011, I have an abrupt brain injury (ABI). There was a delayed diagnosis until 2013, yet I am blessed. I believe I am a better human, with adequate productivity today than I was pre ABI. How did this transformation take place?

In 2013, I began, graduated from, and still attend Coastline Community College ABI Program, Newport Beach, California.

In 2013, Coastline ABI Program first introduced me to resources; and I refer to them today. does a tremendous job by sharing updated research and resources. Truly, I'm grateful for this organization.

In Spring 2019, Coastline ABI Program will begin a three-day week, hybridized program. As with today's curriculum, I learned about my post ABI issues, and immediately was taught compensatory skills.

One of the experienced professors, Michelle Renae Wild developed smartphone and iPad apps that are now used by myself and fellow students, plus global organizations to help balance and maintain a quality life.

Thus my phone, and my iPad is my prosthetic brain. I use the Brain Education Strategies and Technologies, BEST Suite Apps for my daily life energy balance (Pace My Day) and Goals with tasks (Reach My Goals). If I forget how to use an app, or a software upgrade changes how an app works, there is online training available 24/7

The BEST Suite automatically populates my calendar. I used to use COZI as recommended by Brainline. Now I choose WeekCal because the color coding permits me to visually see when I need to take a break. Also, it automatically adds in travel time; a failure on prior calendars. Also, I learned that I can update the WeekCal via Google or iCalendar if am using a PC or web at time of making appointment.

For notetaking, I do use Evernote, especially for the web clipping capability. Yet, I now use Notability more for notes because of its searchable microphone functions. I can no longer focus on a speaker AND take quality notes. Notability permits me to go back in an amplify my notes to match speaker heard on microphone.

For brainstorming, or storyboarding, or learning a new subject, I use Inspiration Maps. to create graphic mental markers. These mental marker "hooks" assist to move new information to long term memory.

And if I forget how to use any of these prosthetic brain apps, then I return to 24/7 training available

It takes a medical neurologist to prescribe medications so that I can focus and learn. Also, it takes Coastline, and to help me navigate life changes. What is the benefit?

I live a happier, more fulfilled life, with better, healthier, reciprocal interpersonal relationships. I am responsible for the tasks at hand each day; so that I can note successes, small and large in my Post ABI Journey.

You have now become an inspiration to me before I found I was broke and I had have up. It's the positive post like this that keeps me fighting to hold on. I want to be better please help

Great information about apps thank you for sharing such a great topic related to our lifestyle because we need these types of apps to remember everything on time

I work with elderly people with dementia and other brain issues. I cannot find a simple yet good app that I can use with them to simply practice word retrieval with picture only flashcards. Please develop one for the elderly with picture cards amd simple memory games and exercises.

my name is jackie wright. i suffered a traumatic brain injury and a lengthly coma in 2002 due to a car accident but prior to the focus on tbi by the military. i recently did a study with a doctoral student at upmc for a program he called the PLANS which also considered a large flash card word recalll portion. i hope this helps

Brain Injury Matters an Melbourne based self advocacy group are developing an App to support people living with a brain injury. The app is being developed by people with a brain injury for people with a brain injury. It will be available early in 2019....stay tuned

I am a TBI patient and will be looking forward to this app! As I get older, organization gets more difficult.

Thank you for doing what you are.

These are very useful information.
I am looking for an app that categorizes my to do tasks in order of priority.
It should be something like
Name of the Task/Order of execution (0-10)/How inevitable it is(0-10)
So, when I type a task and give scores to these two, then it should arrange in the order I should do it.
Is that possible?

Announced August 2017, this "virtual service dog" has a screening tool, "games" (practice memory, concentration, and distraction), and tips/tools (e.g. meditation, and soothing sounds), and more. It was released through both iTunes and Google Play.

Great resource

‘Qcard’ is wonderful for reminders, appointments and guided sequential tasks. Use it every day for medication prompts, appointments and reminders for every day tasks.

What a terrific list! I'd like to add one more since we were featured in Action Magazine, Closing The Gap, National Center For Technology Innovators, and soon, the Washington Post. Universally designed Picture Planner by Cognitopia Software works well for individuals with TBI. Don't hesitate to contact them and ask for more information.
Picture Planner 3.0 is a very useful and affordable app. You create personalized visual calendars - as detailed as you need- on your desktop then sync it to your mobile device, ie iPad, iPod, etc. The handheld becomes the reminder and prompter as you go about your day. It's specifically designed for individuals with cognitive disabilities such as TBI, Autism, and more.
Another two great programs: 1) Remember the milk (probably the best reminder to do list on the net) 2)Evernote (allows one to mark down thoughts and take "clippings" from websites so as not to clutter your mind/desk/computer with half finished projects)
You are right, learning it is necessary
Were can I find the answer to the comments? I love the programs I was able to get, however, I cant seem to find the downloads for the military the relaxing portions.
I have had several concussions in a six month period and just got an iPad to help me out. I also have general anxiety and PTSD from an abusive relationship in the past and I'd HIGHLY recommend the "relax" "stress free" "deep sleep" and "don't panic" apps for guided meditation by Andrew Johnson. I hope they help some of you as much as they've helped me. This website has been a breath of fresh air, as I was really beginning to question my sanity!!
I've got a TBI and looking forward to trying this out thank you
I suffered a severe TBI many years ago. I do not understand how to download these apps to help my memory can someone please help me?

I'm dealing with a brain tumor that has caused a myriad of brain dysfunctions. In addition to exercise, coloring, balancing, practicing handwriting & luminosity, I do 2+ activities at the same time. I don't see any immediate gains but others have said otherwise (to be nice?). No matter what, I keep chugging along even though some days aren't good. Good recovery to all.

AWESOME!!! Thank you SOOO much for compiling this list!! :) I can't wait to download some of these apps and put them to use.
Our favorite App is "Verbal Victor"
PEAT (Planning and Execution Assistant and Trainer: actually helps us survivors by, as the name says, assisting and training us to plan and execute. It has been proven effective in a study done at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (San Jose, CA). As a 40 year survivor, I noticed that my improvement "curve" got steeper as I used PEAT. I cannot thank the creator of PEAT enough.
I've been recovering from a moderate open wound TBI for about 2 months now...quite the journey! Would be interested in the whole altitude thing?
Thank you for posting other resources such as PEAT. There seems to be a lack of resources for higher-functioning TBI survivors yet we share many of the same struggles.

Is there an app for similar words for finding the second half of word such as

Para -------normal

Para --------chute

Para ---------legal

Para -------dise

Para ---noid

with my brain injury disconnect I sometimes race to the wrong half of a word my brain is trying to recover and usually I say something funny -but not what I was trying to say.

Readers may also be interested in this compendium

The big question of how we decide what is a good and effective app is not helped by so many of these that lack an evidence base or a continual improvement cycle. However it's an approach that is really important to engage with, and finding the right app deserves concentrated effort and practice using it.

I cannot recommend Audio Reminder Pro enough. Actually, I probably can and possibly already have.

Audio Reminder Pro allows you to quickly and easily record your desired message. It then plays your message back to you at your desired time/place in your own voice.

It has been vital for struggling with memory, apathy, depression, etc for me. With the continuous notification beeps coming from my phone throughout the day I frequently find myself ignoring most if not all of them. Sometimes going days before even looking to see what the notifications are. (Yeah, this is me now)

However, hearing my own voice from the reminder telling me to "hey, me. Do the laundry" and suddenly I know what I was supposed to do. *cough* laundry. It isn't just yet another notification beep that sounds just like all the others. Did I get an email? Was it a text message? Or maybe some game telling me that I'm running low on the gems that supposedly are so important two wire that they share the same Android notification.

Yes, I know you can change notifications for a few apps and believe me I tried. But one I would get all the way up to the view that would have the option to change it... I would forget what I was doing on that view.

I actually have some understanding in what I'm saying as I am both the creator of Audio Reminder Pro and I also received moderate brain damage early this year.

Unfortunately, with it just being my son and I these days, I can honestly say that if not for the audio reminder I wouldn't remember to take my meds. Sometimes I end up ignoring a regular alarm and other times I simply don't remember what the alarm was for.

So with the quick tap on the widget, I can say "don't forget to do the dishes" and an hour later when the reminder goes off it doesn't just become another notification beep like all the others.

I'm not trying to convince anyone here. I made the app for myself so I would remember to do the laundry when I got back home. And I had no idea that a mobile app that I made would become such an important part of my family's life.

Memory problems caused me to accidentally forget/double the dose. Given how dangerous my meds are I could have overdosed with ease over the crazy dangerous medication that I have to take now.

And let's face it. I never simply went to the calendar on my phone unless I was specifically adding an event. I could not get myself to even look at what I was going to be doing for the day.

Audio Reminder is what keeps my day together. And currently keeps me out of needing to be under medical care. Which means I get to still spend more time with my son.

It truly truly has helped me regain some Independence and has saved me more than I can remember hahaha

I don't care if only one person reads this and is able to be helped by it. Because that means that I have made a difference.

Short version: it's good for memory and productivity and it's free so what do you have to lose to just see if maybe it'll help you.

Sorry for the long message. I just glanced through it again... Sorry for the really long message.

Forget me not

Is their a professional in your group to whom I might speak directly

FYI: PTSD'S Are not only military I have a 9yr who was bullied and now have severe PTSD'S. It would be great to come up with a PTSD'S on NOT just for Military.

Thank you everyone. I am a Brain Aneurysm survivor I am trying to help me get better so life won't be so stressful for my family. I'm glad I came across this site.

Hi Microsoft guy, I have a brain injury. My wife works at Microsoft. One note can help a lot. I have switched to an android phone but it is 100% compatible with my pc. So I use both.

Hi my T.B.I. injury occurred a few years back, & I have always been involved in the Microsoft sector of technology; might ther be any Windows based tech. apps available?

Great list. There is also a new website in the U.K. Providing tested and reviewed apps for Brain Injury. which is awesome too.

This app is about reaction time and coordination, could work for brain patients. It has some flashing lights though so epilepsy warning is in place. It also has an advertisement link on it. The app is free to use.

Link to the app:

Include to your list as it has a lot of free games for brain injury

One of the issues with traumatic injury is dealing with potential emotional changes. While it was designed for mental health care, WeFeel is a great tool to track, share and visualize emotions, mood and outlook on life.  It's a subscription service ($5/month) which lets you own your data, customize what you track, share with others, and synchronize between iOS, Android, and Windows devices. For more info check out

As a TBI Survivor from a Ruptured Brain Aneurysm, I have several apps, I could not live with out. Bible app, Big Oven is a Great app for ANY KIND OF RECIPE, it will also make a Grocery list right from the Recipe , Drippler gives continuous updates on Android. Handy Diary (Which is where I try to journal daily), Key Me you can Take a scan of your house key, In case you ever lose your house key or get locked out. Maps, One Drive, One Note, Password Safe (somewhere to keep passwords safe) Shopping list with Voice input, voice Recorder, Google Wallet, Voice search. Microsoft word, Zedge for ringtones, wallpapers all sort of things, 

Time it, 

I like this APP. that would remind me when I was supposed to take my medicine with an alarm I used to have. Thought others might might find it helpful if that was added to the list of app. downloads that are listed.       ,thank you

BrainHQ has a program just for TBI's. You  take a pre test and then a program is made just for you. It's better than Lumosity - for me anyway. 

I have a subscription to Lumosity and I don't think the free subscription would be enough to make a big difference.  I started with a brain performance of 4% of the population and now I am at 80%.  The only problem is that I think my brain adjusted to the games but I don't see an improvement in my memory day to day.  There is no way that my memory is better than the general population.  My memory is barely functional.  I'll keep with it in the hopes that it will eventually make a difference.

Looking for a few new tricks to help me out.)

It's Done! Is also a great app

Thank you for including Naming TherAppy on your list of apps. As the developer of the app, I'd like to let you know that it is now also available for Android devices on the Google Play and Amazon App Store. 

One of my brain injury clients has significant difficulty with memory. One of the things that was the most frustrating was going to a store and forgetting where she parked. "Find My Car" app has been very helpful. It remembers the gps location of the car, and will give you a map showing where the car is and where you are. Very useful!
